Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

I'm gonna be honest, the lack of real detail combined with the fact you like to draw from SAO of all things as a source of inspiration doesn't instill me with too much confidence. That being said, I'm not enough of a dick to rule this out wholly based on just a bad gut reaction. I'll keep an eye to see how this develops first.

~~The halls of Babel; The Bell's First Toll~~

"On short summer nights,
「Mizika-yo ya
both our dreams and our reality,
Yume mo utsutsu mo

are one and the same."
Onazi koto」

A peaceful Haiku echoed in response to Fujiko's questioning. Her opponent sat tranquil on the flat surface of a rock, standing steadfast in the middle of a pond. Lillypads dribbled peacefully along the water's surface as some Koi swam underneath. Around the lake were carefully tended to flowers and plants, the two vistas separated only by a rim of oval pebbles. This was the garden in front of a traditional and storied home. The bamboo screen leading into the house may was closed, but the lanterns hanging from the roof of the outside hall dangled softly in the wind. The seeming owner of the mansion was a red Oni, dressed in a wine-red kimono and an orange coat on top. Aside from the red skin and horns popping out of the top of his black, ponytail-tied hair, the Oni looked like a gentle middle-aged man. He opened his eyes and stood up on top of his little perch, giving a courteous bow to the jester before him.

"It was not mine lord's intend to deceive or ambush, young lady. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us." So was the old man's formal reply. He raised his head again, focusing wholly on the girl. "My and mine lord are called Hideyoshi. Many an opponent have we faced, but pray I do not offend, rarely have we seen Architect and Ruler separated as you." Suddenly, the Oni extended and threw his right arm downards. "Shut it, Hideyoshi. This is my battle." he seemed to say to himself. As if to reply to that, the Oni said "Then I shall leave this to you, my lord."

After giving one last bow to Fujiko, the Oni's poise shifted completely. He stood much more relaxed, one hand resting on the Katana fastened around his waist. "Come on, let's fight! I don't want to waste my time," he said. His eyes were stern and narrowed on the jester.

The domain of the jester was a desolate ruin. The domain of the samurai was a tranquil abode. Both crossed over into the middle, fading to a neutral territory. The battle of two rulers was about to echo through the halls of Babel.
I mean, I've made friends through RP. To the point I'd consider them like family would be a bit... far. I tend to be a bridge-burner, not a bridge-builder.
Flight Rising

oh my god i haven't thought about flight rising in YEARS

The elevator ride back up to the surface was silent and uncomfortable. The 14 survivors of the class trial, shaken by the events, could barely look one-another in the eye. Some avoided it out of spite, others stubbornness and yet more out of shame. Every single one of them had been powerless to stop the events that had been put in motion and the seeds of distrust sown among them bloomed ever further. While it seemed like the ride down never ended, the way back up felt an eternity longer.

When the students had finally reached the surface, the warm rays of the sun beamed down on them. It was a beautiful day. None among them seemed to appreciate the irony. All the ultimates quickly dispersed, with almost everyone going back to their cabins. Whether it was to get some rest, lock themselves up in grief or reflect on what happened didn't matter. Even if some among them wanted to stick together in these turbulent times, the group's morale was much too low. The day passed without further incident, but the damage was done.

Chapter 1: Once Again We Start the Game of Despair

Chapter 2: The Masquerade of Future Lost

Ding Dong Bing Bong...

The monitors flicked to life. Morning had come, and with it, the bear's shrieking.

"Gooood morning campers! It's now 7 AM, which means nighttime is officially over!

Oh, but that's not all for today! Later today, I'll hold a surprise announcement... oh, I'm getting shivers just thinking about it!

It's not ready quite yet, but keep your ears peeled and your eyes open! I won't forgive any latecomers, puhuhu!"


Momoe Mizuno

Momoe didn't bother to look at the monitor in her room. She'd been awake for a little while now, courtesy of having slept off her fatigue during the previous day. The smuggler was laying on her matress, arms crossed behind her back and her one eye blankly staring at the ceiling. Momoe's body might not feel like it wants to collapse at a moment's notice anymore, but her mind is far removed from doing any needless activity. Yesterday proved she lacked information; lots of it. Patrolling camp just wasn't enough anymore. Momoe had already gathered every possible clue she could gain from this tiny speck of an island. Tracking the other thirteen wouldn't be feasible, either. She looked down at her wrist, now lacking the motive. Everyone, including herself, got their freedom back. It made the gaggle of geese that much harder to track.

(...Let's see what Goldilocks had to say.)

Momoe pushed herself off the bed and wasted no time in throwing open her door. She didn't see anyone else moving about yet. Good sign as far as the smuggler was concerned. Momoe kicked the door behind her to slam it shut, then single-mindedly paced along the edges of the cabins until she found Flare's. Then, she waited. Momoe idly had her back to its wall, spinning something between her fingers in the deepest reaches of one of her pockets. Keep herself busy, stave off the boredom. When Flare's door flung open, Momoe lazily tilted her head to look at the other girl.

"Tell me what you wanted and make it quick."
Taya Tsuin

What happened yesterday was horrible. Taya still couldn't believe it, even long after the fact. Wile it was nice to have her freedom back, the price paid for it was steep. That price, of course, having been paid in blood. Why did friends have to treat each-other like this? Her earnest wish was to have everyone get along, but this... this was too horrible for words. Every single one of them was in the same situation, couldn't the two girls have understood that? No matter how well she did or didn't know them, the feeling of betrayal stung and cut deep. Would this happen again? Would she be the next one to put one of her classmates to the knife?

Those were haunting thoughts, and ones she didn't wish to be or come true.

Taya shook those thoughts off. She had to believe that everything would be over soon. Somehow... some way, everything was going to turn out alright in the end. She'd resolve to see it so. Taya left her cabin to head for the mess hall. She spotted Mizuno standing next to one of the cabins, but the girl's stern look scared Taya off from approaching her. Taya stuck to her original plan and made her way over the cafeteria. When she opened the door, she could see a brief hint of steam rising up at the far end of the room. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but that was far from Taya's mind as she looked to investigate. The source of it was... Hamazura boiling something? He seemed to have noticed Taya's entry, too, as the Judo master turned around to look at her.

"Ah- Taya! I didn't expect you so soon," he sheepishly laughed.

"Hamazura... are you making breakfast?" she asked in return.

"Oh," he briefly paused, looking back at his kettle of boiling water. "Well, in times of trials like these, it is important to raise one's spirits. One cannot lose sight of oneself. I was awake before the announcement and while I cannot cook, I thought some tea for everyone might help."

Those were comforting words to Taya. Hamazura was such a reliable person, even now. "I'll help you out, then! No buts!" she cheerily answered back, rummaging through the cabinets to find cups for everyone... even for those that might not show up to breakfast.
Relax. Nobody thinks ill of shorter posters in casual. You can absolutely still get away with 2-3 paragraph posts, as I often tend to.

"Oh! You know where it is, then? The one just a little into town, right?" Shizuku eagerly questioned. "It's a promise, okay? I have some club activities after school, so I can't come straight away... but I promise you won't have to wait long!"

Shizuku didn't want to bother the other girl much longer, so she gave her a little wave before walking back into school. As she put some distance between the two of them, Shizuku looked down at her wrist. The bell was still hanging there, but it was silent unlike before. It's clear that it was reacting to the gold-haired kouhai from earlier, so its silence was strange. Shizuku pulled Cross out again. "Cross?" she whispered.

"It doesn't react if you know they're an architect," he flatly answered, "because it means you two can find each-other again."

Shizuku giggled to herself, replying with "I suppose that makes sense!" in a hushed tone. Her J-Ruler looked uneasy, however.

"You two are enemies, you know." he said, not looking Shizuku in the eyes. "And even if she wasn't... there's something off about her. Don't be so trusting of people," Cross warned his architect.

"Off? I'm sure she's a nice girl..."

"... Just be careful, Shizuku."
The final classes of the day ended and students began to tend to their business. Some went straight home, while others stayed behind to chat or do club activities. The sun was shining bright outside when Fujiko exited the building. It was nice, clear weather with a mild breeze to it. The day had a pleasant and warm feeling to it, which has a calming effect on anyone who didn't mind that kind of thing. She'd briefly follow the same route as a few other students coincidentally going in the same direction, but they were in their own group separate from her. When the group of students split from Fujiko, an eerie feeling hung in the air.

Somehow, despite other people on the streets, Fujiko felt alone. Something about the air was different. She felt some small vibrations from underneath her shirt, accompanied by a subtle chime. It seems she wasn't alone in it. The aura of the J-Ruler on her person began to call out to her, to call her to the tower. Someone had challenged Fujiko while she was on the way to the card shop. The breeze now felt chilling, that chill carrying the unmistakable feeling of someone's bloodlust.

Up until now, Fujiko had been able to ignore the chimes of her bell. This time, someone wanted to battle. Maybe... maybe it was that girl from earlier, taking advantage of Fujiko's naivete to stalk and challenge her. Even if she tried to run, Fujiko had a feeling her prospective opponent wasn't keen on letting go.
Oh, also, I'm not Charak but I think it'd be a good idea if some of the characters knew each-other in some way from before the RP starts. Not everyone, of course, but it'd be a good thing to have maybe an established group of "friends" as that makes it easier to form a party around. It also ties in with how DeSu actually does things, because almost every character has some knowledge of each-other in some way. To map it out:

DeSu1 has Yuzu knowing Gin, Gin knowing Haru, and Haru knowing Yuzu. Yuzu is connected to the MC and Atsuro, who are both connected to Naoya. Atsuro is also connected to Keisuke, and the both of them know Midori. Kaido and Mari know each-other.

DeSu2 has the MC and Daichi start off as friends while Io is their classmate. JP's, obviously, has all the staff knowing each-other (Yamato, Makoto, Otome, Fumi). Ronaldo also knows Yamato. Keita is associated with JP's before you meet him, as are Airi and Jungo. Then outliers are Joe, who mistakes the MC for a guy he saw around once, and Hinako who's completely detached from everyone. As an aside, Ronaldo is also sort of connected to Airi but neither of them know it.
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