______________________________________ | ______________________________________________________________________________________ Location: Carnival Interactions:Mims @viktorseier Outfit for The Vass Siblings ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
______________________________________ | "The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are." —Goldie Hahn |
___________________________________ N A M E Vivian Diana Lucasta A G E 18, August 11th G E N D E R Cisfemale S E X U A L I T Y Bisexual P L A C E O F O R I G I N Santa Monica, California N A T I O N A L I T Y American E T H N I C I T Y Swedish, English-Irish, Greek ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Hoplessly single and hopelessly hoping for it to end.
F A M I L Y Mother Lillian Lucasta (Alive) Father Apollo (God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, sunlight, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young) Siblings Fiamma Giannulli (Younger Half-Sister) Lucas Cresswell (Younger Half-Brother;) L E G A C Y Helios (God of the Sun) P E T S Hope, an adorable golden retriever who is most certainly a good girl. || "She’s just the best! I love her to death!." ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ THE SUN and summer, too! ✔ Blueberry anything: muffins, cookies, pancakes, waffles, smoothies -- you name it. ✔ The beach, or generally just being out in the sunshine. ✔ Music and the arts ✔ Competition. Vivian might be easily dissuaded but there’s something exciting about the games at Camp like the tower and everything else. ✔ Helping others ✔ Reality television ✔ Going for long walks on the beach, or just long walks in nature if the beach isn't available/nearby D I S L I K E S ✘ Snakes. Due to the curse laid upon her and her half-siblings, Vivian has a very intense dislike - and in some cases, fear - of snakes. ____________________________________________________________________________✘ Freezing weather. She loves being out in the sunlight, so the lack of it makes her hate the winter ✘ Mainstream pop music. Yes, he's aware this makes him a hipster. Yes, he's aware that it's popular for a reason. Still doesn't change the fact he can't stand the overproduced garbage. ✘ Her insecurities, but specifically the lack of an innate confidence and how quickly she doubts herself. ✘ Bad vibes. Vivian is always so happy and she just hates it when there's negativity around her, or directed at her, or anywhere near her ✘ Not so much a dislike but a worry about children of Hecate due to their potential of curses. Vivian hates to even think about it, but the idea of curses -- such as the one cast upon her and her siblings. She just doesn't trust them in that regard. ✘ Peanuts. Not that she's allergic, but she just never has enjoyed the taste. ✘ Aggressive rock music. Vivian will take Bastille and Death Cab over Metallica and Slayer anyday. P E R S O N A L I T Y Bubbily ☼ Energetic ☼ Overtly Positive ☼ Easy to Please ☼ Friendly ☼ Lovable ☼ Carefree ☼ Overworries ☼ Prone to opinions about her ☼ Insecure to a degree ☼ Often forgetful ☼ Easily discouraged Vivian embodies just about everything you or anyone could possibly imagine or want from a Daughter of the Greek God of Sun, Music, and Art. She embodies a liveliness that is infectious. Her smile and her laugh, the way she carries herself and how always - always - Vivian Lucasta can both make herself the life and center of the party (or any group/crowd for that matter) and not appear to be as though she wanted is both something that speaks to her character and how she never actively seeks attention. She also will never talk negatively about anyone or anything. A good girl to her core, Vivian believes there is good in just about anyone she meets. It doesn’t matter if they have been known to do bad things to people she has known to love or if they thought about doing these horrible things. Through it all, VIvian has been brought up to see the good in everyone and she continues to see the good in people now. ____________________________________________________________________________While Vivian is certainly the kind of person who will show an overly-positive demeanor with an engaging, lovable, and often abrasive niceness, she isn’t without some easily-influenceable aspects to her overall being. Particularly, Vivian has a lot of insecurities about how she can be perceived and most importantly, this happy-go-lucky valley girl is one of the easiest people to discourage and influence. Because she is so naive and so absolutely ignorant to a lot of things, to get her to see that one person might be good even when they are not is almost comical in how she will never see the truth coming. And even then, Vivian’s still pretty clueless and doesn’t know if so and so was actually a horrible person or not. That part of her brain has been wired to only see the light, never the darkness. It’s both a blessing and a curse. There also seems to be a bit of an inner-airhead when it comes to the Daughter of Apollo. It’s not that she doesn’t have a brain or any sign of intelligence up in her noggin, but because she is easily influenced by anyone who would dare want to use her in such horrible ways, she is also quite forgetful. She doesn’t forget names or faces or anything like that, but some important information like tests, where she was told to meet people - or hell, even something so short term as for where the gym is can slip her mind. But she does it all in such a cute way that people just laugh it off. But if there’s one person who’ll always give her crap about this particular aspect about her. B I O G R A P H Y Love is often hard to come by, especially in a world where it’s highly cynical of the concept of love, as well as the genuine concern that someone who shows even a little attention wants something in return. ____________________________________________________________________________And, usually that is the case, but it wasn’t the case for Lillian Lucasta. She was - and still is - a simple girl (well now woman) who was just twenty-one when she met the man of her dreams. For so long, she had the image of this man in her mind. Ever since she could think of the perfect man who could sweep her off her feet and make her feel truly special, the moment she met Apollo, the Greek God of the Sun and Music, proved to her that her dream guy didn’t even come close to him. The sweet smile he always gave her when she laughed and the way he made her feel every time they kissed and how he touched her. Their time together was short, but it wasn’t the first time that Apollo graced Lillian with his presence. He showed up when she was giving birth to their daughter and he came back every three years. Apollo, though he was a god, tried to be involved in his daughter’s life as often as he could. And though it was hard for Lillian because Apollo ruined other guys for her and she couldn’t really love any other man. Still, there was no doubt in her mind that the fact her daughter had a relationship with him was more than enough to quell her heartbreak. And it was for Vivian that knowing her father that shaped the girl into the kind of person she is now. Every three years, for a month, her father was around. Even when he wasn’t around physically, Apollo was there for her in other ways, too. Whenever she needed someone to talk to in her dreams, he was there. If she just needed to hear his voice, he’d talk to her in her mind. Vivian never cared that her father was a Greek God or whatever. She had grown up knowing that, but that didn’t matter. To her, he was her father - the light of her life and she was the light of his. Complicated or not, Apollo and his daughter Vivian have a relationship that is rare among the Godly Parents and their half-mortal children. The fact that Vivian knew about her Godly parentage early on made the moments that led up to her godly abilities manifest not all too surprising. The only thing that caught the chipper girl by surprise was around the time she turned sixteen that she was given the biggest blow to her life thus far when Apollo and her mother sat her down and said that she was going to be shipped off to a special place in New York called Camp Half-Blood. Confusion set in, but after a few more times, she understood. It was a place for others like her who had a god or goddess for a parent and this place protected them as they learned how to harness their new-found abilities. D E M I G O D I N F O C A B I N ____________________________________________________________________________Cabin 7, Apollo (God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, sunlight, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young) Y E A R S AT C A M P The current year will be her second year at camp. F A T A L F L A W Vivian’s fatal flaw is how she lacks self-confidence and confidence in her own abilities and worth as a quest team member. R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S Camper and occasional healer F O R M When at her strongest -- which is always in the afternoon -- Vivian’s body takes up a faint, golden glow. Her irises shine gold and white, her hair becomes more golden than it is, what would normally only be partial in regards to her powers, they become complete for a limited time. This form can only be possible during the summer, though, due to the sun being its hottest. It’s only triggered by extreme distress and/or a desperate need to protect. W E A P O N S Vivian has a shortsword named Aphelios, named for Vivian’s legacy. It was one of the first things gifted to her by her father via a vision sent to her by Apollo after she arrived at Camp Half-Blood. It is a shortsword with an elaborate and luxurious design whose hilt is encrusted with solid gold and rubies scattered throughout. The handguard is that of golden hawk wings, and the blade is a solid gold-like steel. In its hidden form, Aphelios takes the form of a similarly-designed pen, much like Percy Jackson’s weapon, but it is gold with a red thrust device. A B I L I T I E S Vivian’s abilities include: Photokinesis, Vitakinesis, and partial precognition ۞ Light of My Life — Partial Photokinesis ۞ As a daughter of Apollo, Vivian is able to produce and manipulate a magnificent light drawn from the sun itself. It can take many forms, shapes, and, of course, has used in both offensive and defensive, both of which Viv neither lacks nor specializes in one or the other. It reacts in accordance to her emotions. In that, when she has the sudden urge to protect, it will shine so brightly to the point of blinding those her heart may deem a threat to her or whoever has the benefit of being behind her. Alternatively, in the rare instance that Vivian may act - oh, let’s say hostile - towards an individual or a group of individuals, the light will not show mercy. It will continue until the enemy is dealt with accordingly. A blast upon blast, waves of immeasurable force, and a thinly-veiled aura enhancing her demigodly capabilities just to ensure the desire of Vivian's heart is accomplished. ۞ Listen to Me - Vitakinesis ۞ Vivian wouldn’t consider a master healer by any right. She knows her limits and can’t do much past minor wounds, but something she can do is let the sound of her quote-unquote “angelic” voice soothe those who hear it and they will find that a cut they’ve received from a fight or even a partially-broken bone will be completely healed in minutes. The thing about her healing abilities is, yes it is very much in early stages of development, but Vivian’s own insecurities sometimes doesn’t allow for her to have complete-optimization of her potential. ۞ I Can See the Light - Partial Precognition ۞ Like her father, Vivian can see into the future, but it is one, very inconsistent and two, never shows her more than a few seconds of a certain event. Her vision comes in the form of literal flashes of light and almost unprompted. She can be walking and she’ll get a blacking-out-like experience as she sees events of an event in the future for a maximum of five seconds. It could be from one day or a year at the time of getting them. Or it could be a few seconds. After she gets her visions, the knowledge is troubling and confusing, but Vivian gets plagued with headaches that only seem to go away when she sunbathes R O O M O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G Face Claim • Lili Reinhart || Dialogue Color • Goldenrod/#daa520 |
______________________________________ | "The road to hell is paved with good intentions. |
___________________________________ N A M E Damien Moses Blake A G E November 9th, 18 G E N D E R Cismale S E X U A L I T Y Pansexual P L A C E O F O R I G I N [London, England N A T I O N A L I T Y British-American E T H N I C I T Y English and Greek ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Taken but open for casual hookups
F A M I L Y Mother Amelia Blake — Mother (Alive) Father Hades (King of the Underworld & Lord of the Dead) Siblings Erin Maree Chase (Older Half-Sister) Nico Di Angelo (Older Half-Brother; Camp Alum) Bianca Di Angelo (Older Half-Sister; Camp Alum) Hazel Levesque (Older Half-Sister; Camp Alum) Stepmother Persephone (Goddess of Vegetation) L E G A C Y Hecate (Goddess of boundaries, crossroads, witchcraft, and ghosts) P E T S Onyx, a black ceberus who has the visage of a black pit.. Damien always felt a certain pull towards those given bad reps and pitbulls are probably the most misunderstood of all dog breeds. || "A loyal partner-in-crime. He won't attack you if he doesn't perceive you as a threat to me. And he only attacks on my command." ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ His mother, stepmother, and legacy-mother. Let's just say, while Damien can't stand his father, the three women in his life mean the world to me. ✔ Anything rock and roll. This could range from the music, to bands, to lifestyle, to even the fashion. ✔ The original Coc-a-Cola. Yes, that means the one with a bit of cocaine in it. D I S L I K E S ✘ Hades - as if this needs any explanation. Damien hates his father with a passion. ____________________________________________________________________________✘ Excessively positive people. Not that he dislikes them personally, but too much positivity gives him indigestion. ✘ Mainstream pop music. Yes, he's aware this makes him a hipster. Yes, he's aware that it's popular for a reason. Still doesn't change the fact he can't stand the overproduced garbage. ✘ Church and most religions other than the religion of worshipping rock and roll. This has less to do with him being the son of the Greek Satan and more to do with his athetist-esque beliefs, which he is aware is ironic considering he's a demigod. P E R S O N A L I T Y Honest → Selectively compassionate → loyal →moderately antisocial → volatile (in good ways and bad) → spiteful → holds grudges Damien isn't one to always be forthright with how he really feels but he also isn't afraid to speak his mind should he feel the need to. He's pretty unpredictable in that way. Another fact about him is his tendency to hold onto grudges from years past. See, loyalty and trust has always been a rare thing for him. You can blame it on his father if you want (he sure as hell will), but he's been wronged so many times that Damien just doesn't have it in him to outright trust someone. But, if you can somehow manage to prove to him you're worthy of his trust, he'll give you loyalty in return. Break it and you'll find out just how much of his father's petty he really inherited. ____________________________________________________________________________As a lover, Damien is somewhere between a passionate romance to someone who will make your exes jealous. And he doesn't mind being that for people. He's never been too picky when it came to whoever he boned. Honestly, he's never had a monogamous relationship in his life. Granted he's only 18, but the fact remains. He might be Hades' son, but one might venture a guess as to how much like Zeus he really is. Eh, probably too much if he gets around as much as he does. B I O G R A P H Y Balance is the key to everything in the universe. For every action, there’s an opposite and equal reaction, right? For every good thing you do, it is often followed by a mistake of equal proportion. And just like that, for every Erin Chase, whose relationship with Hades, while not ideal, was decent, there is a Damien Blake, someone whose thoughts about Hades border on homicidal. And that’s on a good day. ____________________________________________________________________________Damien’s contempt for Hades exceeds as far away from it centering around the King of the Underworld being an absentee father. Damien accepted long ago that Hades wasn’t going to be in his life in any traditional sense. He wouldn’t wake up to the smell of pancakes and his father reading the paper. He wouldn’t experience typical father-son moments like playing catch, talking about girls or why Donald Trump is a moron. Or argue with his father about why the latter supports Boris Johnson. If only it were that simple, right? Growing up in London, Damien always had to fend for himself. His mom, as much as she loved him, couldn’t prepare him for everything. Their neighborhood was one of the many bad ones that were filled to the brim with criminals and drug dealers and all kinds of unsavory types, but his mother Amelia Blake was always his rock. And until a point in his life when he couldn’t rely on her, she was the person who gave him the strength to be strong. The person who he knew would always make his bad days okay again. No matter what happened, Damien could always rely on her. But unbeknownst to him, Amelia had made a literal deal with the devil. But this devil wasn’t Lucifer Morningstar or even the other devil-like figures in the various mythologies. This devil was sly, handsome, and a real charmer (his mother’s words, obviously). But he was also a bitter, scarred bastard and forced Amelia into a deal: in exchange for allowing Damien to know his humane side, Amelia could raise Damien for a full decade. From birth to his tenth birthday, he was going to live with her, but after his tenth birthday, the clock ran out and he would be whisked away from her and live in the underworld with Hades, his father. This is why Damien hates his father. He stole him away from the only parent he ever gave a damn about. It didn’t matter if life in the underworld was different and objectively amazing (his father’s words), Damien never let up on his anger. From ten until fourteen, he lived in the underworld, but during those times - especially after the first two years - Damien made trouble for Hades. At some point, he imprisoned Damien as a bizarre form of being grounded. The only contact he had was with his stepmother, Persephone and Persephone’s close companion, Hecate. It was Hecate who Damien felt the most drawn to. Maybe it was his natural affinity towards the dark side of things or his anger, but throughout his time in the underworld, which that in itself must have made time go by a lot slower, because his time spent studying under Hecate, learning from her, and generally feeling like he was some kind of adopted child of hers -- okay, maybe he was more like a student -- there was no doubting that he and Hecate shared a bond. After a few years locked away in the underworld, Damien made a daring attempt in escaping. He knew Hades would be mad, but who the fuck cared about him, anyway? With the help of his Legacy, Hecate, she opened up a portal from the Underworld to Long Island, New York. It was the place where Camp Half-Blood was and it was the only place he could go to be truly safe from Hades. And he did. And for nearly four years, he had been at Camp Half-Blood. For nearly four years, Damien Blake has held onto the hatred for his father, vowing one day he would go back to the underworld and kill his father. And maybe, one day, take over the underworld for himself. Maybe it was a big dream, but someone had to do it, right? D E M I G O D I N F O C A B I N ____________________________________________________________________________Cabin 13, Hades (King of the Underworld) Y E A R S AT C A M P Technically, three and a half since he arrived on his fourteenth birthday, but the official record states it’s been four. F A T A L F L A W Holding onto grudges and his temper (when it comes to certain individuals). R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S W E A P O N S • Shadowhunter - two short swords imbued with magical runes (gifted to him by Hecate). The runes themselves enhance sharpness and accuracy, but mostly against mythological creatures that threaten Damien's safety. • Unnamed - A set of eight throwing knives that were forged at the Camp Half-Blood forge upon his request for ranged weapons. A B I L I T I E S Damien's abilities include: Necromancy, Umbrakinesis, Limited Pyrokinesis, and Rune Spellcraft Necromancy: Due to being the son of Hades, which he may hate more than anything in the world, Damien cannot deny his powers, especially that of the dead. Like his siblings before him, Damien has a certain control over the dead such as reviving them, speaking with them, commanding skeletons to fight for him, or in his case, serve as his training dummies. Most of the dead souls and skeletons that Damien chooses to focus on are those who were warriors in their past lives. Since it's more than likely that he couldn't properly train against those who still live, Damien much prefers it this way. Making my Monster Grow!: Damien has the ability to raise dead souls (to an extent). And though he may be able to raise all sorts of souls of the deceased, his preference has always been those who were warriors in their past lives. And he, of course, can only revive a limited number, but since they do tend to serve a singular purpose, the amount of time they linger about is, of course, limited in a sense. I hear dead people: Damien has always had a somewhat unorthodox relationship with the dead. Due to this, his ability to hear them almost at any time he desired to, Damien could strike up conversations with the souls of the dead that might be in the process of crossing the Styx River or have been recently deceased. Though possible, talking to the dead across dimensions (i.e. those in the Underworld), does take just a little of added effort on his end. Nevertheless, there is something to be noted of his affiliation for the ghastly and strange. Umbrakinesis: As a child of Hades, Damien's affinity for darkness is apparent, he can control the darkness in most facets that are available to him. He can use it to travel in the shadows, bend it to cover his skin a protective layer of "shadow skin", as well as use it offensively in the forms of tendrils and bolts of darkness. Shredding Boundaries, man!: Damien's ability with the shared shadow travel his siblings have might be different than theirs. Of course, they all share the same principles, which is using their connection to the underworld and their father to travel using the shadows, but in Damien's case, his is more of a strategic usage. Since he himself, at his core, is a warrior. As such, not only does using it not tire him out as it would others who can use this ability, he does not use it to travel great distances but rather a few feet, though using it in rapid succession (more than 5 times in less than thirty seconds) would have the same effect on him as it would those who use it to travel across state lines. This is because he is also actively using other abilities in battle, so there is also that to consider. Shrouded in Darkness: Manipulation of darkness takes another form for Damien as he can wrap himself in the shadows that cover either parts of his body or its entirety depending on what he desires. It acts as a second layer or slightly harder skin that, to its touch, is like a smooth surface but can withstand multiple blows from steel. But as great as it is, if partially donned, then his other umbrakinesis-related abilities will be weakened equal to how much of his body is covered. If he choses to give all to his defense, then he won't be able to use any of his other umbrakinesis abilities. And donning it completely will gradually drain him over time. Spikes and other Things: Offensively, Damien can manipulate and generate darkness into tendrils that come from the ground with the intent to impale his desired target. And likewise, he can create bolts of dark energy that look like a blackened version of Zeus' lightning bolt and it may seem like that too, but when it hits, it's just condensed, dark energy that has high concussive force behind it. And depending on how much focus he puts into it, they will either have the power of a soft punch or that of a wrecking ball. Of course, both come with their drawbacks: weaker bolts and tendrils will be able to be used several times over until he is drained while those with the potnetial for higher damage output would drain him severely. Limited Pyrokinesis: Being the son of Hades makes his ability to create and manipulate hellfire a given, but Damien is not, as one might put it, a pyromaniac. As such, he is not so skilled in it. He can create fireballs and fire bolts, but as for the more complicated abilities, he does not have an inkling of potential there. Spellcraft: Call it a gift from the goddess that may have taken something of a special interest in Damien. Hecate imbued him with the knowledge of spellcraft, which he took and built upon it, focusing on offensive and battle-centric runes. Whether they are the battle runes that were engraved on his body (generally ones that enhance physical capabilities and accuracy), or on his Shadowhunter blades, Damien would consider himself very adept when it comes to general spellcasting. And one might even find that he's extremely grateful to Hecate for it, as he uses it frequently in battle. R O O M O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G Face Claim • Jamie Campbell Bower || Dialogue Color • #6699cc |
______________________________________ | "Nanakorobi yaoki. If you fall seven times, then you stand up eight." |
___________________________________ N A M E Jackson Drake Originally born to the name of Ryusuke Himura Goes by Jack, Jackie, JB O N L I N E - N A M E ∞ JackofallTrades (Youtube & Tik Tok) A G E 1st of April - Twenty-One G E N D E R CisMale S E X U A L I T Y Femalesexual - an intense attraction towards females he's straight N A T I O N A L I T Y Japanese-American E T H N I C I T Y Greek/Japanese P R O V E N A N C E Somewhere in Japan(originially) ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Single and looking girls!
L E G A C Y Ares (God of courage & war) P E T S O T H E R TBD ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ Girls, girls girls~ - what can Jackson say? He's an admirer of the sometimes fairer sex || "But given present company, even those who seem like they might be fairer will surprise you. Good thing I've got a built-in, anti-jump scare immune system!" ✔ Pushing himself to the limit - working out, camp events & activities (all of them), he loves to just push himself as far as he can and discovering what limits exist so that he can surpass them. || "It's about drive and power. I have to stay strong to devour! ...okay yeah I may have ripped that song, but you get it!" ✔ Getting into trouble - sneaking out past curfew, engaging in unsanctioned activities to really push himself to the max, and in general do things from under Mr. D's nose || "Yeah, I'm a bad influence, but if you don't die, then it's all good!" ✔ The early days of spring when the breeze of winter is still present but you can see the flowers bloom || "Reminds me a bit of home. Boy, do I miss the cherry blossoms." ✔ Geeking out by playing video games and watching some home-grown, proper anime || "I'm the best Master Yi main and nobody can say that I'm not." ✔ Wrestling, mixed martial arts, boxing, etc - pretty much anything that involves grown men beating up each other inside a specified space and in front of a crowd ✔ General Asian martial arts movies - some classics, some not, some recent, and some before his grandfather was born ✔ J-Pop - specifically idols and Babymetal || "Don't ask me why. Don't even ask how many because there's too many. I just like them, okay?" D I S L I K E S ✘ Rules - not so much the fact they exist but that they're heavily enforced || "If they exist, they should be broken." ✘ Not being able to pass his limits || "Being physically limited sometimes sucks big major ass." ✘ Anything to do with nectarines || "These false peaches have no place anywhere near my mouth." ✘ Not so much a dislike, but Jackson feels particularly competitive with the Sons of Ares || “It’s written in the stars. Ares is my legacy, so of course, I want to be able to beat his blood. Plus, who doesn’t like a little competition? Then again, they do always defeat me. Gotta work on that.” ✘ Getting punished by Mr. D || “And it’s all the damn time, too!” ✘ Kimchi || “I’m sorry but I just don’t see the appeal.” ✘ His human “step” father || “Fuck that prick!” ✘ Ice cream || “FroYo master race let’s fucking goooooo!” ____________________________________________________________________________ P E R S O N A L I T Y Couragous → charismatic → energetic → loyal → fearless → confident → foolhardy → passionate (to a fault) → reckless → rebellious → temperamental → dense → prone to fits of anger It's hard to describe Jackson because, at times, it seems like there are two people living simultaneously within him, though never seeming like an alter personality or anything of the sort. More like two sides of the same unique coin. There is the gifted warrior whose valor and guts have carried him far at camp and through life, really. The warrior whose anger and temper knows only a few equals, all of whom are tied back to his legacy and the God of War, Ares. The warrior who proves time and time again that he isn't afraid to rise to the occasion when push comes to shove. Jackson shows very little fear and if he does show fear, he also displays a willingness to conquer said fear. He likes to push himself past his limits so that he might be able to figure out if they truly are his limits. The other person that lives within him is the idiot that Hermes has for a son and that Tyler has for a brother. He is dim-witted and doesn't always think with his brain (implying he has one, right?). He is foolish, reckless, and above all else, tends to say things without really thinking what they actually mean. Or if he does know, he doesn't have the self-awareness to realize that what is coming out of his mouth is absolute garbage. Tying to how he likes to push his limits, sometimes Jackson doesn't know when to give up. Actually, he doesn't know the meaning of the word. He might have a silver-tongue, but he often uses it to get him and others into trouble, which might just be the reason why he has made frequent visits to the Big House and had private beratings meetings with Mr. D about his actions and how it's almost always him getting others into trouble. Yeah, not his fault he likes to have fun in the name of fuck the rules. But all of that aside, Jackson has a gentle soul and one that might be a bit of a romantic. He has an unique way of going about romance and might strike out more than he doesn't, but you can't say that he isn't earnest about what shots he shoots. As idiotic as he might be and as dumb he might appear to most (if not all) people he interacts with, Jackson is probably the most authentic person you'd meet at camp. He says what he means and means what he says. He's also one hell of a loyal friend. If you're going to the big house, you want someone who won't ever rat you out. ____________________________________________________________________________ B I O G R A P H Y Jackson has never known a normal life. Not before he arrived at Camp Half-Blood and certainly not after the fact. But to understand what this means, you first must know who Jackson really is. For one, he was not born to the name of Jackson Drake. That is simply a cover name -- an alias if that’s what you want to call it -- that his father bestowed upon him to hide him. He was born to the ninja clan of Himura, bearing the name Ryusuke. And to a mother of the name Sayuri, who when she was just nineteen had a brief one night stand with Hermes, the Greek messenger of the Gods. It was when she was still very young and had a naive mindset, but it was one that was enough to bear them a child. But their lives didn’t allow for him to be around long. He was gone the next day and Sayuri hid the truth about who the father of her son was from her husband, Kenji Himura. See, Kenji is a fierce warrior within the Himura Clan and the son of the head of the clan. Sayuri has been set to wed him in marriage, but that frightened her to the point where she fled from their village one night and that’s when she had her fling with Hermes. It all happened in the span of a fortnight and Sayuri returned to Kenji, apologizing for dishonoring him and his family. It was understood that she was allowed this time to think before the clan fully acknowledged her as Kenji’s wife. As far as Sayuri’s story, that’s where it ended. Until five years later when she died of unknown causes, leaving behind a husband and her only son, Ryusuke. Jackson didn’t know his mother well enough to think back and remember her face or her voice. The only thing of her that many could recall was that he had her smile. Some of the village elders who knew Sayuri made sure he knew that. Those within the clan who weren’t afraid to speak of her whilst Kenji was nearby made sure Jackson heard stories of his mother. At the time, they knew him as Ryusuke. Ryusuke grew up hearing sweet murmurs of his mother’s gentle soul. But some things weren’t meant to last. When he turned ten, as it was in the Himura Clan, or as most knew, The Order of the Blood Dragon, when heirs of the clan turned ten, they began their training. And Jackson could still remember the horrors he endured as a child in his dreams today: brutal stamina and endurance training that left him laying exhausted in the forest on the outskirts of his village, learning how to fight in brutal, unforgiving ways with the consequences of failing being even worse, and what could only be described as borderline child abuse with all of the beatings he took during training. For five years, Jackson was forced to learn how to fight the Himura Way, which was unyielding and a very cowardly style of fighting. But in that, he learned the secret Himura fighting style of Chishiryaku-Ryu, or otherwise known as “The Way of the Assaulting Blood Dragon”. It is a deadly, dishonorable, malicious way of fighting that uses underhanded tactics and deceit to take advantage of an opponent or a group of an opponent to kill them in cowardly ways. It is the embodiment of the ninja way and still to this day, Jackson loathes it with every fiber in his being. And as the torture continued, there came a night where Ryusuke was enlightened to a fact that he never knew but one that someone he had never met before made him aware of. It was not in a dream but hovering over his bed, he saw a man who he had never seen before float over him. He had never met this floating man before, yet somewhere deep inside him he felt an immediate connection to him. Like he was someone whom he could trust. He couldn’t explain it, but everything he said about how his mother died, Ryusuke knew he could believe him. And when the man told him about how his mother died of a poison that was manufactured by a rival clan, in it he came to know the dark truth about Kenji Himura. Deceitful and cruel, much like the way he trained every other member of the clan, so was the man who led it. The Floating Man urged Ryusuke to run and not confront, saying that he was not yet strong enough to fight off not only his father, but the entire clan of Himura. He hated it because, at that moment, as he lay in his bed, he seethed with rage. He wanted vengeance for the mother who was taken from him. But somewhere in him told him to think smart. Run now to fight another day. And he knew the Floating Man was right. So when he ran. But not before securing himself some parting gifts.He stole his father’s prized ninjato, ninja throwing stars, and armor. To him, if he could not have his revenge, he would do what he could by robbing his father of the material things that he grew up knowing Kenji Himura valued above almost everything in his life. With the winged shoes, he found himself flying in the dead of night, but not just anywhere. At great speed, Ryusuke was flying over the Pacific Ocean. Though he was going at incredible speeds, he did not feel as though he was flying against the cold, arctic winds. He felt free for the first time. And for the next six years, Ryusuke Himura existed no longer. For the next six years, he lived as Jackson Drake. No longer would he identify as Ryusuke, son of Kenji Himura. He would be Jackson Drake, Son of Hermes and as almost everyone would come to know, there would be a certain recklessness that this specific son of Hermes possessed. Certainly someone who didn’t know the meaning of restraint and lacks a certain awareness of his actions that could be perceived as impulsive and idiotic at times. Of course, these come mostly from observations made from Mr. D that he’s heard from various third parties. Of course, Jackson disagrees vehemently with the old fart, but he wouldn’t dare tell that to his face. One thing is certain, however. The Jackson Drake now is a far cry from who he was when he went by his birth name. He is stronger now, though the jury is still out on him being wiser than he was. ____________________________________________________________________________ D E M I G O D I N F O C A B I N Cabin Six⧿ Hermes (Messenger of the Gods) S T A T U S Full-Time Camper F A T A L F L A W Reckless Abandon — Whether it's never knowing his limits or breaking some rules, Jackson is unable to process that taking a second to think about his actions might have dire consequences for him. That and some moments of blind rage seem to recur. T I M E A T C A M P Six years (going on seven); arrived at camp when he was 15 R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S ∞ Often leader of a group of likeminded rule-breakers who don’t mind getting on the bad side of Mr. D every once in a while. Requirements include liking fun and not being a narc or party pooper. ∞ Leads the restoration of the Hermes Cabin (faces difficulties due to all the strays that are tossed there) W E A P O N S All armor and weapons were reforged at the Camp Forge upon Jackson's request to not only add a divine aspect to them but to differentiate them from his (human) father, though the general appearance of everything is the same.Every piece of the armor from armor components to the weapons it pairs with all have "Blood Dragon" in its name because the Order of the Blood Dragon takes great pride and this set of armor is the highest point of pride it has and is the most prized possession that Jackson owns right next to his skateboard_______ ∞ Order of the Blood Dragon Master Armor - a complete set of light armor complete with gauntlets, kunai holders along the thigh of the pants, a cowl with a steel headpiece, a scarf for aero-dynamic advantages, and a magnetic feature for his sword, as well as space on both back sides of the hips to place his shuriken bags. . ∞ Chiryu no Kiba - the prized ninjato of the Himura clan and once owned by Kenji Himura, it is no longer than 60cm from hilt to the tip of the blade. What it lacks in strength, in the right hands, it more than makes up in cutting efficiency. It's hilt is black and red while its blade is like that of blood itself, aptly named "Blood Dragon Fang". ∞ Chiryu no Shugeki - Or otherwise known as the Blood Dragon's Raid, these set of kunai knives are recognized within the order as the secondary offensive weapon of trained ninja. Often used as the follow up to shuriken throwing stars, these throwing knives can be utilized in both projectile form as well as close combat. These black and red knives are as sharp and deadly as Chiryu no Kiba. ∞ Kuseikigaku - Or otherwise known as the Blood Dragon's Flying Stars, these are the original design of the Order of the Blood Dragon's trained elite ninja warriors, a design that, like the armor and other weapons, were stolen by Jackson and reforged at the Camp Forge.(Disguised as a white cane) A B I L I T I E S Jackson's abilities include: Enhanced Speed, Audiokinesis, and Limited Telumkinesis Enhanced speed Because of his father, Hermes, Jackson can move at speeds that might be faster than other Demis at camp. This is due to Hermes himself being such a being that can travel between dimensions almost at frightening speeds. Jackson, however, his enhancements take a different, severely less potent form than his father’s. Although he is fast, he cannot teleport like one might think he can. He can dash quickly and move from point A to point B in record time. And he might hold the record for speed runs, but he certainly doesn’t match the blurring speeds that most children of Hermes might be able to. In addition to having outrageous running speed, Jackson’s reflexes are above the average demigod. When it comes to landing on his feet after jumping from high places like the top of the Big House or of a very tall tree, he has cat-like reflexes that either allow him to land perfectly on his feet or superhero land with minimal recoil. While in battle or training, in addition to the refined fighting reflexes, it’s only gotten better since he’s been at camp. He has crazy accuracy with how he swings his sword and because of him being a legacy of Ares, his ability to fight is probably better than his brother Tyler’s (Jackson’s opinion of course). Audiokinesis : JAckson likes to think of himself as a born leader. Some might agree, especially with how dim-witted he may appear sometimes, but he has a certain way with people. It might be limited to people who think like himself, but he has the ability to persuade people even if he isn’t aware of it. Maybe it’s why he gets into trouble so many times, but with his silver tongue, he can make those who think like him come around to his way of thinking, which always tends to center around getting into trouble and breaking some rules. The main drawback from using this ability has always been full control. For Jackson, even though the confidence is mostly there, there exists a certain tug and pull dance between him and whoever he uses the ability on. Calling it an ability as if he uses it freely isn’t accurate, though. He just relies on his confidence to sway others. It’s a very hit-or-miss process. It relies on his ability to pique the interest of those he uses it on. If successful, they get to have fun; if unsuccessful, well then he finds entertainment elsewhere. Limited Telumkinesis (legacy power) : Telumkinesis is the innate ability to adapt to using various types of weapons. Normally it would allow Jackson to curse weapons, but he does not have access to it. What he does have access to -- and something he is quite proficient at -- is excelling at various types of fighting with a diverse amount of weapons. Or at least those that he was exposed to at a very young age. Such as katana, wakizashi, shuriken throwing stars, kunai knives, nunchucks, and his preferred weapon of choice, a ninjato. All of these he can use at an almost master level with the latter being his best one. Non-Divine Abilities - note: some aspects are enhanced due to Godly parent, but these are just to list certain abilities attained from other means. With his upbringing, Jackson (or Ryusuke in his past) has been trained as a ninja. He may have fled from his home and from his human father, but Jackson never forgot any of his training. Fusing it with his divine abilities, Jackson has more than abnormal reflexes and every time he fights (unsanctioned or not), it shows in his movements. Precision-based slashes, an accuracy that might even rival children of Apollo (if he were confident enough to state as much), and a general enhancement of most base, physical attributes are all present. His peak condition is only backed up by his divine DNA, though that didn’t play a part in most of what he’s capable of. In short, Jackson is a skilled fighter with the ability to show for it. Despite all of his accomplishments, Jackson’s fighting abilities that he has worked so hard to refine in his six years at Camp Half-Blood is very much a stealth-based style and sometimes trying to overpower certain sons of Ares when he fights them is hard because he lacks that overwhelming bloodlust and general physique that they possess (looking at you Bran). Sometimes his desire to surpass his limits betray him. ____________________________________________________________________________ C A B I N O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G "Face Off" by Tech N8ne, Joey Cool, King Iso, and Dywane Johnson Face Claim: Ryan Potter | #dc143c |
______________________________________ | "The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are." —Goldie Hahn |
___________________________________ N A M E Vivian Diana Lucasta A G E 18, August 11th G E N D E R Cisfemale S E X U A L I T Y Bisexual P L A C E O F O R I G I N Santa Monica, California N A T I O N A L I T Y American E T H N I C I T Y Swedish, English-Irish, Greek ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Hoplessly single and hopelessly hoping for it to end.
F A M I L Y Mother Lillian Lucasta (Alive) Father Apollo (God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, sunlight, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young) Siblings Fiamma Giannulli (Younger Half-Sister) Lucas Cresswell (Younger Half-Brother;) L E G A C Y Helios (God of the Sun) P E T S Hope, an adorable golden retriever who is most certainly a good girl. || "She’s just the best! I love her to death!." ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ THE SUN and summer, too! ✔ Blueberry anything: muffins, cookies, pancakes, waffles, smoothies -- you name it. ✔ The beach, or generally just being out in the sunshine. ✔ Music and the arts ✔ Competition. Vivian might be easily dissuaded but there’s something exciting about the games at Camp like the tower and everything else. ✔ Helping others ✔ Reality television ✔ Going for long walks on the beach, or just long walks in nature if the beach isn't available/nearby D I S L I K E S ✘ Snakes. Due to the curse laid upon her and her half-siblings, Vivian has a very intense dislike - and in some cases, fear - of snakes. ____________________________________________________________________________✘ Freezing weather. She loves being out in the sunlight, so the lack of it makes her hate the winter ✘ Mainstream pop music. Yes, he's aware this makes him a hipster. Yes, he's aware that it's popular for a reason. Still doesn't change the fact he can't stand the overproduced garbage. ✘ Her insecurities, but specifically the lack of an innate confidence and how quickly she doubts herself. ✘ Bad vibes. Vivian is always so happy and she just hates it when there's negativity around her, or directed at her, or anywhere near her ✘ Not so much a dislike but a worry about children of Hecate due to their potential of curses. Vivian hates to even think about it, but the idea of curses -- such as the one cast upon her and her siblings. She just doesn't trust them in that regard. ✘ Peanuts. Not that she's allergic, but she just never has enjoyed the taste. ✘ Aggressive rock music. Vivian will take Bastille and Death Cab over Metallica and Slayer anyday. P E R S O N A L I T Y Bubbily ☼ Energetic ☼ Overtly Positive ☼ Easy to Please ☼ Friendly ☼ Lovable ☼ Carefree ☼ Overworries ☼ Prone to opinions about her ☼ Insecure to a degree ☼ Often forgetful ☼ Easily discouraged Vivian embodies just about everything you or anyone could possibly imagine or want from a Daughter of the Greek God of Sun, Music, and Art. She embodies a liveliness that is infectious. Her smile and her laugh, the way she carries herself and how always - always - Vivian Lucasta can both make herself the life and center of the party (or any group/crowd for that matter) and not appear to be as though she wanted is both something that speaks to her character and how she never actively seeks attention. She also will never talk negatively about anyone or anything. A good girl to her core, Vivian believes there is good in just about anyone she meets. It doesn’t matter if they have been known to do bad things to people she has known to love or if they thought about doing these horrible things. Through it all, VIvian has been brought up to see the good in everyone and she continues to see the good in people now. ____________________________________________________________________________While Vivian is certainly the kind of person who will show an overly-positive demeanor with an engaging, lovable, and often abrasive niceness, she isn’t without some easily-influenceable aspects to her overall being. Particularly, Vivian has a lot of insecurities about how she can be perceived and most importantly, this happy-go-lucky valley girl is one of the easiest people to discourage and influence. Because she is so naive and so absolutely ignorant to a lot of things, to get her to see that one person might be good even when they are not is almost comical in how she will never see the truth coming. And even then, Vivian’s still pretty clueless and doesn’t know if so and so was actually a horrible person or not. That part of her brain has been wired to only see the light, never the darkness. It’s both a blessing and a curse. There also seems to be a bit of an inner-airhead when it comes to the Daughter of Apollo. It’s not that she doesn’t have a brain or any sign of intelligence up in her noggin, but because she is easily influenced by anyone who would dare want to use her in such horrible ways, she is also quite forgetful. She doesn’t forget names or faces or anything like that, but some important information like tests, where she was told to meet people - or hell, even something so short term as for where the gym is can slip her mind. But she does it all in such a cute way that people just laugh it off. But if there’s one person who’ll always give her crap about this particular aspect about her. B I O G R A P H Y Love is often hard to come by, especially in a world where it’s highly cynical of the concept of love, as well as the genuine concern that someone who shows even a little attention wants something in return. ____________________________________________________________________________And, usually that is the case, but it wasn’t the case for Lillian Lucasta. She was - and still is - a simple girl (well now woman) who was just twenty-one when she met the man of her dreams. For so long, she had the image of this man in her mind. Ever since she could think of the perfect man who could sweep her off her feet and make her feel truly special, the moment she met Apollo, the Greek God of the Sun and Music, proved to her that her dream guy didn’t even come close to him. The sweet smile he always gave her when she laughed and the way he made her feel every time they kissed and how he touched her. Their time together was short, but it wasn’t the first time that Apollo graced Lillian with his presence. He showed up when she was giving birth to their daughter and he came back every three years. Apollo, though he was a god, tried to be involved in his daughter’s life as often as he could. And though it was hard for Lillian because Apollo ruined other guys for her and she couldn’t really love any other man. Still, there was no doubt in her mind that the fact her daughter had a relationship with him was more than enough to quell her heartbreak. And it was for Vivian that knowing her father that shaped the girl into the kind of person she is now. Every three years, for a month, her father was around. Even when he wasn’t around physically, Apollo was there for her in other ways, too. Whenever she needed someone to talk to in her dreams, he was there. If she just needed to hear his voice, he’d talk to her in her mind. Vivian never cared that her father was a Greek God or whatever. She had grown up knowing that, but that didn’t matter. To her, he was her father - the light of her life and she was the light of his. Complicated or not, Apollo and his daughter Vivian have a relationship that is rare among the Godly Parents and their half-mortal children. The fact that Vivian knew about her Godly parentage early on made the moments that led up to her godly abilities manifest not all too surprising. The only thing that caught the chipper girl by surprise was around the time she turned sixteen that she was given the biggest blow to her life thus far when Apollo and her mother sat her down and said that she was going to be shipped off to a special place in New York called Camp Half-Blood. Confusion set in, but after a few more times, she understood. It was a place for others like her who had a god or goddess for a parent and this place protected them as they learned how to harness their new-found abilities. D E M I G O D I N F O C A B I N ____________________________________________________________________________Cabin 7, Apollo (God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, sunlight, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young) Y E A R S AT C A M P The current year will be her second year at camp. F A T A L F L A W Vivian’s fatal flaw is how she lacks self-confidence and confidence in her own abilities and worth as a quest team member. R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S Camper and occasional healer F O R M When at her strongest -- which is always in the afternoon -- Vivian’s body takes up a faint, golden glow. Her irises shine gold and white, her hair becomes more golden than it is, what would normally only be partial in regards to her powers, they become complete for a limited time. This form can only be possible during the summer, though, due to the sun being its hottest. It’s only triggered by extreme distress and/or a desperate need to protect. W E A P O N S Vivian has a shortsword named Aphelios, named for Vivian’s legacy. It was one of the first things gifted to her by her father via a vision sent to her by Apollo after she arrived at Camp Half-Blood. It is a shortsword with an elaborate and luxurious design whose hilt is encrusted with solid gold and rubies scattered throughout. The handguard is that of golden hawk wings, and the blade is a solid gold-like steel. In its hidden form, Aphelios takes the form of a similarly-designed pen, much like Percy Jackson’s weapon, but it is gold with a red thrust device. A B I L I T I E S Vivian’s abilities include: Photokinesis, Vitakinesis, and partial precognition ۞ Light of My Life — Partial Photokinesis ۞ As a daughter of Apollo, Vivian is able to produce and manipulate a magnificent light drawn from the sun itself. It can take many forms, shapes, and, of course, has used in both offensive and defensive, both of which Viv neither lacks nor specializes in one or the other. It reacts in accordance to her emotions. In that, when she has the sudden urge to protect, it will shine so brightly to the point of blinding those her heart may deem a threat to her or whoever has the benefit of being behind her. Alternatively, in the rare instance that Vivian may act - oh, let’s say hostile - towards an individual or a group of individuals, the light will not show mercy. It will continue until the enemy is dealt with accordingly. A blast upon blast, waves of immeasurable force, and a thinly-veiled aura enhancing her demigodly capabilities just to ensure the desire of Vivian's heart is accomplished. ۞ Listen to Me - Vitakinesis ۞ Vivian wouldn’t consider a master healer by any right. She knows her limits and can’t do much past minor wounds, but something she can do is let the sound of her quote-unquote “angelic” voice soothe those who hear it and they will find that a cut they’ve received from a fight or even a partially-broken bone will be completely healed in minutes. The thing about her healing abilities is, yes it is very much in early stages of development, but Vivian’s own insecurities sometimes doesn’t allow for her to have complete-optimization of her potential. ۞ I Can See the Light - Partial Precognition ۞ Like her father, Vivian can see into the future, but it is one, very inconsistent and two, never shows her more than a few seconds of a certain event. Her vision comes in the form of literal flashes of light and almost unprompted. She can be walking and she’ll get a blacking-out-like experience as she sees events of an event in the future for a maximum of five seconds. It could be from one day or a year at the time of getting them. Or it could be a few seconds. After she gets her visions, the knowledge is troubling and confusing, but Vivian gets plagued with headaches that only seem to go away when she sunbathes R O O M O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G Face Claim • Lili Reinhart || Dialogue Color • Goldenrod/#daa520 |
______________________________________ | "The road to hell is paved with good intentions. |
___________________________________ N A M E Damien Moses Blake A G E November 9th, 18 G E N D E R Cismale S E X U A L I T Y Pansexual P L A C E O F O R I G I N [London, England N A T I O N A L I T Y British-American E T H N I C I T Y English and Greek ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Single for now F A M I L Y Mother Amelia Blake — Mother (Alive) Father Hades (King of the Underworld & Lord of the Dead) Siblings Erin Maree Chase (Older Half-Sister) Nico Di Angelo (Older Half-Brother; Camp Alum) Bianca Di Angelo (Older Half-Sister; Camp Alum) Hazel Levesque (Older Half-Sister; Camp Alum) Stepmother Persephone (Goddess of Vegetation) L E G A C Y Hecate (Goddess of boundaries, crossroads, witchcraft, and ghosts) P E T S Onyx, a black ceberus who has the visage of a black pit.. Damien always felt a certain pull towards those given bad reps and pitbulls are probably the most misunderstood of all dog breeds. || "A loyal partner-in-crime. He won't attack you if he doesn't perceive you as a threat to me. And he only attacks on my command." ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ His mother, stepmother, and legacy-mother. Let's just say, while Damien can't stand his father, the three women in his life mean the world to me. ✔ Anything rock and roll. This could range from the music, to bands, to lifestyle, to even the fashion. ✔ The original Coc-a-Cola. Yes, that means the one with a bit of cocaine in it. D I S L I K E S ✘ Hades - as if this needs any explanation. Damien hates his father with a passion. ____________________________________________________________________________✘ Excessively positive people. Not that he dislikes them personally, but too much positivity gives him indigestion. ✘ Mainstream pop music. Yes, he's aware this makes him a hipster. Yes, he's aware that it's popular for a reason. Still doesn't change the fact he can't stand the overproduced garbage. ✘ Church and most religions other than the religion of worshipping rock and roll. This has less to do with him being the son of the Greek Satan and more to do with his athetist-esque beliefs, which he is aware is ironic considering he's a demigod. P E R S O N A L I T Y Honest → Selectively compassionate → loyal →moderately antisocial → volatile (in good ways and bad) → spiteful → holds grudges Damien isn't one to always be forthright with how he really feels but he also isn't afraid to speak his mind should he feel the need to. He's pretty unpredictable in that way. Another fact about him is his tendency to hold onto grudges from years past. See, loyalty and trust has always been a rare thing for him. You can blame it on his father if you want (he sure as hell will), but he's been wronged so many times that Damien just doesn't have it in him to outright trust someone. But, if you can somehow manage to prove to him you're worthy of his trust, he'll give you loyalty in return. Break it and you'll find out just how much of his father's petty he really inherited. ____________________________________________________________________________As a lover, Damien is somewhere between a passionate romance to someone who will make your exes jealous. And he doesn't mind being that for people. He's never been too picky when it came to whoever he boned. Honestly, he's never had a monogamous relationship in his life. Granted he's only 18, but the fact remains. He might be Hades' son, but one might venture a guess as to how much like Zeus he really is. Eh, probably too much if he gets around as much as he does. B I O G R A P H Y Balance is the key to everything in the universe. For every action, there’s an opposite and equal reaction, right? For every good thing you do, it is often followed by a mistake of equal proportion. And just like that, for every Erin Chase, whose relationship with Hades, while not ideal, was decent, there is a Damien Blake, someone whose thoughts about Hades border on homicidal. And that’s on a good day. ____________________________________________________________________________Damien’s contempt for Hades exceeds as far away from it centering around the King of the Underworld being an absentee father. Damien accepted long ago that Hades wasn’t going to be in his life in any traditional sense. He wouldn’t wake up to the smell of pancakes and his father reading the paper. He wouldn’t experience typical father-son moments like playing catch, talking about girls or why Donald Trump is a moron. Or argue with his father about why the latter supports Boris Johnson. If only it were that simple, right? Growing up in London, Damien always had to fend for himself. His mom, as much as she loved him, couldn’t prepare him for everything. Their neighborhood was one of the many bad ones that were filled to the brim with criminals and drug dealers and all kinds of unsavory types, but his mother Amelia Blake was always his rock. And until a point in his life when he couldn’t rely on her, she was the person who gave him the strength to be strong. The person who he knew would always make his bad days okay again. No matter what happened, Damien could always rely on her. But unbeknownst to him, Amelia had made a literal deal with the devil. But this devil wasn’t Lucifer Morningstar or even the other devil-like figures in the various mythologies. This devil was sly, handsome, and a real charmer (his mother’s words, obviously). But he was also a bitter, scarred bastard and forced Amelia into a deal: in exchange for allowing Damien to know his humane side, Amelia could raise Damien for a full decade. From birth to his tenth birthday, he was going to live with her, but after his tenth birthday, the clock ran out and he would be whisked away from her and live in the underworld with Hades, his father. This is why Damien hates his father. He stole him away from the only parent he ever gave a damn about. It didn’t matter if life in the underworld was different and objectively amazing (his father’s words), Damien never let up on his anger. From ten until fourteen, he lived in the underworld, but during those times - especially after the first two years - Damien made trouble for Hades. At some point, he imprisoned Damien as a bizarre form of being grounded. The only contact he had was with his stepmother, Persephone and Persephone’s close companion, Hecate. It was Hecate who Damien felt the most drawn to. Maybe it was his natural affinity towards the dark side of things or his anger, but throughout his time in the underworld, which that in itself must have made time go by a lot slower, because his time spent studying under Hecate, learning from her, and generally feeling like he was some kind of adopted child of hers -- okay, maybe he was more like a student -- there was no doubting that he and Hecate shared a bond. After a few years locked away in the underworld, Damien made a daring attempt in escaping. He knew Hades would be mad, but who the fuck cared about him, anyway? With the help of his Legacy, Hecate, she opened up a portal from the Underworld to Long Island, New York. It was the place where Camp Half-Blood was and it was the only place he could go to be truly safe from Hades. And he did. And for nearly four years, he had been at Camp Half-Blood. For nearly four years, Damien Blake has held onto the hatred for his father, vowing one day he would go back to the underworld and kill his father. And maybe, one day, take over the underworld for himself. Maybe it was a big dream, but someone had to do it, right? D E M I G O D I N F O C A B I N ____________________________________________________________________________Cabin 13, Hades (King of the Underworld) Y E A R S AT C A M P Technically, three and a half since he arrived on his fourteenth birthday, but the official record states it’s been four. F A T A L F L A W Holding onto grudges and his temper (when it comes to certain individuals). R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S W E A P O N S • Shadowhunter - two short swords imbued with magical runes (gifted to him by Hecate). The runes themselves enhance sharpness and accuracy, but mostly against mythological creatures that threaten Damien's safety. • Unnamed - A set of eight throwing knives that were forged at the Camp Half-Blood forge upon his request for ranged weapons. A B I L I T I E S Damien's abilities include: Necromancy, Umbrakinesis, Limited Pyrokinesis, and Rune Spellcraft Necromancy: Due to being the son of Hades, which he may hate more than anything in the world, Damien cannot deny his powers, especially that of the dead. Like his siblings before him, Damien has a certain control over the dead such as reviving them, speaking with them, commanding skeletons to fight for him, or in his case, serve as his training dummies. Most of the dead souls and skeletons that Damien chooses to focus on are those who were warriors in their past lives. Since it's more than likely that he couldn't properly train against those who still live, Damien much prefers it this way. Making my Monster Grow!: Damien has the ability to raise dead souls (to an extent). And though he may be able to raise all sorts of souls of the deceased, his preference has always been those who were warriors in their past lives. And he, of course, can only revive a limited number, but since they do tend to serve a singular purpose, the amount of time they linger about is, of course, limited in a sense. I hear dead people: Damien has always had a somewhat unorthodox relationship with the dead. Due to this, his ability to hear them almost at any time he desired to, Damien could strike up conversations with the souls of the dead that might be in the process of crossing the Styx River or have been recently deceased. Though possible, talking to the dead across dimensions (i.e. those in the Underworld), does take just a little of added effort on his end. Nevertheless, there is something to be noted of his affiliation for the ghastly and strange. Umbrakinesis: As a child of Hades, Damien's affinity for darkness is apparent, he can control the darkness in most facets that are available to him. He can use it to travel in the shadows, bend it to cover his skin a protective layer of "shadow skin", as well as use it offensively in the forms of tendrils and bolts of darkness. Shredding Boundaries, man!: Damien's ability with the shared shadow travel his siblings have might be different than theirs. Of course, they all share the same principles, which is using their connection to the underworld and their father to travel using the shadows, but in Damien's case, his is more of a strategic usage. Since he himself, at his core, is a warrior. As such, not only does using it not tire him out as it would others who can use this ability, he does not use it to travel great distances but rather a few feet, though using it in rapid succession (more than 5 times in less than thirty seconds) would have the same effect on him as it would those who use it to travel across state lines. This is because he is also actively using other abilities in battle, so there is also that to consider. Shrouded in Darkness: Manipulation of darkness takes another form for Damien as he can wrap himself in the shadows that cover either parts of his body or its entirety depending on what he desires. It acts as a second layer or slightly harder skin that, to its touch, is like a smooth surface but can withstand multiple blows from steel. But as great as it is, if partially donned, then his other umbrakinesis-related abilities will be weakened equal to how much of his body is covered. If he choses to give all to his defense, then he won't be able to use any of his other umbrakinesis abilities. And donning it completely will gradually drain him over time. Spikes and other Things: Offensively, Damien can manipulate and generate darkness into tendrils that come from the ground with the intent to impale his desired target. And likewise, he can create bolts of dark energy that look like a blackened version of Zeus' lightning bolt and it may seem like that too, but when it hits, it's just condensed, dark energy that has high concussive force behind it. And depending on how much focus he puts into it, they will either have the power of a soft punch or that of a wrecking ball. Of course, both come with their drawbacks: weaker bolts and tendrils will be able to be used several times over until he is drained while those with the potnetial for higher damage output would drain him severely. Limited Pyrokinesis: Being the son of Hades makes his ability to create and manipulate hellfire a given, but Damien is not, as one might put it, a pyromaniac. As such, he is not so skilled in it. He can create fireballs and fire bolts, but as for the more complicated abilities, he does not have an inkling of potential there. Spellcraft: Call it a gift from the goddess that may have taken something of a special interest in Damien. Hecate imbued him with the knowledge of spellcraft, which he took and built upon it, focusing on offensive and battle-centric runes. Whether they are the battle runes that were engraved on his body (generally ones that enhance physical capabilities and accuracy), or on his Shadowhunter blades, Damien would consider himself very adept when it comes to general spellcasting. And one might even find that he's extremely grateful to Hecate for it, as he uses it frequently in battle. R O O M O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G Face Claim • Jamie Campbell Bower || Dialogue Color • #6699cc |
______________________________________ | "Nanakorobi yaoki. If you fall seven times, then you stand up eight." |
___________________________________ N A M E Jackson Drake Originally born to the name of Ryusuke Himura Goes by Jack, Jackie, JB O N L I N E - N A M E ∞ JackofallTrades (Youtube & Tik Tok) A G E 1st of April - Twenty-One G E N D E R CisMale S E X U A L I T Y Femalesexual - an intense attraction towards females he's straight N A T I O N A L I T Y Japanese-American E T H N I C I T Y Greek/Japanese P R O V E N A N C E Somewhere in Japan(originially) ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Single and looking girls!
L E G A C Y Ares (God of courage & war) P E T S O T H E R TBD ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ Girls, girls girls~ - what can Jackson say? He's an admirer of the sometimes fairer sex || "But given present company, even those who seem like they might be fairer will surprise you. Good thing I've got a built-in, anti-jump scare immune system!" ✔ Pushing himself to the limit - working out, camp events & activities (all of them), he loves to just push himself as far as he can and discovering what limits exist so that he can surpass them. || "It's about drive and power. I have to stay strong to devour! ...okay yeah I may have ripped that song, but you get it!" ✔ Getting into trouble - sneaking out past curfew, engaging in unsanctioned activities to really push himself to the max, and in general do things from under Mr. D's nose || "Yeah, I'm a bad influence, but if you don't die, then it's all good!" ✔ The early days of spring when the breeze of winter is still present but you can see the flowers bloom || "Reminds me a bit of home. Boy, do I miss the cherry blossoms." ✔ Geeking out by playing video games and watching some home-grown, proper anime || "I'm the best Master Yi main and nobody can say that I'm not." ✔ Wrestling, mixed martial arts, boxing, etc - pretty much anything that involves grown men beating up each other inside a specified space and in front of a crowd ✔ General Asian martial arts movies - some classics, some not, some recent, and some before his grandfather was born ✔ J-Pop - specifically idols and Babymetal || "Don't ask me why. Don't even ask how many because there's too many. I just like them, okay?" D I S L I K E S ✘ Rules - not so much the fact they exist but that they're heavily enforced || "If they exist, they should be broken." ✘ Not being able to pass his limits || "Being physically limited sometimes sucks big major ass." ✘ Anything to do with nectarines || "These false peaches have no place anywhere near my mouth." ✘ Not so much a dislike, but Jackson feels particularly competitive with the Sons of Ares || “It’s written in the stars. Ares is my legacy, so of course I want to be able to beat his blood. Plus, who doesn’t like a little competition? Then again, they do always defeat me. Gotta work on that.” ✘ Getting punished by Mr. D || “And it’s all the damn time, too!” ✘ Kimchi || “I’m sorry but I just don’t see the appeal.” ✘ His human “step” father || “Fuck that prick!” ✘ Ice cream || “FroYo master race let’s fucking goooooo!” ____________________________________________________________________________ P E R S O N A L I T Y Couragous → charismatic → energetic → loyal → fearless → confident → foolhardy → passionate (to a fault) → reckless → rebellious → temperamental → dense → prone to fits of anger It's hard to describe Jackson because, at times, it seems like there are two people living simultaneously within him, though never seeming like an alter personality or anything of the sort. More like two sides of the same unique coin. There is the gifted warrior whose valor and guts have carried him far at camp and through life, really. The warrior whose anger and temper knows only a few equals, all of whom are tied back to his legacy and the God of War, Ares. The warrior who proves time and time again that he isn't afraid to rise to the occasion when push comes to shove. Jackson shows very little fear and if he does show fear, he also displays a willingness to conquer said fear. He likes to push himself past his limits so that he might be able to figure out if they truly are his limits. The other person that lives within him is the idiot that Hermes has for a son and that Tyler has for a brother. He is dim-witted and doesn't always think with his brain (implying he has one, right?). He is foolish, reckless, and above all else, tends to say things without really thinking what they actually mean. Or if he does know, he doesn't have the self-awareness to realize that what is coming out of his mouth is absolute garbage. Tying to how he likes to push his limits, sometimes Jackson doesn't know when to give up. Actually, he doesn't know the meaning of the word. He might have a silver-tongue, but he often uses it to get him and others into trouble, which might just be the reason why he has made frequent visits to the Big House and had private beratings meetings with Mr. D about his actions and how it's almost always him getting others into trouble. Yeah, not his fault he likes to have fun in the name of fuck the rules. But all of that aside, Jackson has a gentle soul and one that might be a bit of a romantic. He has an unique way of going about romance and might strike out more than he doesn't, but you can't say that he isn't earnest about what shots he shoots. As idiotic as he might be and as dumb he might appear to most (if not all) people he interacts with, Jackson is probably the most authentic person you'd meet at camp. He says what he means and means what he says. He's also one hell of a loyal friend. If you're going to the big house, you want someone who won't ever rat you out. ____________________________________________________________________________ B I O G R A P H Y Jackson has never known a normal life. Not before he arrived at Camp Half-Blood and certainly not after the fact. But to understand what this means, you first must know who Jackson really is. For one, he was not born to the name of Jackson Drake. That is simply a cover name -- an alias if that’s what you want to call it -- that his father bestowed upon him to hide him. He was born to the ninja clan of Himura, bearing the name Ryusuke. And to a mother of the name Sayuri, who when she was just nineteen had a brief one night stand with Hermes, the Greek messenger of the Gods. It was when she was still very young and had a naive mindset, but it was one that was enough to bear them a child. But their lives didn’t allow for him to be around long. He was gone the next day and Sayuri hid the truth about who the father of her son was from her husband, Kenji Himura. See, Kenji is a fierce warrior within the Himura Clan and the son of the head of the clan. Sayuri has been set to wed him in marriage, but that frightened her to the point where she fled from their village one night and that’s when she had her fling with Hermes. It all happened in the span of a fortnight and Sayuri returned to Kenji, apologizing for dishonoring him and his family. It was understood that she was allowed this time to think before the clan fully acknowledged her as Kenji’s wife. As far as Sayuri’s story, that’s where it ended. Until five years later when she died of unknown causes, leaving behind a husband and her only son, Ryusuke. Jackson didn’t know his mother well enough to think back and remember her face or her voice. The only thing of her that many could recall was that he had her smile. Some of the village elders who knew Sayuri made sure he knew that. Those within the clan who weren’t afraid to speak of her whilst Kenji was nearby made sure Jackson heard stories of his mother. At the time, they knew him as Ryusuke. Ryusuke grew up hearing sweet murmurs of his mother’s gentle soul. But some things weren’t meant to last. When he turned ten, as it was in the Himura Clan, or as most knew, The Order of the Blood Dragon, when heirs of the clan turned ten, they began their training. And Jackson could still remember the horrors he endured as a child in his dreams today: brutal stamina and endurance training that left him laying exhausted in the forest on the outskirts of his village, learning how to fight in brutal, unforgiving ways with the consequences of failing being even worse, and what could only be described as borderline child abuse with all of the beatings he took during training. For five years, Jackson was forced to learn how to fight the Himura Way, which was unyielding and a very cowardly style of fighting. But in that, he learned the secret Himura fighting style of Chishiryaku-Ryu, or otherwise known as “The Way of the Assaulting Blood Dragon”. It is a deadly, dishonorable, malicious way of fighting that uses underhanded tactics and deceit to take advantage of an opponent or a group of an opponent to kill them in cowardly ways. It is the embodiment of the ninja way and still to this day, Jackson loathes it with every fiber in his being. And as the torture continued, there came a night where Ryusuke was enlightened to a fact that he never knew but one that someone he had never met before made him aware of. It was not in a dream but hovering over his bed, he saw a man who he had never seen before float over him. He had never met this floating man before, yet somewhere deep inside him he felt an immediate connection to him. Like he was someone whom he could trust. He couldn’t explain it, but everything he said about how his mother died, Ryusuke knew he could believe him. And when the man told him about how his mother died of a poison that was manufactured by a rival clan, in it he came to know the dark truth about Kenji Himura. Deceitful and cruel, much like the way he trained every other member of the clan, so was the man who led it. The Floating Man urged Ryusuke to run and not confront, saying that he was not yet strong enough to fight off not only his father, but the entire clan of Himura. He hated it because, at that moment, as he lay in his bed, he seethed with rage. He wanted vengeance for the mother who was taken from him. But somewhere in him told him to think smart. Run now to fight another day. And he knew the Floating Man was right. So when he ran. But not before securing himself some parting gifts.He stole his father’s prized ninjato, ninja throwing stars, and armor. To him, if he could not have his revenge, he would do what he could by robbing his father of the material things that he grew up knowing Kenji Himura valued above almost everything in his life. With the winged shoes, he found himself flying in the dead of night, but not just anywhere. At great speed, Ryusuke was flying over the Pacific Ocean. Though he was going at incredible speeds, he did not feel as though he was flying against the cold, arctic winds. He felt free for the first time. And for the next six years, Ryusuke Himura existed no longer. For the next six years, he lived as Jackson Drake. No longer would he identify as Ryusuke, son of Kenji Himura. He would be Jackson Drake, Son of Hermes and as almost everyone would come to know, there would be a certain recklessness that this specific son of Hermes possessed. Certainly someone who didn’t know the meaning of restraint and lacks a certain awareness of his actions that could be perceived as impulsive and idiotic at times. Of course, these come mostly from observations made from Mr. D that he’s heard from various third parties. Of course, Jackson disagrees vehemently with the old fart, but he wouldn’t dare tell that to his face. One thing is certain, however. The Jackson Drake now is a far cry from who he was when he went by his birth name. He is stronger now, though the jury is still out on him being wiser than he was. ____________________________________________________________________________ D E M I G O D I N F O C A B I N Cabin Six⧿ Hermes (Messenger of the Gods) S T A T U S Full-Time Camper F A T A L F L A W Reckless Abandon — Whether it's never knowing his limits or breaking some rules, Jackson is unable to process that taking a second to think about his actions might have dire consequences for him. That and some moments of blind rage seem to recur. T I M E A T C A M P Six years (going on seven); arrived at camp when he was 15 R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S ∞ Often leader of a group of likeminded rule-breakers who don’t mind getting on the bad side of Mr. D every once in a while. Requirements include liking fun and not being a narc or party pooper. ∞ Leads the restoration of the Hermes Cabin (faces difficulties due to all the strays that are tossed there) W E A P O N S All armor and weapons were reforged at the Camp Forge upon Jackson's request to not only add a divine aspect to them but to differentiate them from his (human) father, though the general appearance of everything is the same.Every piece of the armor from armor components to the weapons it pairs with all have "Blood Dragon" in its name because the Order of the Blood Dragon takes great pride and this set of armor is the highest point of pride it has and is the most prized possession that Jackson owns right next to his skateboard_______ ∞ Order of the Blood Dragon Master Armor - a complete set of light armor complete with gauntlets, kunai holders along the thigh of the pants, a cowl with a steel headpiece, a scarf for aero-dynamic advantages, and a magnetic feature for his sword, as well as space on both back sides of the hips to place his shuriken bags. . ∞ Chiryu no Kiba - the prized ninjato of the Himura clan and once owned by Kenji Himura, it is no longer than 60cm from hilt to the tip of the blade. What it lacks in strength, in the right hands, it more than makes up in cutting efficiency. It's hilt is black and red while its blade is like that of blood itself, aptly named "Blood Dragon Fang". ∞ Chiryu no Shugeki - Or otherwise known as the Blood Dragon's Raid, these set of kunai knives are recognized within the order as the secondary offensive weapon of trained ninja. Often used as the follow up to shuriken throwing stars, these throwing knives can be utilized in both projectile form as well as close combat. These black and red knives are as sharp and deadly as Chiryu no Kiba. ∞ Kuseikigaku - Or otherwise known as the Blood Dragon's Flying Stars, these are the original design of the Order of the Blood Dragon's trained elite ninja warriors, a design that, like the armor and other weapons, were stolen by Jackson and reforged at the Camp Forge.(Disguised as a white cane) A B I L I T I E S Jackson's abilities include: Enhanced Speed, Audiokinesis, and Limited Telumkinesis Enhanced speed Because of his father, Hermes, Jackson can move at speeds that might be faster than other Demis at camp. This is due to Hermes himself being such a being that can travel between dimensions almost at frightening speeds. Jackson, however, his enhancements take a different, severely less potent form than his father’s. Although he is fast, he cannot teleport like one might think he can. He can dash quickly and move from point A to point B in record time. And he might hold the record for speed runs, but he certainly doesn’t match the blurring speeds that most children of Hermes might be able to. In addition to having outrageous running speed, Jackson’s reflexes are above the average demigod. When it comes to landing on his feet after jumping from high places like the top of the Big House or of a very tall tree, he has cat-like reflexes that either allow him to land perfectly on his feet or superhero land with minimal recoil. While in battle or training, in addition to the refined fighting reflexes, it’s only gotten better since he’s been at camp. He has crazy accuracy with how he swings his sword and because of him being a legacy of Ares, his ability to fight is probably better than his brother Tyler’s (Jackson’s opinion of course). Audiokinesis : JAckson likes to think of himself as a born leader. Some might agree, especially with how dim-witted he may appear sometimes, but he has a certain way with people. It might be limited to people who think like himself, but he has the ability to persuade people even if he isn’t aware of it. Maybe it’s why he gets into trouble so many times, but with his silver tongue, he can make those who think like him come around to his way of thinking, which always tends to center around getting into trouble and breaking some rules. The main drawback from using this ability has always been full control. For Jackson, even though the confidence is mostly there, there exists a certain tug and pull dance between him and whoever he uses the ability on. Calling it an ability as if he uses it freely isn’t accurate, though. He just relies on his confidence to sway others. It’s a very hit-or-miss process. It relies on his ability to pique the interest of those he uses it on. If successful, they get to have fun; if unsuccessful, well then he finds entertainment elsewhere. Limited Telumkinesis (legacy power) : Telumkinesis is the innate ability to adapt to using various types of weapons. Normally it would allow Jackson to curse weapons, but he does not have access to it. What he does have access to -- and something he is quite proficient at -- is excelling at various types of fighting with a diverse amount of weapons. Or at least those that he was exposed to at a very young age. Such as katana, wakizashi, shuriken throwing stars, kunai knives, nunchucks, and his preferred weapon of choice, a ninjato. All of these he can use at an almost master level with the latter being his best one. Non-Divine Abilities - note: some aspects are enhanced due to Godly parent, but these are just to list certain abilities attained from other means. With his upbringing, Jackson (or Ryusuke in his past) has been trained as a ninja. He may have fled from his home and from his human father, but Jackson never forgot any of his training. Fusing it with his divine abilities, Jackson has more than abnormal reflexes and every time he fights (unsanctioned or not), it shows in his movements. Precision-based slashes, an accuracy that might even rival children of Apollo (if he were confident enough to state as much), and a general enhancement of most base, physical attributes are all present. His peak condition is only backed up by his divine DNA, though that didn’t play a part in most of what he’s capable of. In short, Jackson is a skilled fighter with the ability to show for it. Despite all of his accomplishments, Jackson’s fighting abilities that he has worked so hard to refine in his six years at Camp Half-Blood is very much a stealth-based style and sometimes trying to overpower certain sons of Ares when he fights them is hard because he lacks that overwhelming bloodlust and general physique that they possess (looking at you Bran). Sometimes his desire to surpass his limits betray him. ____________________________________________________________________________ C A B I N O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G "Face Off" by Tech N8ne, Joey Cool, King Iso, and Dywane Johnson Face Claim: Ryan Potter | #dc143c |