Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
6 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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9 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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10 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

Lopaley - Immediate Realisation, and Gremlin intents.

Never have I been more thankful that this is my power. She'd muse to herself as the machine began to repair. She'd watch it reassert and reconnect itself to its intended places. Like Clockwork that was having its gears inserted. Everything was fitting back into place as the time was rewound upon the object. She would come to realize that it was a lot more complicated then she realized. IT was not some sort of great golem. Rather it appeared to be some sort of Trojan Humanoid.

Buttons were not a concept unfamiliar to her, neither was the presence of switchs. There also appeared to be something akin to a control stick. Like a scepter? She would poke at it. Yes. It appeared it was likely one of the control mechanisms. Even something as complex as this likely had some sort of basic way of getting it up and moving. She might not have weapons.. But a self-repairing juggernaut. Courtesy of her temporal powers.. That might just be enough.

There appeared to be just enough space then for her plan. The Priestess was small enough to fit in. Of course Lopaley made sure that the priestess actually got the lions-share and was in there comfortably. Not having to contort much. Meanwhile Lopaley would have to contort her body a little in the cockpit to reach the controls. She'd likely have some painful cramps after this.

Flipping some switches. Pressing some buttons carefully. Even moving the joystick a little. She'd eventually get a incredibly incredibly basic idea of how to get this thing to stand up and walk...

Then she'd immediately set it to run.

There would be a crazed site of this mechanical humanoid running with limp arms. its Torso swaying to and fro as it would run towards one of the guys and purposely crash into them. "Trojan horse or not. This robot thing is pretty fun!" The Time Goddess would say as she'd tumble a little, She looked like she was piloting a incredibly drunk person. But!

The cockpit was way safer then being out in the open. Considering the observed effort...
I'd like a post from @1Charak2 first, but I still intend to update as soon as is appropriate. Hoping everyone is enjoying things so far!

Apologies for taking a while! I was all over the place with stuff

The goddess of Time attempts to repair the broken guardian.

The Sound of Battle was not something she enjoyed to hear. That was the type of thinking that was going through her mind as she would think about the fight as it was unfolding. The holy emperor? A concept that wasn't unfamiliar to her. Royalty could easily be misplaced as divine. But this would imply that was a definiative authority of this world. That there was some other authority that they in their weakened state may have to answer to.

She would shift her weight holding the priestess. She had given the goddess of the hunt a simple nod when she had been asked to the protect the girl. She was going to do that anyway. So it was an agreement that was easy to make. Her hands not being free would make wielding a weapon of defence rather difficult. However. Evasion? For a person like her. Running away and avoiding things was quite easy when you moved on a different time-scale. It also helped that they weren't aiming the explosions directly at her. Likely due to the cargo she carried.

However... The most important thing there was a damaged construct.

It appeared that this 'guardian' had attacked the soldiers attempting to attack them. "The Enemy of my Enemy.." The time goddess would say as she'd weave her way while still carrying the priestess on her back. Towards the construct. If one of these *things* could kill several soldiers by itself and it appeared to protect the priestess.

Then the only option was to begin to rewind its clock and to repair its structure. Hoping her fellow gods could distract the men long enough to let her perform this feat.


Lopaley would take this immediate development seriously. The tone of their voices was not one that would present a sense of comradeship with the priestess. An invading force perhaps? Maybe the priestess had conducted a unceremonial ritual. Was their revival a fluke then? Unwanted by majority but wanted by the few. Questions that would erode at her mind. She would think on them later. For now she had a more immediate concern.

"Alasayana, Trineon" The Time goddess would say as she turned to face the pair of gods.

"May I carry this priestess." She would say kneeling before them both to gently lift the priestess into a sitting position even with their unconsious state.. In a manner more fit for a mortal then a god, she was handling the priestess with careful care. She didn't truely know how 'durable' a human was. So treating them like hourglass seemed appropriate. She was trying to present herself as an individual that did not want conflict. She also assumed that trying to struggle with a feverish person in the way gods did was just not appropriate at the moment.

"We are likely going to need to have as much mobility as possible if there is a battle afoot. Your agility is best when your not protecting someone. So please. I beseech your trust. To allow me to care for this priestess for the time being. At least till we are among friends. Then you may resume your care of her." The time goddess implored the Hunter. She knew better then to get on the bad-side of a god of the hunt. Even with all the time in eternity. She didn't want to spend it having to run away.

"And you Trineon, You would be better helping in the fighting would you not?" She would continue. Saying to the other god. AS she slowly got the priestess up onto her back. Carrying her carefully. Wrapping the sleeping girls arms around herself. She was effectively carrying a girl that was a little bigger then her but she could manage. She had helped in many a laborious task. She was no god of strength, nor was her strength particularly abhuman. But her endurance was second to none.

Once the girl was on her back. She would make sure to hold the sleeper close. "There there sleeping priestess. Don't worry. You have plenty of time left yet." She would say as she would look at the two gods and then sigh as she looked back at the girl. "I'll use my power to slow down her time. So we'll have longer to get her proper attention." She'd say to the pair. As the gears in her golden-clockwork eye would start to whir. As she used her power upon the girl to slow the fever. To hopefully sty its progression for the time being.



She had dove in front, and had managed to prevent the kick from hurting the injured girl, and that was enough for her. She didn't require attention from her fellow gods. In fact she preferred the exact opposite. The chorus of the gods arguing with each-other. Bickering over Follies. It never interested her to yell at them. She knew better then anyone that a silent voice with a firm hand could move more cogs and gears then the one who wasted all their energy yelling. She had assumed by the fact that she had managed to block the kick without any substanial bone breaking. Likely a result of her poofy dress and the fact that she knew it was coming. As a sign that perhaps it was not only she whom had been substantially weakened by the erosion that permeated through them.

Therefore she would merely get up knowing that people were potentially eying her for her actions She would have to take a middle ground in the matter, and that would be to avoid answering why it was that she did what she did. They may believe that she was trying to amass more followers then they. Or that she was doing it out of some sort of Martyrdom or guilt complex. Though it may have been an eternity they rested. She would be adamant in her self belief that even she had no part in their slumber. They were likely either placing themselves under a false bravado. Or merely continuing the antics that they portrayed so easily years before but Lopaley could already estimate just how much power was lost just by how hard it was to grip her own personal flow of time.

Two things then remained. If this was her starting point then she would rather get out of the under-ground. Sooner rather then later. Though she might be able to rewind time. She wouldn't be able to do much if her body was stuck in stonework. Crushed by the weight of countless Eons. She doubted she could rewind a collapsed structure of this magnitude. At the very moment at least.

However if she was to just slink away then the gods might lay some blame upon her feet for their slumber. It was annoying to think about that she had to walk a tight-rope for now. Dusting off her dres she would take a silent stance near the exit. If they moved to leave she could easily have scurried up the stairs before them.

But for now she had to listen.





I'm sure your god can enjoy kicking someone his own status. At least she can take it. (ProbablY)
The Clock of Eternity has already moved, but its overseer has returned to her post - Hexagonal Chamber

The drowsiness of waking up from the sleep of eons would not be lost on this goddess whom had been around since the dawn of creation itself. The gaps in her memory concerned her immediately but what concerned her more was the location, The Time. The Place. She needed to get out to see the heavens to properly analyze how much time had passed. She couldn't focus unless she knew just how many seconds. She had counted within her dream, and that gave her some comfort. But if she was even off by 15 seconds. She would be upset. Paranoid and rather jumpy to everything around her. Thus she wished to correct herself.

Her entire attention however was brought to bear when she noticed that this chamber was not for her. This was not one of her rare temples. This was not one of her scarce worshippers. More gods were present. She was not alone. That concerned her. She had felt a great deal of her power had been taken from her. Lost into the ethers of time. She could claw it back. But it would take far more effort then she would like.

She did however had enough power left to deal with a potential travesty. The energy within her body would pool upwards to the whirring gears of her eye. The Gears inside starting to shift and whir, as everything around her started to appear slower. She had not changed the time of her environment. Only her own Time. As she would step forward as the kick would be moving forwards towards the collapsed girls ribs. She would move forwards. She didn't have much strength, Nor did she know the girls circumstance. But she was alive again. She wasn't about to let one of her more anger prone brethen kill their benefactor now. Was she?

She would fall in front of the kick. it was the most she could do. She couldn't push the girl out of the way in time afterall. And any injury she herself would sustain wouldn't last... She would effectively use her own body as a punching bag for the anger of another of her kin. She had her thoughts. She had her questions. But she was motivated by the fact that breaking the girl would not save them any time.

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