“And at the gates, does Thomas ask to see my hands?”Usually close to the front, Athena prefers armor that can shake off typical rounds but remains light enough to traverse from place to place. She carries a bag containing medical compounds, supplies, and poisons for the deeds she must do when the powers granted from Ascephea were inappropriate. She has great respect for modern day medicine. However, as per tradition of healers from her village, the old medical practices are something she keeps herself trained to do. Athena also has a rebreather due to her constant exposure to her toxins.
Though she would rather save than kill, to protect her comrades and herself, she will strike at those that would mean harm. She carries a burst fire assault rifle. The model nearly identical to what militia members used back in Archadia; however, modifications were made to give it more stopping power. The round chamber also underwent modifications for her specialized bullets, bullets laced with a medicinal concoction that makes it harder to breath upon exposure to the misty vapor. These modified bullets seldom ever pierce a target's skin unless its point blank. Instead of the traditional gun powder encapsulated by a metallic shell, these bullets are made from a material that shatter on impact like glass. Upon shattering, the contents will have similar effect to ammonia or gas used to crowd control. The contents have a short lifespan out of concern for advancing into the contaminated zone. These bullets are meant as a means to allow friendly forces to advance and remove the hostile. Due to the delicate nature of these bullets, Athena does not carry many on hand. Large concentrated doses, though dissipating quickly, can be deadly.
She abhors biological weapons, but her deadlier affinities have their uses. If close quarters is called for, Athena keeps her militia combat knife on hand. However, close quarters is something she avoids whenever possible.
Blending her varied duties as a SOLDIER and a former militia member, Athena prioritizes healing instead of fighting. However, when needed, she takes the support role rather than assaulting directly. Indeed, she prefers to breakdown the constitution of an enemy rather than be the main aggressor.
Due to Ascephea’s nature, Athena walks a fine line between doing no harm and ending life quickly due to not wanting to prolong one’s suffering. Because of her newly spliced body, Athena resists the urge to kill a patient when they’re vulnerable while also striving to keep to the ways of the healer as she was with her father and with the militia.
Ambrosi [Protection, Life, Instinct]
It is said that the nectar of the gods is the sweetest taste to ever touch the lips of any mortal. Supposedly the nectar provides onto the user longetivity, health, and immortality. Though not accomplishing anything so grand, Ascephea has granted Athena the ability to cast a spell that heal and heightens the senses of an individual to be more responsive to external stimuli and react quicker. However, the spell can only be cast on one at a time. Mass healing will result only in minor healing.