"Is that really the best you can do dipstick?"
Name:Sango Taniguchi
Contracted to:Shin'en, an ARMARUNE in the shape of a chained chakram. Its design covered in ornate thorns, most evident along the actual blade. Shin'en is has a distinctly masculine and aggressive persona, always itching for a fight and has, as far as he's revealed to Sango, only had one other wielder.
When upgraded into a MAGILOCK=DRAGOKEY weapon, Shin'en becomes two primarily black, four-bladed shuriken.
Abilities:Sango's abilities primarily consist of generating and controlling shadows. Such as creating shields, shadow manacles to lock enemies in place, and sharp projectiles. She passively has excellent night-vision and her seems to become nearly silent in the dark or shadows. Her agility is also increased.
MAGILOCK=DRAGOKEY Abilities:When fused, Sango's abilities skyrocket. Able to create small to medium-sized constructs and beasts of darkness as well the ability to create shadow portals that can be used to transport herself and others to nearby locations within darkness or shadow. (This is extremely limited as it takes a lot of power and concentration to do)
History:Sango was the Sukeban, or leader of the all-female of her school. She had been dealing with one of their rivals, and one of the few male Bancho that took her as an actual threat. She was heading to meet him at one of the abandoned construction sites nearby. Soon after arriving she was attacked by a Sevensin, it was only pure luck that she found Shin'en after falling into a hole. She didn't need much convincing from the Armarune before she was agreeing. All she wanted to do was beat the being currently terrorizing her.
She has been fighting them ever since, despite some minor difficulties and fighting between herself and the antagonistic "Spirit' she contracted herself to.
Personality:Known as 'the Yankee', Sango, or San as she's known by most is a brash and rambunctious young woman. Often loud and with seemingly no care for personal space or decorum, she can seem childish. At least if you ignore her propensity for violence.
When transformed, she becomes much more haughty and mature, yet teasing. She enjoys toying with her opponents, trying her best to rile them up and force them to make a mistake. Toward allies she can come off as motherly, wanting the best for them and doing her best to ensure their safety. Despite this persona, her language is only slightly stifled.
MAGILOCK form: Known as Penumbra in this form, Her hair turns white and shortens into a kind of mushroom bob. She wears what she affectionately calls, a "Murder Ballerina outfit" which is a combination of white, black, pink, and gold. She is not a fan of it.
MAGILOCK=DRAGOKEY form: Upon fusing with a Dragonkey, Penumbra becomes more like her namesake with red-tipped ebony colored hair in a side shave. Her outfit changing from the almost gothic lolita to a pair of painted-on tights that show off her curves and a crop top that accentuate her modest bust, a cropped jacket (for flair), Flared out disconnected sleeves and a pair of ring gloves complete her ensemble for a sexy but fairly functional outfit.