Location:Bar ➟ Chinatown | Next Day: Homes
A thunk sounded against the countertop as another shot glass was slammed down to join the ever growing pile surrounding her. Tonight had been nothing short of a disaster and while she couldn’t get back all the time, care, money, or effort she had put into her Gala, at least she could drown her frustration and sorrow. Already, the world was more than a bit fuzzy and this was by no means her first stop had this night and hopefully not her last. Jiang couldn’t remember how she ended up at this night club (which could use a better selection of music), nor did she remember why she had forgone protection or even a disguise. She vaguely remembered ditching her garments at home, changing into ones that would actually combat the freezing temperatures outside before seeking her normal bar for Baiju but after that everything just disappeared. Either way, she was far too gone to complain and anything she did would be sober hers problem because right now, blissfully numb was a lot more pleasant than the suffering weight of her years or mourning over disappointment. ”Barkenep! Another shot!”, Jiang smiled happily, pointing at her glass. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” the bartender questioned which was met with a pouting face.
“Issa not causin’ any trouble and I’ma makirng jit worth ya wilds.”, she answered, sliding over a hefty tip as a way to keep them coming while not being kicked out or shut off from her source.
Silently watching her, he tried to get the courage up to talk to her. "Come on man just go, worst she's gonna do is just push me away." Finally after a minute he went over to her with his hands up, "Hey Darling, don't you think you had enough yet?", saying with a soft smile. "Look, I wanted to apologize for tonight. We honestly didn't know it was your gala or we would have behaved differently."
Jiang turned her attention away from the bar toward the voice addressing her, another shot being poured as she did so. She found herself struggling for a moment on why this man looked familiar, dragging her eyes up and down his form in silent appreciation before a memory clicked in her brain and she pathetically glared since it didn’t quite hold up to normal standard in her current state.”I just answered dat queztion, ijiot. Wha it to ya what I do or don do?! Anyway, jest cause it wfas mine gala shouldn’t haf mattered! Boph of ya shouldn’t haf i-iner..um, interrupted either way. Wait, why are ya here sayin’ sowwy at all!? Both of you aren’t ‘ere, right!?!”, she asked with a hint of concern, cautiously glancing around. Rex wouldn’t harm her, she knew that but he was more unpredictable and without a weapon then she couldn’t clean up the resurrected mess if he decided to have fun with the humans around them.
Sitting down next to her he could instantly smell the alcohol on her which made him feel even worse for what he and his brother did to her Gala. Rubbing the back of his neck he sighs, “No he's not here, beautiful. I will gladly pay you back for everything.” looking over to her he says, “Look, you think of us as the bad guys alot but I see humanity differently and I'm sorry.”, looking towards the bartender he orders a shot of whiskey and laughs, “I don't know why I even bother drinking. I just burn this shit up inside fast, sadly gotta go to hell for the strong stuff. Are you ok, Jiang? Really, is this just from the gala or has this been building up for awhile? I’ve never seen you like this before, Madame. You know you can talk to me? Just because you don't consider us friends doesn't mean I can't listen”, smiling softly at her.
”Ugh, I hate dat word…madame. It sounds soooo old fashioned.”, she groaned, grabbing her glass and shooting back another shot before setting it on top of one of the empty ones. She placed her arms on the counter, almost using it as a pillow as she leaned her flushed cheek against it while looking at him. She debated on answering but ultimately she had a lot she wanted to say though her mind was slow and a bit jumbled. ”Imma human, ya know? How do ya fink I feel when someone flatters m-me but also looks down at wha I am?”, she said, giggling a bit but ending in a sadden smile. ”Dey all betray me. None ta be trusted. Ya ain’t so bad, jest no good either. Nothing ta be sowwy for since demon an all. I don’t needs cha-char…I don’t need any money. I’ve gots loads, too much even!”, Jiang stated loudly and with much enthusiasm, trying to remember everything he had said. It hit her suddenly that he had asked about her well being and while on a normal day and in a sober state she would play it off, right now she was a fairly open book. She pushed herself off the bar leaning closer, gripping him a bit for balance as she almost slid right out of her stool, and whispered as if it were some big secret.”I’m not. It’s lonely an sad. Everyone dies. Everyone leaves. Everyone betrays an runs. Guess who still ‘ere? I jest clean up da mess. Hey, why are ya dis close?”, Jiang asked at the end and effectively cut off the whispers as she was distracted by the next thought, placing a hand on his cheek as her thumb traced his cheekbone.”Handsome….”, she muttered, not really understanding personal space or when to draw back even though she was just questioning it a moment ago.
Why does she have to be drunk to show me attention like this, if I was any other way I would be that jerk but it's her, one of my oldest friends somewhat.“I'm this close because I wanted to tell you a secret”, looking both ways he whispers, “I'm not a full blooded demon, no I'm also part human and angel. And darling please don't tease me like this, you only find me handsome because you're drunk, gorgeous”. Taking her hand off his face he places them on the bar and brushes the hair out of her face, “All those who left you are stupid, you are a gem. You are a precious person who should have everything for her.” he says looking into her eyes.
Her brows furrowed as her brain tried to wrap around how it was possible to be three different species but it made little to no sense to her alcohol riddle mind so she ended up laughing with a shake of her head.”Dat makes no sense but okie dokie!”, answered with a shrug before tilting her head a bit as his words confused her more. ”I’m no tease an I hold my drinks jest fine, tank you. I mean whats I say. Ya is always handsome but poisonous things are too…already took lesson. Last handsome face left scar.”, Jiang determinedly stated, watching as her hands were placed back onto the bar but feeling her eyes flutter close as the hair was brushed out of her face, trying to lean a bit into that touch. She opened them again when she wasn’t able to rest into it, wavering and off balance as she tried to focus again.”You demons crazy, nothin’ special here. No clue wha ya see.”, she smiled.
Lifting her chin up with his finger he would continue to brush her hair back then leans in, "You're a good person and deserve happiness no matter what fate throws at you. Hey at least you got me in your corner." He would wrap an arm around her to give her a half hug. "I wish you happiness darling I really do. Fate is a cruel mistress at times. I remember the first time I saw you, you took my breath away literally and figuratively who would've thought you were that strong. Oh those were the days less to worry about." Grinning, he rubs her back.
”No as good as ya think but shweet of you ta say.”, she replied with a playful smirk, letting his arm stay where it was instead of shrugging it off. ”Miss dose days, w’ere I could surprise….hey, Als…”, Jiang purred, placing a hand over his heart before brushing her lips to the shell of his ear to whisper,”Still breathless or do ya jit like da chase?
Holding her hand he grins “You make me breathless, but I still love the chase. It's exciting, isn't it darling? What about you do you, still enjoy it? I haven't hunted like in the old days, but now you have all theses apps that all you have to do is say you have money.” he would continuing to rub her back “I wish I was more like you Jiang better in touch with my good half, might not be so lonely if I was good.”
”I don’t chase, I wait an um….pfft, can’t tink…, she laughed, before looking at the hand holding her own and not sure whether to withdraw or leave it so she decided to continue speaking instead.”Apps for fools. All fakes if ya lookin’ for special.”, she stated, mostly thinking of them as a joke, an easy way out, or simply a way to not do the work. Half the time it was just those wanting a quick fling which was definitely not what she wanted. Her time with most would be short as it was and making it even shorter was a waste of time. When he spoke again though, Jiang looked directly into his eyes, probably really looking at him for the first time in many decades or even longer.”Do ya know why lotus my fav flowers? Even when its roots in dirtiest waters an grow in mud, it makes beautiful pure flower. T’ere hope for ya….it be a sight.”
“It's also the flower of creation and rebirth, a beautiful flower for a beautiful woman. I have seen the lotus bloom before, such a beautiful process. My favorite flower is a rose, beautiful yet it can hurt the beholder.” Taking his hand out of hers he sighs “How come we never really have sat down before now? I know you must hate me for being what I am and sometimes I hate myself for it.”
”Cause I gotta be careful, like ya said rose got thorns. Don't wanna hurt. Oh, an hate strong word….I dis-slike how ya twos hurt peoples an bad plans. No care. Hate for wha ya are be like hate tiger for stripes. Makes no s-sense. Judge for who not what, das wha my father said.”
"Well I'm sorry for my horny sides." he says grinning."Are you hungry yet darling? I could go for a steak with taters and gravy, they don't have that in hell and I’ve been there for a long time. Food down there is garbage." Grabbing a handful of peanuts would toss them into his mouth once he's done eating them he says, "What's your favorite meal?"
”Steak…”, she laughed, holding a hand over her mouth as if she had said the funniest joke on the planet. Honestly, it was going to make no sense to anyone else but what she found hilarious was that steak was exactly what she used to distract predators and of course, someone she sometimes viewed as such, liked it the most as well. Jiang smiled, not really understanding how hell actually worked but her mouth was faster than her brain on stating her opinion, ”Issa be more con-conjern, um…concern if it did taste good. Is hell….” She watched him, zoning out a bit as she did but startled back to the present at the simple question. She blinked, trying to decipher his words for a moment before grinning, hopping wobbly off her stool and taking his hand while practically dragging him away. ”I’ll show ya!”
Tossing what was probably over a couple grand to the barkeep he says, “Keep the change my good man.”, then he was dragged away by Jiang. He trusted her and that's saying something, he didn't just throw that around his trust, she had it because she saw him at his worst and yet she still talks to him. Not too many people have stayed after that. “Oh darling where are we going? I don't mind the journey, it's just because I'm curious is all.” He says as they hurry around out in the cold.
”Hate da snow.”, she muttered, trying to huddle more into her sweater as she pulled Alistar along, grinning all the while even despite the cold. ”Is a secret! Shhh…”, Jiang giggled, holding a finger to her lips as they continued down the road. It was honestly a miracle she was able to navigate at all but after living for so long in one location, it does help solidify everything into memory plus it helped that she was usually slightly on the paranoid side. It wasn’t long before they would find themselves in Chinatown, way closer to home than she normally would have been comfortable with but again, that was a sober her problem. Right now, she was happily plopped down at a table, at her favorite place to eat, and ordering her favorite meal of Dan Dan Noodles.
After a while he noticed the direction they were going to was Chinatown where he frequented a lot. He found it funny that she took him to this spot, the restaurant he loves going to. “I love this place. I come here often for the noodles and just a little taste of home. I make sure the owner of the place gets what he needs, even got his whole family brought over here. So I get to eat here for free. I like to come here but not often, can't let others know too much about him and me. I have never seen you around here though, but if you don't wish to be seen no one, not even me, can find you hahaha”. Ordering his normal, he smiles looking across the table at her, “Safe to say you live nearby, I won't pry I promise you have my word.”.
”An ya said ya wish ta be close to good half. Seems ta me, ya ain’t too far off.”, she grinned, messily pouring herself a cup of tea. Jiang chuckled, a playful smirk teasing her lips before she took a sip, ”You’ll neva know. I don let guys see my place till a fews date.”
Grinning he would say, “Well then I must wait till you are not drunk and take you out gorgeous”. Looking over to the jukebox he would grin as he gets up and starts a slow dancing song and takes her hand to start and lead her into the dancing. Holding her close to his chest he kisses the top of her head “I'm really enjoying this Jiang, really I do”
”Don count chicks before dey hatch. Jist cause I has my fav meal an yous all sweet don mean Imma meltin’ butter. I’s onta ya.”, she said, half teasing and half nervous seriousness. Just because she couldn’t remember why the offer caused a moment of panic or the ghost pain in her back, didn’t mean that she was gonna ignore those instincts. On one hand, this had been rather pleasant and nice but the two of them didn’t always see eye to eye on certain matters. Complicated wasn’t in her forte at the moment so instead, she went back to enjoying her noodles, well, until she found a hand in her own. Jiang looked up at him curiously, wondering for a split second when he got up. She followed his lead as he took her into an open area to dance. It wasn’t an official dance floor and people were looking at them but she was too focused on just trying her best not to step all over his feet to care about other people around them. She hadn’t even realized how close they were until she felt a kiss on the top of her head, causing her to glance which suddenly made her feel very small and fragile even though she knew that she was anything but. ”Is better than fightin’ I guess.”
Alistar would close his eyes and hum as he dances with her, not caring about the people around them he picks her up just enough to put her feet on his. “Here let me help you gorgeous. I learned to dance for fighting, and I don't think I'm bad at dancing. Of course though you are damn near perfect even when drunk.”. Thinking to himself, ’Maybe I should show her the wings? No one else has seen them and she won't remember anything’. Grinning he says, “You showed me something important to you, now I want to show you something.”. Gently pulling her outside, he looked for an apartment building, finally finding what he was looking for he went behind it and checked to see if anyone was around. Thinking it was ok he says, “Trust me darling”, as he picks her up in his arms and lets out his wings and flies them up to the roof and lets her down. “What do you think of them?“
Being on his feet was a lot easier, not having to focus on tripping, falling, or stepping. Normally, it would have been embarrassing and way too childish for her to even consider, especially since she was an excellent dancer but she was currently grateful for the help. It was nice having to worry or care for a bit and just feel the sway and listen to the humming as a backdrop to the music playing. Jiang raised an eyebrow at his statement, curious on what he wanted to show her and even more so when she was led away from the restaurant. He seemed to be searching for something and her nerves went a bit more on edge when he pulled her around the back of a familiar apartment building, looking about like he didn’t want anyone else to see. She bit the inside of her lip, a bit of panic forming but it was soothed a bit by his words. ’Should I trust him?’, was the fleeting thought that passed by her mind before she found herself scooped up into Alistar’s arms. She would have been thrilled with flying normally but right now, her eyes quickly closed and she gripped onto him like a lifeline. Luckily, it seemed like a short flight and before she knew it, she found herself on solid ground again. Jiang slowly opened her eyes at the question but they widened even more in surprised delight at the sight before her. A dazzling grin lit up on her face at the sight of bright crimson feathers and she couldn’t even answer, for once speechless. She stepped forward, her fingers gently and carefully petting her fingers through one of the wings before moving to the other one to see if the feathers were just as downy on the other side. She wanted to pet them forever and snuggle her cheek against them. They were so vibrantly beautiful that it saddening her to think they were ever hidden away.”Beautiful…”, she gasped in awe.
“You know, no one has seen them, and I mean no one. I found out when I was young but I didn't want anyone to know, being from hell that's a no no.”. The sensation of her running her fingers through his wings felt oddly pleasant. He would then take her hand and sing an old song from their time in Asia and would wrap his arms around her and then his wings would surround them as he slow dances with her under the stars. “Why must you be drunk Jiang? You won't remember anything and that sucks.”. If she would look up, she would see a few tears drop from his black and red eyes which were unusual seeing as normaly they are white and redish. After awhile he says while smiling at her, “Well darling, you need to head home soon. I don’t want you to get sick out here, it's ok for me but not you.”.
Her heart raced at his comment, her flushed cheeks from her current state and the cold brightening to a deeper red at the thought of no one else having seen them let alone probably touched them. She wished she could have one feather to prove to herself later that this existed but Jiang wasn’t going to ruin the trust he had suddenly placed in her hands, even if it was extremely tempting. She almost whined in protest as he took hold of her hands but the soothing sound of his voice which brought back a bit of nostalgia was a decent distraction to her one track mind. She really didn’t know what to say to his comment. She couldn’t read the future. She didn’t think he could either but he seemed to be full of surprises tonight or maybe she just didn’t remember. Her brows furrowed, deep in thought even as he pulled back, telling her to head home to avoid getting sick. She glanced up finally, noticing the streaks of red under his eyes even though he was smiling.’Is that normal?’, she thought to herself but pushed it aside and gathered her hand into her sleeve so she could wipe his cheeks with her sweater. ”Dare, no bloods. Imma go buts first, gives.”, Jiang stated while holding out her hand expectedly. When he looked confused, she pouted with irritation as if it wasn’t clear what she wanted. ”Ya says I don’ts member so gives sometin’ ta proves it. Den I can’t forgets.”
Turning his back to her he sighs, "Pick one and be gentle darling.". Never would he have thought anyone would have asked for one. Once she picked one, he put his forehead to hers and kissed her lips gently. "Please don't forget about me darling ever. If you did, I think that would be enough to send me to hell and never come back.”. Lifting her up he would fly her back down and wait to see what she does next. He would then place something into her pocket without her knowing.
She didn’t have long to admire her newest treasure before she felt a warmth on her forehead. Her gaze flickered up, questioning the closeness when she felt lips gently pressed to her own, shock making her silvery eyes widen and unable to process answering the kiss before it was over as soon as it started. Jiang placed her finger tips to her lips, the tingling sensation answering whether or not that just happened. She didn’t have a chance to ponder on the meaning of it long though as he spoke shortly after, deep words that felt like a heavy weight. What does one say to something like that? How was she supposed to put words together? It felt unfair. She squeaked as she was scooped back up into strong arms once more, her stomach very much protesting to the flight down as butterflies gathered there. She stubbled a bit, swaying as she tried to find her footing and taking deep slow breaths. She took a few steps back, nervously turning the feather in her hands as she bit her lip before looking at Alistar, ”That’s lot ta asks of a drunk woman. I won’t promise but gonna try. Sees ya laters, Alligators.” She gave a small wave before slowly heading towards the front of the apartment building, hopefully to hear the sound of a bed calling her name though it was probably going to be more like the porcelain throne if her stomach was any indication.