Fenna heard Allison and saw the injured target, but as she was thinking about switching weapons and taking her bow again, she was distracted by a voice. The sounds of the battle around her dropped to background noise as she tried to make out what was being said to her. She heard the words. She felt the words. But she couldn't make them out. In her mind she saw the Wellspring she had visited. The one she had come in contact with.
The ground rumbled. Fenna clutched her spear in both hands, but her muscles relaxed when she felt the source of the rumble. It was familiar, there was no reason to be afraid. Suddenly, a surge of power went through her. She recognised the feeling of the Wellspring. It was that, but more, so much more. Her mind filled with images. She knew where they were, she knew exactly where each Wellspring was. She could see the battle around her, but also further. Much further. Thousands of images appeared to her all at once. She knew where all the allies were, and she saw enemies that approached, the routes they took, how the battle was progressing.
She first directed her thoughts to Sil and connected with her to check how she was doing. She was aware of the falcon in a way she had never been before, and she knew Sil was aware of her as well. It only took a second.
Then her mind went to the casters and healers who had depleted their mana and had used their spells in the battle. She knew where each of them was. The allies who used the magic of the Wellsprings would all, at the same time, be surrounded by a faint glow in a similar colour that had erupted from Fenna, and they would all feel their magical reserves fill up and limited spells be restored.
She knew everything, she also knew this wouldn't last. Her eyes settled on Citadel Mountain, on one specific point above the Wellspring, and she aimed her spear at it. It was impossible to miss. A bright beam came from her spear and hit the surface of the rocks exactly at the point she had intended to hit.
As the beam died out, the light around Fenna faded, and she dropped to her knees. Her body felt empty.
Up, she thought to herself. She used her spear to push herself up again. Up, no time to rest. The battle is far from over.
She looked around. How much time had passed? It had felt like an eternity and the blink of an eye at the same time. The positions were roughly the same, seconds had passed at best. The enemies closest to her, she would focus on them. No, the ogre. It was still in the kneeled down and bent over position as it was when Allison had first called out to her, although it was working its way up again. She quickly swapped weapons and took aim, taking in a deep breath and concentrating, allowing her Eye of the hawk to work, aiming at an exposed weak spot. The arrow pierced the sky and flesh, and the ogre fell down.
One of the Knights came close. With no time to put it away, she dropped her bow and grabbed her spear. It could have been too late if Sil hadn't flown in and distracted the enemy by getting up in his face, pecking once and retreating.
While the soldiers at the Bazaar tried to keep a close formation, the skeletons had found a weakness in their defences and slashed through. The poured into the Bazaar.
"Reformation, close the gap!"
Several of the Falcons headed the order and turned to the skeletons that were now in the Bazaar. Ten of them stayed in close formation as they pushed back against the skeletons. They hacked at the bones and skeletons dropped as they inched closer to the gap. The skeletons had no regard for their own safety and were easy to kill because they didn't defend their weak spots, but they were relentlessly going forward, swinging their swords with just one intention: kill the living. One of the Falcons got slashed in the neck and dropped down. Another was stabbed in the gut and fell to his knees before falling over. Every time one of the Falcons died, the others were more determined to avenge them and push back. Save the living. Swift, as Fenna had thought them. Precise. Make every hit count. Look at what you want to hit, aim before you swing.
More soldiers joined them, from other factions too. The gap had to be closed.
The leatherworker had been assisting at a different location, but when he noticed the gap he too went towards it to aid the people. One skeleton came close, but the slash only made a scratch on the enchanted armour. Nimuer turned and cracked the skull of the skeleton with his hammer.
The ground rumbled. Fenna clutched her spear in both hands, but her muscles relaxed when she felt the source of the rumble. It was familiar, there was no reason to be afraid. Suddenly, a surge of power went through her. She recognised the feeling of the Wellspring. It was that, but more, so much more. Her mind filled with images. She knew where they were, she knew exactly where each Wellspring was. She could see the battle around her, but also further. Much further. Thousands of images appeared to her all at once. She knew where all the allies were, and she saw enemies that approached, the routes they took, how the battle was progressing.
She first directed her thoughts to Sil and connected with her to check how she was doing. She was aware of the falcon in a way she had never been before, and she knew Sil was aware of her as well. It only took a second.
Then her mind went to the casters and healers who had depleted their mana and had used their spells in the battle. She knew where each of them was. The allies who used the magic of the Wellsprings would all, at the same time, be surrounded by a faint glow in a similar colour that had erupted from Fenna, and they would all feel their magical reserves fill up and limited spells be restored.
She knew everything, she also knew this wouldn't last. Her eyes settled on Citadel Mountain, on one specific point above the Wellspring, and she aimed her spear at it. It was impossible to miss. A bright beam came from her spear and hit the surface of the rocks exactly at the point she had intended to hit.
As the beam died out, the light around Fenna faded, and she dropped to her knees. Her body felt empty.
Up, she thought to herself. She used her spear to push herself up again. Up, no time to rest. The battle is far from over.
She looked around. How much time had passed? It had felt like an eternity and the blink of an eye at the same time. The positions were roughly the same, seconds had passed at best. The enemies closest to her, she would focus on them. No, the ogre. It was still in the kneeled down and bent over position as it was when Allison had first called out to her, although it was working its way up again. She quickly swapped weapons and took aim, taking in a deep breath and concentrating, allowing her Eye of the hawk to work, aiming at an exposed weak spot. The arrow pierced the sky and flesh, and the ogre fell down.
One of the Knights came close. With no time to put it away, she dropped her bow and grabbed her spear. It could have been too late if Sil hadn't flown in and distracted the enemy by getting up in his face, pecking once and retreating.
While the soldiers at the Bazaar tried to keep a close formation, the skeletons had found a weakness in their defences and slashed through. The poured into the Bazaar.
"Reformation, close the gap!"
Several of the Falcons headed the order and turned to the skeletons that were now in the Bazaar. Ten of them stayed in close formation as they pushed back against the skeletons. They hacked at the bones and skeletons dropped as they inched closer to the gap. The skeletons had no regard for their own safety and were easy to kill because they didn't defend their weak spots, but they were relentlessly going forward, swinging their swords with just one intention: kill the living. One of the Falcons got slashed in the neck and dropped down. Another was stabbed in the gut and fell to his knees before falling over. Every time one of the Falcons died, the others were more determined to avenge them and push back. Save the living. Swift, as Fenna had thought them. Precise. Make every hit count. Look at what you want to hit, aim before you swing.
More soldiers joined them, from other factions too. The gap had to be closed.
The leatherworker had been assisting at a different location, but when he noticed the gap he too went towards it to aid the people. One skeleton came close, but the slash only made a scratch on the enchanted armour. Nimuer turned and cracked the skull of the skeleton with his hammer.