Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

So here I am, casually playing my nuzlocke of PokeMMO in Hoenn. Haven't been online in a while, figured "I'll go train up on some trainer rematches"

Never really had any issues with those, as the trainers are always at reasonable levels, so off I go. I'm up to the 5th gym so the mons are anywhere from levels 18-21 to 26-30 depending on how tough the trainer is, which is perfect, as I'm levelling my newest member after a death in Norman's gym.

For anyone who doesn't know, pokeMMO has a level cap system. After every gym it goes up, and it determines how high your pokemon can level before it stops registering the XP. The level cap was 38.

I rematch a cooltrainer.

Starts off with a level 38 Camerupt.

"wait what"

I immediately nope out of my Combusken lead into my Azumarill, tank an earth power for half its health, and then

level 40 Manectric

Cut through my team like a hot knife through butter and I lost the nuzlocke on the spot.

Can set a discord with a message timer so you can only post every now and then, to make more meaningful messages a requirement. Also a channel where all conclusions and information discussed on is saved that only you can post in is an option.

that's not exactly good for a discord server, so no. Discords are just a double-edged sword and I go back and forth on whether I actually like them or not. 99% of all RPs nowadays use them, though, so it's not like you can escape them.
A discord would be welcome

Or we could open a discord and fight over who does what in the gang


I mean, I'll make one if there's a strong demand for it, but I'm not entirely keen on it myself. I flip-flop a lot on discord servers; On the one hand it's nice being able to contact anyone at any time, but on the other, I feel like they don't actually add much of value. Information gets lost easily and it tends to rapidly devolve into nothing but talking without any actual action behind it. It turns into a game of chicken where one guy is waiting on the other guy to make a move but the other guy is thinking that this other guy will do something, ...

Also, having the main channel of communication both be: 1. Off-site as well as 2. Really fast, is going to make it a lot harder to track who said what & where. That tends to lead to some confusion. If more people want it, though, I can set one up real quick.

Also could my character trying to get into the Breakers be one of the first things we do?

I was thinking maybe we could open with a minor turf war where the Breakers defend their homebase from a rival gang.

getting some mixed messages here lmao

I haven't had much of any inspiration myself on what to do. I can't make much of anything tailored to the cast specifically without knowing the full scope of all the sign-ups, but I also have no "broad" ideas that don't all come down to "The GM duels every player with an NPC"

Granted, I can duel every single one of you at the same time and still post faster than 80% of the site, but I don't think that's a particularly interesting opener. I want something that 'forces' interaction between everyone. Something like Grit's character showing up could work, but that's just the one person. It'd give only a single character something to do while the rest get to twiddle their thumbs, I guess.

Though I guess it could be solved if we split the group up to begin and have several small events. I don't want to pose the cast with an immediate threat, so I'll refrain from any beef with duel gangs or raiding security until everyone's settled into the setting. One more idea I have is that Kato could've tuned up some of the runners with spare parts he found and fixed up, and those in the gang who can ride them are testing the mods out on an old highway inside the Valve district. Got no other ideas for the moment, though.

Alright, so, let's talk about your previous deck's draft for a bit first 'cause I want to compare it to this current one later.

Unlike Charak, I don't immediately have a guttural reaction to burn in a 4K format, if only because of how this RP's looking to be structured. In a vacuum I don't really mind cards like Blaze Fenix or Dark Room of Nightmare. However, the first deck did have issues. It ran quite a lot of power cards on its own, and it really did benefit from the Graceful + Pot of Greed two-piece way more than Charak's deck did. Combine that with two revival cards in both Premature Burial and Call of the Haunted, and the deck was a surprisingly well-oiled machine. It was also really low economy, needing very few cards to be effective, meaning the draw engine was a lot more out of place.

However, with the second draft, a lot of those issues are gone. Because you shifted some cards around you now need to work harder to punish the opponent, while leaving more breathing room in what you can accomplish. Even better, by shifting power away from more card draw and setup (Graceful) into something like Graveyard of Wandering Souls you've set up a way to maintain your card advantage without needing to rely on fetching it all from the deck. The fixes are good stuff.

The deck and character are fine as they are, but there's still one tiny thing that bothers me whenever I see it: The inclusion of cards like Terraforming and Reinforcement of the Army. I don't often like these cards because while they're great in the real game to up the consistency of your deck, in a format where you can decide everything on your own they're nothing but padding. Since they just act as a proxy for any one card in your deck, and serve no other purpose than to get said card from your deck, you may as well just put that very card in your hand instead of first activating another effect to grab it. You're essentially wasting two slots in your deck you could instead be using to play some more interesting stuff that actually helps advance your gamestate.

Upstart Goblin is another one of these cards that really suck in that way, but at least Upstart has the +1000 LP "cost" attached to it. The fact it does something more than just get a card out of your deck instantly makes it more versatile in trying to write a story. So while you're allowed to keep both Reinforcement of the Army and Terraforming, I'd still suggest swapping them out because you're just gimping yourself ever so slightly by making them stick around.
I see what you mean. I'll make edits.

You gonna follow up on that or want me to look at the deck as-is?
24 hours of silence. Whoops.

Would love to give y'all an update but I haven't had a good day, so I didn't get much of anything done either. I'll work on stuff when I feel some drive to, though.

On that note, do you all want me to toss out some ideas for the opening scenario right away or would you prefer to wait on some more sheets?

Also, since everyone's going to be part of the same, pre-established group, don't be afraid to let characters have some history with each-other. Considering Takuma managed to round up all the current 'founders' you'd have to ask how he knew each of them in the first place, so if nothing else, I encourage people to shoot me any ideas they might have. Develop stuff with other players too; It'll get you guys invested in each-other's characters.
considering that's three in a row that go "it's fine" then it's fine to keep.

I brought it up to you myself in reference to joking about with another player

yes. you did.
yo its been brought to my attention that letting Charak run 3 banned cards might be a bit much (Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, Return from a Different Dimension)

Tell me if y'all think the same way real quick. Wouldn't want to be sloppy in my deck checking, but I do miss stuff from time to time.
Character Sheet

I'm going to be real with you: I don't really care how you do this. I'll give you a base template, but feel free to use whatever model for a character sheet you want. All I ask is for a name, a look, a background and a deck. If you want to add more to it, or if you want to reorganize the information in any way, feel free but not forced to. Here's a basic template to get you started:

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