Avatar of AllysonNyx
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  • Posts: 5 (0.00 / day)
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    1. AllysonNyx 7 yrs ago


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The Orchard

Welcome to The Orchard! Here you will find a comfortable, beautiful home for your loved one. A place where the free spirits of today's world come to find solace and friendship among those like them. We offer many forms of therapy to quiet those demonic voices that seem to plague your loved ones pretty little head. Around here we wear nothing but smiles and happiness is our genuine guarantee! So please, consider us for placement of the afflicted soul you know.

"And exactly who said we are afflicted?" "The scum we also refer to as our father." "Don't you dare even bring him up. He want to push us from your head, Nels. He wants us to disappear, like we were never here." "But we are always here, aren't we Nellie?"

Yes, always. It's not like I could forget that, could I? '...find solace and friendship?' With these lunatics? I am certainly nothing like them.

I folded the brochure for The Orchard and slid it into the pocket of my dress. The grand building loomed ahead as we walked up the long drive. The air was cold this September morning, almost foreboding what was to come in the time ahead.

This roleplay would take place around the 1850's in a thriving sanatorium. Would be looking for a small group (or more depending on how many are interested) to play several patients who all are struggling to survive in the asylum. The staff are corrupt and there is something sinister going on here. It's up to the torture, psychotic patients to figure out what that might be.

Ideally this would allow us to play with imagery and horror looking through a psychotic pair of eyes.

Reply to this thread or PM me if interested! I would want it to be active with at least one post a day. Life happens, but as long as you keep everyone up to date and things can keep moving that is fine.

I'd be very interested! I decided to get back into roleplaying to test out some new genres and I think this sounds really fun.
Hi there! I am new as well but I would love to be creative with someone. I just posted in the interest checks for my own idea. I'd be willing to work with you and would if you wanted to check out mine as well.
Hello interested friends,

I am new here and I'd love to dive in and see what anyone thinks about a story idea I have that I think would be great for either a small or large role play group depending on who all may be interested.

The Curse of Demorria

Long ago, humans had developed the technology to plummet deep into space. A group of 5 families left on this very first colonizing expedition. However, the world was struck by disaster and humankind was wiped from the face of the planet, leaving the colonists on their own. Among the families were 4 ambassadors, and a family of royal blood. They democratized that the royal family would oversee and be the overall judge and ruler of the land. The 4 ambassador families would split the land into countries and rule the countries as they saw fit, as long as the royal family deemed it worthy. When the families arrived, they found the land to be in three great masses. And so, two families, akin to each other in their proud and haughty hearts, shared the middle land by splitting it down the middle. The third family, kind and gentle minded, took the northern continent. The fourth family, quiet and fierce, took the southern continent. The royal family, took an island, perched amongst the middle of these three great continents, and built a glorious castle. Great stone bridges were built between the continents, connecting a well-groomed and upstanding society. Things ran smoothly, with a blooming beauty of culture and society for 2000 years. However, it couldn't last forever. The southern land began to go quiet. People stopped visiting from it, and when messengers were sent to get word from the ambassador, no word ever returned. Eventually, fear grew inside the Queen. She worried about her long-lost friends and gathered a group. Once they reached the bridge, they found that it was in disrepair. The watch towers had been abandoned. Once they reached the gates they were chained from bottom to top; locked from the inside.

The story would continue to find that there is a blood disease spreading that turns the people savage. However, not everyone goes savage. Some gain a kind of alien strength. But the latter is incredibly rare.

I would want the story to start with a group of explorers sent from earth. On earth, humans had re-evolved and found the coordinates of this colony that had been sent out thousands of years ago. So now they were sent to investigate and see if this grand experiment worked. But they land in the country that has entered into this apocalypse.

Players could choose to be any character. We would need a core group for the explorers, being somewhere between 3-5 people. And players could play people from any one of the countries, including their leaders. Once there are enough people to start the RP we can discuss how to move forward. I would hope that the story would evolve that players could enter the RP at any time with any OC character.

Anyone have an interest in this apocalyptic, medieval, sci-fi society?
Hello all!

My name is AllysonNyx. I used to be very active in the roleplay community and there truly is nothing I love more then story building and writing. I haven't been doing that much writing lately and that saddens me so I decided to get back out here!

I love all kinds of roleplay but my favorite is any kind of fantasy. I would love to branch out from my comfort zone though and try some new genres!

Can't wait to meet you all!
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