Adventurer CS

"The strong beats the weak, those of the strong depend on there strength and brute like knowledge. While
the weak..use the cleverness and there knowledge to overpower many. "
Daryl Vin Johnes
Race of Ritual
Class and Level
Druid/ lvl 54
Subclass and Level
Butler/ 23
" wasn't as good as others. When I was just a little toddler, my parents had died from murder and...I couldn't even remember a single thing about them. I didn't really know if they loved me or not. I was taken away. From the house I was raised in..a adoption center. Lonely, afraid of others..I didn't know what to exactly. I was tought by a man or woman..who would always smile..the children laughing..while I sit alone..doing, simply nothing but listening to the words of the teacher. Slowly falling apart, feeling dejected as know one seemed to like me..nor hate me. Though I always seem to find that spark of just hidden. A man and woman..who truly intrigued of me. Taking interest in me. Finally..I would say. My 'step' parents seem to be the joyful ones. A young couple of who enjoyed many games. They always made me happy and didn't talk about the problems of which worried me. They showed me how to play one of the most awesome games..and that included Elder Scrolls. We had all loved something..I was about at the age of 11 when I stopped being home schooled. My young parents worked hard to raise me, teach me, feed me. Morphing me into the way I was. I thought I wouldn't be shy anymore..but the timid personality of mine always gets to me. It didn't take long for people to know my backstory. Though only girls seemed to help me. The other side of the gender seemed to have more caring in school I befriended many girls..instead of boys. PE was my best skill, though I always seemed to act weak, but that trick didn't go through well. life is sort of normal, none of that cliche bullying victim..nor that cliche popular boy. I'm just love of gaming never held me back in school and I am one of the highest A+ students in all of the elementary. SO..yup! "
HP: 3
MP: 6
STR: 4
DEX: 4
Physical DEF: 3
Magic DEF: 5
INT: 7
WIL: 7
AGI: 4
Pans Will
Buffs ally and user, increasing there Magical DEF and as well INT.
[COOLDOWN - 1M] [Casting Time - 5S] [Effect- 5M]
Pans Force
A strong spell of which goes through 3 stages. The higher, the stronger. A ball of green light appears when casting the spell, sending it towards the opponent and damaging them greatly.
[COOLDOWN - 3M] [Casting Time - (For each stage) 4S)
Thorn Hostage
A popular spell used by enchanters, though the druids version is alot less weaker and is mostly used to stun, (poison) the opponent, while an ally or player uses other spells to hit the opponent. [COOLDOWN - 3M] [Casting Time - 2S] [Effect - 10S]
Thorns of Love
Not really the thorns of love, its title is simply a joke. Thorns appear from the ground, hurtling towards the opponent, impaling them causing a great deal of damage.
[COOLDOWN - 1M] [Casting Time - 5S]
Pans Shot
The user sends a energy bolt towards the opponent, damaging them and also increasing the player or allies health by 1%
[COOLDOWN - 30S] [Cast Time - 1S]
One of the most basic spells, really used to minorly damage the opponent.
[COOLDOWN - 1S] [Casting Time - 1S]
Again, one of the 1st healing spells a druid recieves, minorly healing the player...or ally.
[COOLDOWN - 2S] [Casting Time - 1S]
The user, creates a small ball of light, throwing it onto the ground and creates a small area of which allies or the player can step into, being healed by only a small amount each second.
[COOLDOWN - 1M] [Casting Time - 3S]
Mana Infusion
Restores an allies or players mana, about a 3rd of there mana is restored.
[COOLDOWN - 5M] [Casting Time - 5S]
Pans Protection
An emergency spell of which the druid creates a barrier around them selves and deflects all damage for only a matter of seconds. (10S)
[COOLDOWN - 1H] [Casting Time - Instant]
Prayers Of Nature
The user calms the aggro of nearby mobs.
[COOLDOWN - 1H] [Casting Time - 5S] [Effect - 1M]
Summon Party
Teleport all group members within the same province to your side. You cannot teleport group members who are in other provinces.
[Cooldown - 6H] [Cast Time 4.5S]
The Nature Gods GiftAqquired by a restricted class quest. Increasing the users health by 100.The Staff of the TemplarsIncreases, physical attack damage when using the staff in combat.Cleaners SetGained when you pick the Butlers Subclass.