Got my wisdom teeth pulled. The worst part is not the pain but the lack thereof. Having numb lips is not fun :(
6 yrs ago
Ay, probably been placed under a wicked sleep spell. *Yawn* Welp, nothing I can do about that!
6 yrs ago
*Opens beak widely to yawn* It's been a while since I've been active!
7 yrs ago
I 'ave projects rn. AARRGGHH!!! Especially from my AP classes! DOUBLE AARRGGHH!!!
Ima ordinary guy highschooler with that is going through school. I'm still haven't experienced RP that much. Thus, I hope to see where I stand and what my skills are.
@Ambra Would it be possible for my character to obtain a flintlock pistol during the adventure? (And if the situation allows it, make a flintlock pistol?) Also, which country is most affected by the "creator" religion? One more question, are there any large libraries owned by academies in any of the countries? Sorry if I'm pressing a lot of questions here. x(
Name: Kennen Imore Appearance: Kennen Imore can be most distinguished by his large bushy hair. It’s wood brown color combined with the curly nature of his hair gives his head an almost bark-like look. His face is of no particular importance, as it is neither ugly nor beautiful but merely mediocre. However, contrasting his face, Kennen is lanky and tall, allowing him to look over a crowd of people. When located in the town of Graelia, he usually wears scholarly associated attire. Though, while travelling, he wears ordinary traveller’s attire. He’s usually seen with reader glasses and his large pack, which contains an array of writing charcoal, parchment, and snacks.
Personality: Naturally as a travelling scholar, Kennen is highly intelligent along with overly inquisitive. In either the books or the field, Kennen is laconic, getting across his points with great punctuality and clarity. His silent demeanor is due to the fact that he’s in intense concentration, combing through every detail of his data for useful information and recording such knowledge on his papers and mind for later deep analysis. In addition to this, Kennen can appear awfully cruel as he tends to experiment on non-human entities for the sake of the acquisition of knowledge. (Though, he will not touch human experimentation) At times, the overbearing pressing nature of his work personality can lead him to compel others in revealing sensitive information, useful or not. Due to the nature of being a travelling scholar, Kennen had developed a keen sense in value and bargaining. In most cases, Kennen is able to sniff out less than obvious suspicious dealings and swindles from shady salespersons. However he can still be duped if the salesperson is particularly suave, and though he hates to admit it, elderly or very young venders can consistently rip him off if they choose to do so. As a result of his developed business sense, Kennen also has a knack for extorting information out of people. In most cases, information will come easily for him, but for the more tricky cases, he uses a variety of techniques that include but are not limited to flattery, bribery, and getting people drunk. However, even after the necessary information is obtained, he tends to stay friends with the people he closely followed but only if that person is not hostile towards him afterwards. When conversing normally with people, he tends to be less prying and more friendly. A range of friendly philosophical debates to comforting consultation usually arise during the exchanges, but unfortunately, he’s notorious for going on rare but equally boring tangents about his research that can last for nearly five hours. Any attempts to stop him or leave the area usually fail due to a variety of reasons. When his eyes begin the hypothetically “sparkle,” family members or close friends know to intervene before he really gets going.
Abilities: Though Kennen is not the most physically endowed person, his physical abilities are still decent due to his constant travelling over a variety of terrains. Whether it be mountains, forests, or lakes, Kennen has experience with all of those. Also, because he travels frequently, he’s capable of using weapons, primarily daggers and crossbows, albeit at a mediocre level. He usually accompanies travelling groups though he can travel by himself. As mentioned in his personality above, Kennen has above average conversational skills, allowing him to get bargains and all sorts of information. Because of his affinity towards books, Kennen is able to read through books and tomes as if they were children’s books, and as a result, Kennen has a near encyclopedic knowledge of the land around him, knowing all about fauna to city lore. In addition to book knowledge, Kennen possesses a good knowledge for the terrain along with edible plants, animals, and direction. He can cook, create shelters, knows basic first aid, and a variety of things.
Downfalls: Kennen, as amazing as he is, is not a leader and is terrible with long term planning. Aside from the fact that his goal is to uncover truths of the church and the old gods, any plans are usually sidetracked with small discoveries and random “moments.” Cooperation is also not his forte, as his travelling tendencies left him without a strong sense of obedience. *Add another here. I’m all written out for today xP*
Background: Born into a medium wealth family of shopkeepers, Kennen led a quiet and steady life in Graelia. Although his childhood had been somewhat mundane, he did have one livelihood that never ceased to entertain him: books, books that ranged from describing cultures of far off lands to illustrating unique and exotic fauna. Whenever he could, he would secretly leave home and run around the city, requesting every viable source to read or borrow any books that contained all sorts of interesting information. Although his parents initially scolded Kennen for running off without their permission and without helping with the business, they realized that a great potential was bound inside Kennen. *Insert parental support story along with other good background here.* As a young man, Kennen now travels the land, documenting all his findings. One day however, a thought hit his mind, “Who are the ‘false gods’ and this ‘creator’ really?” Intrigued that he had only gross generalities to these questions, Kennen began his quest to discover the truth behind the two sides, not knowing where this would take him...
Just wondering, do potions, runic weaponry, fairies, trolls, and other magical things exist in this world? (I know dwagons and griffins are certain to be there, or at least I think they do). Also, is there a library at any of the cities?
@Ambra Aw. It's sad to hear that mage submission is pretty much closed. I was thinking about making a mage that had a tome with musical notations. My idea for a non-mage character is one that questions the validity of both the false gods and the creator. This character's goal would be to seek which side is the genuine side, or whether there is a third party pulling the strings behind everything. (Given that the prophet appears to be devoid of any miracles from my perspective, though this could be a misinterpretation.) "<
Do you guys want to do a posting session to get the RP back on its feet? I know I haven't been posting lately, but I still feel that this RP still has lots of potential to be exhilarating. It's just needs a kickstart to get going.
@Traps Holy s***, that picture made my heart jump for a second. xD Though I would prefer to keep the groups small, I would be open to other people joining as stuffed animals. The biggest thing, however, is that the stuffed animals most likely need to have specific responses in order to get the feel of the game, and that might be a little bit more difficult to control with more people. I'll probably have one more person join and at most two more people.
@Traps I would be more than happy to receive help from you. :D
Here's the general breakdown of the series:
"In a soulless world...its inhabitants spineless. Spoiled by a consumerist culture, and yet...lonely. This gives birth to frustration...and makes one even lonelier. The last friend remaining is...the cuddlytoy. These creatures can't defend themselves. They cannot run away. their only way of escape."
You play as a psychiatrist whose job requires deep analysis of the patients and using what you know in order to bring these unfortunate stuffed animals back into sanity. However, be careful to not push your patients to the end of their wits, or you could be a cruel and sadistic monster whose purpose is to fling the animals deeper into the depths of the darkness...
“Do not worry about me,” Magnamon said holding up his palm towards Aaric. “My duty now is to impart onto all of you as much information as I can.”
Magnamon turned towards Denki. “Boy, restrain your zeal for your resolve. In your current ability, you do not possess the power to wrest your kin back from Lucemon forces. I summoned you.” Magnamon said shifting his stance towards all the children.
“And the rest of you to save our world. I believe that only through the power of humans that we’ll be saved from the forces of evil, like they had done in the past. Although, my master was doubtless that us Royal Knights would be capable to defeat Lucemon and his forces. I thought otherwise and went against the orders of my superior to summon you humans.” Immediately Magnamon groaned loudly due to the great pain, forcing him to lean against the wall of the cave. He slowly bowed his head to examine his wounds, without moving his head, he positioned his eyes towards the children.
“I think I am rightly justified to think so.” Magnamon closed his eyes in order to concentrate. Upon sensing the mental state of the humans, Magnamon knew what to say next.
“Do not despair, Digidestined. They’re Beast Spirits, similar to the spirits contained within your D-Tectors except more powerful, that exist within the Digital World. Although, I do not possess knowledge of the locations of these spirits, I am wholly confident that each of you children will be able to find these lost Spirits.” After brief silence, a small tremor suddenly shook the interior of the cave, causing some earth to fall overhead.
The ceiling of the cave began to crack and crumble, earth and rock tumbling down from the sides of the wall and boulders falling from the ceiling. Magnamon rushed towards the children and covered them from the falling debris. Clanks and tongs resounded from Magnamon’s armor as stone beat against the golden metal.
The tremors began to halt, the stone finished its descent, the dust settling, a voice and a clacking jaw could be heard throughout the cavity of the cave, “Khe! Khe! Khe! That should have done ‘em good alright!” A pair of yellow glowing eyes scanned the crater. “Ohhhh, and what do I spy with my two devilish eyes? A blue newt with a group of kiddies! Khe! Khe! Khe! Khe! Khe!”
Magnamon shook off the dust from his head and fiercely stared at the figure behind his severely scored mask. “You have no business here, SkullSatamon!
“Khe, Khe, Khe! I have all the reasons to be here Magnamon! Lucemon’s orders are to dissolve you and your 'digi-nowheres' into tiny digital bits! Ready or not, here I come!” SkullSatamon coiled himself back and shot himself towards Magnamon while laughing maniacally.
Within a blink of an eye, readied himself in a jumping position and launched himself towards Skull Satamon, causing the ground to slightly heave. “Magna Punch!”
“Skull Hammer!” As soon as both digimon’s attacks made contact, the air compressed and then expanded within an instant, causing a shockwave to blast throughout the whole area.
“Nail Bone!” From the end of SkullSatamon’s staff, a yellow light immediately protruded and hit the wounded spot on Magnamon’s waist. Magnamon yelled in pain and fell to the ground. A dark splotch on Magnamon’s side appeared and began to slowly spread throughout his body. SkullSatamon flapped his wings and slowly lowered to the ground towards the dying Magnamon.
“Khe, Khe, Khe! I expected to have more fun with you Magnamon!” SkullSatamon quickly swung his scythe towards Magnamon’s neck, stopping only centimeters away. “Any last words, lizard?”
“Yes,” Magnamon replied, causing SkullSatamon’s eyebrow to slightly raise and forming a grin. Mustering all his energy into one attack, off the top of his lungs, Magnamon yelled out, “Magna Explosion!” Suddenly blinding light engulfed both Magnamon and SkullSatamon.
The light eventually subsided, revealing an unconscious SkullSatamon and a strange little blue creature laying atop the rubble.
Ima ordinary guy highschooler with that is going through school. I'm still haven't experienced RP that much. Thus, I hope to see where I stand and what my skills are.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Ima ordinary guy highschooler with that is going through school. I'm still haven't experienced RP that much. Thus, I hope to see where I stand and what my skills are.</div>