Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

EDIT: 0th IC post. Right.

In my defense, you didn't use a 0th post in either the OOC or the CS tab so there was no precedent.
Feeling better today, got a first draft for the post out this morning but I'm not happy with it so I'm still letting it simmer.

Can say this though: Placed Takuma, Shimizu and Kato at the old highway to work on the runners while Keita and Souji were tasked with overseeing the base. Hotaru's placed at the front door, as I assumed Gritty wanted him to arrive there. Anyone who signs up after can be retcon'd after the fact to be at the base or I can think of a third event.

Since yesterday was a sick day and I wanted to work on the post in two days, new expected delivery time is somewhere tomorrow. If y'all want me to do any last-minute changes, now's the moment.

EDIT: Charak wants to move to the pit-stop crew which brings that character total up to 4 but that leaves only Keita at the base to deal with Hotaru. If Amaranthine or Webboy want to switch to base-guarding duty that's fine too, but I doubt Shimizu would stick around if they didn't explicitly need her and I think Kato is more suited to do the direct tinkering. Either we roll with the 4/2 split or someone suggests an alternative.
This is... interesting. I won't lie, I have certain reservations about being put into a situation where I don't even know what genre I'm in, but this sounds cool enough.
said the first post would come tomorrow but I'm gonna be real here, feeling under the weather today. Might have some additional delays attached to it if I feel just as miserable come the next day.
The boring answer is that all my characters are both nothing like me, and yet all are me.

The thing is, I don't really directly play any characters with my specific personality. It's kind of hard to emulate the whole "crippling anxiety around people in public" turned to "will not stop quipping for 5 seconds" to begin with, but also the fact I'm extremely insufferable to even my friends generally doesn't make for a character archetype anyone'd be willing to put up with. Besides that, I've seen said archetype played wrong enough times to not try my hand.

Yet still, that doesn't mean I am not my characters. The way they shine through most is in their dialogue. I don't speak like normal people do, and I find it hard to emulate normal people speech. Therefor, you'll find my general lack of coherent sentence structure in my characters' spoken lines as well. Further, my mind must operate on some 7th dimensional plane, since I manage to always think of the most unorthodox and awkward things.

To add to it, you'd be hard pressed to not find one of my personality traits inside any single one character I make. Whether or not that personality trait is positive or negative, however, is dependant on the character in question. Just my most recent example, Danganronpa Alternate: Apologies to Hope, has me playing three characters: Taka/Taya, Ayu and Momoe. Taka is a rage goblin like I am, Ayu doesn't like to share what she's thinking under any circumstance and Momoe must love the sound of her own voice since she doesn't stop hammering on people for even a second. The only one that doesn't reflect me well at all in the moment, the Taya personality of the first character, is only as such because I've barely gotten a chance to play them.

The fact you can recognize and author in their characters is simply a byproduct of the inherent biases any particular writer carries with them. Anyone can write a shy character, but no one person will write them the exact same way as another. In some small and insignificant way, the author's personality will always shine through and be reflected in that character.

Despite that, there's one character that's pretty much me in a nutshell... unfortunately, it's also the one type of character this thread bans. My old Self-Insert. Dude was a smarmy, self-righteous mischief maker that thought he was a whole lot smarter than he actually is, but still with an awkward caring side to him. Was it me playing an idealized version of me? Yes. But that's also the only time a character ever mirrored me in full. No other character is "like me" in real life. All of them are still me, equally, in their own way.
So its been "a couple of days" and nothing much has been happening really other than me going "dead rp" (which is is- run while you still have the chance) so I want to slowly start getting a bit of a move on.

@LunarStandard@Kaggs Any updates on how your sheets are coming along?

Either way I'll see about getting a first post up around Friday-ish. I've admittedly been procrastinating a bit myself, but I've got a rough idea of where I want to go with things. Most of this is gonna be me winging it, though, so be prepared for a lot of improv.
Turns out when you build up a character of you being overly serious with a side of self-deprecating humor, people are going to take your one-off jokes as overly serious.

I really should've seen that coming.
dead rp
Well, either way, I'm not going to kick it off for a few days longer. Gives most people some more time for sheets and me some more time to drown my sorrows in alcohol.
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