Avatar of Ammokkx


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
1 like
1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

General good-to-know stuff goes here

Card Banlist

No banlist, we fuck around using whatever we want.

Except for Pendulums and Links, we don't use those or cards that mention them in their effect. Pretty much excludes the Cyberse type as a whole by proxy.

Anime cards are cool too.

Custom stuff

Cards with changed effects

  • Card of Sanctity goes by its anime effect instead of its game effect.
  • Silent Sword Slash's 1500 ATK and DEF increase only last until the end of the turn instead of being permanent.
  • Exploder Dragon only has the controller taking no battle damage rather than both players, because that effect is dumb.
  • King of the Skull Servants has both its ATK gain clause and revival clause changed to "Level 1 monster", and its ATK gain is reduced to 500 from 1000.

Custom cards

Stuff I track goes here.

Model Decks

AKA "rough example of how I think it looks but I could totally just throw in three copies of Shapesnatch at any time I please"

We are creating a consistent standard for the community conduct for both site and Discord. The Discord is an extension of the site community. These rules will hold staff accountable for making consistent decisions for the entire community, not just part of it. I’m also a fan of holding staff accountable in all areas where we have failed before, which would include the site since unsavory content also exists on the site.

The discord is, indeed, an extension of the site.

And it is not, in fact, the domain called roleplayerguild.com.

I don't use the third party program chatroom so I'm, quite frankly, not sure why I need to care about anything that goes on in there. Set up a rules channel. Make it "guild rules + these guidelines". You already have what's essentially a separate mod team; regulate yourselves. Discord staff aren't guild staff, and before anyone suggests making them as such, I'd really rather they not be.

I'm gonna be real with you, I'm not even against the suggested change. I haven't been from the first, I just think you all make some really bad arguments in favor of it and the situation that spawned it is completely irrelevant to the conduct of members on-site. Unless something fresh is said on the topic, I'm gonna hop out of this thread again. I'm mostly spinning my wheels right now.

Either start banning people on the forums for bans they eat in discord, or treat them as separate things. I don't support a subsection of the community getting to decide what's best for everyone else, quite frankly.
I personally am no longer willing to play the game of “show me where it says that in the site rules.”

and, see, this is the weird thing that's bothering me.

Why are you following the site rules, and only the site rules, for a discord server?

Discord is a real-time chatroom service, not an internet forum. Many discord servers, even for official communities, have their own rules tab. In fact, many discord servers often have less rules than the guild and are able to operate just fine while still being able to filter out unwanted people.

I really think the solution is as simple as "just set up a rules tab in the discord you force people to read before they can access the rest of the server" like... pretty much every discord handles it.

You can say

(though I have seen cases of it on site as well, particularly in the status bar)

and you'd be absolutely correct, considering I pointed out an example case one page back.

I also pointed out how the mods dealt with it perfectly fine given our current set of rules.

If you are having trouble enforcing the discord, just change the way you're enforcing the discord. Make me an argument why the site rules need to change based on just the merits of the site alone.

So far, Yankee's been the only one to make an argument that actually convinced me in any capacity. They argued the merit of adding the rule blanket just so the cases of moderation on-site could not be contested, which is regardless of the situation in discord or not.

The moderators on the guild are good. I don't know how it's like on discord, but if it's such a recurring problem when the site doesn't seem to have these issues, then I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's not the forum rules that are posing a problem here.
I mean, yeah, I said I agree with the sentiment.

I just also said that optics matter a lot if you actually want your arguments to be heard.

That being said I'm not going to continue derailing the topic by going after individuals instead of the actual topic at hand. I haven't really gotten any new insights since my last long post in this thread, so until people actually come in here to argue the topic, I won't have anything new to contribute.

Well, except for maybe one thing, though it's not exactly a "new thing".

I find it slightly worrying that people are just kind of... expecting us to go read the discord, as if the discord is the website. Discord is a third-party app that not everybody has and not everybody wants to engage with, even if a sizeable chunk of this website uses it. It absolutely does not reflect the community at large, especially not when it has its own moderators. Therefor it is a distinct enough entity to where changes to it should not affect the forum, even if changes to the forum should affect it.

Discord is an extension, not the website itself. I disagree with fundamentally changing the rules of the guild for something that happens off-site, if I may be so bold.

And if you're wanting to discuss why the changes should be made on-site as well, I'd really like more people to follow in Yankee and Franken's example and actually bring the argument into this thread rather than blanket expecting everybody to go read the discord.

I can only speak for myself, but if there is even just one other person like me, then they would just not care about what happens on discord. It only partially reflects the site. I'd like incidents on the website dictating moderator policy, not incidents off it.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>


"one facetious twat"

"egregious cunts"

"shitmonglers who like to point their shitstained fingers"

There's perhaps slightly more level-headed ways to phrase these things without being quite so overtly hostile about everything.

I hold no respect for people like you describe, either, but no matter who inflammatory language is aimed at, the only end result can be heightened tension and nobody actually listening to each-other. Phrasing things just a bit more neutrally goes a long way to convincing people, I've found.
<Snipped quote by POOHEAD189>

I think it's pretty obvious I was just giving an example (and I was giving tame examples from personal experience as an admin elsewhere) of the difference between someone saying "aw nigga that's just gay" (and again I find that cringey myself) and saying "man I hate trans/fags/INSERTETHNICSLURHERE" - one facetious twat I knew kept intentionally bringing up the high suicide rate among certain demographics to intentionally provoke trans members.

Deleting the post or using asterisks to censor it doesn't change the fact that it's out there and that there are some egregious cunts out there. Nor should people have to be subjected to it, but you're missing the point I'm trying to make.

Again, use the rules as a guideline and employ common sense to deal with shitmonglers who like to point their shitstained fingers at the rules and gobber "b-but it's not against the rules, I'm only talking generally!!" and context to deal with people joking around/being harmless. I'll happily offer to help moderate for RPG if such assistance was needed.

Rules aren't infallible, don't treat them like laws - toxic people who try to skirt around the spirit of them should get the boot while those dicking around harmlessly with comments like "you fay" should be left alone.

I really don't understand what's so difficult to follow here.

while I agree with the sentiment, the incessant cursing isn't really helping your case be any more convincing.
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