Avatar of Alfbie
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Alfbie
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 339 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Hey, all! I will be away on a week-long camping trip from 8/7 to 8/13 and won't be able to respond to RP during that time. I will send replies as soon as I return. Happy summer!
8 yrs ago
Sorry for my disappearance! Out of town for a couple days; thought I'd have internet but I thought wrong. Will post as soon as I can!
1 like
8 yrs ago
That feel-good feeling when you catch up on RPs. For everyone currently writing with me; thank you for your patience. You're all wonderful :)
8 yrs ago
I finally put something in the bio section of this thing! I even made it pretty, ooooh!
8 yrs ago
RP'd with me, been gone for a while, and wanting to start something up again? Don't be shy; I'm active!
1 like


Why, Hello There!

Welcome to my nifty little hovel! *bows* Who you'll find here is an aspiring writer with over 15 years of various RP experience. I prefer plot-driven fantasy and/or supernatural RPs with a romantic twist. I write from the mid-casual to high-advanced levels and am fairly open-minded when it comes to mature content. I am always looking for new RP partners, so if any of this sounds interesting to you, don't be shy!


What I Look For in an RP Partner

You must be *this tall* to write with me. Please be over 18.

One liners are the devil. Though I prefer literate quality over quantity (especially when it comes to dialogue), if you're the type that practically writes a novel per post, I'll love you forever. If you can only crank out a couple of paragraphs but they engage me, I'll be just as excited. All I ask is a touch of effort.

Get your chit chat on. I like to make friends with my RP partners, so if you're the type that loves OOC chat, by all means yammer away! I also LOVE discussing the RP, so please please please don't hesitate to speak your mind if you're bored, stuck, have an idea, or just want to be silly in OOC with your characters. I am remarkably flexible and would rather rewrite scenes and/or scrap weeks/months of RP for something new than watch one die due to lack of communication.

Leave you slice-of-life, fluff, and tavern RP at the door. I have nothing against these things--in fact I expect any and all of these things in my RP and then some because that's the stuff of developing character relationships. However, I need more--conflict, a purpose, a goal, some sort of basic storytelling device to keep the RP going. Essentially, I need direction through plot; I get lost and anxious if all our characters ever do is talk.

Own your flakiness. We've all done it--ditched an RP without a word. It happens. I understand. But please tell me if you're just not feeling it or if you need to take a break for any reason. I am incredibly patient and have picked RPs back up that have been under hiatus for months and even years. Thus, your absence would be just that--absence. If you are someone that has suddenly ditched without a word and want to return, hit me up! I promise I won't gripe or fuss; I'm just happy to RP.

Get it--got it--good! If I haven't scared you away by this point, please drop me a PM! Even if you don't have a specific idea in mind, I am more than happy to help you brainstorm something awesome.

My Roleplays

Thread RP

Rising Winds and Shifting Sands (Active) with Nemaisare

Underneath (Active) with Nemaisare

The Lost Princess (Inactive) with Aelin

Crimson Moons (Inactive) with Love Dove

Vanish Into Light (Inactive) with El Taco Taco

The Empress of the Underground (Inactive) with mamagermany

A Journey for Peace (Inactive) with Arrayah

PM RP Partners


Light the Dark

Burning Daisies

Hellish Hin


NOTE: Avatar artwork is NOT mine (I wish it was)! It is Thorns by Candra. Used without permission.
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