This one is a little bit creepy and really cringe-ee and I feel context is important for this one. The follow is a poem I had written to my partner, at the time we were both fourteen and shared this type of poetry with one another. Despite the content it was never designed with the intention of inflicting harm or threatening another person, we found these types of poems to be 'sweet' in the right context.
The Tortured and Me
A flick of the wrist, and some moderate force,
You'd fade away, In to my dreams,
We're I'd do it again, so it seems.
Your life is worth none, But killing you would be fun,
A stab and a gash, a rip and a tare,
And soon your flesh, I'd be able to wear!
And among this scene,
I'd hear your screams, ecstasy to my ears,
As I full fill your fears.
Some rope and a gun, and we can start the fun.
So get in the car, I wont take you far...
For ever we'll be, just the tortured and me.
"Pfft, what scum." I muttered with strained breaths. My gaze remained locked on the corpse in front of me, a tall male figure with warm tan skin lay there leaking from his neck and mouth. I take in a deep breath as the shaking that surged through my body fades with the adrenaline rush that had just enveloped me. Pushing the blade back into its handle, I slide my knife back into my pocket before wiping the fresh blood from my hands onto the corpses clothing, the clean parts anyway. After a quick pat down I find a key chain with only a single small security box key on it and a dead mobile phone.
Grasping at the mobile phone I stare at it in contemplation, 'such a device was made obsolete in this world weeks ago. Clinging to your old humanity is futile, such devices have no value in this world.' I shove the mobile phone and key chain into my pockets before turning my back to the grizzly mess I had made, they will be coming soon and when they spot his blood, they'll be in a frenzy.
Taking quick and quiet steps I dart from afternoon shadow to afternoon shadow, passing several corpses on the way, including some that still moved, however, timing my strolls from block to block with the echoes of thrown stones to my back is enough to make any zombie completely blind to my presence. It's not long before I find myself in front of what used to be a gun shop. Abandoned and ransacked, this place only offers shelter and meagre security from the out-side world, it wasn't a location I had envied or desired but it was enough in my time of need.
After loosening the chain on the steel screen door I allow myself inside, then securing the entrance behind me. As I did everyday, I wondered into the makeshift storage room Valerie and I had arranged to store any resources we could get our hands on. A deep sigh escapes my lips as I notice that severed fingers had been left on one of the shelves next to a sealed package of water bottles I had found only a few days prior. Grasping one of the fingers in my hand I was surprised as to how soft and malleable the skin still was, these were fresh, that's for sure. I started to wonder if Valerie maybe had an accident, but the thought didn't possess me for long. Putting the finger back I strolled back into the front room, gun racks littered the walls but not a single gun or bullet would be found anywhere in this room.
Moving to the bordered up display window at the front of the store, a small anxiety built inside of me as I turned my thoughts to the recent matters involving a group of survivors. 'That den of scum is getting larger, if I do not act soon I will find myself once again getting kicked from my abode. Relocation wont be as smooth this time either now that I have Valerie and her... eccentric activities to provide for and house. I'd already be rid of her if it were not for the vaccine she had produced, there is value in keeping it from the other groups for now.' I thought to myself as a lone legless zombie crawled in and out of my scope of vision from the bordered up window. "Such simple, dumb creatures." I state in a nonchalant tone.
Character Sheet-
Name: Leigh Blight
Rank: Supreme Creed
Age: 21
Appearance>Personal: Leigh has a pale skin-tone athletic figure, he is slightly under-weight and his ribs can be seen when he stretches. Leigh's body houses several scars due to his masochistic and sometimes reckless nature. Leigh is roughly 6'3" and his weight is 58kg. He has long jet black hair that he wears tied back.
Appearance>Clothes: Leigh wears a long sleeved black shirt with a dark grey tie, he also wears loose fitting black dress pants with a dark brown leather belt. Leigh wears black, square rimmed glasses.
Personality Type: Masochistic, sadistic and vengeful, Leigh prefers to suppress his baser instincts with a stoic attitude and demeanour in times that test his patience and nerves. Although he can easily appear charismatic, witty and even charming at times, these traits are better thought of as his weapons, weapons he uses to manipulate and deceive others.
Goal in Life: Crush the remnants of the old world
Weapon: Spring assisted Knife
Utility: Solar-powered flash-light
Condition: Human, healthy, short sighted - mild.
I started out as a huge fantasy fan with next to no reading ability, so I clung to games like Runescape from as early as 7 years old, I'd take what I could do there and then go LARP with my first and second grader friends at school on the oval. It is pretty embarrassing thinking about it, I remember one recess I had spent the entire time 'shooting' imaginary cows from afar then collecting their hide so I can get my crafting up, I was a pretty weird kid I guess.
Anyway, as I played Runescape and got into the community a lil' more (though I never visited the forums) I started learning to read, write and spell from there and tried my hand at in-game RP. The chat often moved too fast for me to keep up so it took me awhile to really start RPing. By the time I was a competent RPer (by Runescape standards) I was a member of a Roleplay group who followed the Fremennik lore closely (Got others to call me my Fremennik name and all; Larkur). But in-game RP in Runescape became rarer and rarer so I left, most of the RP worlds were full of people who didn't know what RP is. Eventually I did a little bit of RP on WoW and other games, but anyone else who would RP with me often treated me like my low level also meant that I had low intellect, like I was 10 or something.
Then came Habbo, eventually I joined Habbo in its... uhm... golden(?) years. The playerbase was large, the locations few and the players creative. So for fun I'd often go to the RP adoption places and hospitals and start killing people with 'RP', usually just continuous lines that were like;
-I grasp the hilt of my sword tightly-
-I draw my sword here raising it to your neck-
-I apply moderate pressure in your direction-
-The blade rips the flesh-
-the blade rips the bone- . . . yadda yadda yadda, pretty bland right?
By this time I could touch type and I could do it really fast, so I'd often get 'shut up' or 'u r dum' in response. Eventually I started doing more serious RPs, but most of the players were egotistical and refused to lose, there was little structure and what structure there was, was hard to enforce.
A lil' while after that I get told about Gaia's RP forums, so I did a little google search and I noticed RPG was in the list of results, Roleplayer Guild seemed a lot more refined than what I'd find at Gaia so I clicked there instead, did my first few RPs there, fell in love with the format. ~ I actually get put off now by RP sites that don't have an interest check section.
All positions filled!
Welcome to the ZOMBIE(post-)APOCALYPSE:All Your Dead Are Belong To Us Edition! where your goal isn't only to survive in this barren world, but to become king of it!
Disconnected and alone, a part of you has always observed society from afar, so far in fact that when people turned on each other as a new food source when a ram pit zombie virus out-break flooded the world, you could find little difference between the zombie trying to munch your face and the person she was two weeks ago, chatting to her friends about her favourite brand of expensive crap she wore as a vanity badge that her friends applauded to as if acquiring something so uselessly expensive was an amazing feat. The screams of hunger and death lust were a soothing replacement to the current top-ten list of shallow songs who's sole message is 'consume, procreate and repeat'.
But despite this out-look, you are only human and so your survival instincts eventually kicked in and they kicked in hard! You found it easy to bludgeon a corpse to re-death and abandon the screams of those grasping for a last chance at life that could never be reached, with your survival instincts also came a sense of acceptance to the world around you, fear wasn't something that grasped you like it did the others, after all you have avoided the sights and gaze of the mindless all your life and now that they were truly mindless, it only became much easier.
It wasn't until they appeared that you truly felt fear build within your heart! Those hideous, vile monsters that regurgitate their own brand of sick and twisted medicine, feeding it to their young to breed a twisted, mindless society of themselves. They came in great numbers, scattered groups of survivors who use faith or law to hold themselves together and abandon anyone who doesn't fit within their parameters of 'lawfulness', 'piety' or 'morally right'. No matter what they called it, you understood the primitive motive of their actions, to breed their own society of zealots who have abandoned their sense of individuality in exchange for a cheap pay-off from their group mentality.
Fighting the dead and each other, these groups could only find common ground in their xenophobic nature towards everything Zombie. This is when it occurred to you, the greatest of all your ideas since the zombie out-break, the moment you stopped thinking of zombies as a dangerous annoyance and starting thinking of them as a resource.
Filled: Allel
Weird and scary where two adjectives that labelled all of your work and contributions towards science, two rotten adjectives that helped to earn you your identity as the sole laughing stock among the worlds brightest minds. In your youth you were always gifted, thinking in a frame of mind that your peers or the mentors of your peers could not comprehend, they stared at you as if something were wrong with you, as if by your very nature you are flawed. But you would come to show them, you would come to earn the title; young genius and be placed on a pedestal as the shining beacon of medical science, at a young age you had perfected cloning and laid the foundation for perfected gene manipulation, you even started planning a rough draft for a machine that could achieve immortality, that could change your every physical feature in real time, a machine that could make the old young again and the weak strong but then they entered your life.
As a prodigy you were encouraged to study abroad in a boarding school that the royal academy of science deemed to house your only true peers, however, all you found were spoiled children from wealthy families who were manipulated into science under the vain of a false destiny to suddenly end world hunger or cure cancer. Two goals that were destine to be yours had the academies strict policies not forbid you from conducting human experiments, even several of the experiments you had submitted for approval involving lab animals seemed too controversial for the academy, who sought only to look after their spoiled scientists and their own neck.
For years the place you had come to earn with your amazing intellect, was nothing more than a prison of prestige, your ideas, your experiments and your curiosity were forced to lay dormant as you twiddled away at minor experiments in an attempt to approach your Pandora in such a way that the academy could not restrict you. As you tried desperately to realise your goals, time and time again you'd only be left with tiny steps of progress that submit next to nothing to your ultimate ideas.
Even worse, your experiments were often considered a waste of time, un-tasteful or sometimes, even out right laughed at and so, eventually you stopped showing them. In the darkness of your room you housed your experiments, some where of mice, completely devoid of any cognitive ability and yet their bodies grew pregnant and gave birth without any interference, like an automated machine that turned unrefined paste and water it was fed through tubes into living, breathing life. In another tank, snake and mouse alike feasted on the defrosted pink flesh of their dinner, seeing each other only as peers as they feast hungrily on their prey. Each labelled box, jar and enclosure served as proof of your mastery over each and every aspect of biology and yet they were all specks of dust in comparison to the true potential you knew was waiting within you to be shed on the world.
For years this thought consumed you, the thought that your perfection, your Pandora was so close and yet so far away and eventually, it drove you mad. Soon your thoughts were fixated on biological manipulation and it wasn't long before your... secret side experiment that you had been working on was found out in the worse way possible for the academy.
A press conference had been arranged at your request to reveal to the world your next, super discovery. Only very few people came, most of whom had heard of your 'wacky' nature from other, more well spoken scientific figures and were hoping to cash in on a 'Where are they now?' type article based around the science prodigy becoming an incompetent lack lustre scientist. Instead what they were treated to was far worse, at the conference you pushed out a wheelchair bearing a humanoid figure, limp and covered in bandages. With a smile so large it garnered odd looks from those attending the conference, you explained that this most recent experiment was merely a step, nay, a leap into the future that you had planned for humanity.
Like a child unwrapping a present you tore at the bandages of your experiment to reveal a drooling, decaying mound of flesh resembling a human. Despite appearing as a corpse the... thing, seemed able to move somewhat freely. As the thing moved in its chair, appearing completely unaware of it's surroundings and lacking any precise motor control you took proud strides to the podium and announced the first in your experiments designed at constructing organic tools. Your last words because the police and ambulance arrived hinted at these experiments being a means to an end.
What followed was a public spanking and shaming of the academy of science, a sentencing to a mental hospital and several leaked autopsy reports revealing in horrific detail the mechanics and pieces of the what came to be dubbed the worlds first zombie.
Two years of nothing but straight jackets and white walls send you further into madness until finally, a new colour appeared. Red, red covered the walls, the furniture, the staff and others at the hospital and in the chaos you found your escape, but more importantly, you found them. The successors to your Organic Slave project, you were torn with feelings of pride and anger, to see your work put to such effective use almost bought a tear to you eye, however, it was clear that the intended use of this new form of Organic Slave served only as a weapon, such a barbaric waste of your genius you thought. But it was not too late to continue your work...
Filled: Ankhone
You are about to enter a world of Zombies, treated somewhat differently to the traditional style of Zombie Survival stories. In RTS Zombie your goal is to build an empire and your materials are the living dead, featuring a dice roll mechanic for NPC's, band together with other NPC survivors and send them out to help scavenge items that'll lay the foundation of your empire and roll to see how well they do.
The goal of RTS Zombie is simple, as time flows the other survivor groups will fluctuate between strength, resources and holding, some may form alliances while others may be crushed entirely with-out your interaction, but their ambition is clear. They want to destroy or cure the zombie plague and unite the land under their chosen banner and as mindless whelps, the zombies don't stand a chance, that is until our dynamic duo comes along. Using cunning, manipulation and zombies, work together to design, breed and strength your own kinds of zombies and lead attacks against the human survivor groups.
There are many different arcs that can be explored including origins to the current zombies, investigation into the dark origins of several major enemy groups. Campaigns to take hold of certain facilities that'll allow for the creation of different kinds of zombies and even arcs that explore the boundaries of zombie and human.
Character Sheet-
Rank: (honestly a made up nick-name that denotes your standing in the empire)
Personality Type: (Defining aspects primarily)
Goal in Life:
Vile Blight Empire
More Soon . . .
Unnamed Groups
Info: Many unnamed survivor groups exist that are too small to have a name worth remembering. Considered to have a low survivability chance, these groups often have no structured hierarchy and are likely to suffer from *Sentimental-Syndrome.
*Sentimental-Syndrome is when a person or group make a detrimental and dangerous decision involving the infected due to a moral, emotional or sentimental reason.
Trade-Hub Groups
Info: A handful of small but powerful groups exist that hold key locations, these groups often take advantage of these locations by opening avenues of trade and discussion between the larger, more developed groups that exist in the surrounding area. This is what earns a group the name of 'Trade-Hub Group', these groups often develop their diplomatic power over others and have been known as 'neutral' zones for rival groups to discuss treaties or demands.
More Soon . . .
I'll expand a lil' on the dice mechanic! It's a simple one done through PM. When a new survivor is recruited, most tasks that you request them to do or that you do to them that have one of two or three definite results, can be resolved through a die roll! Say you've just recruited Rick the Brick! Now Rick wants to bash some heads in, so you send him off to bring back some corpses, now depending on the task and the survivor you do one of three different types of rolls!
D12 (Default Roll) - Do this roll if the task is pretty simple for your character. In the case of Rick the Brick, it'd be a D12 roll! - If you get 2-4 then you fail and come home empty handed but relatively undamaged. 5-10 is a moderate success, you've done what's been asked, time to relax. 11-12 great success! You rock so hard you smashed a few extra Z on your way making the surroundings a little safer, or maybe you got double what you were asked to grab! If you roll a 1 on the D12, the character is never heard from again. Whether they died, fled, where kidnapped or switched teams, it's unclear but who cares?
D4 (Odds n' Evens) - If the task presents no risk what so ever, you might as well flip a coin. Odds and they fail the job, their undamaged but need a bit of a rest. Evens the job is done and we can all move on.
DZ (?????? ????) - ???? ???? ??????? ???? ???????
This baby comes into play later!NOTE: The bulk of the information is presented above, more will be added momentarily.
I remember quite a long time ago finding an RP themed around torture. The general idea was that you'd fill a roll of a different type of victim undergoing different types of pain and you would try and escape anyway you could, which presented a different challenge for each player as some of these methods of torture involved amputation.
Now I never read further into the RP but I remember it having a lot of interest and back then I don't remember if it fell within RPG's standards on violence.
I'm here now to inquire on this topic, I fully understand that any pictures would be a big, no-go! But I wonder is there a limit to violence and gore detailed in an rp? I know any form of sexual violence would be a no-go, but I am more wondering if there is a line you don't want users to cross in this regard specifically or if there is a context to avoid, such as detailed re-creation of actual murders or attacks. I'd honestly hate to one day post one of my gruesome, creepypasta styled short stories and then have it looked at as a tarnish on the RPG forums.
Thank you in advance!
Classical, OST, or anything without words or in a language I don't speak. If I listen to anything else I'll probably get too involved with the words and slow down writing or stop all together.
Name: Valeon Leigh
Age: 15
Current School Year: 9
Appearance>Personal: Valeon has pale skin with jet black long spiky hair, his eyes are an Azure blue that almost shine in night light. He is 175cm tall and weighs only 68kg, he has a slim figure with a muscular upper body and firm legs. His hands are rather large as well as his feet and his arms and legs are rather long. He has a wound on his right upper arm four inches bellow the shoulder that will heal into an asymmetric eight arm star. He is considered to have no defining features that make him look ugly but also no outstanding features to judge him as very attractive by.
Appearance>Clothes: Valeon wears a tight fitting short sleeved black under shirt with a jacket that is slightly too big for his size, the jacket is entirely black with two front pockets and a silver zip. He wears loose long black denim jeans that would fall off if it weren't for his dark brown leather belt. He wears black shoes with white rubber soles. Valeon is often seen with a black lace necklace that holds a small green silicone crest in the shape of a heart, the necklace is often under his jacket.
Valeon's glasses that allow him to see into the virtual world are a pair of round eye glasses with light silver metal holding it together, these same glasses are also design to help Valeon see properly in the real world too. He is short sighted and finds it hard to make out shapes more than twenty to thirty feet away, losing his glasses does not make him blind however.
Personality Type: Valeon is a stoic who favours autumn of all the seasons because to him it represents death and rebirth. Valeon enjoys spending time outside during the night in a well lit town then during the day, he really likes mushrooms like a person would like flowers, however, he does not enjoy their texture when eating them solid. Valeon is an introvert who can communicate with others easily, but often chooses not too unless he has a good reason. He is quick witted and at often times likes to use gestures to emphasise his points, he often has an issue articulating his thoughts. Valeon could be considered a cat person but he enjoys the company of all animals, he likes the rain and windy weather and doesn't like the heat or sunshine of summer. Valeon could be considered 'anti-establishment' but he takes a realistic view to it, in that an established authority can be useful if it were regulated thoroughly and strictly and also if it were made up of the right people.
Weapon: 'Champion Knuckle' ~ Cynic
Valeon's weapon, Cynic, is a heavy martial arts based weapon, it uses a fusion of illusion based shadow cyberspace affects to daze and blind enemies while the weapons dark brown leather padding that covers the users palm, wrist and dorsal area of the hand provide super tough padding to protect from any virtual world substance. The dorsal pad of the knuckle rest slightly behind the users own knuckles and have four blunt metal spikes sitting roughly an inch out. All parts of the skin that aren't covered by the pads, including the fingers are covered by a white bandage.
Virtual Pet/Tengu: Cynic the black cat houses similar features to Valeon in regards to hair colour and eye colour. Despite it's resemblance to a cat, Cynic is still considered a Tengu. It's 'cat form' is merely an image it emits to fool those around it, it's real form that is a pitch black bouncing head, akin to something from the Digimon series, botamon more specifically in fact, however it houses azure blue eyes.
Cynic is a curious shape-shifting creature that is able to communicate with it's owner through gurgled hums and whistles. It is unable to make any other noise than this meaning that when it shape-shifts it must remain completely silent. The AI that Cynic was built from is a heavily altered version of the most recent 'Curious Kitten' AI, it's intelligence and understanding skills have been vastly increased and it is able to understand many commands given to it by Valeon and in the right context, it is even able to communicate messages back to Valeon that he can understand with erratic movements and different pitches of hums and whistles. Cynic is still very young however and has yet to experience the full extent of life as a cyber creature.
Tengushi Costume: Valeon's Tengushi Costume involves a pair of loose white denim jeans, and a loose white short sleeved shirt with a large v-neck, the shirt is several sizes larger than what Valeon usually wears, it sits on top of a tight long sleeved white shirt with a face mask that is attached to the shirt covering Valeon's neck, mouth and nose. Finally around his head and waste are two pieces of white ribbon tied tightly with a lot of ribbon left to hang off. There is a large black zero on the back of Valeon's large shirt that looks as if it were painted on with a larger brush. All pieces of Valeon's costume are virtual besides the headband, which contains a small Template with some advanced hacking software that disrupts and blurs any images of Valeon's face, the costume only appears when this device is worn.
Bio: . . .Pending. . .
Ideology: Valeon follows a socialist ideology with democratic features, also houses liberal aspects.
Cyber Talent: Valeon is a very novice hacker not knowing enough information to do any hacking but knowing enough to identify and extrapolate from hacking. Valeon's main expertise is in AI construction and tweaking as well as Tengu creation, he is also very skilled with Template based hardware. Valeon's skills at repairing, treating, enhancing and creating Tengu are beyond his age group by far and rival that of a trained virtual pet technician. His skills with white collar hacking involved in Toraburu activities (such as hacking into a basic school server, manipulating other peoples virtual space and virtual items, ect.) are slightly above average.
Cyber Skills: -
Corruption Beam;
A basic tier corruption beam that any good Toraburu should have in their possession, this skill allows the user to do a certain motion that'll trigger a beam that can weaken virtual space and corrupt it. Using this on another person can very temporarily disable them from using such an attack on you if you hit the right area. It'll also cause their virtual cover to lag as it repairs itself, making interaction with the virtual world harder or even impossible temporarily. - Valeon's source of the beam is the palm of his right hand, the motion he does to trigger it is that he must place his left palm on the dorsal area of his right hand with both hands straight and flat with his arms straight or at a 90 degree angle.
Root Ver. - Data Beam;
This is a more advanced type of cyber skill and functions from a Template that Valeon has hidden on his body somewhere. It's a beam that looks similar to a corruption beam but instead of corrupting data it interacts with specific data. This is a basic white collar hacking tool that allows Valeon to bypass the process of tirelessly typing away code to access a person's personal virtual space root directory, the beam requires a direct hit on the targets virtual glasses or a device that is synced with that persons virtual space root directory, such as a mobile or Template. The motion for this beam is similar to that of his corruption beam, but the hands are switched, left for right and right for left.
AI Analyze;
A lesser known skill used by virtual pet technicians it is an interface based skill meaning it is accessed through a virtual console. This allows the user to analyse very in-depth and specific data in a virtual pet, if the user is close enough to the virtual pet for long enough, they can also 'inject' their own data, this includes commands such as 'sleep', 'freeze' or 'disappear'. The software for virtual pets has been built with an ability to combat these commands to they only work for a few minutes at best, in addition another person using this skill can also use their console to remove these effects.
Custom Skill - Shadow Bomb;
A Template based effect this is a custom skill constructed by Valeon that allows him to use a certain hand gesture to produce a rush of a blade cloud from himself of his Tengu Cynic. Of course this only affects the virtual world and the cyberspace system quickly starts removing it, but it can blind those around Valeon long enough to get away from anyone who might be pursuing him. This particular skill is the envy of many Toraburu.
Name: Hoenhime Vale
Age: 15
Birth Date: October 17
Star Sign: Libra
Eye Color: Silver/Grey
Hair Color: Jet Black
Hairstyle: Long straight, thick hair that often gathers in swirling tendrils when untied, roughly 14 inches long. Often tied back giving a fox tail look to his hair.
Race: Caucasian
Skin Color: Very Pale
Height: 195cm
Weight: 80kg
Body Misc. Details: Hoenhime wears squarish black rimmed glasses and is short sighted, he often has dark coloration under his eyelids due to lack of sleep, his body is adorned with several scars along his chest, upper arms, left forearm and the back of his left hand. His body is of slight athletic figure.
Hobbies & Interests: Hoenhime takes an interest in reading and Mathematics, he also plays the violin, he enjoys poetry and writing. Hoenhime is also interested in areas of philosophy.
Skills: Hoenhime can play the Violin adequately, He is computer and network literate, he has poor handwriting skills but is very good at constructing creative literature. When he sets his mind to it, he can act pretty well too and can easily remember a script.
Fashion Sense: Hoenhime is nearly always seen in black or dark blue jeans that are two sizes too large, often with a plain black belt. He always wears a long sleeved black undershirt and feels very uncomfortable without it.
History: Hoenhime grew up in a fractured household with two abusive parents, at age eight Hoenhime suffered a severe physical injury from his mother and several months later, he was removed from the home and his parents were deemed unfit to look after him. Hoenhime was moved to Seasons Vale and now lives with a foster family who took him in, (the family members are listed with [1] [2] [3] and [4] in the character log) this new environment has been a large shift for Hoenhime but he has grown used to it and is thankful for the new situation. He still battles with pent up feelings however and this has lead to him being quite distant from those who took him in and anyone in general.
Hoenhime used to be a bully at his local school in his old town and even at such a young age would make attempts to impress and hangout with older kids who were part of a bad crowd. Once he moved to Seasons Vale he was not granted this liberty as he quickly became the victim of ridicule by all of those around him for his weird nature and unusual social skills. This reversal of roles has made Hoenhime quite a bit wiser about the effects and consequences of his actions.
Hoenhime's only real friend is one he made in his last year of middle school([5]), a student who lives in a dorm area aimed at housing gifted students who don't live in town. Hoenhime and his friend, Terry Jameson, often just called T.J., are more along the lines of casual friends then close friend, however their friendship together has proved handy and beneficial for the both of them in the past. The two get along well and share similar ideals about the world around them, though T.J. takes his ideals a lot more stubbornly than Hoenhime.
Bio: Hoenhime is often considered quiet, respectful when spoken to and rudely anti-social when not approached. He has a strong Intrapersonal mind and likes to think at great length about minor details and things the cross his vision, in a sense this makes him somewhat of a day dreamer, and contributes towards his anti-social behavior. Hoenhime suffers from masochistic tendencies and has several scars from where he used to cut himself, he has since pushed past such acts but from time to time his mind and body is cluttered with urges to hurt himself, he explains its sensation like a nicotine hit.
Hoenhime tries to look at every situation in shades of grey, remaining skeptical about most things he hears, this also contributes to his anti-social behavior and can make him hard to get along with if you cannot handle criticism very well. Hoenhime attends classes on time and his grades are just below average, with the exclusion of math class, in which he is at the top of his class. Hoenhime has a very creative mind and he can often fall asleep during class due to drifting off into a daydream, he does not sleep much.
Hoenhime has issues feeling comfortable around others, he puts himself down needlessly and tries to avoid interacting with others but not so much so that he'd completely ignore the advances of another person. It is not uncommon for Hoenhime to sleep at one of the parks he often hangs out at to think. When Hoenhime becomes social, he can be quite witty and easy going, often times pausing before he speaks to put more effort into his words, he is not good in stressful situations and cannot handle drama very well, he also has issues handling his temper, however Hoenhime is very good at judging when he may be in a situation where he might lose his temper and ensures to take steps to avoid such situations.
Finally, Hoenhime has a very strong sense of honor, something he acknowledges as a useless stain on the window of reality, it is one that makes him feel comfortable. Although it remains mostly unknown to him now, soon just how strongly he follows ideals of honor will be revealed to him, Hoenhime can often easily become passionate about things that stir his curiosity to seem rewarding to him.
Ability -
Logical-Mathematics: Hoenhime has quite a high logical-mathematics intelligence and takes an invested interest into enhancing this aspect of his brain.
Spatial: Hoenhime has a creative and vivid imagination, however his ability to share these thoughts to the real world beyond literature, is poor, drawing or repeating an action he has thought of is something he acknowledges is an area he needs some work in. He entertains odd fits of 'playing out' something he has imagined however and more times than not, it ends up failing horribly. However, Hoenhime has a unique talent in repeating things he's already seen, especially processes that involve the use of ones body.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: Hoenhime's hand-eye coordination is very well developed, however he has poor stamina and low levels of skill in other areas of physical interaction, making his body a poor medium for him to express himself. He is very good at mimicking and understanding physical processes at first glance however.
Musical: Hoenhime has a well developed musical intelligence, he favors playing the violin and singing, however, these are things he has recently ceased doing and these skills may pay the price for it soon if he is not careful. Hoenhime also has a very diverse taste in music ranging from alternative, to heavy metal, to Bebop Jazz and classical.
Linguistic: Hoenhime's linguistic ability is something that doesn't come naturally to him, however it is something he has developed quite well and with some effort, is able to express quite a high linguistic ability in the form of writing, reading something aloud and using the right language to emphasise a message.
Naturalist: Hoenhime has a poor naturalist ability, preferring to be an observer Hoenhime hasn't explored the uncharted-in-his-mind lands of nature and has learned very few things about it despite spending a lot of time around it. He does have a naturally good sense of direction and can remember directions he's already traveled very well.
Interpersonal: Hoenhime has very poor interpersonal skills, he does shine in one area of interpersonal intelligence and that is his ability to understand and listen to those who have suffered or are suffering, he also offers brutally honest advice that, in a broader perspective, is not wrong, but may end up doing more harm than good. Hoenhime can speak clearly and well, however it takes a lot of effort for him to even start moving his mouth to communicate.
Intrapersonal: Hoenhime is most developed in his intrapersonal intelligence, allowing him to even mold near perfect perspectives of others, which allows him to understand things like empathy much better than others. Often times Hoenhime will try to convince himself of an the validity of a distorted perspective, but deep down he knows he is just fooling himself.
Name: Henry & Sarah Claris[1][2]
Age: Both 30 - 35 Range
Gender: Male & Female
Hair Color: Henry has dark brown hair with grey streaks, Sarah has blond hair
Hairstyle: Henry has short, well kept hair. Sarah has long, well kept hair to her shoulders
Bio: Henry and Sarah Claris are a loving couple of 14 years, unable to have children they have adopted their three children, including Hoenhime. They are both loving parents who try their best, but remain quite oblivious to some of the issues of their children. Their love for each other and their children is strong. Uniquely, they wished for their children to keep their own last names if they wished to.
Role: Parents, Henry is a 9 to 5 business man while Sarah is a stay at home mom.
Name: Mark Claris[3]
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Jet Black
Hairstyle: Short, spiky and wild
Bio: Mark is the youngest child of Henry and Sarah Claris and their second adopted, he comes from a violent household and this shows in his behavior and outlook on life. He is considered a problem child by some locals and very often gets in trouble for starting fights. Mark is very involved with both Sarah and Henry but remains somewhat distant from Hoenhime, he argues with his sister often however.
Role: Sibling, Student
Name: Terry Jameson[5]
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Hairstyle: Medium length, spiked and often a mess
Bio: Terry Jameson, often just called T.J. is a student from a far away town, moved to Seasons Vale for his exceptional swimming skills, he is entered in a program that'll grant him a direct pathway to joing a national swim team, hosted by the university near Seasons Vale if he holds his good grades and sports performance in high school. Considered odd and outspoken by some T.J. does not let things like social opinion and norm influence what he does and says. He is quick to point out someones ignorance or stupidity, and takes criticism very well, he is kind of an airhead however and he often things go right over his head.
Role: Student (Class 1D)
Name: [H]Valerie Leese[4]
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Jet Black
Hairstyle: Long, Straight, Thin, roughly 20 inches long, short fringe.
Bio: Valerie is the first adopted of the Henry and Sarah couple, she is quiet and creative with very high musical intelligence. Like her older brother Hoenhime she plays the violin and does so very well, she often practices. She is not very close to her parents but still often engages in family activities with them, she has a fickle relationship with Mark who often seems to resent her talent and the praise she gets for her musical abilities. Valerie is often considered to be a weak person, unable to handle judgement well and very quick to run away from confrontation, this has made her quite a victim to bullying. She is a very kind and caring person.
History: Both Valerie's parents died in a car accident when she was only five years old, she was torn separatedfrom her baby brother during adoption, she was passed around from family to family for awhile and this showed to her the bad sides of the adoption system, all this has contributed to her weak, fragile and kind nature.
Fashion Sense: Valerie often dresses very formally and professionally when the occasion calls for it. She wears very few accessories however she is often seen wearing the same bracelet, a silver band of small chain links.
Height: 152cm
Weight: 45kg
Role: Harem, Student (Class 1B)
Name: [H]Amber Jones
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Blonde
Hairstyle: Short, thin, only a few inches long and a fringe.
Bio: Amber Jones is the top of her classes and is very academically minded, she's also very out spoken and has good people skills, suggesting both a high Logical-mathematics intelligence and a high Interpersonal intelligence. She is often seen as a strong and kind figure, however she is not afraid to get rough when the time calls for it. She enjoys sports and staying fit and healthy and other girls draw to her as if she were bait and they were fish. Although she appears to have many friends, she does not consider any of them to be 'true' friends, and is afraid of rejection being directed at her due to some of her ideals, opinions and moral feelings about life.
History: Amber Jones comes from a rich family of high achievers, she is the youngest of four children, the eldest being her only sister, a renowned surgeon in a foreign country. Her two twin brothers are both senior year students with great skill in sports. Growing up in this environment has lead to Amber's realist views, academic heights, strong nature and willingness to get rough. Despite her age and size, both her brothers fear her fury.
Fashion Sense: Amber's idea of fashion sense seems to fall under the norm, however rumors suggest this isn't her ideal clothing.
Height: 174cm
Weight: 57kg
Role: Harem, Student, Class Leader(Class 1B)
Name: [H]Holly Ziren
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Blue
Hairstyle: Medium Length(roughly 10 inches), thick, hangs down in spikes
Bio: A creative mind Holly is a very skilled artist with a high spatial intelligence, however she is often considered weird or odd mainly due to her unique art style. She often draws and paints pictures others consider dark, scary or creepy. Holly is a loner of sorts but is content in being alone, she often keeps to herself and sketches in her free time. She doesn't sleep much and often takes a long time to answer a question, but enjoys answering them. She lives with her mother in a large apartment, they are quite distant from one another but get along really well.
History: Holly and her mother have a history of moving around a lot, she has been in Seasons Vale for two years, this could contribute to why she is happy and used to being alone. Holly has had a reasonably fun and happy life, she recently had to get her pet cat put down due to a disease that would have cost a lot of money to cure.
Fashion Sense: Holly often wears bright multi-colored clothing, something considered odd because her art rare shares these colors.
Height: 155cm
Weight: 43kg
Role: Harem, Student (Class 1D)
Name: [H]Dawn Butcher
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Blood Red
Hairstyle: Long, spiky, fringe, thin, roughly 20 inches.
Bio: Proud owner of a dog and two cats, Dawn Butcher is a kind hearted and gentle person who is very easily impressed, seeing worth where others don't is like a superpower in the hands of Dawn, her cheery nature goes hand in hand with her appreciation for life to produce a bubbly and dedicated young girl, she can be an airhead at times and is a below average grade student but that doesn't stop her from trying her best. Dawn has a high naturalist intelligence and although she doesn't understand biology that well, she sees it as an amazing thing. Dawn's personal experience with nature has made her a great survivalist and very good with directions.
History: Dawn is the youngest daughter in a family of butchers, this does not contradict her love for animals. Her family have been in Seasons Vale for generations as the local butcher and they are known quite well around town. She lives with a happy family who enjoy their lives and all have very close bonds. Dawn has a younger brother, Culen Butcher, who is often discouraged and upset as his lack of skills, however the support of Dawn has helped to push him through the thick.
Fashion Sense: Dawn has a casual fashion sense.
Height: 162cm
Weight: 47kg
Role: Harem, Student (Class 1A)
Name: [H]November Tiren
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Brown
Hairstyle: Medium Length, Often tied back, 12 inches roughly, thin, straight.
Bio: November is the class leader of Class C, a kind and just person she takes a great amount of dedication to everything she does. She is known to be quite clumsy but very well spoken, she always has her nose in a book and she loves literature in all its forms. November is not on good terms with her family, which is in an odd situation right now that has left her in a situation where a senior year student is harassing her. Despite this November soldiers on and does her best to ignore all the problems she has through reading, writing and listening to readings of literature.
History: November Tiren never knew her real father, her mother has had many relationships with men in the time that November has grown up. She's never had a close bond with her mother and this as lead on to an anger she holds for her mother who'd prefer to get a new boyfriend rather than spend time with her daughter. November found literature to be a great stand in and escape for to distract her wandering mind. Her mother's most recent ex-boyfriend was abusive towards Novembers mother, when November intervened she found herself the target of a physical attack, seeking police advice the man now faces jail time.
Fashion Sense: November wears Glasses, she is a big fan of the steampunk look and always has a necklace with a clockwork gear attached to it.
Height: 155cm
Weight: 50kg
Role: Harem, Student, Class Leader(Class 1C)