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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Sorry that it's short. Was trying to think of more to add, but I had the idea to give the bird an option of catching Annalyse because, in all honesty, she would be the most likely to get grabbed anyway.

Every little sound, every little movement caused Annalyse to feel more and more anxious. She knew why the meeting had to be at night but it was so scary in the forest when it was this dark. The one thing that kept her going was the hope that Zane had been truthful and that this was a real chance to help everyone. Annalyse had been at her breaking point for so long now. At this point she was desperate and if she had to fight Catamount alongside strangers to save those she cared about then she'd give it everything she had.

Annalyse was traveling fairly slowly for two main reasons. She was lost and scared that she may run into some wild animal or worse. A member of Catamount. But in all honesty that was unlikely. Trying to figure out which way it was to the meeting place, Annalyse took in her surroundings. She tried to remember the exact directions but it seemed as if she had passed that same rock three times already. Not too far away though she could hear the flapping of a birds wings. That in and of itself wouldn't be strange but the accompanying flicker of light from the same direction did draw The young mage's attention. Nothing about a bird should cause it to produce any sort of light. At least not naturally. Maybe Zane and the others had something to do with it. She began making her way in the direction of the flickering moonlight. Hopefully, her hunch was right.
Full apologies on disappearing without a word. I was put on a forced internet hiatus. I am about to go back and catch up on the IC and, if I am still welcome, work on a post. Again, sorry for the disappearance.
@Spectral So, Annalyse would have been nine when Kouta set out on his own. Are you fine with Annalyse recognizing him?

@Squirrel98 Just realized I never posted my created magic here. Umm, it is the Attribute Script that I created in the other Fairy Tail RP you and I were trying to join. So I'll take the excerpt from that sheet and put it
She won't have any use of Requip magic in this as I plan on her having been put in group two and she will be stronger with her magic in this than she would've been in the other RP's where I have used her through being forced to use it constantly.

Interacting with: Gaia (@ineffable)

Micky chuckled a little. He stood up taking Gaia's hand in his. "To be honest I'm a little outta my comfort zone as well. I'm used to talking but I've never even been on a date so this is completely new territory to me. I, umm, don't know if I actually said my name earlier but you can call me Micky. Pleasure making your acquaintance." Micky mentally groaned. That sounded weird. Didn't it? Micky felt like if he kept talking then he would make a fool of himself but if he didn't talk then he'd look even more like a fool and Gaia had said talking wasn't exactly her thing so it wouldn't be fair to make her hold the entire conversation.

Micky was struggling to come up with something to say that wouldn't make this conversation awkward or weird until he had an idea. "I'm sorry. I think I'm letting this whole 'everything' get to me. Since we don't know each other that well what if we tried talking like we're friends of a common friend and just try to get to know each other as friends first? That's a dumb idea, isn't it? Forget I said anything." After giving his idea, Micky heard Noemi mention switching the name tags around.

"That is a good idea." Micky picked up his name tag and ice cream motioning to walk over to where Gaia's seat was. He placed down his stuff and with a smile pulled out her chair hoping that it wouldn't seem cheesy. "The first topic of conversation could be work. Uh, what does an archivist do? I don't think I've ever heard that job title before.
Just found this but I don’t have time to work on a character right now but it is likely I will be trying to adapt this girl to here.
Someone help. please
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