Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
7 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
7 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
7 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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8 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

Fenna heard Allison and saw the injured target, but as she was thinking about switching weapons and taking her bow again, she was distracted by a voice. The sounds of the battle around her dropped to background noise as she tried to make out what was being said to her. She heard the words. She felt the words. But she couldn't make them out. In her mind she saw the Wellspring she had visited. The one she had come in contact with.

The ground rumbled. Fenna clutched her spear in both hands, but her muscles relaxed when she felt the source of the rumble. It was familiar, there was no reason to be afraid. Suddenly, a surge of power went through her. She recognised the feeling of the Wellspring. It was that, but more, so much more. Her mind filled with images. She knew where they were, she knew exactly where each Wellspring was. She could see the battle around her, but also further. Much further. Thousands of images appeared to her all at once. She knew where all the allies were, and she saw enemies that approached, the routes they took, how the battle was progressing.

She first directed her thoughts to Sil and connected with her to check how she was doing. She was aware of the falcon in a way she had never been before, and she knew Sil was aware of her as well. It only took a second.

Then her mind went to the casters and healers who had depleted their mana and had used their spells in the battle. She knew where each of them was. The allies who used the magic of the Wellsprings would all, at the same time, be surrounded by a faint glow in a similar colour that had erupted from Fenna, and they would all feel their magical reserves fill up and limited spells be restored.

She knew everything, she also knew this wouldn't last. Her eyes settled on Citadel Mountain, on one specific point above the Wellspring, and she aimed her spear at it. It was impossible to miss. A bright beam came from her spear and hit the surface of the rocks exactly at the point she had intended to hit.

As the beam died out, the light around Fenna faded, and she dropped to her knees. Her body felt empty.
Up, she thought to herself. She used her spear to push herself up again. Up, no time to rest. The battle is far from over.
She looked around. How much time had passed? It had felt like an eternity and the blink of an eye at the same time. The positions were roughly the same, seconds had passed at best. The enemies closest to her, she would focus on them. No, the ogre. It was still in the kneeled down and bent over position as it was when Allison had first called out to her, although it was working its way up again. She quickly swapped weapons and took aim, taking in a deep breath and concentrating, allowing her Eye of the hawk to work, aiming at an exposed weak spot. The arrow pierced the sky and flesh, and the ogre fell down.

One of the Knights came close. With no time to put it away, she dropped her bow and grabbed her spear. It could have been too late if Sil hadn't flown in and distracted the enemy by getting up in his face, pecking once and retreating.

While the soldiers at the Bazaar tried to keep a close formation, the skeletons had found a weakness in their defences and slashed through. The poured into the Bazaar.
"Reformation, close the gap!"
Several of the Falcons headed the order and turned to the skeletons that were now in the Bazaar. Ten of them stayed in close formation as they pushed back against the skeletons. They hacked at the bones and skeletons dropped as they inched closer to the gap. The skeletons had no regard for their own safety and were easy to kill because they didn't defend their weak spots, but they were relentlessly going forward, swinging their swords with just one intention: kill the living. One of the Falcons got slashed in the neck and dropped down. Another was stabbed in the gut and fell to his knees before falling over. Every time one of the Falcons died, the others were more determined to avenge them and push back. Save the living. Swift, as Fenna had thought them. Precise. Make every hit count. Look at what you want to hit, aim before you swing.

More soldiers joined them, from other factions too. The gap had to be closed.

The leatherworker had been assisting at a different location, but when he noticed the gap he too went towards it to aid the people. One skeleton came close, but the slash only made a scratch on the enchanted armour. Nimuer turned and cracked the skull of the skeleton with his hammer.

Today is the day of the deadline and 4 people voted.

Superstition Kills wins this round! Congratulations @leopard!
Fenna joined the others to get an update on the situation. The summary of it: it was grim. There was very little hope, the enemy was overpowering them. But it had to be done. She went to the Falcons first to let them know they would be joining all the others to defend the Bazaar, but before she could tell them they asked about Sil. Their concern was real and Fenna choked up, she had to clear her throat before she could tell them Sil was recovering, followed by the order they would defend the Bazaar. She appointed a second in command to oversee them while she would join her party.

She had to believe in them. It didn't feel right to leave them, but she had confidence they would do well. Right now she had to focus on her own task. She joined the others at the bridge. It was strange to be standing here without Sil. For years she had done everything without a falcon by her side, but now she missed having her winged friend near her. However, it felt good to be reunited with her dear friends who thankfully had all survived so far. Zell barely, but he too had made it to this point.

None of the enemies were allowed to cross this bridge and they had to make sure of that.

As the enemies approached - Orc Heavies and Knights of Terequette with Ogres in the middle - Fenna thought about what the best strategy was. She would have time for one well-placed shot, after that she'd rely on her spear.
As Barracker hurled a knife to one, Fenna took her bow and one enchanted arrow. She had prepared several enchanted bolts for MacKensie during the days of preparation, but had prepared a couple of arrows for herself as well. She aimed the ice arrow at the neck of one of the Ogres, took a couple of seconds to concentrate and active her Eye of the Hawk. The ice arrow released and pierced the neck of the Ogre. She quickly glanced over the battlefield. There was time for one more. She placed another ice arrow on the bow, took in a breath and concentrated before releasing it and hitting another in the neck. The downside was that her knowledge of Ogre anatomy was practically non-existent and even though the arrows hit where she wanted them to hit, they weren't immediate fatal blows.

With Adam the bear going through the ranks and the enemies trying to get closer, Fenna decided that switching to her spear was better now. She moved forward to stab the first of the Knights she could reach.
When Barracker called out, she glanced in his direction. It was clear what he wanted, but Fenna wasn't in the position to quickly get to him, nor did she consider herself the most agile to pull off what Barracker wanted her to do. Her eyes darted to where Allison and MacKensie were, if neither of them was closer she'd go in.

As the defences of the bridge happened, the rest of the soldiers had to defend the Bazaar against the onslaught of skeletons. The Falcons stayed together to fight against this enemy with sword and spear. Hacking at the bones, stabbing them in the eyesocket and pulling the head off. They did what they could.

Among the defenders was Nimuer Farlorn, the leatherworker. He wore earth-based enchanted leather armour which gave it properties similar to the spell stoneskin, leather gloves with a fire enchantment, and leather boots of light feet to help him move faster. He wielded an iron hammer and a wooden shield and bashed skeleton skulls.

I won't be able to post before I go to bed, but I'll have one up tomorrow as early as I can.
This is probably a non-issue and I don't know if this has been discussed already, but taking a look at this after having not been involved in the contest for so long, I just realized: would it help to have the theme and prompt listed as a reminder of what they were somewhere? Mostly just in case someone is coming here after having not seen the original post for this round of the competition.

That is a good point and I will keep this in mind for future contests.
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Welcome to the Voting and Feedback round for MFP#13!

Voting and Feedback guidelines

  • Please take your time to read through all the entries before voting for your favourite work. The reasons you base your vote on are up to you, as long the vote isn’t based on whether or not you like the author.
    It would be nice if you could share why you voted for a specific work.
  • Giving feedback is optional but highly encouraged. When giving feedback you should be respectful and constructive. It’s good to point out any flaws or the things you feel could be improved or why you didn't like something, but don’t be mean.
    Make sure to point out what you liked or what appreciated in the entry too.
  • Contestants may (and are encouraged to) vote and/or give feedback for the other entries but shouldn’t vote for their own entry. If contestants wish to withhold a vote and only give feedback, that is good too.
  • The entries are anonymous unless the writer asked for having their name added. That being said, writers may claim their work at any time during or after the voting period.
  • The entry with the most votes will win, but in case of a tie a Contest Mod will cast the tie-breaker vote.
  • You can vote for entries and post your feedback in this thread, but if you rather have your vote and/or feedback be anonymous you can PM it to @Loksfjoer.
  • The voting period deadline is March 20th, 9:00 CET, which is 8:00 server time (both times are in a.m.).

The Entries

When they approached the barricades of the Bazaar MacKensie joined them and Zell finally woke up. That was one less worry, but her biggest still lay in her arms. She knew Sil was alive, but she needed medical attention. She nodded once when Zell thanked her, but the look in her eyes didn't change and both turned their attention to Sil.
"I hope so," she answered MacKensie's question honestly. "I mean, she should be if I can find a healer for her."

The first two clerics she approached wanted to prioritise the human casualties, they didn't see any reason why they would waste time and magic on a bird. Fenna didn't waste time by trying to argue and just went to the next healer. Fenna was grateful that MacKensie stayed with her as they tried to find someone who could help.

The third looked from Fenna to Sil and back to Fenna with compassion in her eyes. "Lay her down, I will do what I can," she told them. As she worked her magic to heal the falcon, she continued the conversation. "Our Ranger had a boar. I know how close they were. I know how devastated he was when he lost his animal companion. But don't you worry, your falcon seems to be a tough girl, I'll be able to heal her."

Fenna fought hard to keep back the tears. She did not want to lose Sil. MacKensie was with her, a comforting arm around her and she tapped it to let her know she appreciated it. When Barracker asked how she was, Fenna was able to answer she'd be okay. She desperately wanted to see it happen, but for now she had to trust the Cleric. The pat on her shoulder was appreciated.

When MacKensie left Fenna didn't know why, but she also didn't stop her. There was enough going on, the enemy was still near. She wouldn't stop anyone from doing their job. She had a job to do as well, but she couldn't leave Sil. Not yet.
Five of her soldiers approached her to see how Sil was doing and one of them briefed Fenna on the status of the Falcons. They had lost a more then half of the soldiers at the wall and during the retreat. Too many. Way too many. Realistically, Fenna knew that wasn't her fault, they had been stationed at the far end of the defenses and had been in the back of the retreat, but she still felt responsible.
"Everyone who's not in need of healing should regroup and get ready to defend the Bazaar," she told the soldier. "Enemies are closing in. The healed soldiers will join when they can. Relay those orders to the others. I will give more orders when I know more about the strategy to defend this place."

MacKensie and Barracker returned to let her know they would go to the command post, just after the Cleric announced she had done all she could.
"I will join you shortly," she promised the two and turned to the healer. "Did it work?"
"Your falcon will be up in no time. You can leave her here to rest, she will find you."
Fenna gently stroke the feathers. "You're a brave girl, Sil. Join me when your wings are strong enough."

Fenna straightned her back. She had to stop wasting time and get into action again. The Bazaar had given a breather, but at the edges there were still people fighting and thousands of skeletons were approaching. She remembered their very first fight against skeletons on the day they arrived here. Those creatures hadn't stopped them back then, and wouldn't stop them now. With her spear in her hand, Fenna walked towards the command centre as well to get new orders and see how her friends were doing.
We are at 4 entries and I will create the voting thread today.
Thank you for submitting your entries!
@Loksfjoer@ZoolHi there both, I am setting Barracker up to interact with MacKensie and Fenna to check up on Sil. I will end my post at some Clerics who are healing Sil, if this is not part of your plans then I can edit my post no problem, feel free to let me know.

That's fine with me!
Last day before the deadline and there are 2 entries!
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