Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
1 like
1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts


What are yugioh cards made out of that the flat top can cause physical pain to a person and or stab them with the corner.

All right, think I'm just about done with the (first iteration of my) form; edited the decklist a bit from last time, but hey, we'll see how this pans out.

these are both fine
Submitting a CS.
I'd like to have one or more founding members to have been clients / acquintances of Shimizu even before she became affiliated with the group. Hit me up to discuss something.

This seems fine. You're in.
Additionally, since this RP has Turbo Dueling in it, you're allowed a deck filled with Speed Spells. Of course I recognize that, even if you throw in the video game pool, we'd only come out to around 130 something Speed Spells. If your deck would be absolutely crippled by going turbo, but still want to have one of those decks, you can convert some of your spells into Speed Spell variants with appropriate costs. I'll keep track of them.

Added this to the OP because I forgot to do so initially. 's kind of important.
Personally, I'm down for the crew to start things off in the thick of things. I love starting things off more dynamic. Also, here's a CS.

This... is solid. I can't see much of anything wrong with it.

That, or I'm soft.

<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Was a fun read. Skimmed it just now. That was pretty much what I thought to be a good start. Did it work out in that specific instance?

considering DT got up to 781 posts before it died, yeah, it did

But DT also had a different structure and people mostly dueled each-other rather than me anyway, so idk.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

I'll bite. How so?

duel tower was a duel academy RP with skill-based dorms

in order to determine the dorm a PC wound up in, everyone had to duel another player

2 duels happened at once, the rest of the player characters watched those two duels happen
They could happen one-by-one, giving others the chance of spectating and making snarky comments.

this is starting to sound more and more like duel tower

i am having the weirdest deja-vu
I'd prefer a start that didn't involve having a bunch of duels right off the bat, or at least not having everyone dueling at the same time. Having everyone writing collabs and no activity in the thread doesn't seem to end well.

you sound as if you've had experience
@webboysurf@Kaggs@ItMeGritty@Amaranthine@1Charak2@Grey@King Cosmos@PKMNB0Y@Calle@LunarStandard

If I missed anyone who showed interest, they can check the int. check for the link themselves or someone else can tag them. If I tagged people who'd rather not be associated anymore: understandable, I'd make the same choice in your shoes.

If anyone feels like more should be added to the OOC, mention it now. Also get your CSes up and rolling.

Also, one more question: What kind of scenario do you all want to start out in? Want me to drop you all in the hideout, let yourselves do your own thing for a bit and get adjusted? Or do y'all want me to throw you into the immediate thick of it and get some kind of hook going straight away?
Move it to here folks. Link is also gonna be in the first post of the int. check for anyone in future.
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