Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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@KatKook Then I'll wait for your post if you want me to.
@KatKook Aren't you also in Sears?

Edging along the outer area of the grocery store, Alex was looking for a safe spot to leave Sadie and Micky. If he had truly split off from those two then he knew his mind would be constantly be worrying and he wouldn't be able to focus. "Alex, the two of us are fine. Go scavenge or whatever." Alex looked behind him giving his sister a sideways glare. He looked back in front of him seemingly searching for something. He began lightly tapping on something nearby with his katana sheath. It didn't take long for a lurker to round the corner ahead of the trio. Alex stopped and then stepped aside waving his hand at the walking corpse while looking right at Sadie. The teen took an arrow from her quiver nocking it. She drew the bow but never released. Alex waited until the monster got close to cut it down with his katana. "Until you get over your fear of shooting a Lurker I can't just leave you alone. Come on."

After that 'lesson' the trio kept moving and Alex continued looking for anything worthwhile. He saw a few rotting vegetables. Not very many but he reached down and grabbed a rotten tomato. The vegetable itself was done for but maybe they could find a way to plant the seeds. If that would even work. Suddenly, in the direction of the exit to the outside, Alex heard yelling. Not sure what it was he motioned for Sadie and Micky to follow slowly. The stealth approach was thrown out the window though at the sound of gunshots. Fear started to kick in and Alex started worrying about where Kiley was. Lacking his better judgment he lifted Micky onto his back and bolted into the direction of the noise with Sadie following right behind. As he neared the location he slowed down so as to not attract any more attention than his sprinting had already likely given him. He quickly took in the scene before him. Two new people and Jess were the only living he saw.

Thankfully, Kiley showed up not long after he did. The young man quickly tried to focus. Loud noises were dangerous. They brought Lurkers. They had to move. "Kiley! Come grab Micky. We need to move NOW!" Alex rushed over to Jess. He did his best to grab her attention motioning that they had to go. Growling could be heard coming from multiple directions. Alex looked to the two new people and saw that they didn't really appear all that dangerous, right now at least. Conflict rose up inside him until Kiley called out, "We can't leave them. Come on there is a door in the back. We can hide them there." With that nudge Alex decided to at least try and help these guys. He ran to the one laying on the ground extending his hand.

Interacting with: Flavia (@Crimson Raven), Miss Illedrith (@Lord Sawsaw2), & Ceri (@Rune_Alchemist)

Annalyse thought about the information which Ceri had gathered. If there were a group of them having some sort of a meeting then it was likely the stronger ones and the leaders were in that room. "I feel like what Flavia suggested would be best with who is here. Miss Illedrith, would it be possible for you to hide us and Ceri's smoke? Because if so we'd be able to easily sneak around and take the weaker members out one by one. After that, I really have no clue what to do against the people in that meeting room."
@Blazion Who are you with so I know who not to mess with?
It may just be me and my tendency to try and go full force into a roleplay but I wanted to just see what everyone else felt about this dynamic.

It’s a department store. Lots and lots of clothes.
Okay. These are the NPC's attached to Alex. I only really put a few bits of pertinent information. If anything seems weird lemme know and I will either answer the question or fix it.

Gonna make a chart and start where I know. My guy/NPC's and Unknown.

Alex, Jess, and NPC family - Level one. Sears.

Edit - Nvm. GM handled it.
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