Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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I would like to claim the Fen Fen Fruit. It is the mythological zoan wolf model Fenrir. It would be way later down the line and I already have a story arc for my guys in mind regarding it. It’d involve my crew fighting each other initially. It would probably be their equivalent to the Whole Cake Island arc with one of my crew going mad instead of the main antagonist of the arc.

Edit: I guess it would actually be called Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Fenrir.
@Infichi Not entirely sure. I know I don't wanna start in the East as that is considered the easiest or weakest sea(can't remember the actual term they used), but don't know much about the others other than I think the

That's one reason I am asking.
Btw, anyone wanna start in the same sea as my crew? A note, they are gonna be called the Crimson-Cloak Pirates.
Two. One of which could be a member of the Stephensons family and the other would be the child of family friends to the Rothstein family. Just haven’t decided which one yet.
The lurker is present and accounted for.
@Reflection True. I remember so many times that if Trafalgar had thought about it he could’ve ended that fight with Doffy at the bridge in a second by simply switching his placement with something near the water causing him to fall in it.

Also, @Infichi what are the rules in regards to Zoan types?
Sorry for the double but

and can make the person who owns it literally immortal.

I thought that the way that worked was using the ability on someone else making them immortal and the DF user dies after doing it?
or you can have like 2-3 characters and have the world's smallest and most powerful pirate crew... eventually.

I like that idea, mainly because I was Debating between three different characters. What if I did one big character sheet encompassing the whole three man crew?
@vancexentan I had assumed that section was for combat and magic skills. I also don’t play many rpgs so I didn’t think their were any skills for those things other than just saying improved lockpicking or something like that. Other than combat related ones, I had one skill in mind for stealth that’d be something of a silent walking sorta thing but she hasn’t reached the level where that skill would be unlocked for her to use it yet.
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