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Sister Marta Rocha

Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef - 11/01/2022

Marta looked at the boy who approached her, seemingly unsure how to respond. She blinks slowly, then again, and cracks a gentle smile.

"...I see. You must have a lot on your mind, then. In my limited experience, unstressed people don't start conversations like that."

Having said this, she turns longingly to the sea.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be saying that. I thank you for the hospitality, I just think it's a shame I can't go for a swim. The water looks lovely."

Then she turns her head inquisitively.

"...that said, aren't you hot in that outfit? I don't have any spare towels, but I can share the shade if you like."

Sister Marta Rocha

Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef - 11/01/07:50 UTC+8

There are not many activities that one can do while one's arm is swaddled in bandages that are expressly forbidden from getting wet. Sister Marta knew this intellectually, but actually being made fully aware of it was... annoying.

Alone, she sits on a towel, wearing a modest swimsuit. Unable to relinquish the aspiration of a beachside vacation, she sits listlessly, nursing her wounds, tapping at a spent glass of water with a loose straw. The rhythmic percussion soothes her ill mood but doesn't resolve it.

"The Bright side, Marta... look on the bright side..."

She adjusts her parasol to compensate for the shifting sunlight before returning to her appreciation of sounds. The coming and going of the tide... yes, that's a good beat as well.
Sister Marta Rocha

Mekong River - 10/25/2022

"...If anyone can't walk, please help them move! Keep going and don't stop! I repeat-"

Marta stood at the rear of the large mass of escapees, herding them towards the ridge as best she could while hauling two prisoners of her own in one hand.

"Everyone, please listen! There's an evacuation spot over there by the ridge! Please move there in an orderly fashion-"

When the Descent had arrived, she had frozen in indecision - a rare moment of hesitation that she still cursed. She hadn't yet acquired the instinct, the habit of dealing with other Arms Masters on this level. The time to scold herself for this laxity was later - now, she was the only one in the position to lead the evacuation, and she was in her element. It matters not that the risk was even higher - she'd led enough evacuations that she sprung into action nigh immediately.

"- prioritize the sick and the elderly! Don't rush, you might hurt yourself or others! Don't look behind you, but don't leave anyone behind!"

For all her concern over whether the dam would break, someone else did it anyway. The pyrotechnic spectacle that occurred, as well as Qingshe's timely intervention, both stalled the otherwise disastrous flood... but for how long? If there's anything she's learned since coming to this corner of the world, it was to expect the unexpected, and the lapping, churning waters grew higher and higher every second.

"If anyone can't walk please help them move! Keep going and don't stop! I repeat-"

She was already carrying a third person, a man who was too weak to move. With him over her back, the weight on her shoulders only increased, and her put-upon knees creaked and ached with every hurried step, every step taken back to lead one more person who had gotten lost in panic and confusion.

"Saint Michael Archangel, please just a few minutes more..."

She mutters under her voice as she goes.
Sister Marta Rocha

Mekong River - 10/25/2022


Marta wasn't sure how else to react. One moment, her battle seemed to intensify, her lone remaining enemy escalating to lethal force now that it had become much more complicated to contain her. That much she was prepared for, nimbly backstepping from the murderous ice spikes - suddenly, the luminosity of the sky increased even further than it already was for the pitch middle of the night.

This time, it was green, and Marta officially didn't know what to do about it. Fight? Flight? Ignore it or rush there and try to do... something? Luckily, the sudden arrival of the Downward Descent and their dissolute chaos along the riverbanks had interrupted her opponent much the same, or she might have been open to a cheap shot.

"...I'll take you up on that surrender. Just don't do anything stupid, and the both of you will be treated decently."

She picks up Liu Xie with her Left Hand, suppressing a cringe now that the fight is over and the adrenaline rush no longer suppresses the pain of her wounds. Still, with the prisoners scattered to the winds and her immediate opponents surrendered, she wondered what else there would be a need to do here...
Sister Marta Rocha

Mekong River - 10/25/2022

Wasting no time to react, Marta quickly hopped to her feet and charged the enemy arms masters with her boxing guard raised. Closing the distance, she decided not to avoid too many attacks - she could sidestep some of them, but...

"I'll take the vanguard, Miss Nil! Please back me up!"

Ducking beneath a stray kite, she lunges to sweep at the ground, sending a spray of debris flying to obscure the enemy's sight before running even faster. A blast of freezing slush impacts her - she grits her teeth and feels the burning on her right hand, but it does nothing to impede her momentum as it crashes against the fearsome Left. She puts on a face of bravado.

"Gnrkh! Hah, is that... all you can do? Thanks for the air-conditioning!"

Ropes harder than steel wind around her arms, gripping them with tremendous force, but before their grip can tighten any further -

"Will the wild bull be willing to serve you, or will he spend the night at your feeding trough?"

With a single pull, the hands binding the hand of wrath snap like poor strings, weak before its apocalyptic power. With a quick motion, the ropes ensnaring the burnt and bruised left hand are torn asunder.

"Can you tie the wild bull in a furrow with ropes? Or will he plow valleys after you?"

She barely intercepts a close-range blast of ice with her gauntlet, gritting her teeth. Her knees ache and cry out with the exertion as she darts forward in another lunge, gauntleted fist pulled back and ready to strike.

"Do you have an arm like God? Can you thunder with a voice like His?!"

Reaching melee range by the skin of her teeth, she lets loose a boulder-shattering left straight.
Sister Marta Rocha

Mekong River - 10/25/2022

Helplessness is never a pleasant feeling. The inability to act, having to be content simply with being acted upon, is something humans must come to understand in their lives, from infancy to the deathbed. Confronted with the vastness of Creation, all human beings must perforce suffer that indignity sooner or later.

In situations like these, fleeing from certain death - or perhaps worse - at the hands of psychotic enemies and their misuse of power, Marta often found herself simmering in her thoughts on the nature of helplessness. Of all the impressive abilities granted to her allies and enemies, she did not know if any of them required the agonizing wait. Thirty-three seconds of helplessness in a life-and-death situation, where every passing second felt like an hour. Thirty-three seconds of being nothing but a Human on a battlefield of Giants. Thirty-three seconds spanning the gap between divine Might and divine Mercy.

A lot of people can lose their lives in thirty-three seconds.

A lot of regrets can come back to life in thirty-three seconds.

She's seen burning flesh before. She's carried her own burn scars and healed others in turn. Never before had they been borne by another in defense of her. The idea almost stole the strength from her knees before a surge of certainty flooded the back of her mind, and, in a flash of light, she manifested the brilliant white-gold gauntlet in her left arm. Clenching it tightly, she looks again at Qingshe.

"...yes. I'll leave the chastisement of the lust-addled rooster to you."

Turning around, she drives her fingers deep into the soil.

"Don't go dying on us, Serpent."

She pulls hard, sending a torrent of dirt, clods, and rock rushing behind her as she sends herself careening back to the fray...


... and arriving like a screaming bolide between Nil and the enemy's Arms Masters. It's hard to tell it's her at first, as there's only the booming impact of a fist as if from heaven, shattering the ground and leaving behind a sizable crater, but seconds later, Marta falls with a dull thump as she recovers from the second wave of force she used to cushion her fall.

Laying there on the shattered mud, she raises a metal-clad fist:

"It's two on two now, you warmongering scumsuckers!"
Sister Marta Rocha

Mekong River - 10/25/2022

Traveling through ballistics is no one's idea of a fun ride. It sounds amusing to catapult oneself directly into the heavens at vertiginous speeds, but it's much less fun when you realize that you will impact the ground about as fast, and your thoughts become occupied with the negligible difference between bone and crumbly croissant dough in these circumstances.

The local self-proclaimed nun was of much the same opinion - though the blessings of the Left Hand would protect her from this impact with little more than bruises, the supernatural resilience of Arms Masters might not be enough for the other passengers to walk away from the wreck. Maybe in the future, she would worry about controlling the Hand of Might's recoil more carefully because her current vision felt like one out of Hell itself.

Her first instinct was to switch to her right hand as swiftly as possible, to heal anyone who'd been injured in the crash as well as those refugees who suffered wounds in the frenzied melee. If any Chinese soldiers were restored in the crossfire... well, call it a happy coincidence. She wasn't here to passively preside over slaughter and hoped no one gave her trouble over it. It's always awkward to walk into a war on one side and then explain that you prefer it when the enemy doesn't die.

She was about to rush over to help the desperate evacuees when the enemy Arms Masters appeared, and the battlefield turned into a bullet hell. Left with no alternative but to wait for the full thirty-three seconds for the Left Hand to return, she was instead left screaming and jumping desperately across open field and cover to cover to avoid the enemy attacks - A somewhat distracting display that only made her more open to fire, hoping her experience in avoiding enemy fire would spare her for the necessary half-minute.

"Valei-Me, Santa Barbaraaa!"

Jinghong Dam - 10/25/2022

In the precious few moments before everything kicked off, when everything was still tense standoffs and the rising threat of stellar annihilation, when information could still be hurriedly whispered and indicated, Marta had shuffled off to the back of the boat as unintrusively as she could, perhaps masquerading her movement in the guise of being intimidated - which in truth, she somewhat was.

When people suddenly began to move, she manifested the Left Hand of Wrath; the gauntlets' shine like a shimmering beacon in the darkness. A sign that the time for stealth and subterfuge had already fallen by the wayside.

"No time to explain! Hold on tight for dear life!"

With one last sideways glance to confirm the direction, she gathered as much energy as she dared into her left hand and pushed back downwards with a left straight.

The kinetic energy struck the water and compressed the air like the fist of an angry god. With a resounding shockwave and a massive splash, a plume of water tens of meters high sprayed from the surface of the water, the wake spreading down the river as Newton's Laws of Mechanics took hold, and the boat - and everyone on it - was suddenly being subject to very sudden and rude acceleration.

Thanks to the angle of force being applied by the ballistic impact of the punch, the boat soon cleared the water entirely and crashed through a series of fences and barricades. The boat would reach the hostage holding area by hook or crook, but it probably wouldn't be boat-shaped by then.

"Dear lord," thought a screaming nun as she contemplated the approaching ground, "Please let there be no one right below us at the moment."
Mekong River, China - 10/25/2022

Sitting at the corner in a small boat, pulling at the collar of a counterfeit PLA Uniform and trying her best not to further disrobe, Marta Rocha realizes she is not having a good time. She knew this was a humid subtropical region, but good grief, this...

"...This is worse than a hot Lisbon summer. And it's October."

She had even tried to get permission to wear her usual habit, but even from afar, the presence of a nun on a PLA boat would raise some eyebrows. A modest military uniform wasn't bad, but honestly, if she had worn the entire habit, she'd be cooking alive, so it was almost a relief to be mandated to wear it. Not that she was unused to hot climates - she'd been wandering the world for some time now, and Portugal itself isn't precisely Iceland - but she still really hated it.

Shifting in her seat, she barely acknowledges the tension and looming threat around her. She's not one for nerves - problems will either happen or they won't, and there's no point fretting until they fall on her lap. Her enemy at the moment wasn't the PLA; it was the shimmering heat and the many mosquitoes, who, among all of the Lord's creatures, most tested her patience and ability to sit still. As they reach the next barricade, she rises quietly to observe.

"I'm not really sure what the plan is... I'm not exactly a fine military mind. Just say the word and I'll jump to it."

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