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Kenny watched in silence as the bag, weighted down with gravel and the broken half of a cinderblock, disappeared beneath the surface of Lake Ontario, waves rippling outwards from the impact site,

A light shone back at him, and for some reason he felt compelled to look. He dropped to a knee, and.... bones?


Skulls, a sea of them beneath water., so many that they formed the lakebed. The rippling didn't give in, and the skulls almost seemed to rise en-masse until they were mere inches beneath the water. Kenny blinked, and it all stopped. The water was still again, only the reflection-

-the face that stared back wasn't his own. Weathered, stout, with a thick beard and a sneer divided in two by a gash that split the two lips into four.

"What are you looking at, gobshite?!"

He jolted awake, sheets soaked with sweat, the real world bleeding back into view.

Nausea overwhelmed him, and he burst forth from the bedspread half-naked, then emptied last night's supper - or was that breakfast? - into the toilet bowl. A few more retches and he was done with that, the acrid contents of the bowl having left a burning sensation in his throat on its way out.

"You're like a ton of shite stuck in a half-ton sack." A voice, half-growling, half-jeering behind him.

"Yeah, I'm real peachy..."

"Ah, spare me your bellyaching." It offered no sympathy.

"You never had a shitty night?" Kenny fumbled for the cord and pulled, so he had some degree of light to work with.

The four-and-a-half foot silhouette stood in the doorway had both arms planted on their waist, making a ptooey gesture. "Must be some fine fuckin' work being a lawman these days, paid to sniff shite and sit on your arse, then still complain. That featherbed not good enough for you, boy?"

Ken wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist and shrugged, "Guess not."

The dwarf wouldn't know or care for the difference between a standard mattress and whatever anqituated trash he'd used back in his day, but Kenny was past the point of arguing. He'd learned enough about the dwarf in the week since his.... emergence, to know that he had to pick his battles. This wasn't one of them.

Fact; Ivar the Barber had earned his name by a litany of different means, as Ken had been subjected to several times means, as Ken had unfortunately heard at least a dozen times by this point. For the more obvious point, the dwarf had a hideous gash that split both lips at a vertical angle, leaving him with a permanent sneer and a patch of scar tissue along the lower jaw where his beard appeared to split in two. That he claimed, was from the sixth attempt on his life, not even close to the last.

Fact: Ivar was a real bastard when he was at work, a mobster who could've put the likes of Bugsy Siegel and Al Capone to shame. Although it was hard to verify, he gathered some of that from the dwarf's general mannerisms, including the boasting that he had, at one point, cut away the beards of those who wronged him and nailed them to a wall like an indian collecting scalps. Local rumours, folklore from some of the old folks had even corroborated those tales.

Fact, both fortunate and infuriating; the dwarf was dead, and had probably been so for at least fifty years, if not even longer. That particular concept was still a work in progess and one that prompted a torrent of verbal abuse and outrage.

Ken had heard the stereotype that dwarves held onto grudges, every slight and insult cast into a mental stew until the offended dwarf had the opportunity to enact their vengeance. Those were old stories, from a time before society had mostly figured out better ways to handle differences.

Ivar hadn't got the memo on that, it seemed.

This shitty feeling had to go. Ken pulled himself up to the sink, ran the faucet to splash some water across his stubbled face, then popped open the cabinet to grab a faded white pill bottle, squeezing and twisting at the lid so he could withdraw and down a double dose of the contents. Far outside the recommended dosage, but he needed something to dull the constant headache of the dwarf's growling.

"Enough sweeties in there for you?" Ivar cackled as he replaced the bottle in the cabinet. Pivoting, Kenny saw the specter in the light now. Somewhat translucent, for the most part he looked like one split between two worlds, the old warrior's way and that of the roaring twenties. A leather coat, hand-tailored, interwoven with metallic patches that looked like scale or mail armour, and a tan flat cap. beard extended to around his waist, tapering off just below the sternum with an iron band.

Will this guy shut up? Every direction he turned, the dwarf was never far out of sight, bellowing a constant stream of venom or waxing anecdotes

Tired of the noise, Kenny pivoted walked through the dwarf's spectral figure to exit the bathroom. A cold chill washed over him, but he knew the dwarf liked it even less. Between the reminder of being dead - a concept the stout specter was almost oblivious to - and the insult of the matter, it was Ken's own 'fuck you' that couldn't be countered with an equal retort.

Except for whatever he just broke. From the adjoining room, Ken could hear what was probably another glass splintering against the drywall. Ivar had figured out he could sometimes pick things up and nudge the along, or throw them if he really tried.

Not even sleep was an escape. His dreams had been polluted with a vision of skulls beneath the water, so many they formed a lakebed of their own. That couldn't be true, but it had felt real at the time.
For someone who was dead, he seemed more belligerent than he had any right to be.

During a call for some rough behaviour on his last graveyard shift, a local barfly had told Kenny he was acting like he had two heads, the dwarf running their mouth all the while he hauled the man off to the station to sleep it off in the drunk tank. He was just glad he'd been able to talk the bossman into giving him a few nights off...

The letter. He'd read it, shook his head and tossed it in the trash when he first read it. Maybe it was the dwarf, whatever this was, screwing with his head. But the more this went on.... no, it couldn't continue. Ken fished through the trash bin, eventually finding the stained and crumpled paper beneath some two-day old leftovers.

While half of the letter was unintelligable at tis poimt, the important part was there.

...questions, and I have answers to them. I know you are dealing with the dwarf, and he isn't just in your head.

Come to 13 Mourningdove Lane. Midnig...

Kenny did have questions, and he hoped there would be answers to them. Like how to get rid of the fucking dwarf. Any more of that inane gibbering and he would be driving his damn cruiser into the lake.

Peering through the blinds of his front window, he could see the night hanging overhead. How long as he out?

Didn't matter. It wasn't too late. Ken pulled his wrist up to squint at his watch, it was only...


In a rush, he'd thrown on a jacket, some pants and left without even bothering to shower off the hangover. The stench of deodorant and hastily gargled mouthwash clung to him the whole way.

He pulled up a distance away from the address, not wanting to make a spectacle of himself. Leaving his car parked off safel to one side, Ken patted at his waist. He wasn't necessarily expecting trouble but just in case.... he'd kept his holster concealed beneath the belt ine, covered by his jacket.

The man squinted as he approached, then crossed the wrought iron gates. He must've cruised by here a thousand times and never noticed anything off. There were plenty of places like this dotted all over the county, hell - the state, even. Why would this be cause for suspicion?

And off to one side, the dwarf trailing behind him. For now, Ivar had no comment on the matter. When he drove, he saw the split-jawed dwarf sneering at him through the rear view mirror, or otherwise stood outside glowering at him. No matter how far he moved, Ivar was never far behind.

For all intents and purposes they were tethered to one another.

Approaching the door, he was again about to rap his fingers against the heavy doorknocker when, to his bemusement, the doors parted without any contact being made. The faint wafting taste of pie lingered in the air, along with a herbal pungence that lingered on the senses, faintly burning at his sinuses.

There were others here? He hadn't completely expected that.... and for a moment, with all of the above in mind, he wondered if this was some kind of setup.

Ivar seemed to verbally nudge him on, conscious of the fact that only Kenny could hear the bile he spewed. "What were you expecting, a spitroast?"

It was too late to pull out, Ken reasoned, and stepped in.

Some of the faces here were... vaguely familiar. Maybe he'd collared someone here at one point. The elf girl.... woman.

Pom Evergreen. That explains the herb stink.

Her presence alone was enough to make him reconsider being here, if only to avoid the 'I know my rights!' spiel she'd throw at him. The baggies of ground up leaves, mushroom and other fruits of the forest he'd had to take in off the girl could've filled his fridge... but she was stil a better alternative to the toothless boys in the trailer park downstate, and hadn't gone out of her way to fuck with his orders at the diner she waited at.

"Yer can't piss without hittin' a knife-ear somewhere can you?" Ivar opined, and that brought him back to Earth. Fuck you, short-stop, he thought, his lips parting to mouth the words in contempt. He almost forgot he wasn't alone, nearly said it aloud. That it seemed to annoy the dwarf was enough to make him hang around, with Pom in their presence.

Things moved on, and before long Ivar was again running his mouth, and leering at a short girl.... a halfling, maybe? "I bet this one would break in half over my knee, but I sure wouldn't mind breaking that in."

Ken swat a hand outwards, that same cold chill running through his fingers. Ivar bristled, grumbled, but did nothing else. To the others, he looked as though he was swatting the air for no reason.

Luca @FernStone, Adora, Doggo, Greenwood @Mixtape Ghost N & LaylAlizee, Aislin @Estylwen

Clancy shrugged off Adora's dismissal. She hadn't asked for his opinion nor demonstrate anything to suggest she'd follow it, and for all his efforts at trying to keep some of them alive, he wasn't her keeper.

For his part, he’d try and keep the pressing danger in front of them at arm’s length-

-too soon.

Alizee and Layla, the bound girls, rushed forward before the rest were ready, the dog's stone form grinding into motion.

What happened to the plan?!

It was too late for that now.

Before the boy could press forward on the offensive, Luca and a few others slipped past the corner of his gaze, too close for comfort as the dog snapped and bucked until it was crashing across the floor, threatening to bowl over them and Layla. Clancy's first instinct was to offer a layer of separation between them and the dog.

As he moved alongside the beast, a loose strand of chain dangled from its side, and for a half-second the boy grasped at the link and pulled in hoping to steer the dog in the opposite direction, only to feel the burning,hains flensing away at his strength.

As quickly as he'd grasped the white-hotmetal link, he let it slip through his grasp, the dog still flailing, and now moving ever-closer to Layla with each gesture to buck off the chains. Stupid girl. The only other instinct that came to him was a stupid idea, but it was likely no less idiotic than what he’d seen already.

Changing direction, the boy shifted back into a sprint - circling around as Layla was just narrowly pulled out of harm’s way by her new guest, then dropped to the floor, sliding along the marble floor so he could get around the creature’s bucking hindquarters as it kicked into the air, and then leaped onto the outcrop that counted for its neck and shoulders.

Clancy’s legs swung over the dog’s upper back as it rotated again to an upright position, heels digging in hard as the flailing creature shifted position in presumed response to his presence. The boy pressed his form downwards, one arm reaching to coil under the dog’s chin, while the other free hand temporarily grasped onto the stone facade of an ear for grip, uncertain of whether the strength and sheer force being exerted would just outright snap it off.

Whatever the dog’s intentions, whatever its strength, he intended to drag its attention onto him, force it to deal with him, if it could.

Buy them time.

”Meat!” he growled, an ancient, primal energy amplifying his voice, barely audible over the din of barking, snapping, snarling and stone crunching against stone.

Fingers dug into the marble with equal strength, raking through the stone facade like nails to chalkboard. As Aisilin moved to make her play, with the chains falling away and giving him a window to force a movie, Clancy jammed a third of his forearm into the creature’s jaws, again to force its attention on him, only him, the wretched flea atop its back.

”MEEaAt!” he snarled, his voice distorted in its repetition of the word, as the ceiling collapsed atop them both. Along with the dog, the boy disappeared beneath a cascade of darkness, dust and debris.


Luca @FernStone, Sloane @Atrophy, Britney, Adora @Mixtape Ghost N & Everyone Else

”... Sorry about that, Clance.

Was that sarcasm?

Britney had earned herself another half-assed clap from the boy's grimy palms, payment in kind for the equally half-assed comment, although Clancy avoided giving in to the temptation to suggest where Britney could aim her [i]next[i] spear - he left that unspoken.


Faint green light spilled from the other Greenwood girl - Kashmira - washing over him with no effect, Clancy chose not to join the brief huddle that formed, instead setting his attention on their supposed destination as Autumn stepped up to lead them on. He kept an eye on Luca and, to a lesser extent, Adora. They weren't in their best shape, and he had considered they were already in bad shape with unfriendly eyes on them, and this was all before they'd reached the vault.

That soon changed at least. Greenwood girl led them out of the tunnel and into something out of an art gallery.

The others probably had their eye on the vault, the overengineered mechanical system that would've looked old by his grandparents' standards, never mind the people in the room. Whatever its workings, it would be difficult to get through.


The vault was their problem.

Clancy's gaze, on the other hand, was set on the statue of the dog. The Starving Dog, although to look at it, the model from which its likeness had been sculpted was probably better fed than most dogs he'd met. What it was really made of was a question present in mind. Marble, maybe? He wasn't a rock expert, but he knew that the stuff was heavy, but also easier to crack open than something like granite.

Then again, this was a magical statue that didn't follow logical rules or reason. Sounds familiar, right? The irony wasn't lost there, either.

”I'm the only one who can give Luca or Sloane an opening.”

Clancy rolled his eyes as they considered their plan of attack. Why wait for Father Wolf when you can just get eaten by his cousin? For Adora's sake, he cut in.

”Nice try, but you weren't there when some of the stupor friends met me at the biker club. They had dogs that size, too.” Or something like that. ”And maybe you hit your head a little too hard back there and forgot which one of us is still walking around without some glowing green bullshit to fix things.”

It wasn't intended to be mean spirited, but being blunt and direct came across as subtly as a lead balloon.

”How much can you handle like this, Clancy?”

He looked at Luca, shrugged, then glanced downwards at the shadowy abyss yawning through his torso. It was starting to close up, pale flesh gradually edging back over the underlying skeletal shadow, not unlike watercolour spilling across a canvas. It would take a while before it cleared up, and would probably not make it in time before they had their next punch-up.

”If you’re less hurt than Adora then… you’ll be able to hold it back best.”

The boy realised, perhaps a few seconds slow, that Luca was asking if he was capable of stepping up so Adora wouldn't have to. That she was in far worse a shape than he was or would ever be.

"I'm not hurt." It was easy to forget how bad things looked, sometimes.

Irritated was a better description, present company accounted for. The damage was superficial, an interruption at best. Outside, it meant people asked questions, but in this circle there was no illusion to keep up with. Perhaps in part that was a relief, what made it easy. Not that he wanted to go through the experience of peeling himself off the end of a large wooden tree-trunk again, "But I think you're right, he gestured back to Luca, then nodded over at Adora, "Could say a lot of stuff about you both. You're not okay, and you still have getting out of herle to worry about when this is done."

”If Layla, Alizée, Aislin and Britney can immobilize the statue… I could also destroy it. It’ll erode like any other stone I bet. Then we won’t have to deal with it on the way back out. Unless we’re hoping for a secret passage inside the vault, or a perfectly timed teleporter?”

"How long would it take you to get through stone?" It was a rhetorical question, mostly.

Too long, too much risk. Clancy shook his head, giving voice to his feelings on the matter, "Not worth it."

When the biker had set the deer-goat-dog things on them at the club, he'd slowed them down, hurt at least one of them bad enough it didn't get up, They weren't too different in size to the statue either, either, but they had still been living things, made of meat, blood, bone.

Could he stop it? Of all of them, he probably had some of the best chances, and had nothing to lose. Could he break it? 'Maybe' was his best answer.

[b]"Here's a better idea. Sloane was right about trying to hold it down, immobilise it. While that's happening, I'll try and hold it, hit it, break pieces off if I can. I don't know if it's smart enough to know it can't hurt me. Doesn't feel like it's really ‘alive’ like that, but I'll keep it busy.”[b]

Like a big cat sizing up prey, the boy pivoted a wide berth around the stone canine, easily dwarved by its size, a puppy by comparison. The only thing it was missing was a coat of red paint Funny, he considered, without betraying a sense of humour to the others.

Thinking back to Sloane's suggestion, he added onto the strategy. ”Adora and Luca should save it for the way back unless they don't have a choice. You'll just get in my way.” A half truth, equally blunt as before.

”l can still do as much damage as I can. If you've got anything for me, like a stick to play fetch, now's your chance. Otherwise, do what you need to open the vault and slow Clifford here down. Get what you need and run. If it doesn't stay down, I'll catch up when you're too far to be outrun.”

Then, after another seconds pause, he shot a comment in someone's general direction, ”Try not hitting me this time."

Clancy, for his part, was as ready as one could be.

King Corpse, Aislin@Estylwen, Luca @FernStone & Everyone

For all its power, the corpse-king was still just that. A corpse. Dead, rotting meat and old bones.

Useless, the instinct at the base of Clancy's consciousness reminded him. There was no sustenance to find here, only a problem to be dealt with.

While it appeared to remain unaware of him, the boy had made to maul the towering creature, small hands grasping and tearing at exposed bone and the residual tissues contained around it. He meant to bisect the royal skeleton, one hand plunged elbow deep in an effort to grasp at what passed for backbone. Fingers grazed against vertebrae, then-


The boy's limbs seemed to drop, dangling limp at one side as the two of them were speared through by a great wooden length, the skeleton through its ribcage and the boy from waist to sternum. Clancy's gaze shot downwards, trying to make the scale of it.

It looked bad, horrifying even. The stake as thick as a tree tunk, more as like to be just as strong. Thick enough that it seemed less the case it had speared through him, than he'd been smeared around it, like a human donut.

The only times he could recall things looking worse than this were oout on the train tracks, a long time ago. He could only guesd how it looked to the others, even if he felt nothing of it save for the presence of something that didn't belong there.

The corpse-king wasn't down yet either; impaled through the ribcage, and pinned to the wall a few feet abead of his own position, uust narrowly out of his reach, Clancy could see the glow forming in its twitching, bony digits as it invoked another surge of elemental wrath, fire and storm bound into one Although he didn't have enough room to twist around, or even glance backwards, the boy could hear the panicked voices, urgent shouting.

Getting free was a good idea, except he was suspended midair, far enough of the ground that his feet were dangling in the air, no floor or wall to kick off, and the corpse-king still a few inches too far away for him to properly grapple with or pull loose. One hand clutched at the wooden length drigen through him, palm barely wide enough to curl around a fraction of its circumference, and dug in.

Definitely a tree trunk.

Legs swung out, fingers dug into the wood, cracks and fissures forming where they bedded in, and then, before he or the corpse-king had a chance to lash out at the other, darkness enshrouded the both of them as the roof came crashing down, a shroud of dust and detritus swallowed up half of the tunnel with them.

=-”...Let's get outta here. I dont think it's dead.”

Aislin's relief appeared premature when another hand burst through the mound of debris. Smaller, paler than the last, it appeared to reach backwards, pulling free a looser section of the rubble, exposing the still-impaled Clancy, skewered upon the visible length of wood.

Perhaps by some stroke of luck, the debris wall had given him something to kick off. Knees brought as high as they could, he kicked off against the debris wall while fingers dug into the wood, pushing himself backwards until he slid off the blunted end of the stake, landing backwards on his rear with both palms splayed across the ground.

When the boy stood, the foot-wide tear in his abdominal cavity was near-imppssible to miss, ligHt dimly spilling through the great puncture for a few seconds before a shadowy, skeltal layer filled in the space, underlying the pale facade of flesh that had been displaced. Human donut wasn't too far from the truth, complete with a coating of grey-brown dust that smeared his charred and tattered clothes. The only part of him that seemed to retain any dustinct colour was the crooked, yellow sneer of the torn cartoon mask, now smeared with blood.

”Great work.” Clancy clapped both palms together with a sarcastic cheer, nodding downwards at the shadowy hole in his torso, ”Thanks."

Although his expression betrayed nothing of his sort, his gaze searched for the others out of concern for their potential losses. Adora and Luca were definitely on rough shape, but they were alive at least, judging by the latter's suggestion they move forward, ”Yeah, before I run out of stuff that fits."

Then, he shot a look at Britney and the Greenwood girl, "Unless you think the dog can fetch me another shirt.” His voice was bristling, laced with venom, but lacking most of the guttural rumble that had characterised his other imhuman backslides into instinct.

For now, anyway.
@Estylwen edited my post slightly to reflect that Clancy is also going to get Van Helsing'd by Britney's stake

King Corpse@Estylwen

Sirens, shouting, the faint crackle of gunfire and artillery seemed to perforate his surroundings. Then, the taste of warm blood and fresh meat arrived among those senses, nourishing a programmed demand that poisoned his consciousness for every waking hour it was denied. Clancy’s jaws sank into the mobster’s sleeve, fingers tightening a little more around the elbow joint, coming close to outright snapping off the man’s forearm like a brittle branch. The boy had meant to tear the arm off, to let him bleed out, to crack bones beneath his teeth and gorge on the marrow-

Had being the key word. Someone else, a man wielding a chainsaw, had distracted him - momentary enough for the mobster to pull his remaining hand free and make a gesture.

A surge of energy coursed through the boy’s body, the black electricity dancing across him; the man was far from done, and the brief spasm induced by an electrical jolt brought the boy to his knees as the ground yawned open beneath them into a stygian abyss, threatening to swallow both in its black embrace.

But Clancy for his part was deceptively strong, far from weak, even as patches of clothing smoked from where the lightning had seared the fabrics enough to burn away at the facade of flesh beneath and leave pockmarks of missing skin. The boy proved unwilling to descend, one foot, a free palm and sheer strength pressed into the lip of ground surrounding the portal, preventing either from immediately escaping, for a moment.

Had the man thought he'd pull him through? Maybe, if he were just a kid, but not him. Instinct told him to pursue, chase, devour. But the others-

Adora was winded, facing down the corpse-king, The others were still occupied with the lizard-thing, or recovering yet from other blows sustained.

In other words, not good.

In his periphery, Clancy felt more power surging forth from the steepled figure ahead while the others continued to wane, cold winds gusting down the tunnel. Frost formed across every surface, and for a moment he was almost half-convinced that the wisps of fog rising from his body were a sign he was breathing for the first time in decades, until he realised it was a product of the frigid air making contact with his smouldering clothes and the mobster’s warm blood smeared across his jaw.

In the wake of those pressing matters, Clancy relinquished what little grip he’d maintained on the mobster’s shattered wrist and pulled free, leaving the dark-haired man to sink into the depths.

The boy was left to survey the damage left behind. Luca was dissolving the lizard-thing, the others at his side in enough strength to keep him from getting killed, but the corpse-king remained the greatest danger here, slowing them down, keeping them from getting where they needed to be and, he realised almost too late, rendering the tunnel uninhabitable. Clancy pushed the mobster out of mind, pulling himself past the portal, moving past the chainsaw-wielder, his gaze set on the towering carcass as it wrought icy storms upon the tunnel.

Cold had no hold over him, no pain it could enact on his senses, nor the shivering that would induce most into a stupoured huddle. Too long in the woods. His sleeves grew encrusted with frost, each movement giving forth a crunching sound as ice formed, dissipated and reformed with each motion.

Sluggish steps became paces, the boy driving fingers into a section of wall coated in ice, raking gouges in the surface, and pushing off against that surface for more leverage.

Half-charred and spattered with blood, the boy looked half a revenant himself as he burst through and vaulted over a layer of ice to lunge for the undead monarch’s lower torso, hands clamouring to grasp, tear and smash at whatever exposed bone and rotting tissues he could find.

If nothing else, it would pull attention away from the others long enough to do some damage. His only error, as he'd realised moments later, was that Britney's stake was primed to punch through him on the way to its target.
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