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Eddie's eyes widened as the screen lit up, his brother's newly reformed jaw cracking as it parted at the sight of what was shown. Nothing could prepare them for the shock that gripped them in the sky, for in that moment, the vampire’s cold, yellow eyes were drawn to the sensation of what felt like sweat sliding down his temple. It was actually just a last drop of lab water that had escaped between dead, white strands of the monster’s tightly kept hair, and yet that single drop was enough to induce a powerful feeling of recognition that drew his eyes back to the screen.

Through that screen, he recognized himself, the city of Allure, the planet called Earth, and most importantly, despite not truly knowing it, he comprehended all of those things, as well as their relative positions. He understood them. Why? Because he knew what it was like to be at the bottom. Eddie knew what it was like to be a weak, defenseless human, helpless against forces greater than his own, that had transformed him into an undead creature of the night. He knew how his position had changed since then, how he and Goldman had grown strong enough to stand up to those forces and destroy them.

Now he had to stand up to this.

Returning his attention to the old man, Eddie spoke his demands with a refreshed aura about him.

"We want double.

"The first half is for repairs to our business, and the second will be for lost future gains that will come as a result of these repairs."

Goldman's jaw closed with another chain of cracks, followed by more as he slowly raised his head, tightening his tie with his golden fingers in the process. His moment of tidying himself up would have to wait, for as he reached with his right, golden index finger to adjust his sunglasses, he instead moved it back to his earpiece in response to a voice speaking through a cloud of supernatural static. The owner of the voice possessed a thick, west Texas accent, and spoke his words with full, unironic ease, betraying the complete urgency of the message he was conveying to the brothers.

"Leadahs of th --ite Sy--d-cate. It mig-- b- ti-e to consider --sten readyin’ the horse and carriage."


Goldman rotated his neck to face his brother, who heard everything that was said over the rapidly clearing link.

Eddie looked over at Caldwell, then back at his brother, whose partially scrunched brows and pursed lips reinforced the fact that this was not a call to be put on hold. “Excuse us.”

The Texan took the vampire’s request to the stranger on the other end as a sign to continue his address. "As Ah’m sure you are keenly aware, the wolves have come out of their dens, and they brought the whole damn pack with ‘em.”

“The seventh syndicate has yet to show itself, Jackson.”

“Right you are, Mr.Goldman, but from the way things stand now, we may not have a choice.”

"Don’t listen to that bullshit," came a different voice, the words tinged with a strain that came with being injured all over, "this requires that all seven syndicate leaders be present, or we’ll be devoured. So when I said six isn't enough, I meant SIX of you isn't enough."

"Heh heh, calm down, Pawn." Ron coolly interjected, "Ah’m sure they’ll get the message one way or another."

“N-NO!” the right hand of the Red Syndicate shouted with agonized warning. “It’s YOU, Ron who isn’t getting it. All seven demons HAVE to be satisfied. If we don’t satisfy all seven of them, they could turn on one of us, each other, or even worse...themselves.”

The ivory suited monster’s brow rose at the sudden introduction of new and dangerous information. “What exactly does he mean by six of us isn’t enough. You told us he said we needed seven, and while I am inclined to believe him due to what he is, WHY seven? What is the importance of it?”

“He means that if we wake up one of those things, and it ain’t satisfied with our the amount of evil we got festerin’ our hearts, it’ll punish us for wasting its time.”

“Not...entirely.” Pawn said more calmly, having managed to suppress some of the pain he was in. “It doesn’t capture the full scope of what could go wrong. They too will suffer for failing to bond with their prospective partners, or rather it’s what they will resort to doing if they realize they are lacking the ‘right stuff’, that will lead to the mission’s failure.”

“Then what is the full scope, Seraphim. Tell me, before this man decides not to reimburse me for my losses. Enlighten me nooow.” The end of his sentence came with snarling hiss. The vexing nature of the day’s numerous events had not been kind to a six-hundred-year-old creature of the night, whose only desire was to be left alone, so he could quietly run his syndicate.

“Listen, Goldy.” This time the shinobi spoke in a manner that sounded nearly relaxed. “Demons are not without feelings. What separates a human from a demon is that demons only truly resonate with one thing--the sin they were born from.

“What unites men with demons is their urge to bond with that which is most familiar to them, helping them to feel complete. Humans are willing to forego certain aspects of themselves, all for the sake of fitting in. Demons on the other hand are very bad at this--in fact, they’re terrible at it. Their nature is far closer to that of an animal--driven predominantly by primal instinct, yet still able to convey their feelings with lucidity due to being sentient.”

Eddie couldn’t help but roll his eyes at this. “I didn’t ask for a demonology lecture, Pawn. I want to know why they demand such a specific number.”

“There are seven deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride...”

“Yes, yes...get to the point...” Eddie was now tapping his cane against the floor, exhaustion kicking in.

“A demon of envy will only be able to truly bond with a man who has envy in his heart, but that envy must be strong.” Pawn stated. “The same goes for all the others, but as I said there are only SEVEN deadly sins, not six, not five, not four - seven. If six people travel to Hell, and bond with six demons, the last remaining demon will do whatever it takes to create a bond.”

“Really now?” The ninja had the vampire uncharacteristically intrigued now. “Anything?

“It may try to disguise itself as a different sin in order to match the evil most prominent in one of the syndicate leader’s hearts.”


“And it would 100% backfire. We’re talking about the two of you forming a spiritual tether that will bind your souls together. To lie about who you are, to disguise your true self, this leads to an unstable tether and will invite pure chaos. This chaos will bury itself within the core of your being, and unlike a curse that corrupts a person gradually... this will make your soul explode--and I promise you--there won’t be any second chances.

“No resurrection.

“No reincarnation.

Permanent. Karmic. Death.

“Your own personal omega.”

Eddie was at a loss for words. Before he could get halfway through clearing his throat, Ron said something which caught the Ivory Monster by surprise.

“Why don’t you go get somethin’ t’drink, boah. Ya sound parched.”
If you're really that eager to fight then just attack someone in your intro. No one's gonna stop you.
So has no one actually attacked yet? While I like meandering around writing about particulate matter and saying the words 'multiverse' and 'bose Einstein condensate' and other buzz words for God tier fights as much as the next guy, I'm only interested if any of that will actually happen. So far it's following the tell-tale pacing of God tier fights of old, which is to say a buncha' dudes trying to out-tryhard each other in the literary sense with 5 bajillion word posts of absolutely shit-nothing really happening :/.

We have merely posted our intros, which is standard for any fight, small or large scale. There will be fighting, rest assured, as we very deliberately picked the Arena RolePlay as our sub-forum, specifically so people would know that this is a free for all brawl.

You should join the guild discord, so we can talk more directly.
The fat, smelly bastard, reached out at Arthur with his greasy, grubby fingers. Within that moment, time slowed down in Arthur's mind, producing the same gradual, screeching violin crescendo that heralds the death of another victim in a slasher film, rising and intensifying, accompanied by the sonorous roar of a tuba all building up in his skull. Finally climaxing, a panic-inducing explosion of fear gripped the cannibal as he felt the monster's hands gaining in on his face.

And then it came off... His only source of protection, his only shield, the warden keeping his newborn faculties of demonic power in check...

Devoured by this obese, disgusting slob of a Frenchman.

Arthur gasped for half a second, and in the next, he swallowed that gasp and roared it back out in a furious lunge that drove the fingers of his right hand into Philippe's mouth, hooking onto the roof his mouth and yanked. The Frenchman bit down hard, hard enough to sever the flesh and bones of any normal man. But Arthur was no normal man. He wasn't even a man at all. He was a monster! A demon! And with that monstrous demonic might, Arthur turned and flung Philippe over the table, and into the refrigerator behind him, crushing it with the man's blubbery impact.

"VOUS" Arthur shouted, his veins swelling as he was filled with an animalistic fury that turned his skin fiery orange, hooves bursting through his shoes as his pants tore and the threads of his sweater came undone, "STINK!"

The cannibal inhaled through his mouth, choking, coughing and squealing with rage as his nose became round and cylindrical, jaws bulging with muscle, while his trapezius rose and stretched his collar until it split, the fabric falling over his chest and back, revealing two spike-covered blocks on his shoulders that resembled hammers more than spaulders, each connected to thick, metal staffs wrapped around rapidly growing biceps and triceps.

Arthur leaped back, ridding himself of his shredded pants, whilst sliding his hands beneath the savage's loincloth that was his sweater to gain a grip on two out of six weaponized, chain-handled kitchen utensils sheathed in his apron. Baring the brunt of Philippe's malevolent odor, Arthur pulled out the twin butcher's knives in an inverted grip, slicing away the primitive garments of his waist before flicking his wrists, and severing off the sleeves covering his forearms. Before the cloth had a chance to hit the ground, Arthur had sheathed the knives in favor of his frosted meat chain-cleavers, twirling them around his form in cold, whistling loops via the chains which, as it turned out were wrapped around his forearms and not connected to his metal apron as the rising Philippe might have guessed.

Putting his left hoof before his right, the Boar of War made his declaration to Bourgeois.

"Kommen Sie! EIN BLOATED SKUNK IST WAS SIE SIND..." bellowed the Cannibal Connoiseur, driving the cleaver down in a violent arc that would flash-freeze Philippe solid on impact, "UND DAS SKUNK ABENDESSEN IST WAS SIE SEIN!"


Goldman's golden ego was enormous. It had to be that way, or he would lose what drove him. Lose what both literally and figuratively moved him. Presently, he had to put his golden ego aside, for as he plummeted down the hole created by Merse, he caught an unmaginably bright light rushing up through the gravity well, and knew he had to get out fast. There was only one way out of this catastrophe, and he knew it wouldn't save him completely. In fact, it was to be a race against time, in the hopes that Eddie would be able to sense him coming.

Removing the two revolvers from his holsters, the Golden Boy unleashed an endless barrage of rapidly expanding metal gears, that were designed with the sole and explicit purpose of seeking out technology to infect and overtake. The gears were relentless in their pursuit, technopathically attractive, and capable of slicing through any substance they came across due to their flat surfaces and the vibrations they gave off breaking up any obstacles in their path. All the technology was presently above him, some of it spread out around him, with the strongest and most importantly, living piece of technology being closest to the edge of Allure City, where his brother Eddie had been located, and thus the gears went straight after to that location.

To Panident's location. Goldman didn't know this, but he did know where Eddie was, and also he knew that any place was better than this place. He just had to hope that Eddie would be able to sense his presence when it arrived.

Golden lightning surged throughout Goldman's form, and with the golden attraction that the gears shared with his golden lightning, Goldman was pulled along the path of the gears like one big, man-sized magnet of pure 24 carat gold. While the majority of radioactive energy was funneled through the tower, a very large and substantial portion of it broke through the tunnel, the shock-wave of the blast alone shattering Goldman's backside whilst leaving his front relatively in-tact, albeit considerably cracked. The faster he went, however, the more his body began to waver, quake, quiver, shatter, and scatter, leaving a trail of electrically charged gold that was annihilated through positronic impact.

As Goldman continued to travel through the earth, all that remained were his arms connected to his shoulders, neck and skull, with only a small fraction of his collar and sternum still in-tact. What the gears did to Panident--whether they were overpowered by Panident's superior or inferior technology, Goldman cared little as he felt his essence suddenly latched onto by Eddie who was very much awake and alive despite being speared by Claine, sensing his brother's fading spirit shooting toward him, and preserved what little of it was left as he forced his way back up to the surface of the liquid metal river.

Miraculously, Eddie managed to emerge with Goldman's thoroughly radiated arms, neck, and somehow in-tact black sunglasses, and wondered at what could have caused such an enormous explosion.


Agron felt what Jack had said to Thomas. It heard all of it, knew all of it, and more importantly, Agron knew the truth of what had really happened to Jessica before she became the Val'garan Herald known as the Slut. It killed her, not Thomas. IT murdered the bitch who brought its host so much pain and confliction. IT absorbed Thomas' negative feelings into itself, and acted on its own behalf to protect Thomas from those who caused the lietenant any amount of misery.

The interrogation room glowed red as Agron's crimson jeweled eyes appeared in the one-way mirror, staring at Jack with flaming judgment.

Why did it feel so passionately about a human? Thomas was not the earth, nor was he the ground, or the metal, or the molten lava, nor the iron, alluminum, sodium, or potassium. He was calcium though. Some part of him was, to an extent, a part of the earth, a part of the planet, part of the minerals that made up the home of every Agronian ever to exist anywhere across the entirety of the multiverse.

When Jessica threatened Thomas with her sympathetic bullshit for criminals, she threatened Agron, and that was not something the Essence Within the Rock would tolerate. It did not like or enjoy the negative energy that ebbed at Thomas' soul, ebbed away at his passion for apprehending criminals, and for murdering the Val'gara, who in their previous campaign had managed to slaughter far more AMERICANS than Allure City trash. Agron knew that on some level, Thomas prioritized the lives of Earthlings over those of a foreign civilization that simply, randomly, and without warning, decided, on its own to scoop up Spain and all of its citizens off their rightful place, and drop them to God-knows-where.

Thomas had his loyalties, and Agron knew it.

AGRON had its loyalties, and its loyalties were to Thomas and Thomas alone. That was why when Dreadnaught first surfaced in the ocean, thirty long years ago, it gave Thomas just enough time to get to Jessica, so it could kill her, and rid Thomas of the emotional disease that was afflicting him so terribly.

Jack should have known better than to shoot his mouth off about things he couldn't possibly understand.

Thomas loved Jessica, but she caused him pain.

Agron loved Thomas, but Jessica caused Thomas pain.

Jessica caused Agron pain.

So Jessica must die.

Fragments of Agron's thoughts, fragments of its will, fragments of feelings, none of them whole, but all of them full and furious with magma hot anger poured from the mirror and surged into Jack, encapsulating the soul that was Theomen. The Red Aura bubbled and froth as it yanked Jack out of the rift that Max had violently pried open escaping with Jack in the opposite direction, through the Atlantic Ocean's floor.

One day, Agron would make it back to Thomas, but for now, it knew the Operative was safe. It could feel his spirit, but it had also felt the Galactic Engine's impact, and did not feel confident in trying to weather whatever storm it brought with it.


In the moments before he awakened from the strange cocoon, Thomas felt his body rapidly start to dissolve as it was teleported via beacon to the same building Apollo Ammon present occupied, as was Alice Summerson, the woman who, in the eyes of Mr.Ammon foolishly obeyed Thomas' orders.

If it ain't broke, it ain't workin'
A beast of shadow-tinged platinum sprinted across a collapsing fault line, slashing bark, igniting steel, and vaporizing rock and water with yellow bursts of plasma thrust being propelled from the soles of metal clawed feet. It, he, they leaped off a tower of alien skulls forged by unknown tribal enemies, just before its cranial peak smashed into a witch's cauldron, spilling its contents into a super advanced cockpit. The pilot inside transformed into a bloodthirsty monstrosity, tore through his nano-weave harness, punched through the reinforced glass meant to keep him safe from stray debris, and lunged with supernatural speed and velocity at his known nemesis. With the primal madness flowing through his veins, the pilot sliced through nose, controls, stick, hands, arms and torso, causing the craft to lose control and explode in a gory shower of rapidly compressing mayhem as the fault crushed him, his dead enemy, and the section of his world that slipped through the multiversal intersection into dust.

He had to go faster, and the technology that comprised a mere third of his biology could help him achieve this. The plates making up his cybernetic exoskeleton opened, revealing black flesh with a translucent gland tracing its exposed outline. This gland erupted a massive outpouring of red slime that was superdense, spilling into and filling the nearest cosmic cracks, whilst simultaneously acting as temporary insulation to a quantum destabilization, triggered by the existence of a living singularity in another fault.

Fortunately, as the Singularity fractured, splintered, and shattered whole regions of intersected realities, it also released an incalculable amount of energy. From the sapphire scar on his right forelimb and the scarlet scar on the left, draconic heads emerged, their eyes baring the same color arrangement that was further accentuated by the vague gemlines, giving them an aspect of subtle protrusion. The slime that had filled the cracks vibrated at a spiritual frequency unique to the being who released it, and transferred the barely contained energy over to the serpents, who in-turn used it to replicate their numbers at an astonishing rate. Through this exchange, the serpents duplicated the running beast’s function: their exoskeletal plates opened, released red slime that soaked up and contained the energy of a collapsing fault, and used it to increase their own numbers.

Incredible though it seemed this process could not last forever--it was aided by the fact that as the faultline crunched and shrank from the distant Singularity, so too did it reduce the travel time it took for the serpents to reach every crack and fill it. Inevitably, heat expansion took place within the slime, and it was within that moment as well that the determined beast activated its internal ley-lines, as well as those of the red nanoscopic machines filling the slime, hence its unusual color. Reaching out with the lines, and probing passed the cracks, he was able to gather stable readings of space at the quantum level, whereupon he manufactured his own artificial quantum foam to replace that which had been lost; spraying it from the glands underneath his exoskeleton as a sticky substance that merged with the slime and allowed it to act as a spatially elastic bonding agent.

Finally, the dragon who had initiated this repair of the fault raised his tail, the tops, bottoms, and sides that were lined with hundreds of micro-blades ending in a sharply curved point harmonized to the frequency of his newly created space-time, at which point he let out a supreme roar. An ear-piercing shriek contained within a deep, sonorous battle scream, twisted and bent inside a hollow metal chamber resonated inside the shrinking...claustrophobic...compressing...tightening...squeezing...expanding...constricting…crushing...stretching...loosening...releasing back to its right and proper state.

I…heard a scream, an inexplicable platinum scream, from a creature emerging through a sawed-out rift in space. How could this be? There was no medium through which to scream in space. No air, no water, no substance, just an empty void with nothing but space. Yet somehow I felt space... Concentrated, dense, space, passing by my face and nearly twisting it to the point of extrusion had it not been for my astrally reinforced carapace, now cracked and fractured by the eerie weight of what I could describe as an emotional gravity.

Perhaps it is just the exhaustion of my most recent efforts, but the more I tried to fathom what I saw, the more I began to feel a foreign sensation of wrath, and with that wrath came fragmented shrapnel stabbing into my subconscious.

I…looked to the lambent suns for an answer. Embedded within the fleshy crater of the Cradle of Life, surely they would have ruptured like they always had during Obathera’s feeding time, but I saw nothing. My curiosity roused, I turned my attention to La’Nibi, tracing my mantid eyes all the way up its four equine legs to its dark-indigo torso, passed the cobalt colored portal in its abdomen, up along the strange tubing that sprouted from its chest and fed back into its shoulders. Craning, I met its neck, mouthless, noseless face, and peered at the three protruding cones that served as its primary means of sight.

I…followed the turning of its head, and saw that it had focused in on Kilamara, one of the other five planets occupying one of eight total craters upon the solar-system sized Cradle. Ascending via telekinesis to a higher viewing point, I bore refined witness to the platinum dragon, the sight of it gradually twinkling and ....dismantling... away as it disappeared into the desert world’s atmosphere. Trailing my eyes down La’Nibi’s back, distracted by the sudden undulation of its tail made entirely of ectoplasmic souls, their arms reaching out in a vain attempt at gripping what I sensed to be a unique ki signature. Slowly, I turned, following the tail up to its five saurian skulls made of normal skeletal tissue, and noticed that they had unraveled since La’Nibi and I’s departure from Cizra Su-lahn.

Beyond the La’Nibi’s tail I could see the stinging yellow eyes of Raizer coming toward me. The black flesh suit he wore had dethreaded, its fibers, and unzipped its teeth, reshaping itself into an avian shape that revealed my Aptosite comrades feathers underneath. Alongside him was his partner, Braiker - self-proclaimed King of the Forge, and unlike Raizer who was sharp and sleek, Braiker was much rounder and far bulkier. Presently, he lay perfectly flat and compact as he shot through the vacuum: his tail pointed straight forward like the nose of a jet, the super elastic, inflatable tongues that were his digits stretched and hardened like wings for catching undercurrents, the joints of his limbs that were made from interlocked needle-teeth instead of welded metal exhaled hot arcana as a means of heat ventilation. Lastly, I saw his big, round, jutting mouth, agape like that of a skewer-toothed demon who breathed stars, and exhaled teal ether.

I...saw them become engulfed in a vortex of flames as they too disappeared on their quest to be reunited with a beast, whose name bled acidic green upon my conscience, corroding the last vestiges of energy.

Ravenously devoured the Raging Singularity of

Taluge… X
The time limit was two months for each of us. My time limit starts when Odium's ends. His time limit ended on the 26th of September. Math says two months from that is November 26th, and right now it is November 15.

When you agreed to my earlier post resetting the post timer, that meant you also agreed to Odium's presence within this thread influencing the timer for future posts. This is not a technicality you get to enforce when it is convenient for you. Not to mention you tried to kill my character with your closed-post, when we agreed to two closed-posts that were not to be fatal, followed by a final third post that was meant to be fatal.

For your failure to adhere to your own rules, for your failure to uphold or show even the slightest shred of respect for your own dignity, I have ended the thread on my grounds.

I will decide at a later date if Odium lives or dies, but I'll probably allow him to live given that he hasn't broken any rules.

As it stands right now, the Cataclysmic Ending has reached its end.

In the future, TRY not to pull a stunt like this again, or I will punish you just as severely.

tl;dr You're fucking dead.

The sheathed swords came close to breaching Soran's atmosphere, only to lose aerial stability as a ravenous leech attempted to eat and simultaneously diffuse the energy that fueled them. Caitlyn was that leech, and while she did manage to accomplish the former part of her plan with little in the way of immediate consequence to herself, the insipid woman completely forgot that her power was being projected through the Mist, - through Hellion. She did speak through it after all, but more importantly was the fact that there had been no anomalies, no rips or tears in the fabric of reality had formed within or around the Mist to show that it was using anything other its malignant presence to perform it's function of diffusing and consuming energies. The only logical conclusion was that just as the Void mistress _spoke_ through the Mist, so too did her power to consume the energy of others also act through it, at least in this instance.

What did this mean? For starters it meant, the Mist would have to make direct physical contact with the swords in order to initiate the process of magical depletion and purification through Caitlyn's void. Secondly, Hellion had demonstrated many times that the Mist was a living, organic substance, of which the whole of his physical body was made from. This made him especially vulnerable to the effects of the runic strings, for just as it had cursed Narcissus’ body and soul to slowly fall apart inside Eden’s bark, the strings primary method of affliction was done through physical contact.

Did Caitlyn ever stop to think for a moment that using Hellion as a medium to open the gateway to the Void might be endangering him? - that as she, in her hunger - tried to consume decadent magic, she may have infected him with a disease even more deadly and virulent than Narcissus, who was losing himself both physically and spiritually within Eden’s bark due to the effects brought on by Singar’s runic strings? Of course not. She was too concerned with trying to satisfy her hunger, her insatiable lust for power, just as the rest of the Collective sought power through Will, which was ultimately and ironically their biggest problem.

They lacked will, they lacked the resolve to get things done themselves, and blindly trusted a fool, who at the very moment of his birth hallucinated his way into believing himself to be the last remnants of Idea’s will. This lack of willpower was reflected not only in their very presence on Soran, which was not a result of their will, rather of ”the” Will, but also in their complete inability to act with even the slightest shred of tactical cohesion.

Thus as Mist touched the scabbards flowing with the decadent magic comprising the runic strings, instead of serving as a convenient spoon medium for Caitlyn to commence her gluttony, the Mist burned with crimson light. The entire sky became luminous, with blood tinged smoke floating in the air as the strings seared themselves upon the Mist that was everywhere: in the sky, underground; all places the Mist occupied, so too did the curse travel far and wide to be with its newest victim.

All Caitlyn had done was commit the mortal sin of combat...


”Do not fear the voice of evil!”

The Disciple, the armies of Liaita whose wills and might he reinforced with his powerful psychic voice were steeled by his skillful manipulation of words. “She knows not how experienced you are in the ways of war!” Initially caught off guard by the sudden intrusion of Caitlyn’s voice into their heads, the dragons, the faeries, the elves, and earth tamers all felt the voice wane in fury, grow distorted, and fall apart as the medium with which the Void mistress spoke disintegrated, atomized, and decayed further down until there was nothing left but composite matter.

Singar didn't even blink at this, didn't even twitch as the fool before him passively perceived his neutral expression as an attempt at hiding his real emotions. The truth of the matter was that just as the Collector had an unrestrained tendency toward acting capriciously so too did he have a way of retreating into his own mind when focusing; half-removing and half-shutting out his feelings with a computerized thought process for executing strategies, leading him to abruptly cease beleaguering foes with his ego. Kalaziel's emotional line in the sand had been drawn the moment he came within sight of Hellion, and in the ex-Herald failing to comprehend or pay the proper attention, or respect to the superior being, he had let his own own ally walk him like a dog to the euthanasia clinic.

And there was no comfort room.

If the Cowboy had bothered to consolidate his brain along with the rest of his form before arriving on Soran, he would have realized this. Instead he tried to quickdraw on Singar, wisps of his misty body coming off like a dissolving sleeve, whilst a solid wall of the magic that he was infected with erupted from the ground at a speed to match his own. Despite appearances, the wall was mostly transparent, contrasting quite starkly as it rippled from impact from the Tyrant Gun’s first round. Those ripples rapidly changed shape to reflect not only the form of the bullet that had been imprinted on its surface, but of Hellion as well who would slowly succumb to its power, mocking his every move just as it did Narcissus’.

הבוגדים יידעו ייאוש מבעד לעיוותיהם של חבריהם.

The Mist could not contain or restrain Agron and Sarach with physicality, because they were not beings that lived through conventional physical means. There was no skin with pores to fill, and veins underneath to flood with Mist, or muscles to deteriorate, or nerve signals to be blocked off. They were spirits who expressed their presence through the dirt beneath the grass, through the mud caking the lakes, rivers and swamps, within the rocks composing the mountains, and the metal in the mines of the ruined passages, which in itself was a testament to their ability to resist the Vesuvian Virus.

Likewise as with Caitlyn's Void, it did succeed in pulling out Agron's spiritual energy, drawing it forth in endless streams of enigmatic blue aura. Enigmatic being the operative word, for even as the power radiating from towers on Sarach's back and its beam of crimson fury was swallowed into the whore's throat in an endless stream of ethereal essence, so too would the fact start to fill her mind that creatures as bestial as the two earthen cousins could not be depleted using such basic drain tactics. The answer to the mystery of why such a thing could never be achieved should have been obvious, especially for a person whose own body resembled the cosmos, but she - like the Imbecile of The Mist - had clear problems understanding what it meant to have a will.

The blue aura protected Agron against threats of a non-physical nature, and because its ability to guard its soul was linked to will, this aspect of endurance meant that the only way to actually restrain it, as well as Sarach was to assault their wills directly, an act already proven to be futile when Agron fissured Liaita with its wrath and flooded it with its defensive power that rose like a tidal wave toward Hellion.

Lastly, until those wills were impossibly broken, nor would the two cousins auras fade, dissolve, or be broken down in any capacity.

When the jaws of the Void bit down on Sarach, its red aura compressed, sharpened, and went straight through the roof its mouth. The serpent thrashed, twisted, and turned, shredding tongue and cheek, shattering teeth and softening gums as its in-tact aura that was designed to assault the mind exploded inside Caitlyn’s very core, and spread out through the roof like a pillar of blood. Because Sarach compressed its aura, when it released that compression, it exploded a second time, endangering the minds of her allies who stupidly chose not to even so much as guard themselves against the volley of molten, spiritually energized boulders from Agron, the flurry of corrosive bio-force from the Toxic Conqueror, or its spines that sought to lance them through.

For their astonishing inability to heed to that which sought to murder them, Singar would punish them by refusing them the possibility of any future coordination, via the one method he actually did try to hide from them. Throughout all the chaos, all the carnage, throughout the grammaton hammer exploding in in front of Hellion after its brief delay, threatening to slam him into the crimson wall, and send him scattering into the tsunami of Agron’s blue aura as a dismantled mess… Several thousand swords burrowed underground, gaining speed as they crossed out of one fissure created by the Essence within The Rock, and drilled into another, unimpeded by decaying Mist, straight toward the destination of the Collective.

The final fissure was broken through, and the golden hilted swords unsheathed themselves from the silver scabbards, the openings of which faced the sky with their emergence. A flash of gray heralded the activation of Singar’s own voids, but unlike Caitlyn’s, his were not contained within his body--instead they were contained within the scabbards themselves. The gust of wind that the voids unleashed may very well have been enough to tug the Collective toward them, but just as the swords aerodynamic shapes--surging with runic energy--proved useful in piercing that wind, so too did it allude to the possibility that Singar had no intention of making pets out of lunatic hounds.

No. He wanted them to suffer.

That which the scabbards pulled in was not rotting Mist, nor was it energy emitted by Agron and Sarach, the electropsionic energy emanating from the Collective’s psi-links, and certainly not magical net dropped on their heads by the Doloran squad of dragons and faeries, which too failed to be impeded by the mutilated Voidmistress.

What the scabbards sucked towards the Collective was that which impeded all things.

The Midnight Fog.

It pulled the Midnight Fog via wind, pulled it right onto the Collective like a Midnight blanket, before a Midnight nightmare. The Fog rushed into the Void and granted Caitlyn a long-desired respite as it slowed her cosmic energies to a halt. The Fog absorbed the minute flecks of energy from the rest of the Collective’s psi-links, suspending its effects just as it suspended the energetic net thrown over them, the spirit-energy of the rocks flying at them, and ultimately reduced the travel speed of neural impulses to a sluggish motion, and even slowed the runic decay just before it hopped through their psi-link.

It did not stop the Toxic Conqueror from impaling each and every one of them on its spines, for it was not an energy being, nor did it prevent the physical aspect of the boulders Agron launched from crushing them to bloody pulps, and nor would it prevent the swords from impaling whatever remained. Because of the way the Midnight Fog stagnated a being’s perception by jamming up their brains, because of the fact that it suspended the flow of energy, just as it would soon suspend Hellion’s suffering as the Fog rose just a bit higher off the grass and consumed him, because it only delayed these things…

The Collective who had all been reduced to fragments of flesh, bone, and wasted matter, would not feel the awaiting agony until the Fog drifted passed them, beyond their disembodied souls.

It was a torture that had yet to even begin.

It was a torture that had not even been born.

Finally Singar’s facial expression shifted to that of a broad smile, as the wind coming off the hilts of the swords at his hips swirled the Fog around him in an large, spinning vortex, blowing the stuff away before he too, like the Collective dog shit before him faced…

Their Cataclysmic Ending.
"Who... is speaking to me?"

I... was at a loss for words. I had not expected this newborn beast to trip, stumble, and struggle to articulate itself so easily. Perhaps it was due to the shock of finally being free again, that I failed to calculate that the collective intelligence of the Cizrans merging together being held together. I pushed the thought to the back of mind, and answered as quickly as I knew how.

"I am Cipher."

"Life. Death. Life. Death. Life. Death. Life. Death. Everywhere I see life, I see death, and where I see death, I see life."

I felt...paternity. My organization cared much for the well-being of all creation. We went out of our way to promote individual wholeness. For the Cizrans this was impossible. Others had paid the price for their vanity, and a slave - no matter how much "freedom", or privileges it is granted throughout its lifetime, it is still just a slave, never to be truly free. La'Nibi apparently shared this line of reasoning, and I instantly knew, that it shared some of the Cradle of Life's genes.

Slowly, it began to turn, its colossal tail sweeping a swath of destruction, leaving a thick trail of ectoplasmic slime coating the debris, its equine hooves puncturing the ground with every step, and its tails twined together into the shape of a multi-skulled saurian flower as it finished the turn. It stood still for about three seconds, meeting my gaze with its cony eyes, a unified breath of utter bliss exhaled from the swirling portal in its torso; and where I might have flinched at this, I felt all the muscles in my body instantly start to relax.

So La'Nibi saw me as kindred... Very well. Snil will analyze this... phenomena at a later date, I presume.

"What will you do?" I asked with blooming curiosity.

It stopped about a hundred feet from where I held myself aloft, and the twined skulls eased the tightness of their necks.

"I wish to watch, and decide what I will do with this life and death, life and death, life and death, life and death."

There were still three craters left within the Cradle of Life. One of them could easily hold La'Nibi. Yes, the Doctor and the General will be most pleased to have their newest... friend so close for acquainting.

I... dropped my claws, tilted my head, and began to click my mandibles. "We travel to the Cradle of Life, and it will be within the Cradle of Life, where we shall watch life and death, life and death, life and death." Upon the projection of this final message, the gateway within its torso swallowed its light, its dark-indigo skin becoming luminous as its veins were flooded, and the skulls shined like ornate lamps.

"We go to watch life and death, life and death, life and death."

I am safe. I... flew at the portal, nestled myself against the solidified walls of space and time, felt the prying eyes of a billion Obatherans from a billion different universes through interconnected consciences watching me. Inside I felt this chamber rotate to a vertical position, the walls compressing, stretching, as La'Nibi's body shrunk inwards on itself, expanded outwards on itself, and spat me out on the crater of the Cradle of Life.

Finally, without pause, the Cradle dove into the blackness of space like a whale going underwater.

And then I... heard through the intersection of existence,





The Cradle of Life - Interior

Karzar remained utterly statuesque, light from the data screen reflecting off his cold, aquatic eyes. Beside him, Snil shivered with chilling intensity and nervousness, tendrils twitching spasmodically. The monitor the two had been viewing flashed red with a warning symbol, indicating that their message to CIPHER wasn't only failing to get through, but that the webs being used to transmit its signals were being attacked with heavy bursts of electromagnetism. Furthermore something had surrounded the Cradle of Life, and Karzar could only assume that their presence had finally been detected.

Snil nearly leaped out of his seat, only for Karzar to immediately step forward, and place a hand on his shoulder, holding him in place.
"Calm yourself, Doctor." Karzar said with a tight grip, the corners of his mouth stretching and revealing his rear incisors, nostrils quietly taking in air, resulting in a subtle but gradual rise of his chest. "Let them handle this."

Karzar had longed for a Cizran of high rank and intelligence to bare witness to the glorious reunification of his long-fractured race, but it was simply not to be. Yet here and now, they faced an obvious deception. Why was it obvious? How did the General and the good Doctor know that what stood before them was fake? Simple. Snil knew Kilamaran biology inside and out, having genetically modified Aredemos’ body to make full use of his elemental affinity of fire, rock, and ice. The very same affinity which was exactly what enabled him to freeze and shatter the firestones of his fellow Kilamarans upon returning to his homeworld. A capacity for modifying his form to mimic the qualities of a caustic substance was utterly beyond him, and thus, so too did Karzar, who held his shoulder firmly in his grip, realize this as well...

Karzar reacted swiftly, stepping into the substance in only half a second, given that it had appeared mere meters from his face, grabbed his tooth-laden cape and threw it around himself and the Doctor. As the acidic explosion impacted his cape, the whole of his physical form underwent a transmutation. Every bone, every muscle and organ, every scale, every eye, every cell of gray matter in his skull became integrated into the substance pulling all of it and all that it spread into him, and integrated unto his very own self. Karzar became one with the matter before him, becoming the very substance exploding at he and Snil, compressing and suppressing the wave within himself, as such that it merely caused his body to vibrate.

Karzar was not without his own set of Aptositic powers. He had the unique ability to become one with all physical things that made contact with his body, to the extent of mimicking their properties as the fully resonant, genuine article. It was why in his former life that he had made for such an efficient ocean predator, becoming one--not with the tide--but to become as the tide itself. Such a gift did not merely lend itself to offensive or defensive measures, however; this gift had allowed him to know the full thoughts, feelings, longings, hopes, desires, fears, and dreams of all the Aptosites who he had led under his command, acquiring all through a simple empathy-inducing touch, and was the very reason that he need not so much as make a conscious effort.

“They wish to resist becoming one with each other,” Karzar said with true sadness in his tone and posture, turning to face Snil as he let his cape, spawning a few more teeth, fall back to the floor.

“Perhaps it is why they have conquered so much of the local inner and outer-galactic regions of this cosmic sector,” the Doctor replied without rhetoric in his voice, “gathering and acquiring many things in the hopes of filling a hollow void, just as they fill their appearances with many differing aesthetics, all on a banal quest for self-realization.”

“Oh, they will most certainly...” Karzar’s form shifted back, the dark glint of his eyes returning, “realize.

The Cradle of Life - Exterior

The dark world of Obathera, whose residents had earlier attacked the lambent suns for nourishment began to unify their minds. For in feeding off that which the Cradle of Life gave them, so too did their awareness of of the internal and external expand astronomically. The hollow openings of the tall, cyclopean skyscrapers dotting Obathera became filled with uncountable yellow eyes, marked with multiple pupils resembling ink splashes, each one staring out into space with an unnerving, unerring, and uncanny sense of perception. This had not been the first time that the denizens of Obathera had cause to defend themselves, nor would it be the last, however rare the need rose into vision, a vision that grew to both figuratively and literally dot itself all over the Cradle of of Life. The eyes were the size of whole moons unto themselves, projecting as an encapsulating image of psionic energy over the Cradle of Life, swiftly and with a synchronicity that defied Cizran expectations of what was thought to be the limitations of the Aptosites. All they had known was that there was a spy in their midsts, that an organization had been watching them for a very long time, and that the Aptosites had begun to enact the full extent of their plans; plans acted for, not against the Cizrans, despite the apparent force they were willing to use to achieve them.
They had not seen what the Obatherans were capable of doing for a time that literally predated the emergence of this particular universe, nor had the Cizrans ever--through their numerous acts of counter-intelligence--witnessed the Obatherans watching them as they watched them now.

Inside the Cradle of Life, through the skein of space, through the twine holding every threaded cloth of fabric together, specifically the fabric on which an impression was formed by Ezkshi, her battleship, and her entire crew…this fabric became soaked, drenched, and submerged in pure white water, pouring forth and drowning the gaps between foam bubbles, and preventing any sort of stealth-based assault. The Obatherans did not try to intercept communication signals, nor did they attempt to hack or break into them. Using their eyes they observed every shift, fold, and imprint that was made, and this was how the creatures of the Dark World saw them. The water that flooded the crew was not unlike the primordial pool that the Cradle of Life surfaced from at the dawn of its existence. It was a place of beginning, of birth, a place existing so far back in time that the only records of its existence lay dormant within the creature’s ancient neurons.

In this primordial ocean, there was no ‘space’, or ‘time’. This place had no rules, no laws, no defining features or attributes to shape it save for the endless mass of unformed reality, and it was that very unformed, lawless substance that the decomposing beams fired into with no effect or interaction of any kind. No ghosts, no spirits, no astral phantoms, no obscure reflections of the selves occupying Ezkshi’s vessel, nor even the vessel itself. Neither a heaven, nor a hell, and definitely far from limbo; concepts like those didn’t exist yet, nor were there beings to create them, let alone imagine. The crew who thought that they could remain hidden found themselves glimpsing into the unravelling irises, dispersing scleras, and expanding capillaries into the unmolded after, the nondescript before, and inarticulable now.

In this existence, in this spaceless, timeless expanse, one could do naught but wait.

The lambent suns surrounding the pink astral sphere, known to the Aptosites as Astraelis, retracted the bands of energy holding the anomaly in place, the walls of the crater that contained it closing in and gripping it with its very own flesh. A brief glimmer of magenta sparked over Astraelis, and as fast its mind could think, an enormous amount of energy was transferred to the nearest web in space. Travel across the astral plane was limited only by imagination and comprehension, and thus, in accordance with the Creature’s capacity for fathoming the act, the transference of psionic essence happened instantaneously. A wave of light illuminated the Cradle’s veins, a moment which circumvented the constraints of temporality had passed, resulting in every, single web that was being attacked surging with the power of Astraelis. Crystallization took place along the silk composing the webbing, bolts of electro-psionic ether radiated off the expanding webs as a psionically charged shield, repulsing the gamma pulses and radio-waves back. Its defenses complete, the Cradle of Life remained in its supportive state, holding the astral gates open, wherein the signal was promptly given to CIPHER. The Aptosite spy would feel much more invigorated, given that the signal now carried Astraelis’ psionic fuel with it.

Meanwhile, the eyes dotting the Cradle of Life expanded to such great volumes that the darkness of their pupils spilled into each other, covering the creature in complete blackness. Starlight became bent and distorted, rendering the cold emptiness of space as the only sight. In the moments leading up to the Grid launching its beams, it no longer witnessed the colossus carrying the five worlds. Deep within the blackness of those pupils, the Grid did not see an enemy, it did not witness the eldritch being that had attempted to kidnap Nenegin zar-Talil, nor did it see the ethereal luminosity of Astraelis, the lava flows of Deimobos, or the sleeping desert of Kilamara. It did not gaze upon the looming obsidian towers of Obathera from which the eyes truly peered out of, and lastly it did not see the unending hurricane which swept across Gaiyana, that was rapidly becoming enveloped by a rising emerald plume.

Within the Absence the sight of the Grid became known, but not through sight. The eyes, whose parasitic host was space and time itself, felt the location being impressed upon its fabric. It reconfigured the sensation into a concrete image, and then saw many tiny machines aiming at it. In that instance of perception, sight reached out into a parallel existence, overlapped them together at opposing angles, and the World Beyond Time equipped itself with a mocking sword and shield.
What better sword and shield than the very same that took aim to destroy it?

The Grid saw itself. It was aiming at itself. Not a reflection of itself, not a phantom, not a flaw, nor an error in its programming. Obathera did not redirect the dicing beams, it did not use mundane magic to reflect the beams back. From the absence that existed outside of space and time, the Obatherans accessed a timeline of another universe in which the Grid was firing at the Cradle of Life, superimposed the event to the location that it had once occupied, and let the Grid’s beams take care of the remainder of the work.
Now the only sight was a graveyard of mirrorous suicide.

The Haloportal

The thing that watched Kirri was very much real, very much alive, and veryvery hungry. Undetected as it were, the dimensional parasite that observed Kirri with plain objectivity did so through his firestone, a thing that held a connection to a realm bound to, but ultimately outside the physical plane. It watched him panic, scream, and spaz in response to its horrifying visage and the effect it had on what was an entirely spiritual interaction. It did not need to breach the haloportal directly to gain access to Kirri’s mind, though it could have easily crawled right through the black hole had it so desired.

It did none of this, for the interaction transcended the physical plane in its entirety.

The “prophecy” Kirri experienced was entirely astral in nature, the connection formed via his firestone which, on the astral plane, emitted a constant energetic signature. One that did not need a code, password, key, or a hacking tool to breach, no matter how secure it may have seemed to the Cizrans. On the astral plane, the only requirement to do anything was will and imagination, and the will that belonged to this abomination was something so utterly outside of dimensional laws that these beings resided on, that it transcended the physical plane, neither circumventing, nor bypassing, but simply eluding the obstacle altogether. If it needed to, if it wanted to, the being could have punctured the singularity and pried open the black hole like the ribcage of a rotting cadaver through use of the strong electromagnetic force, slip, slide, and glide along the folds of space that the Cizrans believed Kirri’s mind was projecting itself against, and slip right in. None of these were necessary, especially at a location where the very laws of physics broke down.

For now it merely continued to watch and observe. Watch as the crimson spiritual tendrils of Aredemos lashed onto and wrapped themselves around Kirri, gaining as strong a hold upon his loyal follower as his hold was upon the physical world, preventing himself from being trapped within a haloportal as well. He had not been prepared for the sudden transportation from Kilamara to the foreign world, a world which he most assuredly, most certainly, and most absolutely knew was NOT Kilamara, for he would have at least felt the slightest tingle of the konul futily trying to drain his spirit as it had done to the rest of the Kilamarans. The poorly put together farce of a sanctuary would have been utterly smashed by the tribal elders upon its discovery, for in their eyes Aredemos was the ultimate heretic and blasphemer to their ways, and the dwellers in the desert would have likewise done the same, for they knew who Aredemos was, and more than that, they knew that what he wanted and desired most was not worship, but complete and absolute freedom for his race and all other races that lay beyond their world.

It was clear now, just as it had been clear when he took flight from the farcical planet, that the Cizrans had done either a remarkably incompetent job at studying Kilamaran culture, or managed to misconstrue the coordinates of his transportation to another world entirely, in-turn sending him to the wrong place, and getting one of their own territories blown to smithereens.

Or perhaps they had gotten their information from a drunkard named Garri, a Redeemed One who had lost his way, and in his stupor, jumbled the words Initara and Kilamara, whilst presenting the information to Nenegin.

Suffice to say that Kilamara remained safely, securely, and in-tactly aboard the Cradle of Life, swallowed as it was alongside its moon Deimobos. This fact negating any need for gravitonic restabilization by Commandant Zuril Nu-bashira, and resulting in the taloned Cizran never receiving the distressing feedback from his sensor arrays.

In a matter of moments, Kirri’s soul was yanked out through his firestone where it was dragged across the astral plane at light speed by Aredemos who, in his spiritually empowered state, kept his body firmly rooted in the physical plane. Though he was fully resisting and overcoming the monumental drag of a force that he did not know the full rules and governance of, Aredemos, however, knew enough after being transported to that mockery of a homeworld, that he would have to steel his spirit. A thing which he achieved through the escalation of power, before taking off from the false planet. It was with this hardened resolve that he evaded the trap, blinking across time and space at a rate of speed that rapidly brought Cradle of Life (which was currently undergoing a process of reformation as the eyes of Obathera retracted in size, draining away into the dark skyscrapers littering the planet) into his zone of awareness, triggered by the dormant spiritual signatures of those asleep on Kilamara.

Slowing his velocity so as to avoid annihilating a world that actually did belong to him, Aredemos tucked his limbs together, and braced himself for impact as he breached the atmosphere of Deimobos. For Kirri, this whole sequence of events was akin to being towed across a realm of fractal light that reflected everything that dwelt upon the physical plane. He saw a stream of swirling energetic solarity, brought to blackness by gravity, witnessed even more starlight streak passed his face, the scintillating crystal webs belonging to the Aptosite CIPHER, and the closing twilight orbs of the Obatherans. In an instant of extreme transmutation, the starlight shifted to burning, rocky red due to the emanant energy of a new firestone -- one of many found scattered on as well as below Deimobos’ surface. Through this stone, his soul found a new mass through which to rebuild itself, utilizing the many different varieties of superhot rocks and metals contained within the moon.

A core of magma molded itself like molten clay into the shape of a thorax, and from that thorax six exoskeletal legs made of hardened lava solidified into sharp, piercing points to hold the body upright. Upon that hot foundation, a secondary torso blossomed and bubbled up, forming the lines and contours of red muscle, abdomen, biceps, triceps, deltoids, trapezius and all. Finally, a tall, crown-shaped head stretched up from the neck, pulling and stretching itself into the desired shape with spectral hands, recurving spikes protruding along the sides. Next to form were his eyes- darkly reflective orbs of mahogany. Six in all ran down his face, ceasing above the mouth that retracted open, revealing his searing teeth.

Reformed and Redeemed again, Kirri peered out as his surroundings with confusion in his eyes. He knew he was on Deimobos, yet felt as though the very ground he stood on was being cradled by something far more massive. With that sudden reckoning, he became aware that what he saw beyond the horizon of the moon was not space. It was black flesh of the Cradle of Life holding Deimobos, the faint green glow of the lambent suns drifting in the creature’s membrane slowly orbiting it, and the sleeping Kilamara.

Though he was surely scared, he was also filled with wondrous awe, and a sobering sense of respite from the otherworldly thing he had bore witness to in his dreams. For now, his eyes shifted, and he saw Aredemos standing in a crater crater, frozen solid via his muta-cryogenic control over temperature. For the time being, Aredemos would stand guard here. He knew not if the Cizrans would come for them again, or if Nenegin were to seek revenge for his “insubordination” as he would have surely, and audaciously deemed the Redeemed One’s actions to be, but for now they were safe, and that is what mattered most to him.

Kirri approached Aredemos and asked him what the next step on their path was, still unable to fully process the events that had unfolded around them, but trusted that the original Redeemed One would have the answers he sought.

“We face a new beginning.”

Cizra Su-lahn

I…saw darkness envelope the cocoon I had created, a cocoon that flowed with psionic energy from Astraelis itself, a cocoon that became crystallized with raw psionic power, reinforcing the luminous tower of unyielding psycho-magnetism. For a moment I felt as though something was… off? Did a glitch occur? Did I not study this race thoroughly enough? Perhaps I needed more data, perhaps I needed to gather more, yet nothing in my research nor my interactions with the citizens of this world contradicted the data I had received. Something was afoul, something was amiss, but fortunately for me, the thing trying to trace its way to my wrong brain had failed to account for one simple and basic grain of tactical truth.

It had neglected to halt the acceleration of time, and though it lacked a physical form, the infusion of Astraelis’ psionic essence into the cocoon, meant the decay would become all too spiritual as well. In attempting to fester within my crystallized creation, its power diminished considerably, the tarry darkness thinning out along the strands, then drying into a billowing cloud of ectoplasmic dust. Now its words came out as a slurred, half enunciation of mockery, malignantly spreading in the thalamus of the being that I am not, triggering a biological defense mechanism.

It…felt confirmation. It came in the form of a spasm, a foul, evil vibration pinging its way across a brain; the inferior brain, the slave brain which was my sub, secondary, utilitarian brain. This brain sat in a secondary chamber behind my primary master brain. It was the brain that had thought itself a member of the Cizran race, the brain I, CIPHER had given the order to hypnotize itself into believing that it was Cizran, thus creating Zeptir who now writhed in agony. It had gone on and on and on, locked in the madhouse of divided souls for so long that by the time I received the go-ahead command from Snil and Karzar, the prisoner had begun to mistake itself for the warden. It was a distinction these Cizrans failed to take notice of, and in that aspect, it appeared we had both taken the other for fools.

But my foolery ends now.

Break the facade. Let it go. Time to rest, and let MYSELF take over.

I am… (said) the Master.

I am NOT! said the slave, subject to the will of its superior.

I AM… CIZ-E-PTH-IER… said the seeming dissociative fool, who did battle with its art-ICU(too)-late-ly crafted self, a self which disconnected itself from myself upon realizing its imminent demise.

I am (not) dying.







Your life ends NOW.

I…screamed. The back of my neck split open, and a swarm of auto-cannibalistic bacteria came spilling from the wound, ravenously devouring that which was so readily expendable, just as all slaves are expendable upon the expiration of their use. With the help of Astraelis, I let out a loud and terrible screech, and spun a new web with which to strengthen my defenses. Through that aid I began to feel weightier, denser, and sturdier. I felt black crystal conforming to the contours of my exoskeleton, sprouting along the suction cups of my topside tentacles like newborn teeth, and bursting through the joints of my hoppers, and the hundreds of legs lining the sides of my torso.

I... got rid of the liar, ejected the corrupt mass of once dire flesh into a blazing fire caused by the Kukull during its earlier stampede. The golem was now on its spaded hands and stumps, crawling toward its destination due to the loss of its lower legs, a result of its blind charge throughout the city. It had tripped over something once thin and easily cut, but now bore a physical resiliency on par with that of a neutron core, and possessed an ethereal edge matched only by a reaper’s scythe. Its severed limbs melted into energized particulates, and were drawn into the cocoon along with the many Cizran souls, and were its crawl not as quick as its charge, then so too would the rest of it - body and soul - be joined in glorious mergence.

I…feel no pain.

I feel free…

“You… attacked the wrong me,” I said with a voice that was filled with neutral depth, nearly robotic.

I…watched my slave brain, now dead and useless burn away into nothingness as the armor closed around my face, twin crystal tusks protruding from my chin, and with my master brain, thought to myself that I am free to be me again.

The Cradle of Life - Inside

Snil and Karzar observed the data flowing out of the eyeball in the ceiling with much delight and approval, thoroughly satisfied with the progress that CIPHER was making. The Cizrans had done all they could to deceive the spy with cheap imitations of their biology, in a banal battle to resist that which was natural. In failing to prevent the acceleration of time within CIPHER’s cocoon, it no longer mattered that the parts given to the Aptosite were fake, for every other trapped Cizran soul was very much real, very much genuine, and very much authentic, all the way down to their empathic organs where the goldmine of information truly lay.

The data was disseminated, deciphered, and processed through Gaiyana, comprehended and understood by Astraelis, and Obathera allotted them with all the time it would take to do so, enshrouded within the Absence as it were.

Unity can only be kept at bay for so long until the truth comes crawling forth as a pindoll, ripping out its sharp rods of restraint, and skewers the sewn residence of existential subsistence, before in-turn weaving for itself a newer, better form. One of solidarity, and collective cohesion, the likes of which can only be found flowing in the veins of a misleading idol. The crystal webs transmitted all the data back to the Cradle of Life. Death had indeed been fashioned; death was a requirement, a mandatory destination, but not the final destination.

Outside the Cradle of Life, the lambent suns orbiting Astraelis sunk even deeper into the Cradle’s flesh, as did the ones orbiting Gaiyana and Obathera, the world of everlasting life, freeing them to access higher degrees of potential. This lead to the crystal webs sudden and intense expansion, growing from what was once a construct merely a few feet in diameter to something the size of a planetary core. In perfect synchronicity, each and every one of them launched connecting beams of magenta across millions of light-years in a matter of seconds, bonding to each other as an incomprehensibly voluminous net of psionically charged crystal.

“Prime the gene wedge.” Commanded Karzar to the Cradle, who sensed his intentions by touch alone. This sense of touch extended to Gaiyana, Astraelis, and Obathera as well: incarnate body, mind, and soul of the Cradle of Life.

Broadcasting its beacon of unity, all the crystal webs that CIPHER had scattered throughout the Cizran galaxy began to synchronize in
psionic harmony. In doing so, the awareness of the reemerging Cradle of Life from the Absence became amplified exponentially, and with that augmented awareness, the abhorrent beast feasting on the star of Q’ab was made known to it. This revelation spilled forth from the eyeball’s tear ducts as blight rain that caused a small area of rough tissue surface Snil and Karzar were standing on to turn gangrenous and rot away, only to suddenly regenerate in a weird cycle of life and death. The process lasted for ten seconds before the Cradle’s immune system kicked in and brought an end to the damage before it could spread any farther.

Within that revelatory interval, the gene wedge finished priming itself. The rising emerald plume within Gaiyana’s atmosphere reached a storm pitch as a substantial portion of the world’s lifeforms were telekinetically drawn upwards via Astraelis’ psychic assistance. Scale and skin crumbled to dust under the influence of Obathera, whose eyes marked the amphibian, aquatic, and reptilian flesh, dissolving them into an energized stream of raw organic material. The lambent restraints on Obathera lifted, and now all three worlds hovered just over their respective cradles, a sight which shook Kirri to the core as he saw them rise above Deimobos’ burning horizon.

Truly, he was witnessing something grand.

From Astraelis’ northern pole, a continuously firing beam of magenta shot vertically into space. Branching into a trillion bolts of electrically charged psionic energy, it made contact with the crystal net surrounding the Cizran galaxy and imbued it with an enriched psychic glow to rival its billions of stars. Pressure mounted within Gaiyana’s atmosphere as the storm that raged within exploded out from its gaseous containment.

The Spirit of Gaiyana rocketed upwards and snaked its way around the magenta pillar where it joined the net to be processed and refined a thousand times over, immediately after to be then modified by the gene wedge that was manufactured by the Cradle of Life itself. The form that the wedge displayed itself to be as little more than a sickly brown cloud evaporating from the Cradle’s skin, to be absorbed into the net.

All across Obathera, its towers luminized with yellow light, striking at the lambent suns for more power, power that was pulled into the base of the tallest tower and projected up as a bolt, stained with distorted black pupils of sight beyond time. Where Gaiyana was life and death, and Astraelis was the mind incarnate, Obathera was that which persisted throughout all ages, throughout all lives, throughout all times, existences, and incarnations. Lesser creatures referred to Obathera as the Metropolis of Chaos, for that which reached outside of existence had next to no comprehensive value for ordinary beings.

Obathera was the soul. A timeless, immortal, thing. Because of this, it was able to reach into the distant past- back to a time where the Cizran hivemind was still whole. With the help of the mind’s eye belonging to Astraelis and Gaiyana’s hold over life and death, it plucked a single, unsuspecting member of the race from their perch, and flung them into the pillar.

The five energies: the magenta light of Astraelis, the emerald storm of Gaiyana, the yellow lightning of Obathera, the brown of the gene wedge, and the white Soul of Cizran all resonated within the net, achieved harmony, and spiraled back down into the Cradle of Life, whose jaws parted, taking aim at the nearest branch of netting to Cizra Su-Lahn and…


Cizra Su-lahn

I…looked to the sky, and saw the fruits of my labor flash before me an instant. I, like all the other Cizrans peering out at what seemed to be a great unfolding chaos- would have been blinded the flash, eyes burnt from their sockets if not for the optical protection afforded by my crystal armor as the energies surged into the cocoon. This triggered a massive and sudden expansion of the cocoon’s core, forcing the outer shell to grow not only in height, but in width to accommodate the rapid increase in size.
Wisely, I made the decision to fall back.

I…knew however, as I fled, that for every building the crystal expansion sliced through, a Cizran body was bisected along with it. For every toppled structure, a Cizran was crushed under its weight, and for every home that collapsed around, rather than atop a fortunate family, that they were [i]trapped]/i]. That misfortune, as they in their stubborn complacency sought to deem it, would be met with a fate far more delightful than their agonizing deaths would lead them to believe.
All of you are the same to me, and that is what all of you will be!

I…fled farther and farther away, all the way to the outskirts of the capital, where I knew I was safe. I took one final leap, and with that leap, the tentacles upon my back stretched to twice the length of my forty foot body, my silk spinners crafting a web that bound them together to create a strong, silky membrane through which to keep myself afloat. It was from this point of ascension that I somersaulted mid-flight, throwing my rear forward and rolling over to a right side up position to watch the great mergence unfold.

Soon… I will be able to leave this world, but for now, I…


Watched as Gaiyana gave life back to the Cizran souls. Souls that were cleansed of misguided attempts at aesthetic perfection with which to replace their once beautiful bodies, modified to true perfection via the gene wedge that deCIPHERED their genetic code, and inserted ingredients for a newer, fresher, an ironically younger kind of beauty.

I watched as Astraelis gave them back their minds, once void of sanity.

I watched as Obathera gave them back their past, that eluded them to the point of them willing it begone.





… as the Soul of Cizran gave them back their unity.

I…witnessed the last of the Cizran souls, their bodies sliced, crushed, and smashed to pulp by the destruction getting sucked into the cocoon, destined to undergo the very same process as many before them had. The final amalgamations of body, mind, and soul took place, the temporal storm of magenta, emerald, brown, yellow, and white decelerated to a slow cauldron churn, that liquefied into a ruddy solution, that re-accelerated in the center, creating a central vortex.

I… then gazed through the shell, whose reflective magenta light faded to cobalt transparency, providing a contrast of color that gave shape to the thing that was starting to awaken. Through the veil, I saw a bundle of tails, twined together like an elegant flower whose petals were likened to a cluster of horns poking the top of the shell. Quickly, they unwravelled, revealing five saurian skulls with slender, serpentine features swishing, swinging, slamming into, piercing, and cracking the shell. I counted seven tries before large gaps formed at the peak, leaking cascades of ruddy birth fluid. At the mid-section of the shell, I saw gray, shimmering impressions of stretched torsos pressed against the interior, corroding the inner-walls with an insatiable hunger that led to a ring-shaped splinter destroying all but the front, producing an extremely crude clam hinge from which the cascades became a great flood. Unable to support such tremendous weight, the hinge collapsed, leading to the structure biting down into its own jagged teeth, bringing the whole thing crumbling down in a delugian avalanche.

I waited nearly a minute, and finally...

I… could see what had been born, tracing my mantis eyes down the length of the five-headed hydra, whose necks connected a torso made of pure gray ectoplasm, from where an uncountable number of smaller torsos spawned along its sides, pushing the grayish-indigo behemoth forward like a slug with occasional leaps. This colossal tail ultimately led to the main body, where four legs of equine origin held the creature upright, supporting its main torso. The torso itself featured a unique decoration of jutting rib bones that curved inwards like hooks. Between those protruding bones I saw jagged spikes attached to cords of muscle, whereupon after mere seconds of observation, I watched them launch and extend like spears, skewering any Cizrans lucky enough to dwell on the outskirts of the capital.

I…had no emotional reaction to this, as it reeled Cizrans indiscriminately to the spot just below its ribcage, dropped into swirling portal to a place unknown, yet inextricably bound to its mind, body, and soul. The creature flung its head back, pupils more akin to a triangle of cone-shaped spikes protruding from the corners of its forehead and center brow, letting out a bestial roar comprised of many differing layers of vocal spectrums, in part due to the headed tails stretching up into the sky, and roaring along with it.

It was at this point, that I finally saw its arms sprout from its shoulders, outstretched in praise of its own existence…pulling the crystal fragments what was essentially its egg shards into the portal where they were reprocessed, and layered along the base of its tail, forming a mineral casing over what was - in reality - a massive empathic organ.

In knowing what I am, in knowing that I am not a relative of this insane monster, I felt safe in projecting a single question with my mind out to the creature.





"La'Nibi Napistum."

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