Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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@Raineh Daze

Accepted, Move to the CS tab
Thread is up

With so much interest I decided to put up the thread with some haste, so please check it out while you are working on your sheet

We'll be heading to Rim Billiton first, as it always in need of some hands to help clear out its mines. Plus, there have been some rumours along the grape-vine that they are excavating things of interest, artifacts of a bygone era. So Samael has taken particular interest in those quarries as of late.

"Ah, It's You." The Sankta would say in her chair, her halo illuminating the darkened room as the automated lock to her room was unlocked. It was a standard affair whenever they got a down-period. The APV wasn't driven at all hours of the night after-all unless they were specifically on a mission. Thus tonight without the low-hums of the engine gently shaking the room the gentle hissing of a door opening would be hard to miss.

"I assume you're here to perform to discuss the need for parts we can acquire from Rim Billiton." She would say as she would turn around to lock eyes with the old Liberi who was frowning at her. "Could you please not give me that look. It is functioning just fine. I promise I wasn't fiddling with your handiwork Alexander" She would say as she would pick up her shirt that was draped over an open drawer. "It is simply nice to be able allow ones injuries to air properly in the privacy of ones quarters would you not consider it to be so?" She would say putting her shirt back on.

"Comfort or not, Lady Samael, though you surround yourselves with trusted mercenaries. They are still only mercenaries. Motivated by god knows what reasons. If someone with higher political power, or wealth could sway them to their side. It would be a detrimental secret to leak." The Liberi would say. "Many an organisation has been felled by insiders, Purgatorio would be no different." He would say giving his consul on the matter as he would divert himself back to his original intent for coming to her quarters.

"Indeed, one of the fuel injectors is on the fritz, I was hoping to salvage one from one of the machines of one of their numerous quarries." Prometheus would say his fingers going to his temple as he would think for a moment. "Which lucky for me, shouldn't be too hard to convince one of the Cautus to trade parts for food." The Engineer would say firmly.

"Very well, you may take some of the rations for this, a safe and working generator is worth cutting partially into our food supply. Can't risk injury to those under my employ from a Originium Generator Explosion." She would say with a sigh. "However please do not barter with more rations if it would leave us with less then two weeks worth. Though Shelter is easy, feeding them properly is more likely to maintain loyalty then simply a cool truck." Samael would say as she would sigh simply.

"I assume we'll arrive in Rim Billiton at Noon. I'll perform an addressment to everyone then. Now would you kindly please sleep Prometheus. You'll need to keep a close eye on this ship for any wannabe thieves trying to rip some parts off our 'steed' If they are using children, scare them off, or bribe them off with some of my food rations. The place might be full of bad-actors but we cannot stoop to that level in how we treat the young."

The Sankta girl would finish listing her command to her trusted engineer as she'd motion that she was done talking for now. She too needed to get some shut-eye. Though her eyes would betray a lack of a proper restful sleep. Even she needed to at least try to get some rest. She would turn away, waiting for the door to close behind her.

She would sigh as she stared at her bed. Very well. She was already in her night-shirt. She might as well attempt to relax her neck muscles. As she would lay upon it. Attempting to look up as her mind would think of what she was going to say tomorrow. What speech she would use. They were going to specifically aim for contracts that let them get near specific mining sites. In order to 'look' at what was going on inside. She would be asking her men to deal with originium slug infestations among other things. Nasty things in closed spaces. Still. Work was work. Light and dark mixed together was just the way of the world.

Of this...

Chiaroscuro World


A world that is like, but not quite like the world of arknights that you are used to. Its story deviates from the stories presented within the original mobile game. So playing the mobile is not required to understand the roleplay, however doing so will help. Similarly due to the deviation in story, there will not be the presence of the characters that appear within the mobile game.

However! everything else for the most part is exactly the same. Notably in the world and its functions. Mobile cities, the Catastrophes, Originium and the worlds reliance upon it and of course the infected are still very much issues that plague the continent of Terra.

So with that out of the way. You are a part of Purgatorio, lead by the Infected Sankta Woman, Samael, a group of mercenaries that chase the forbidden knowledge of the world while doing mercenary work as a front in order to find and locate the origin of worlds secrets, such as the demons of the far north, and the creatures of the deep. The Laterano Popial Vault, and whatever other secrets lay undiscovered.

The Group you shall be employed to

People and Things of Importance

Important OOC

My, so many people are showing interest. Feel free to share your basic character idea, E.g Race/Arts ability (or lack thereof) here while I iron things out for the OOC.

Chiaroscuro World

Interest check

A world that is like, but not quite like the world of arknights that you are used to. Its story deviates from the stories presented within the original mobile game. So playing the mobile is not required to understand the roleplay, however doing so will help. Similarly due to the deviation in story, there will not be the presence of the characters that appear within the mobile game.

However! everything else for the most part is exactly the same. Notably in the world and its functions. Mobile cities, the Catastrophes, Originium and the worlds reliance upon it and of course the infected are still very much issues that plague the continent of Terra.

So with that out of the way. You are a part of Purgatorio, lead by the Infected Sankta Woman, Samael, a group of mercenaries that chase the forbidden knowledge of the world while doing mercenary work as a front in order to find and locate the origin of worlds secrets, such as the demons of the far north, and the creatures of the deep. The Laterano Popial Vault, and whatever other secrets lay undiscovered.

The Group you shall be employed to

People and Things of Importance

Important OOC

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
round two

Hi there.. just a few sheets and stuff



Orion would make a bodily motion akin to that of a shrug as he'd pick up both of the girls onto his large muscular frame and immediately start to descend the building, skipping several steps at a time, making for a rather bumpy ride as he made sure they were held on tight. Soon they would emerge at the bottom of the stairwell back at the street level as he would place them both down. It was reasonable that he didn't have to carry them too far, they could walk. Plus it wouldn't do him much good if he couldn't move in front of them at a moments notice.

"Though I could carry you both the entire way there, Master, I feel your friend would not be best pleased." Orion said sheepishly putting a large hand behind his head with a soft smile. "So I assume we will simply be getting the rest of the way there on foot."


Carmel, a woman of the faith and a follower of the flock of god had reasoned to herself that perhaps her entry into the grail war t o seek answers to her questions was one of folly. Nay perhaps grand foolishness on a scale that a heathen would do directly in front of the messiah. The reason she thought this was simple. She had assumed that the fates would align and give her an individual with enough power to leverage herself properly during the grail war.

IT had not. She had summoned someone whom at first seemed a bit of a disappointment. Royal status and decree did not mean much for the pious as they only followed one king, and Jangar certainly didn't qualify. HOWEVER she was not a foolish devout. It was simply a matter of using the hand she was dealt properly.

Speaking to her servant over the connection between them both, she would take in his view of his surroundings, as she had sent him off to scout the area of the war, relying on his survivability while she sat in the church building and waited for other masters to arrive. Hearing of discovery of the undead. She would frown for a moment. "Very well Jangar, retrieve one. Bring it somewhere outside of church grounds. I cannot conduct a proper investigation if the corpse is purified." She would say in reference to her own servants going ons.

Carmel would place her hands in front of her in a seemingly pious position. Though she was actually just thinking. Undead would mean there was likely a necromancer of some kind afoot. "I want you to tell me if any of those undead exhibit special properties Jangar" The Burial Agency Agent would say, a look of seriousness upon her face.
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