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10 mos ago
Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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I am officially dropping Commencement.

I would like to request that my character's end be handled with some grace. It was a pleasure writing with everyone here. I wish I had the energy to continue.

It has been a wonderful journey that I very much enjoyed (for the most part). I was hoping to power through so I could pull together one last Webby's and see this through to the end with y'all, but Rory's arc is complete as far as I am concerned. I do hope to write with you all again in another setting and another time. I intend to read along to see how things wrap up. In the meantime, don't be a stranger. You know where to find me.
Location: Home - Debolt, Alberta, Canada
Human #5.076: Hands on the Wheel

“Shop is a block that way. Can’t miss it.”

The truck squealed to a stop, and the gearshift crunched into the correct position as Miller gave Rory a curt nod. He had been gracious enough and had the foresight to schedule the drive into town when the two had first moved in, as even the two lovebirds wouldn’t be able to subsist on deli meat, government cheese, and trail mix for very long. It wasn’t a very big village, a bit larger than the single road towns from a Western by technicality. Rory felt like he was on the set of a movie, rather than in any part of Canada he had ever known before this trip.

He’d pinch himself to wake himself from the dream, but the pain that radiated through his legs as he made the transition into the wheelchair was a fair substitute.

Haven’s kiss lingered on his cheek as she made her way towards the independent grocer they had parked in front of. His eyes followed her as she entered, his hoodie easily hiding the fresh signs of her healing. Miller began slowly walking up the sidewalk, with Rory following a few moments later. A few locals passed by, eyeing up Rory with a mix of curiosity and warm smiles. He knew it was only a matter of time before they began asking questions he didn’t know yet how to answer. But for now, they settled to give him distance.

A small bell announced Miller and Rory’s arrival in the cramped hardware store. The aisles were barely large enough for his wheelchair to roll down, and the collection of bits and tools were stored in bins and boxes of varying sizes and colors. A middle-aged man in an old painter’s jumpsuit looked up over the rim of his glasses towards the two from his stool behind the counter, his eyes naturally wandering over Rory’s figure. Faint jazz music drifted from an old radio hidden somewhere out of view. A fading patch over the man’s left breast read “Ashburn” in distinctive red lettering. Rory gave a quick look up to Miller, who approached the counter.

“Kid here is renting my hunting cabin for the time being, and was in the market for a beater. Told him I knew just the bastard.”

A small smile twitched the corner of the stranger’s lips as he turned to look back to Rory, standing up and coming around the corner with a hand outstretched. Rory took it, and muttered out a few words. “I’m Rory. Been travelling West. Looking to settle down for a bit.”

The stranger nodded, cracking his neck and running his tongue across his inner lip. Rory knew the man wanted to ask, but his melancholic expression seemed to repel it. “Well, you can call me Gus. Not often we get strangers in town who want to stay.” He turned his gaze back behind the counter, tilting his head back and forth as if weighing his options, before turning back with a grin. “Tell you what… the thing is rusting out back anyways. I’d let it go for a grand.”

Rory reached into his coat pocket, producing a small stack of brightly colored bills. “Cash ok?”

Gus raised an eyebrow towards Miller, who only shrugged in response. He looked back towards Rory. "You always keep cash like that on you?"

Rory hesitated, his hands frozen as the wheels in his head turned. Miller didn't seem to care, but the last thing he needed was for folks to start getting weary. So, he shook his head. "Well, uh... I kind of withdrew cash from my bank back home. Hard to go out of my way to a bank like this." He motioned towards his lower half, his words dripping with a hint of frustration. He continued counting out the payment, before holding it out in front of him.

Gus nodded, shrugging his shoulders. He lowered a hand to accept the bills. "Fair enough."

Rory breathed a slight sigh of relief. His eyes drifted, trying to drown out the uneasy feeling in his chest. Among the various tools and materials were various homemade items. Small abstract vases and hand-carved trinkets filled up what would be the few empty spaces in the shop. Near the door, resting in an old grated trash can, were a few canes. Rory instinctively pocketed his remaining cash and rolled his way over near the door, lifting one up to admire it. Gus looked up as he finished counting the payment, setting the money down on the counter and walking over. ”Made these myself… but most folks around here who need them already have one. Or are too stubborn to admit they need one.” Rory didn’t need to look up to notice the side-eye Gus had flashed towards his old pal. Miller rolled his eyes and scoffed, trying to make a point to stand up a little straighter than he had been. ”I’d be happy to let ya take whichever ones you like… but I do have a favor I’d like to ask of ya in exchange.”

Rory raised an eyebrow as he turned to face Gus, who was already holding out an old set of keys. ”What did you have in mind?”

Alright, I think it's ready.

Color me intrigued.
Location: Home - Debolt, Alberta, Canada
Human #5.054: Lover, Can you Help Me?
Interaction(s): Haven - @Skai
Previously: Growing Vanes

The world swam as Rory wrestled with that liminal space between deep sleep and reality. It shook, but any sound that graced his ears felt muted and dull. He desperately didn’t want to open his eyes. He felt a little heavier, his brain only just recognizing the doubling of blankets that had been thrust over him.

What truly roused him was the sharp bang of the door as the handle impacted the wall. His eyes shot open, taking a moment to blink away sleep and process what he was seeing. The spot in front of him was empty. His heart sank, despite not being able to process the words and distinct thoughts on what might have happened to her. Rory flung the covers off as he rolled onto his other side, and slid himself to the edge of the bed. He moved his legs over the edge, and felt that warm sting.

Nothing quite wakes you up like pain.

Rory took a deep breath, before quickly pulling himself to his feet with his hands. The movement was quick, and ended with Rory falling back down into the wheelchair set up only a step away. Within moments, he was rolling back and over towards the open door, eyeing Haven’s discarded boots. His fists clenched the armrests of his chair as he stopped in the doorway, looking out into the night. He paused, his eyes trying to scan the tree-line in the moonlight. It was hard to focus on anything through the panic.

He rolled his way back towards Haven’s side of the bed in a frenzy, grabbing at the flip phone they had purchased on the road. He flipped it open, powered it on, and grunted at the one thing he was praying he wouldn’t see: no signal. He closed the phone and tossed it back into the bed. His eyes shifted to the fireplace, where he moved to grab the old iron poker from its stand. He set it in his lap, and wheeled himself over to the door. He parked himself near the screen door for a moment, eyes scanning the yard and forest. He slowed his breathing, the blood thumping in his ears making it hard to listen for anything.

But the shrill, primal laugh still reached his ears.

Rory didn’t know how to process it, reaching a hand for the screen door. He wasn’t going to be any use to her if she was taken again, but he had to do something. But as he listened, the tone of the laugh halted his movements. He remained sitting in wait, darkening the entrance, until he heard the soft crunch of footsteps breaking the tree line. Haven’s form sent a mixture of shock and relief in his system. She was nearly nude, sweat glistening in the moonlight, shirt clutched to her chest. Of course, his eyes only lingered on those familiar folded wings that protruded from her back. They were not the well-endowed pair he had grown familiar with, but they were recognizable all the same. Rory felt the tension in his body release as he focused on catching his breath.

Haven’s bare feet slowed to a stop just within the barrier of light that the fire behind her lover’s form cast on the ground. His shadow, and that of his wheelchair, ended just at the tips of her toes. The look on his face said everything she expected it to, and yet the shock displayed in his eyes as he took in the sight of her still left her speechless.

She wasn’t aware of how wild she looked until now. With her feet and knees dirty from the forest floor. The halo of hair around her head stuck to the sides of her face with sweat. Every inch of her skin exposed except for the parts covered by her sleep shorts. The damp shirt she now clutched to her chest with dirt-smudged hands was more for her comfort than the privacy it provided.

Her feet shifted in the leaves as she watched him stare at the freshly grown wings on her back. She had no words to describe them. So, she simply turned her body away from him so that she could stretch them out once more. They ached, as much as the rest of her body did, but a small pride still swelled in her chest as she displayed them. A gentle smile spread across her lips as she faced him once more, having completed a full 360 where she stood.

“They’re growing back, Rory.” She breathed out. Her words were puffs in the chilly night air, and her eyes still glistened with the tears she had shed. “It’s like I’m going through puberty again, but this time it’s fast and overwhelming. It’s…” She huffed another quiet laugh as she tried to explain it. There was no other word that came to mind but, “It’s incredible.”

Rory nodded along to Haven’s words, his eyes scanning her regrown wings. A small twitch formed at the end of the smile that grew on his lips, a feeling brewing in the back of his skull he didn’t want to give air. So he nodded, and lifted his hands up to wave her over. “They’re beautiful, Dove.” He took a deep breath, fully relaxed save for the chill of the night air. He wrapped his arms around his own bare chest, half-regretting not taking a minute to at least put on pants. He was glad he had at least worn boxers to sleep.

His smile, and his compliment, had her heart warming within her chest. Her eyes tracked the movements of his arms, noticing how he was hardly dressed himself, and she realized what it must feel like for him to be at the edges of the fire’s warmth. Her face fell. “Shit, you must be freezing.” She said, her feet moving into a fast pace across the ground. She quickly crossed the portico and stepped into the doorway, stopping just inside the house as her dirty feet rested on the warm wood.

“I… I left the door open. I wasn’t thinking right.” The words sputtered out as her eyes glanced between his. Her mind was still piecing itself back together as she tried to explain herself. It was as if the nightmare and the surge of power had left her out of her mind. Which, in all fairness, was probably true.

“You scared the shit out of me.” The relief and warmness had given way to a small swell of residual panic and frustration. The smile had dropped, and he just looked incredibly exhausted. Rory wheeled himself past Haven slightly, just enough so he could close and lock the door behind her. “Door was open, you were gone… thought you were screaming for a moment.” His hands rested on the deadbolt for a moment, before it dropped back to the fire poker in his lap. He lifted it up and gently rested it against the wall. “We don’t get reception out here… so I can’t even call for help.” He wheeled himself around, his eyes focused on the ground. “So please… don’t run off like that.”

Haven’s lips pressed together as she stepped to the side of the door. The deadbolt locking into place felt like both a comfort and a weight on her chest as Rory’s words settled in. Her eyes lingered on the iron as he set it against the wall, and she knew that she must have scared the hell out of him. Because she had been screaming, and she had run off thinking of her own peace of mind instead of theirs.

“I’m sorry.” She murmured, the guilt audible in her tone. Her eyes fell to her dirty feet. She didn’t want to make a mess, but she couldn’t just go into the bathroom to clean up while he was upset. She had to fix it. She had to help him understand why she’d acted so erratically in the first place.

She swallowed and took a breath before speaking again as she moved to follow him.

“It was a nightmare. I was back at the dance.” She was past him now, and she could barely glance his way as she took a seat at the end of the bed. “I could feel its fingers–” She cut herself off as her hands released her shirt in her lap and reached to touch the sides of her face. A sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head, her eyes looking at her footprints on the floor as a distraction.

Rory sighed, shaking his head slowly as he continued looking towards the ground. “I know…” His grip tightened slightly on the armrests, as his mind replayed that same scene. “I know.” The frustration and panic had melted into exhaustion once again. He moved near the bed, positioning himself in front of Haven. His hands reached forward to grab the shirt from her lap, transferring it over to his own lap and folding it up carefully. His eyes remained fixed on the shirt as he worked with it. “I’m scared too.” His voice was flat, antithetical to his own words. His hands carefully smoothed out the shirt’s creases, before he set it on the ground next to her boots. It needed to be washed… he hadn’t had to wash clothes by hand before. Another fun challenge he’d have to get around to.

“It’s going to be ok.” These words were softer, coupled with the gentle touch of Rory’s hands cupping Haven’s as they clutched at her head. He lifted his gaze to meet Haven’s, the tiniest hint of tears forming at the edges of his eyes. “You should wash up while I get you a glass of water, ok?”

The tenderness with which he took her shirt and folded it, the movement of his fingers as they smoothed the creases out, was a strangely comforting sight. Her toes gently brushed against the sides of his legs where she sat before him. An absentminded connection between their skins. She wanted him to take those hands and smooth out her own creases, too.

It’s going to be ok.

She repeated his words in her mind, the simple phrase doing more for her than it should as she felt his hands cover her own. Her eyes lifted to meet his gaze at the same time he’d looked up at her. Fingers spread just to intertwine with his. Every brush of his skin against hers was somehow amplified, sending tiny caresses of energy along her spine. The ions that had been depleted in the forest had left her body raw and sensitive.

“Do you… want to take a bath with me?” She asked softly. “I know you’re tired, but I think the warm water will do us both good.”

Rory hesitated as she spoke, that air around the two seeming to shift. His eyes trailed down her face, resting below the collarbone. Warmth spread through his core, and he looked away to clear his throat. “I… guess we should try out the water heater.” Rory slid his fingers from Haven's grasp, and turned himself around. He tossed the dirty shirt into one of the chairs near the dining table, before moving his way over to the kitchen. He plucked an air-dried glass from the counter, filled it with water from the tap, and took a few gulps before refilling it.

The balancing act was difficult, as he rested the glass between his legs as he spun himself around carefully. The water swayed in the glass a little, threatening to spill out the top onto his thighs. He rolled himself carefully back towards Haven on the bed, and held out the glass when he came to a full stop. “Here, Dove.”

The glass was taken gratefully, a shy smile still gracing her lips until they touched the rim. Her head tilted back, greedily downing the liquid until the glass was empty. She exhaled as the glass was lowered, then, and she licked at the last drop on her lips. “Thank you.”

She leaned forwards to set the glass on the floor, and then stood with her feet placed between his. Her hand reached towards him, running her fingers back through his hair and down the side of his head to run her thumb along his cheekbone. Her breath stilled as the action sent tingles up her arm.

“I’ll get the water running.”

The few steps into the bathroom felt harder than they should have been. As if her body had gotten heavier after sitting down. She leaned into the tub to turn the faucet, and then plugged the stopper once her hand had felt the temperature. Her mind still lingered on the way his eyes had looked at her as she waited for him to follow her inside.

Meanwhile, Rory took a few breaths near the bed. Her touch had sent jolts down his spine, and his gaze had lingered on her lips as she drank. The exhaustion that called for him seemed to melt in her presence.

He slowly rolled his way towards the bathroom as he heard the tub beginning to fill. He parked the wheelchair in the door frame, resting his hands in his lap to hide what the thin fabric was struggling to. Rory’s eyes traced the tips of Haven’s wings and down her spine. He wet his lips subconsciously, still unsure on how serious his partner was on simply washing up.

He banked on that being a perk, but not the only intent.

He rolled himself further into the bathroom, coming to a stop next to Haven at the tub. “I'm… probably going to need some help.” His thoughts raced to find the connection, the innuendo he was attempting. He reached a hand up to Haven's waist, sliding his finger along the waistband of her shorts as his mind worked. He flashed his usual smirk as he hooked his thumb under the fabric near her tailbone. “Of course, I can help with yours if you help with mine.”

Her eyelashes fluttered with the movement of his finger along her skin as she stood from the tub, and she turned to him just as his finger caught her shorts at the base of her spine. The smirk alone could have melted her, but his teasing warmed her chest as much as it warmed her cheeks.

They’d shared passionate kisses since the night they were both rendered broken, but this kind of tension between them had been missing. Too caught in their own grief, too focused on the shabby locks of the motel rooms, and too worried about where their next destination would bring them to fall back into the banter and lust that had become a staple in their short relationship. This moment was wild and unexpected, and while they were both exhausted by the day’s work to get the cabin into working order, and drained from the frightening experience that had gotten them to this place, Haven was suddenly so, so grateful for it.

“That sounds fair,” she breathed, her lashes falling low to glimpse the boxers he wore and what was hidden beneath. A grin spread on her lips as she looked into his eyes, and she stepped between the footrests of his wheelchair. “Me first.”

Rory leaned forward in his seat, lifting his other hand to Haven's lower back. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against his partner's side. His fingers were delicate as they slid under the fabric, thumbs lifting to catch the shorts and slide them down in the process. His hands caressed Haven's most pronounced curves, slowing down to relish in the intimate moment. His torso continued to bend lower, leaving a trail of kisses down Haven's side until they reached her waist.

The shorts dropped to the floor unceremoniously as his hands remained cupped behind her. The warmth that spread through every inch of him yearned for more than his body could handle. He reluctantly leaned back, his fingers trailing up to the curve of her hips as he looked back up at her.

Her head had tilted back the moment his lips met her skin, eyes closing as her hands rested on his shoulders. Every aching bit on her body warmed with the caring act. A simple motion turning into something she craved more of with every passing second. If she weren’t so sore she would have crawled into his lap in the chair and made the most of this feeling. Yet the tub was filling now, and the urge to soak her muscles in it still outweighed the need that was building between them.

Her smile was kissed by a blissful joy as she brought her head back down to look at him again. Her earth laden hands began to slide down his arms, her body kneeling until she sat on her heels before him, and her hands squeezed his own for a moment before coming to rest on his knees. They traced remaining scars from his injury. Her smile fell as she focused on them, before she leaned to place a gentle kiss on the place where his femur had broken the skin apart. She tilted up to place a kiss on his lips next and her hands carefully began the process of pulling his boxers off.

She had to bite her lip to keep from grinning as she knelt back down to pull the underwear off of his feet. The sight of his arousal was hard to ignore, but she was doing her best to at least get them into the tub before it went any further.

Rory eyed the bathtub, sighing as he had to move a hand away from Haven to turn the faucet on the tub off. He dipped a finger in, pleased at the warmth. All the hassle was worth it for a moment like this. His other hand lingered on Haven’s waist, his fingers pressing into her soft flesh as he seemed to weigh his options.

He kicked his feet down onto the wheelchair’s brakes, placed his hands on the armrests, and hoisted himself onto his feet. The sudden pained expression that marked his face seemed counter to the warmth of his skin as he leaned his weight against Haven. His tender skin pressed against hers as he repositioned himself slightly. The pain in his legs was only mildly dulled by the endorphins rushing through his system. He didn't linger too long, before stepping one foot into the tub. As soon as the second was in, he crouched down and used his hands to support himself until he was sitting down. He looked back towards Haven, trying not to stare at what was at eye level.

He was failing miserably.

“Come on in, the water's fine.”

All thoughts were muddled and hazy as Haven stepped out of her shorts one dirty foot at a time. The flush on her cheeks only darkened once she noticed the direction of his eyes. She looked into the tub, eager to soak the soreness out of her body, but unsure which position to take when Rory’s legs took up the entire space. Should she face him? Should she…?

Words lingered on the edge of her lips that still tingled from their shared kiss as she hesitated to join him.

“Rory?” Her hands took his where it rested on the edge of the tub and she played with his fingers as she looked between his blues. It wasn’t a hard question to ask, and she was sure he’d say yes, but it was difficult to overcome years of avoiding another’s touch with just a few words.

“Would you like to… touch them?”

Rory audibly gulped, before confusion muddled his thoughts. His eyes moved from below her waist and up the length of her torso, before his mind finally hazarded a guess as to what she was talking about. He instinctively pressed his thighs together in a subconscious effort to hide his feelings. “Yes… Yeah, I would.”

Haven’s entire body perked under his searching gaze. The small wings resting on her back responded by ruffling, and she even shifted her legs as she squirmed. Still, she grinned through it because of the confusion on his face, as she realized she should have specified which part of her she’d been talking about.

Meanwhile Rory's eyes shifted to the bathtub, noticing how much space he was taking up. He slipped his fingers from Haven's grasp. He used his hands to help shift his legs wide, before patting the space in front of him. “Ummm… let's try this.”

Haven’s hands moved to pull the hairband out of her hair as he made space for her, her eyes greedily looking over his chest and into the water where the rest of his athletic form sat. She set the hairband on the edge of the sink with a nod. Her tongue traced the back of her teeth instead of responding. Her thoughts were just as dirty as the foot she lifted over the edge of the tub. Each hand rested on the edges of the tub, like Rory had done to get in, as she lifted the other leg inside too.

As she lowered her backside into the water, she felt an instant relief from the ache in her muscles when they submerged beneath the warmth. The dirty thoughts escaped her for one second as she audibly sighed in relief. Eyes fluttered shut, head leaned forwards as she wrapped her arms around her knees and rested her chin on them.

“This feels like heaven.” She murmured, one eye peeking open as she turned her head to the side to look back at him over the crest of a mini wing. She smiled hazily, and enjoyed the feeling of her muscles relaxing for a moment longer before she scooted herself backwards, closer to him. Her head turned forwards again as she looked into the water at her feet. Brown swirls of dirt were already lifting from them and spreading.

Her wingtips were already wet from sitting, and small drops of water fell from the longest vane as she slowly lifted them off of her back. Her breathing slowed, eyes falling shut once more, as she felt herself bracing for his touch. She knew he wasn’t going to hurt her– knew that it would feel even better than the massages he’d been giving her back since their last night on the island. So, the words came easy this time as she spoke. “I trust you, Rory. More than I’ve ever trusted anyone. I want to know what it feels like for them to be touched by your hands.”

Rory nervously shifted in the bath, as Haven's proximity came dangerously close to invading his most personal space. Her words and moans sent shivers down his spine. They had shared a number of intimate moments since their night in the tent, but this moment was far more vulnerable than either had been before. His heart raced in his chest, and it was unclear if his palms were slick with bathwater or sweat as he cleared his throat.

There was something about Haven's words that didn't make sense to him. The trust and compassion of her words seemed far more serious than the action she had requested. More importantly, he had touched them before. Not as much as he would have liked admittedly. Unless that wasn't what she was asking for.

“Hey, Dove… what exactly am I touching here?”

“Hm?” She murmured, lifting her head again to really look back at him. Her wings shifted again with the movement, the tips drooping into the warm water once more. A slow blink was all she gave him, her mind too muddled by the relief that the warm water provided to fully understand his question. “My… wings. What else are you…?”

The words trailed off as it dawned on her. Her wings twitched, and suddenly she was giggling into one hand. “Oh.” Her eyes dipped south, and she had to bite her lip to keep herself from saying something that would fast forward to a mess of tangled limbs and heated breaths.

“I was asking if you wanted to touch my wings.” She cleared her throat as she tried to gather herself again. “I-I haven’t allowed anyone to touch them since I was young.”

The admission seemed to dull the light that had sparkled in her eyes as she giggled, and her fit quieted into something serious again. Her smile softened into something bittersweet as she lowered her hand onto her knee again. “I’ve forgotten what it feels like for someone else to love them, and I want it to be you that reminds me.”

Rory lifted a hand up from its position on the bathtub’s rim to gently brush a few strands of hair from Haven's face, nodding as he smiled softly. The electricity that seemed to spark in the air flipped off like a switch, replaced instead with a soothing coziness. “I'd love to… well, love your wings.”

He slowly moved a hand from Haven's face, his breathing slowing down as he was slow with his movements. He examined the small set of wings before him, weighing his options. He opted to start with the outermost feathers, her primaries. His fingers gently grazed the tips, brushing over a few one by one as he admired the feeling. A small exhale escaped his lips, a mixture of excitement and comfort. His other hand dipped into the water and rested against Haven's side, where he had kissed her earlier. His voice was low and soft, barely more than a whisper. “They're beautiful, Dove. Absolutely stunning.”

She’d watched as his hand extended towards the vanes, and was grateful that he was moving carefully. When his fingers first grazed their softness, she closed her eyes in preparation for that unsettling feeling that came with it. He traced the outline of her primaries, and the gesture felt tender and kind. Suddenly it was as if the tension that had built over ten years of protection and defense broke free from her chest. She found herself exhaling with him as her body truly melted into a form that hadn’t been seen since she was a child. Her shoulders lowered, muscles going as languid as the water that surrounded them, and the smile that crept onto her face was blissfully at peace in the space that they had created within the tiny bathroom.

It was everything she wanted it to be, and he had only grazed the tips.

Her wings responded as if they had a mind of their own. They stretched themselves out for him, opening to any further curiosities or strokes of his hand that he wished.

Rory's smile grew, as he leaned forward and craned his neck to press his lips against Haven's. It was soft and gentle, as his fingers slid slowly up the lengths of the feathers. They teased into the gaps, remaining gentle and stopping briefly in every new sensation. He listened with closed eyes, feeling for reactions in Haven's body or wings to guide his movements. He moved from the primaries to the secondary feathers, before further sliding his hand up towards even the coverts.

He stopped short, however. Instead of continuing to explore the wings, he settled into a gentle pattern of running his hand flat along the span of Haven's wings. His soft petting motion remained as he broke the long, tender kiss. His breath was a little ragged, as his chest tried desperately to contain the swell of feelings that surged through him. “Is this good?” His voice was small, wrapped in a slight air of uncertainty.

Haven’s eyes slowly opened as he broke the kiss, looking through her brown lashes at him as her breaths mingled with his in the air between them. Her chin dipped in a nod, yet the sensation that traveled across her integument and into her spine was so much better than “good.”

“It’s so much better than I remember.” She whispered, and a small smile spread as she leaned in to press a kiss against the corner of his mouth. “That feels… You know how I reacted when you touched my spine? It’s kinda like that too.”

Her wings adjusted themselves beneath the passes his hand made against them. Unfurling and furling as his hand reached the bottom and moved back up to the tops. Ensuring he touched each feather on the way down their length.

Rory closed his eyes, as the atmosphere grew electric once again. He had to will himself to lean back in the bath and away from the kiss. He knew it wouldn't defuse the situation, but it could at least delay the coming storm. His left hand moved up to grace Haven's other wing, petting both softly as his legs shifted slightly in the water.

A smile grew on his lips, as his soft tone had a hint of humor. “I take it back… maybe you should run out in the middle of the night more.”

Haven’s shoulders twitched as she let out an absentminded snort. She leaned back towards him after he pulled away, her wings splaying out just enough to feel every tingle his touch sent through them. Her head tilted left as she simply enjoyed the gentle caresses, blissfully lost to the sensations until the feeling began to build within her. Her toes curled in the water ever slightly as her back began to arch.

“I might fake it next time just to get us here again.” She teased.

Rory's breath halted for a moment as she spoke, his mind going blank. He felt almost magnetically drawn to filling what little gap there was between them. His right hand stopped its motion to swoop under his partner's wing and wrap around her mid-section. He scooted her back slightly in the tub, pressing their bodies close.

He kissed her, his left hand continuing the soft petting in a gentle rhythm. His kiss was the most passionate they had shared since the dance, greedily cutting off any more words or sounds except for the sound of sloshing water.

Her own breath was stolen the moment his arm wrapped around her and pulled her against him. Her head turned to meet the kiss that made every inch of her body melt, every place, skin to skin or palm to feather, igniting with a need to somehow get closer to him. Closer, warmer, more, more, more of this moment between them. A passion blooming in her chest that felt similar to that night in the tent, but much more intimate and tender than their first.

The kiss became hungry, every intent focused on merging their souls as well as their bodies. Eager to leave the fears and pain that had plagued them since the trial behind for as long as possible. Hoping that the release this would give them would mend their souls kiss by kiss, touch by touch.

A small noise was muffled by his lips against hers as she felt his toned frame pressed against her back. The electricity of his fingers running over the barbs of her wing ran down the length of her spine and settled in her stomach. Her legs turned to the side so that she could curl them up in front of her, and her hands grasped the arm that held her against him and squeezed it in a silent plea to turn herself completely.

He obliged, letting go of Haven and lowering a hand from her wing to guide Haven's hips in the motion. He refused to break the kiss in the process, matching her movements as he shifted his legs closer together. As Haven's entire body turned to embrace him more fully, he was careful in giving her space to settle into his lap. He kept one hand braced below her hips for support, while another reached up to run his fingers over his partner's wings.

The kiss was only broken for a few moments of heavy breaths and wandering hands as she climbed into his lap and pressed herself into him once more. Her hands roamed his upper body where they could. Their chests rising to meet each other with each heavy breath between heated meetings of their mouths. The need reached an intensity between them until she couldn’t hold back any longer. She claimed him for the second time since that fateful night. Each of them reliving the spark that had kindled the fire that kept them together.

They weren’t sure how much time passed, but neither minded. The bathwater had gone lukewarm by the time their bodies cooled down, and yet they still tended to each other’s bodies with soap and cloth until all of the night’s sweat and earth was washed from their skin. They helped each other from the bath, both bodies settling into a mindless exhaustion by the time Haven helped Rory back into the bed.

She took a moment to tend the fire before joining him. Her smile was happier than it had been in weeks as she crouched in front of the flames and fed a log into the hearth. Slowly, she stood from the fireplace and stretched out her body. Her muscles were deliciously sore for an entirely different reason now, which made her giggle softly to herself before turning to make her way back to him.

Rory was sprawled out on the bed, his eyes half-closed with a dumb grin on his face. Haven had sapped nearly all the energy he had this late at night, leaving him moments away from slipping back into sleep. He hadn't bothered to slip on boxers again, draped in only an old ship around his lower half. As Haven drew near, his smile grew wider as his head turned to face her. He held his arms out, beckoning her over with his hands. “Come to bed, babe.”

He didn’t even need to say it, for Haven was already nearing his side of the bed. She took his hands as she lifted a knee onto it and crawled up his body to lay with half of herself laying on top of him. A careful leg draped over his, her knee resting against the bed to keep most of her weight off of his healing limb.

The arm she didn’t tuck between them draped across his chest, fingers idly swirling against his skin while her head rested in the crook of his neck. Her wings settled onto her back, and the arm Rory wrapped around her back rested on top of them as he placed his palm on the side of her ribs. She kissed his pec, and lazily smiled up at him with the light of all of the love she had for him shining in her eyes.

“Goodnight, Rory.” She whispered, her free arm reaching up to trace a line down the center of his forehead and to the tip of his nose.

Rory closed his eyes as he enjoyed the sensation of Haven tangling herself with him. The last vestiges of consciousness were melted away by the warm and soothing feeling of his partner beside him. The few times they had slept apart in recent memory had left him feeling restless. Now, he couldn't imagine falling asleep without her. So it was, with barely more than a pleased grunt, he softly muttered his own goodnight.

“I love you, Haven.”

Haven’s breath hitched as those three little words filled her chest with an emotion she couldn’t quite pin. Lingering somewhere between heart throbbing joy and bitter sorrow, until the happier emotion overcame the other and her cheeks blushed with the warmth that spread through her. She tucked herself in closer to him, a soft smile playing on her lips, and murmured her own reply as she closed her eyes. She knew a nightmare wouldn’t come for her again tonight, and that the next thing that would wake her would be the light of the sun shining in their cozy cabin.

“I love you too, Rory Tyler.”

Everything Kazran had ever owned jostled around in a single burlap strap slung over his shoulder. He had spun it around to cover his chest upon hopping down from the wagon. He had managed to hitch rides among friendly merchants and farmers for weeks, offering up the meager sum he had saved little by little until a single coin remained.

He was not a particularly appealing sight: he was large, covered in grime, and his hair was slick with grease. The sack was barely large enough to store his more treasured items, a simple wrapped handle clearly peaking through. The only thing on his person that clearly denoted his intentions in Atutania was a polished kite shield strapped to his back. He had cleaned it three times a day since he had gotten it, and it shone so bright you could practically see your reflection in it. Murmurs had followed him since he left Itenaire, but no one dared to accuse the teen of theft.

Especially not when they saw what tool he carried in his bag.

Atutania's festivities meant little to Kazran. He had not the coin nor the time for pleasant festivities. The smells did send his stomach twisting into knots of hunger, but he simply ignored his body's cries for sustenance. His soul needed to be quenched first.

If he failed here, nothing else mattered.

So, Kazran ignored the opulence on display. He ignored the aristocrats and nobles who seemed to watch the common rabble for entertainment. He ignored the greedy stares leveled at the shirld on his back. He ignored all but the target of his journey: the trial grounds.

It was easy to recognize, by the high concentration of armed young adults. Most looked rather well put-together, with a not-insignificant assortment of those with noble blood. Kazran's heart sank at the sight of the others gathered. He knew that only some of those here gathered would even make it past the first steps: what chance did he have of being one of them?

Kazran wandered into the dwindling line in front of the sign-in desks, drawing a few odd looks from hopefuls and attendants alike. He shuffled along, until he was finally ushered before one of the attendants.

"Can I get your name?"

"Kazran... Kaz for short"

"Family name?"

Kazran simply shook his head. "I'm from Itenaire."

The simple statement seemed to be enough of an explanation, as the appropriate information was catalogued and noted. She half-turned towards the proving grounds, motioning towards the various facets. "You are encouraged to demonstrate your skills as you see fit. If you did not bring equipment, some may be provided for you."

Kazran shook his head , untying the knotted rope that drew his sack closed. He loosed the opening, before pulling out the large warhammer. He let the momentum and gravity swing the weapon's head towards the ground, forming a small spiderweb crack in the cobbled stone. The attendant's eyes grew wide for a moment, before clearing her throat. "Ah... well, um, we have some practice dummies set up over there for you. Feel free to find a free space first and set up as you wish."

Kazran nodded, smiling softly as he hoisted the hammer up onto his shoulder with ease. He lumbered through the crowd towards the training area. He searched for a sizable enough rock to take a seat, setting his belongings down in front of him as he did. He looked up to watch the other aspiring applicants go through their routines. His hands absentmindedly fiddled with the buckles and straps of the breastplate he had been gifted. He lifted it up over his head, easily shimmying his arms into their respective holes before sliding it over his chest. The arm guards were much easier, as were the greaves.

As he reached the bottom of his sack, he felt a small metal chain. His heart seemed to speed up as he removed the small locket from the sack, running his thumb over the small crest of the Bonderal family. He couldn't bring himself to open it, instead sliding the chain around his neck. He tucked the pendant under the breastplate, and rose to his feet. He readjusted his old smithing gloves, plucked his hammer and shield from the ground, and strode off towards the melee practice dummies.

He had everything to prove.
Location: Home - Debolt, Alberta, Canada
Human #5.048: All the Small Things
Interaction(s): Haven - @Skai
Previously: A Place to Nest

Rory's eyes glazed over as he refused to focus on the trees that lazily rolled by. The jostle in the old truck's movements were clear signs of its suspension going bad. The old man certainly knew, and mentioning it would certainly come across as a complaint instead of an observation. So he kept his lips sealed, ran his fingertips over the tight muscles in his legs, and dissociated.

When the truck stopped, it took him a moment to register that they had arrived. It was that sudden absence next to him that registered action, and he instinctively used his arms to slide his body across the old bench seat. He swung his legs over the end, and eased his weight onto his legs. Pain shot through him, duller day by day but sharp enough to loose a strained grunt from his lips. Haven's fingers wrapped around his arm to help support him, as Rory flopped into the wheelchair. He felt the frustrated look from his partner, but shook it off.

He still didn't like the doting, but knew he'd be doing the same in her position.

While she admired the nature around them, Miller approached, holding out an old set of keys. The key-ring had small flecks of rust from years of wear and tear. Rory reached into his inner jacket pocket, feeling for the stack of cash he had counted and bound that morning. He had always intended to use his inheritance to begin putting down roots, but never expected it to be this soon and under these circumstances.

He was sure that his parents would be disappointed.

That made it all the easier to place the stack into Miller's hands.

Miller left, and Rory ran his finger along the keys the man had left him. He handed the keys off to Haven when she motioned for them, and he watched her enter into their new home. He sat in front of the porch stairs, a small smile on his lips as he saw the wonder in her movements. Her happiness was infectious.

Infectious enough that he couldn't help but shift his legs off the footrests, and plant themselves on the course gravel. His arms did most of the work in pulling himself to his feet, adrenaline working to dull the pain. His right arm rested on the bannister, and his feet took each step one at a time. It felt almost surreal to walk again, grounded only by the shaky pain that made him feel like he would keel over at any second.

Haven had rushed to his side by the time he reached the porch proper, and the feeling of her lips against his melted the world away for a brief moment. She moved to support him, and he wasted no time to settle his weight on his shoulders. It would take time for him to be back to normal, but he felt a surge of pride in his chest at the steps he had made.

Most folks wouldn't even be able to stand for a second this quickly from a fractured femur.

“Let’s walk inside together.”

Rory nodded at the suggestion, letting her take the lead in guiding them through the open front door. He set the pace, taking one step at a time in a slow marching rhythm. He resisted Haven’s urge to set him down in the rocking chair near the door, instead nudging them in the direction of the dining table. They lowered him into one of the seats, Rory’s labored breathing intercut with sudden inhales. His legs burned in pain, but he tried not to show it. Haven was already out the door again to grab the wheelchair as he took the moment to admire the space. It was much larger than their former accommodations, and had much more natural lighting.

Of course, next came all the small tasks that came with moving into an old, small place. Rory had plucked an old towel from one of his bags, and began using it to dust everything he could reach from the comfort of his chair. He gave the handle of the sink a quick flick, grimacing at the sight of sputtering brown water. Miller’s comments on the water heater now felt more like a bad omen than an off-hand comment. He shook his head, flashing a look over in Haven’s direction. She had taken the towel from him to wipe some of the harder to reach places. Her eyes met his, and a faint smile traced his lips.

Rory rolled himself over to the bathroom. It was modest, sporting little more than a toilet, bathtub, and sink. Except, of course, for a small door. Opening it revealed the water heater, along with a junction box. He opened the later up briefly, noticing the handful of switches and making sure everything was powered. He then turned his gaze back towards the water heater, fiddling around with the controls until he found what he was looking for.

”Dove… can you check the shed out back and see if Miller left a hose? I think we need to flush the tank.”

Rory powered off the water heater, listening as the screen door to the back porch slammed shut. His legs still ached, but he refused to let that stop him. He locked his chair's wheels, and slowly lifted himself up out of his seat. He tried lowering himself down slowly, only to lose his grip on the door frame in the process. He let out a sharp cry as he fell onto his tailbone, coupled with the newly fresh pain his legs were in as they had bent sharper than usual. He took a few deep breaths, centering himself as he pushed himself with his hands to sit near the base of the water heater. He turned off the cool water spigot, and leaned back to rest his head against the wall. Now, he simply needed to wait.

It took 3 hours of trial and error to finish flushing out the water heater and getting a nice, clean stream of water to come from any of the faucets. Running a hose out the bathroom window, fiddling with the water flow to flush water in and out of the tank to clear out the sediment buildup, and then letting the tank refill again while sprawled out on the bathroom floor had left him feeling somewhat satisfied. Haven’s relieved sigh at the sight of clean water sent a smile over his lips. His chest rose in a swell of pride.

Rory Tyler would be ok.

He would survive.
Made my CS colors blue and still ended up on red team, smh.
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