Act Two-Three
The week and a half after the assassination attempt, things fell into more of a routine. The two easily slipped into peaceful domesticity. At least, as peaceful as things could be. Casey still had work, and that still involved the Temple and long, awkward hours. But Trisha had the slowly starting honey business to concentrate on, and a contracting job she took that resulted in her working over most of the nights Casey was too.
So even when they weren’t exactly in the same room, they were close.
There were the nice constants. Going to bed together most nights, or mornings. Naps, cuddling and kissing on their big couch. A couple more low-key dates.
But as they moved into the second last week of November, it was like Trisha’s mood suddenly dropped. It wasn’t that she was short with Casey or anything, just much quieter in the morning. A bit distant. She brushed off any attempts to find out what was wrong, before escaping to the Greenhouse for the day the bees ‘needed checking up on.’
They didn’t, but sitting beside the large hive as they flitted to and fro comforted her down enough to think.
She knew what was wrong. Thanksgiving was next week. The holidays.
Family events.
It was always a big trigger for her, together with Christmas. She started to sink down into a mire as the day creeped closer, and struggled to keep her more sullen side down. How could she when filled with dread, irritation and hopefulness about a call that would never come?
Year on year it was the same. A day she was forced to spend with the Vanburen side. Always an elaborate meal, always arguments, and occasionally a father during her first fourteen years. The numbers changed and reduced, out of town siblings rarely bothering to return for it… but it never changed the event.
She’d managed to avoid it the four years she was in University… but not since she was back in St Portwell. Attendance was
required when in the city. Tansy insisted. She had enough material on them all to get her way.
Who was it going to be this year? Her, Tansy, Ezra, Sabrina… No, Sabrina ‘accidentally’ had an out of town fashion show. Just Tansy, and her oldest siblings. Even worse.
The initial calm from the bees presence backfired as she got more lost in her thoughts and her anxieties. A whole evening being torn apart. A whole evening without Casey, because he’d definitely be spending it with his family. Another family focused day where she’d be left feeling so alone… and it would happen again. Christmas. Then next year. She hated it.
How did she even talk to him about it? She couldn’t just open up and say ‘I’m feeling shit because I know we’ll have to spend thanksgiving apart and I really don’t want to.’ It sounded ridiculous and needy. It was just one evening…
It was late afternoon when Trisha dragged herself out of the Greenhouse and back to their house. She’d thought, felt worse, then tried to distract herself with the bees. But eventually she ran out of stuff she could fuss over… She just needed a distraction. Something to bring her mood back up a bit so she could pretend everything was fine till the dreaded event was over.
Thankfully her laptop was already in the den. She grabbed it, climbing onto the large couch and shuffling all the way to the back. There she curled up into a tight, tense ball, laptop beside her where she pulled up one of her more mindless games. It was good enough for distracting time wasting.
As for Casey, the particular day had him training a new class of security officers for the Temple. That meant he was out early, and was able to pass any mundane office duties off to Theo and Norm for the time being. Out early meant home
relatively early, leaving the other instructors below him to take care of actual class administration for the evening schooling sessions.
Hence he was home. Doing what? Learning how to properly cook. Bags of ingredients, magically enchanted bowls and spoons and sieves; the kitchen looked like a Phantasia scene from top to bottom, and if someone hadn’t been in a bad mood, maybe she’d appreciate the harmony herself. Casey’s eyes passed from the pan of broccoli he was browning to the pot full of caramelizing sugar that he knew was too fucking hot. He didn’t even have to flash the thermal spell he had to know that, having familiarized himself with the smell of burning sugar back in the war.
Some people had the most amazing spells…
Turning the heat down, he still had a moment to admire the amber sap in the pot as it slowly congealed together into an even darker and thicker slop. It was meant for some flan, the custard component currently bubbling away in an oven-heated water bath. Ramekins were full of the sweet sticky pudding. Two were colored differently, marking out the ones that had been made with special Andrade ingredients.
There’d been another argument about that, though this time things seemed to be fully settled. Hence why he was so dedicated now to the action of cooking. He wanted to show Trisha that he was completely fine no matter what…
Even if he could feel the side effects creeping across him. Even if he knew that old layer of Oblivium had finally encompassed his stomach lining. It was fine… Oblivium wasn’t what killed people like them. A mostly aesthetic side effect that could very safely be ignored so long as one knew what came
next. And Casey knew. The whole Richoux clan knew what second stage Oblivium infection looked like. They’d all lived through it and beyond.
She would too, if it came down to it. She’d be fine. He knew she’d be fine, because she was Trisha Vanburen. Tough as nails, smarter than the phone in your pocket, and backed by three very different royal dynasties. If anyone was set up to succeed, Casey was sure it was her. The love of his life.
Her mood shifts obviously hadn’t escaped him, and he blamed their last fight on that same problem. A dying joy, but seemingly zero intention to actually address the situation as it stood. Obviously he wanted to know why. To understand what the fuck the problem was so he could fix it.
But she wanted to fix things herself generally. She loved his company, but the occasions that saw his hand sweep down to guide usually wound up with her slapping the hand away. He got
why she was aggressive about it… But also felt like she’d never get over any of it if she didn’t actually come clean.
So lost in thought, Casey didn’t notice the figure standing outside the glass front of their home. He hadn’t realized he was being stared at like a zoo animal from outside… Rather than moving from his busy post to open the door, his gloved hand flicked slightly. With a gentle pop, the door creaked open, letting the smiling face outside into their domain.
”Wooooow… Uncle Dre, eat your heart out huh?”Casey laughed in return. Looking at his baby sister, he felt a little happy. She was clean today, didn’t seem lethargic or anything. She was dressed like she’d either been somewhere, or was planning to go somewhere. Slacks, nice close-toed shoes with heels, a blouse and a jacket. She and their older sister Elise found business attire in totally different styles, but Casey always preferred Mia’s sense of chic without her being overly pretentious. Elise sparkled, and while she always looked like the goth prom queen, Mia just looked…
Fun. Like she was the person advocating for the things others would be too scared to advocate for… Or maybe he was projecting.
”Yeeeeeah… This is my latest quest for knowledge. It’s gonna make Trisha feel even safer. And honestly, fuck- If it turns out I’m good?””Hey, nobody ever said you were a bad cook. Remember that Mother’s Day where you asked Uncle Dre’s help to make her that custard she likes?”Casey grinned and lifted the caramel pot to show her the familiar substance.
”Oh, damn! Are they in the oven?” Casey nodded his head, a smile on his face.
”Well that’s pretty cool dude… Uh, did you… Hear?””Probably, what?”Mia took a deep breath. She looked a little nervous telling Casey this.
”Mom is going outside the family for planning this year's Harvest Feast.”Casey nodded, thinking about it for a moment. He’d gotten the memo, sure. But hadn’t had to interview any event planners or anything in substitution. Curious, he took a mental note of the situation. At least the chicken was done, and he pulled the butterflied breasts from the pan to deglaze with a bit of cooking wine.
”Do you have any hand in it?” he asked casually, scraping the fond from the pan before letting the alcohol ignite to burn it all off.
”Yes. Technically. But, in all reality, Mum’s at it again.”At it again meant so many things to Casey. Rather than verbally ask, the look he gave Mia encouraged her to continue.
”Actual outsiders. She’s obsessed with these, uh…”Her head swiveled around the room, vaguely catching the sensation of Apparitional Lux deeper in the house. So she leaned across the island and whispered.
”Vanburen. There’s this bigwig event planner, and I’m pretty sure she’s related to Trisha.”Casey’s face turned from casual interest to abject horror in a moment. He couldn’t hold it in. There was one last long pause, then his voice echoed through the house.
”........ Trisha!? Baby, come here real quick!?” he called.
It took a moment for Trisha to appear from behind the closed door to their Den, as if she was buried deep within a larger house rather than one room over. Her reluctance came from not particularly feeling up to talking to
anyone yet, nevermind someone outside of Casey. She’d heard Mia and him talking, even though she purposefully didn’t pay any attention to it.
She was hit by the smell immediately. It smelled
nice. Not that she’d expected Casey to be bad at something he put his mind too just… it was still a pleasant surprise. As she paused at the far end of the island, she had to actively order the bees crawling about her shoulders to stay where they were. Their instinct was to fly towards the caramelising sugar- something she couldn’t exactly let them do.
“Hey, Mia.” Trisha smiled slightly, raising a hand in a half wave. At the same time she moved around to the same side as the island as Casey was on, shuffling towards him. Then her body fully turned towards him, head tilting up.
“What’s up, Babe?”It was pretty clear she wasn’t in any way out of whatever off mood she was in. There was that constant push and pull in her mind: seek comfort, or hide out until things improved. Even with all of the breakthroughs they’d made in a relatively short period together, she wasn’t comfortable with sharing. That fear of being rejected hadn’t been miraculously fixed. It was just easier to withdraw into herself for a little bit.
Mia waved back, all of a sudden far more uncomfortable than she had been giving Casey this news. Nothing had happened recently to make her nervous of Trisha, but she knew
the look without any kind of White Lux interfering. Something was desperately wrong, and from the dream Mia had a few nights previous, this was only going to potentially make it worse. Interpretive things weren’t so bad in dreams; one could jump themselves into any logical direction they wanted.
But dreams that were like that? Déjà vu? She could only brace herself… The curse of prescience. The curse that she wanted to repress.
”So… Mia was just telling me about uh… The Temple’s current Thanksgiving plans.”Mia felt words leaving her mouth before they even had.
”It’s the Harvest Feast for nerds like us. Y’know, pseudo-pagans.”Casey laughed. At least he could dance around the topic a little longer.
”Which we’re not… Like, you know our-””That’s the point of the joke, dude. Why do you always make people spell it out? Takes all the air out of it.”Casey playfully pouted, getting a couple of plates out of the cabinet and putting them down to start plating his and Trisha’s early dinner. They’d both be up later anyway, and that probably meant getting something delivered. It was easiest that way… But he could make sure they both got a good home cooked meal every day.
”Sorry… Anyway, we were talking about plans. I’m not sure what you had in mind, but uh… Ceremonially, I have a role to play. Like most of the things we do. I don’t want you to feel pressured like you have to go or anything… But I do.”At the mention of Thanksgiving, Trisha immediately tensed up. It was like she was trying to curl up into herself. She just couldn’t hold back the reaction when it was a large part of why she was in such a bad mood.
Temple plans? Great, good, she definitely needed to hear about those. She loved hearing all about the things Casey would be doing while she was stuck at a dinner table between a boring business man and the most vapid, fake woman in the city. Sure, she’d known even without the role he’d be doing whatever his family- and Temple- were doing. It didn’t mean she wanted to hear about it. Not today.
And it was more than that. A role to play, like most things they did… that meant future events too. Christmas, fine, same situation. But the Temple was a magic pseudo-pagan pseudo-Catholic cult. That meant they might have ‘festivals’ or whatever for all the other days. Days leading up to it, days after it.
The twenty-sixth.
Trisha’s lips pressed into a thin line, and her gaze moved down to glare at her feet. Perfect. That would be so perfect. And this was what she’d been trying to avoid talking about. She couldn’t even pretend that she was completely unbothered by it all!
“I have to spend it with my family. If I don’t, Tansy will leak something I did as a teenager or whatever to the press to make my life harder. So I guess we’ll be spending it apart.” And she sounded absolutely
thrilled about that.
Casey’s face turned to abject horror instantly. Mia’s, not so much. She heard it before. Wished she hadn’t. Couldn’t help it.
”To the fucking Press? Did you like… Beat an old woman to death or something!? Babe!?”“No!” Trisha didn’t raise her voice, but her reaction was obviously agitated. It wasn’t like it actually mattered
what Tansy leaked.
“Probably something about underage drinking or other shit- I’m a Vanburen it doesn’t matter if it’s minor, they latch onto it. Then they try find me, or they go to Ezra, which is just as bad.””Jesus… Well, like… Uh-”Get it over with, Casey. Get it over with. Rip the bandage off, please.Mia stared daggers at her brother now, waiting for him to stop faffing about with his food and avoiding the issue at hand.
”-Trisha… I think Lynette hired Tansy to plan the Temple’s events for the day. The Harvest Mass, and the Feast afterward.”Casey’s voice hitched up as he was trying to find some slow way of breaking the news. The news that, for all intents and purposes, there was something strange afoot.
”And I’m certain that she knows who we are. That you’ll be there…”Words like doom hung in the air. Casey could only watch Trisha now. The sugar was going to burn… A spoon magically stirred it, but eventually he’d either have to turn the heat off or risk it turning into leather coating the bottom of the pot. But he’d already felt the tension… For days he’d felt the tension.
Has this really been it? Fucking holiday trauma?”Hey, what’d I say? I don’t want her feeling pressured like she has to go. If we need to keep a few deadbeat reporters quiet? What’s she gonna do?” Casey asserted.
It was very difficult for Trisha to stop herself from turning around and shutting herself away in the Den. Her body trembled slightly as she forced herself to take a deep breath. She was doing
so well at not overreacting. Amazing.
Great job not looking absolutely unreasonable in front of him, Trisha.Of course Lynette had hired Tansy. But maybe that was better. If Tansy was busy organising a massive cult festival, she wouldn’t have the time to bother Trisha about her attendance. Trisha could just spend the day in bed with her phone turned off. No, on, just in case.
But… that meant Tansy near Casey. Near his whole family… some people who she was beginning to like. Mia herself, Hari, Ed… And Tansy was so good at making people believe her. Even if they managed to see through her falseness there were so many
real things she could share. The kind of things people like Lynette probably already knew thanks to the digging but… fuck. Fuck!
“I don’t…” Trisha scowled. She didn’t, what? Want to attend? Want Tansy to be let loose? Be here at this moment? All of the above? Why couldn’t she just
handle it. It wasn’t a big deal. It wasn’t even that important. So why the fuck couldn’t she calm down over it?
“She’s just working, right? Planning it. She’s a good event organiser, if you can deal with her being a bitch, so I’m sure she’ll do a great job. If she’s been hired like that it doesn’t mean she’ll be attending. Not properly. It’s not like she’s actually invited, right?”Casey’s face turned to Mia expecting some kind of confirmation.There was confirmation alright… The sullen expression told the tale of a nightmare come true.
”Mom was far too pleased for it to be anything that simple.”He could only imagine her smug excitement. The prospect of landing the entire Vanburen legacy in one net… What was the obsession? Worse, was it chance? Or was there really some divine hand that wanted things to be like this, forcing Lynette’s plans into motion without any sort of ramifications…
”So, what? Invite whatever other member of the Vanburens will attend because she thinks they will? That’s bogus… It’s not like they’re like that, right Trisha? You… You said! Nobody’s really that close, right? Even if it’s just Tansy there, I mean…-”He paused a moment before snapping his fingers.
”Oh! I’ve got it! There’s this girl in the Temple? Total doppelganger, can mimic anyone. We let you stay home, and she parades around as you all night! So we never have to deal with anything! What do you think of that, Baby?” he was desperate to remedy the situation however he could.
“Mimic me completely? Like, dragging twenty four years of memories out of my mind so that she can fool my older sister who makes it her job to know everything?” Trisha shook her head sharply. She wouldn’t let someone in there. And without that, how could anyone mimic her enough to fool someone who’d know her since she was born?
“And- and then she’d have to pretend to be with you! Tansy’s already seen how we are- and I don’t want that. That’d be worse. I don’t want someone else t-to hold your hand and hug you like that. Or to pretend to be me.”She tried to take a deep breath, but it got caught in her throat. It felt like everything was working against her. Lynette, Tansy… Forcing her into the kind of event she hated. Putting the focus
on her. It was something she’d desperately wanted when she was younger, but not like this. This was to mock her. It was just to tear her back down… when she’d finally been getting comfortable. Too complacent.
“Ezra will probably go too. Tansy will make him… he cares too much about appearances.” Her tone was flat as she tried to suppress the beginnings of a panic attack. Over
this of all things. Just suppress, suppress, suppress…
“He knows it's a cult… I’ll need to go. Otherwise- I don’t know. Something will happen.” She dragged her eyes up from the floor, glancing at Mia then Casey with a forced, obviously fake smile. Calm down, pretend to calm, pretend it’s not an issue, stop making it such a big thing when it shouldn’t be-
“It’ll be fine. No big deal, really.”Casey wasn’t so sure. Mia… Recoiled in horror. There’d been a much bigger fuss in her dream. More yelling. She had cringed the moment that Casey said something about Mary-Lee, and had imagined that was going to be it. The end. But now she was in unknown territory again. A rare moment where her clear visions were wrong. She bit her lip, then shook her head.
”You said your brother cares about appearances… Why would he buddy up to a cult then?””Most people don’t think we’re a cult. We don’t keep leashes, remember? People are free to come and go? The outside insulates the interior? I know its hard to misconstrue that from our position, but… We’re just fuckin’ Methodists to those people, no different than the modern progressive Church.”Mia gripped her face in strain. She’d never worn a cross around her neck, so it was hard to remember they were still a branch of the Levantine religious tradition. The whole thing often escaped her, and she could only nod in understanding. For Casey, he completely understood why Trisha had a problem with the plan. Thus, the plan was gone: Time for a new one.
Moving around the island, he took Trisha’s hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulder to comfort her.
”Y’know what? You’re right. It will be okay, Babe. It’s gonna be fine, and we’re gonna make the best of this. Listen… If this is really happening? That means Mom wants the Blinds involved too… There’s no way she’d only invite magical people to an event planned by a mundane person. Which means that we’re definitely gonna be breaking tradition this year. Maybe that’s good! Maybe she’s willing to break from all this because she wants us to be the hosts! That means we can do what we want, right!?”Mia was always surprised at her brother’s ability to be positive. Like he always had another plan tucked away, or a pivot on the heel of his shoe. Slowly, her face became brighter until she was looking at Trisha with a calm, soldier-like affirmation.
“Yeah, then we can make it work for us. So it’ll be fine. No magical cult stuff, or bending to one person’s whim… Better than if we were apart, right?” Trisha managed to sound, and look, like she was alright with this new plan. Her scowl lessened to a more neutral look and her voice was more even. But Casey would be able to feel that the tension in her body hadn’t gone anywhere. All that coiled energy was still there, one push away from exploding into the smothered panic attack. Right now, she’d just managed to detach herself. Because she’d only look worse in front of them if she kept reacting.
It was her favourite technique: suppress, ignore, pretend everything was fine until she could run away.
It was true that being with Casey was better than not. But it was still a family holiday suddenly made bigger. The kind of place where she was always made to feel
less than. This year there’d be even more people to do it. It would probably be
worse. She didn’t want to host. She didn’t want that attention. Such was her conflict: hating when there was no attention, but also when she had all of it. Because it was always
“Sorry for overreacting.” Trisha looked up at Casey for a moment, before her head turned to Mia. Pretending the issue really was put to rest for her. She definitely wasn’t going to sink right back down into the mood that had been hanging over her the moment she could.
“Especially to you, Mia… My family’s just difficult. You, uh- did you just come up to tell Casey about thanksgiving?”Mia bit her lip.
”I… Really didn’t want it to be all. But if you need some time to figure things out, I understand. I was hoping to-” Get it over with. Assumed it would all be gone. Relieved that you’re even still standing here talking to me. “-I don’t know… I guess intrude. I had no real plans.” she said, shrugging and standing.
”Though, one thought I had was a gift. But, your birthday is next month, right? Gin told me. Its a wonder how the Hell she knows, but I can just save it for then… Like I said, I just-” don’t want to be alone. Nobody’s downstairs, except them. Don’t make me leave. “-want to make sure you have your private time. And, honestly, it’s really not that much of an overreaction. It’s your family, y’know? I certainly don’t want to get them involved, especially not like this. Whatever I can do to help, I’m here.” Trisha tilted her head slightly. Why… Why was her birthday being mentioned? How did Gin know? Probably from the fucking Sycamore fanclub. It shouldn’t be a bad thing. Maybe people would actually remember about it this year. Be around. Maybe it’d be the same as always. And a gift? For… no reason? She was confused by that too, and it was enough for her to push down the panic just a little.
Not get rid of it. Just suppress it further.
Her instinctive reaction was to say
yes, she did want private time. She just wanted to forget all about it. Pretend it wasn’t going to happen. But she had a feeling that after Mia left Casey would want to talk about it more. She didn't want to talk about it. She wanted to be with him, yes, to hug him and get comfort in his presence, but he'd want to talk to. She knew he would. Then… there was the food. Her head turned slightly to look at it. The full meal that Casey had made for them.
A meal she really didn’t have an appetite for. But she didn’t want to upset him. Not when he'd worked so hard cooking for them. The hint of warmth she felt from the effort helped her not just entirely withdraw. She
could force herself. It would just be easier if there was less.
So yes, there was something Mia could help with.
“Well… since you came all this way, you may as well stay for a bit? Maybe you can eat with us- you can have some from my portion, I don’t really eat much.” She wasn’t able to look at Casey as she offered that. Because she felt bad about it. She knew he’d noticed her poor eating habits, and was trying to make sure she didn’t keep just
not eating on days she forgot or didn’t want to.
“And yeah, my birthday is next month. I guess Gin’s gotta know for her fanclub? They probably have detailed sheets on all of us or something…”Mia’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. She looked from Trisha to her brother, then back.
”I don’t really have to eat, like… I don’t want to take food out of your mouths!”Casey’s brow furrowed, but then he looked down at the two plates. They were practically identical… At first he wasn’t sure what the problem was; he’d even gone through the trouble of dealing with his raw meat discomfort by getting familiar with a whole unroasted chicken… He’d touched it! Separated the skin from the meat while it was still raw, just so he could get the butter and garlic and all the good moisturizer and flavor underneath and into the meat!
But then he looked at Trisha, and then the plate again…
He’d split the entire chicken.One half was sitting on his plate, and one half was on hers. The exact same. And the exact same mound of pan-roasted broccoli, three bread rolls without special flour on the side…
”Dude, you’re so fucking right… I didn’t even think about you not eating that much. Next time, I’ll split your portion in half and put it in the fridge so you can have it again the next day…”Without questioning any of it, he got Mia a plate and her own silverware, and she happily sat down at the island to eat.
”You two portion it out…” he laughed.
Mia smiled and nodded, sliding the empty plate to Trisha for her to divvy out as she pleased.
”Can you uh… Go get the subject while we do this?” she asked across to Casey.
He smiled and nodded, then made way for the den where he knew their new friend had last been located. Mia was still smiling at Trisha.
”Thank you, by the way. Sharing your food means a lot in our family.” she giggled.
“Really? It’s… never really been a thing in mine. But you’re welcome.” Trisha smíled back, though it was obvious she still wasn’t fully relaxed. There was still a tension in her shoulders. But she was doing a good job at suppressing it. It would come back… but she could get through dinner. Maybe even cuddling with Casey after, if he didn’t try make her talk about it. Out of sight, out of mind.
She went about splitting the food on her plate between the two. The chicken was split perfectly in half, because Trisha had seen how much effort Casey put into it, while Mia got more broccoli and two bread rolls. Casey had said about splitting the portion in half next time but… half a portion was still a bit much.
“There you go…” Trisha moved away to sit down, leaving the spot in between them for Casey. It meant she was looking across from Mia, head tilting slightly. Her bees meandered about her shoulders, a couple slipping down her arms towards her plate.
“What do you mean by the ‘subject’?” ”Well, not bein’ nosey… Casey said you guys had a nice date out on Misty! Said you went to the carnival? Got yourself a new friend?” Mia’s face was bright with excitement. She’d not done this in so long… Worried if it would be as potent a spell as it had been in her youth, she was thinking about a particular moment in her childhood to project with the spell. A moment of supreme confidence she hadn’t had when she’d last casted it.
”As it turns out, I have a thing for toys. It started with Casey, actually. He’d sit with me when I was a real little girl and play with his little army men. He’d call me ‘Private Mimi’ and we’d make believe that we were in charge of the army… Cute little kid stuff. When I Kindled, I would make them come to life and run around. Let Casey tell them what to do, and they’d do it. We’d spend so many hours some days that I’d pass out from using too much Lux.” she giggled.
Casey’s pounding footsteps meant he was headed… Upstairs? There was a lot of rummaging, then excitement as they could both see his fist raise up over the bannister of the loft. In it was Princess, Trisha’s massive new stuffed bee. Then he was making his way back down in a rush. As expected, Princess was tucked under one arm. However, in the other was a
very old plush triceratops. Its horns and crest were tamped flat to its body from years of being held tight to his chest. Mia only lit up more.
”Stompyyyyyyyy!”She got up, running to meet the stuffed dinosaur like it was an old friend. Wrapping her arms around it, Mia quickly went for her pocket and pulled out the hat to stuff onto her head. Before she could even get it on fully, the stuffed animal was already growing and growing in her hand.
Setting it down, its legs grew and its body became re-defined with rigid properties. The triceratops expanded rapidly until it was the size of the island they sat at for dinner, and then… The construct named Stompy showed Trisha exactly why he was named that. Rearing back, Stompy’s no-longer-plush footpads on its forelimbs smacked up and down on the floor of her home. It was hard to tell what the reaction meant at first until its swinging tail upended a lamp and sent it crashing into the floor.
Mia and Casey both laughed, and Casey handed Princess off to Trisha before raising his hands.
”Woah, woah! Good morning, big guy! That must’ve been quite the nap! Are you happy to see us!?”The construct let out an elephant like blurt, stomping its front feet again in puppy-like excitement. Casey beamed at Trisha.
”Trisha? This is Stompy! Stompy… This is Trisha!”The construct didn’t care… It was too wrapped up in its own nerves to pay much mind.
Trisha wasn’t entirely sure how to react to the triceratops in her house. She flinched slightly at the loud crash of the lamp tumbling over, before managing to calm down and take Princess. She hugged the plush bee to her chest.
At least it seemed… excited to see Casey? Like a massive dinosaur puppy. A plushie magically brought to life… It was hard to not end up smiling softly at Casey’s happiness. His smile just brought her
warmth even when she was feeling off. The tension in her shoulders softened a bit.
“Uh, hello Stompy. Nice to meet you.” She slipped off her chair to move over to Casey, looking at the construct with a slight smile.
She then tilted around him a bit to look at Mia.
“So you can make toys move, and… grow and come to life as bigger versions of what they are?” She gestured to Stompy.
“That’s really cool. Are you planning to do that to Princess?”Her eyes moved back to Casey, jokingly pouted.
“And you didn’t tell me in advance? You’re just springing the magical moving toys on me?”Stompy’s front horn on his beak gently nudged forward to Trisha, bumping softly into Princess and backing up. His tail hit the nearby chair, causing him to swing around and kick the table near the fireplace. Casey had an instantly nervous look on his face and reeled back, pushing up and placing his gloved hand on the construct’s side. Like a size slider, he slid his palm down and brushed against Stompy until he was the size of a small dog.
With an almost intelligent indignance, the little thing looked back up and began to stomp all fours by hopping up and down. Casey laughed.
”Sorry little man, you’re making a mess.”As he scolded the little thing, Mia stepped closer.
”It was only my plan if you wanted it. Obviously, I can’t force you to accept. And I wouldn’t expect you to if I were you either… If I saw my mother, I wouldn’t trust me either. I mean… I don’t.” she laughed through the sad expression that cropped up on her face.
”My point was, I have a memory that would make a particularly stable Forest Friend. Something I think you could benefit from. And when Casey told me it was one of the big oversized carnival animals, well… Everything’s better when you have more room to work with.” Trisha looked at Mia, eyes narrowing slightly. She’d have to be blind to
not notice her expression. Trisha wasn’t really the comforting type… she had so many of her own problems she barely made a dent in. But she was trying to be a bit better.
“I don’t not trust you because of your mother.” She paused, frowning. That didn’t come out right.
“I don’t mean I don’t trust you.” She didn’t, entirely, but that wasn’t
Mia. It was
her. Trisha didn’t fully trust anyone. Casey was the closest, but even then… she couldn’t say she completely trusted him when she was still scared he’d turn around and leave, could she? But the last time she’d said something similar to Mia about her view on ‘sisters’ it hadn’t ended well.
“I do… as much as I could for how long we’ve known each other. I definitely don’t think you’re going to put some kind of White Lux spying on my bee plushie like your mother would.”She offered Mia what she hoped was a comforting smile, though it fell a bit flat. But it was clear she was
trying. Trying to be as honest as she could be, to make Mia feel a bit better, and to not let her own background bubbling issues get in the way.
“I’d like that. For you to do the same to Princess… I was just joking about it being sprung on me.”As she spoke, Trisha crouched down, holding out a hand towards Stompy hesitantly.
“Uh… how long does it take? Maybe we should eat first?”The miniature monster happily rolled off its feet into Trisha’s hand, scratching its back along the ridgeline and promptly flipping back over.
”Really? Wow… Uh… Do you… Do you think the Queen would want any help? I know for a fact that I can easily joint-cast this spell with other people. Apparitions. The last time I used this was for Ren, so she has a friend sometimes.”Casey couldn’t help but smile and laugh, both at his little old friend playing with his beloved Trisha, and at his baby sister’s excitement. As soon as he’d shown her a picture of it, she had expressed wanting to do this. So, he was more than happy that it was happening.
”Let Trisha figure that out over food. Sit, eat. Have a couple of these too.”He’d baked himself a massive batch of rolls with Andrade’s specially provided ingredients, and the bulk of his nutrition from the meal would come from them. Everything else just…
Tasted good. Six of them was all he really needed for dinner, so he slid a few more to Mia. She didn’t eat so much, even with their condition… Mostly on account of her own
personal condition.
She eyed them, then looked at him and grinned.
”Real Andrade behavior now, huh? Y’know, whenever we got a letter home from the Government while you were serving, Mom would always say that we got a letter from the ‘baker.’’Casey laughed and smiled.
”Oh, dude… Before you were born, or like when you were really little, I used to spend way more time in the kitchen with that guy. She used to call me ‘The Little Baker’ because I would always beg him to make the croissants, and so we’d make them and I’d come home with a big fuckin’ tray of them. Dad would eat them all.”Then they both laughed, and Mia stopped herself with a bite of Casey’s biscuits. She chewed, and chewed a little more, then swallowed with a little difficulty. Casey laughed, having started to split one and fill it with butter before she could stop herself.
”Dude, moisturize it. It’s still bread dough, it’s not like I magically made it not the driest thing in the world.”Laughing, he filled the steamy and fluffy interior with a slathering of butter and stuck a piece of chicken into it as well. Then it was gone in a single bite, with him chewing on it again and again.
He did smile at Trisha, pleased with himself for cooking something tasty.
”The same goes for your rolls, Babe. Put some butter or something inside, or you’re gonna need a glass of water.” he giggled.
“I’m going to need water anyway with all this food…” Trisha laughed slightly, smiling back at him. She reached for the butter, splitting one roll in half and spreading it across it. Even with her portion split with Mia, it felt like a lot. But it was also food that Casey had made for
She hadn’t had a proper home cooked meal in a long while. Not since she was in university, when Cass got so sick of her ordering takeout that she ended up cooking for the both of them. Her and Diyah took turns, while Trisha just paid for most of it. So it felt nice, and she didn’t want to waste it, even with her lack of appetite and another person eating with them.
When did she ever have an appetite anyway?
“Mm, it’s really good,” she commented as she dug into the chicken first. It looked like it was where the most effort had been put in, so she concentrated on eating it with her now buttered roll first. If she couldn’t finish the broccoli… it wasn’t the end of the world.
“It’s unfair. You’re already attractive, dependable and empathic… but now you can cook too? Leave something for the rest of us to do, Case.””I’m functioning at a pretty high level right now. Don’t worry, it’ll balance out.”He gave a very ominous smile across the table at Trisha, eating another biscuit sandwich. But Mia laughing made him laugh too. She had a chicken leg in her hand, and was half way to actually taking a bite when he made the joke.
”He’s kidding… Well, maybe not with all the brain stuff, but he never gave us trouble in the few months he’s been home. Besides being a little nosey, but… I forgive you.” she smiled warmly at him, and he replied with the same.
”Though, he’s kind of always been like that. Insecure, you know? Our Dad told us that the only way to fix that feeling is to earn it… And that our family had been ‘earning it’ for eight hundred years, but that’s not the point! The idea was always, if you don’t feel good doing something, do it more. Practice, and learn, and get better. We were supposed to feel better getting there.” she chuckled to herself, clearly not believing in the philosophy.
”It does work for some of us. Cooking for you-” he pointed at Trisha with his fork.
”-makes me feel good. If I keep learning how to do more, naturally I’ll feel even better. Its hard if you’re prone to failure spirals, like…” ”Yeah, yeah. You try living with what goes on in my head and see how long you can keep up the positivity.” she shook her head, but was still smiling.
Trisha nodded slightly - it wouldn’t be obvious to the other two what she was agreeing with. Mia, more. The whole ‘try until you get better’ thing sounded nice until you tried and tried and never got anywhere. Failure was just inevitable at that point, so of course the more you failed the more it’d affect you.
“If you don’t get better no matter how hard you try, it’s natural to spiral,” she offered, as if it was some kind of comforting agreement rather than the story of her life.
“I have a friend who struggled with something like that. Always seemed hard... So I’m glad you don’t, at least, Casey.”Casey’s face turned into a frown. It was empathy, of course.
”Eh… I am lucky like that. I guess when I put my mind to something, I can do a good job of perceiving the slow and steady progress of improvement. I’m not really intimidated by messing anything up over and over again.””You don’t have Daddy’s voice constantly booming in the background when you do this.” Mia intoned, finally taking another chicken bite.
”That’s probably it. I’m certain that’s why I was never worried about Drillstaff when I was in basic training either. In the FFL, some of my officers spoke French and would Drill in French. It actually was… Comforting. But, I’m also certain that’s why I spent so much time with Uncle Andrade as a kid.” Casey’s finger casually tapped at his temple as he spoke.
”You know it’s crazy to think about what kind of a guy he is sometimes. Never once have I heard him yell. But that time that those Nazis made it down into the Temple’s halls?-” she spoke, eyes passing from Casey to Trisha.
”-He was just like an anime character. Him and that knife. I remember being scared of him!” ”Which, obviously, is nonsense. Nothing to be scared of, because he’d never do anything to any of us.” he said, knowing
full well what Andrade was actually capable of.
”But he is extremely comforting in that regard. You know anyone scary like that babe? Anyone from the old coven?”“Scary like Andrade?” Trisha furrowed her brow. She hadn’t experienced him like that, and it was a bit difficult to imagine. When she thought of scary, the first thing that came to her mind was her
Mother. Not scared for her life scary, but the fear of her judgment or lack of care almost felt worse.
“Was kinda hard for anyone in the coven to be scary when we were fighting a world ending snake,” she said with a deadpan expression, before her lips twitching up into a teasing smile. As if there wasn’t much trauma to that- like her entire time in the coven wasn’t one big mess of trauma.
“There was this one person, a Green Adept… their magic was all blood and bone based. But it was the way they got all excited over the different places to stab people, and torture, that was scary. Like they wouldn’t hesitate to kill you… it was pretty creepy.””Oh, damn… Can I ask Gin if she knows who that is? I’m kinda curious now, like… Sounds like a serial killer in your midst! Maybe they’ve got something to do with Father Wolf!” she sounded like someone who had a classic infatuation with true crime and murder stories. The kind of attitude that made someone fall in love with Ghost Face from
Casey shook his head.
”I… Don’t think so, Mimi. I really doubt it. As far as Hemomancers, there weren’t many in the old coven… And as far as I know, the only one confirmed is dead.” he shrugged, knowing full well who Trisha was talking about. Just another piece of information magically piped into his skull from a compendium thousands of pages long.
”So you know?” Mia asked with a higher pitch in her voice. She was hungry for it now.
Casey’s hand directed back at Trisha.
”She told you literally everything interesting. They died fighting the Stygian Snake, so there’s no big legacy. Nothing hiding.””But maybe that would just make it more plausible! What if they died to the snake, and it turned them into its new vessel or something!?” Mia’s wild gaze turned back to Trisha, practically pleading for engagement.
“No way, we buried their body. There was magic of some kind involved… it’s way more likely to be a living member,” Trisha shrugged. From her memory, the person in question- Saskia- was unlikely to murder any of them, aside from Drake and Emily, if she’d still been alive.
Well, it might’ve happened if they’d survived and Ella hadn’t.
“There’s so many coven members with the capability of becoming a serial killer. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Greyson, or Anya, or Sloane… it could be anyone. Definitely not someone already dead. That’d be… unlikely…””Definitely not Greyson. Did I even tell you what happened after our date the other week?” Casey intoned, gossip column mode activating.
“No?” Trisha shook her head.
”Apparently Leon got a call from some undisclosed source? Pointed him to the abandoned power station East of the city? Picked up Greyson, Linqian, and supposedly her little brother from an Elite torture facility, said all three of them were banged up pretty badly.”Explaining it now, Casey remembered why he hadn’t brought the news up to Trisha… It wasn’t for her benefit either. But, he’d told the scenario without bringing anything up about who
else had been there in the raid.
”No way a dude who gets kidnapped twice in a week would be some mastermind killer, right?” he joked.
“Seriously? Twice?” Trisha’s lips parted in shock, before she let out a little, snorting laugh. She wasn’t surprised that Greyson was doing shit that was getting him kidnapped like that, but… it was just too funny. The fucking smug bastard. She could just imagine how much it’d pissed him off.
“You’re right.. If he was Father Wolf it’d be putting the rest of us to shame. Plus, it would’ve been the perfect time to murder Linqian…” Trisha trailed off, shaking her head. As much as she wasn’t close to the woman, she didn’t really want to think about her possible murder.
“Were they, uh, alright after Leon got them out?””Yeah, apparently. Leon escorted them home, I guess.” he gave a very simple answer without much thought besides avoiding any mention of who else had been there. Though, Theo had been called… He only hoped that the typically quiet and reserved individual didn’t find the time to start yapping now.
”Man, I don’t know how you guys can be on call for stuff like that. Or, even like that Dude from the Siblings? The one who interrupted your guys’ date?-”Mia’s head tilted to Trisha.
”-Real sorry about that…-”Then back to Casey.
”-I just don’t know how I’d deal with being on edge like that?””Probably how you usually deal with pressure.” Casey gave her a side-eyed response, and she huffed slightly in reply.
”Hey… It’s been a pretty good couple weeks. And, Leon said he thinks he found a secure place he can bring Kane and Abel! So, no more nightmares!” she said happily between the two of them.
It had become a problem for a few nights… For whatever reason, they’d been particularly cruel, and were purposefully waiting for vulnerable crossings between the roof and the safety of the hidden floor beneath them. Casey considered opening up a staircase directly down into one of the apartments, effectively increasing their living space while also offering a more direct passage for both guests and daily life. But, if they were really going to be gone, at least he could take it slow and plan better.
“Really? He’s really going to move them?” Trisha tried not to sound too excited at the prospect. But her attempt to play it off calmly didn’t really work… She really hated the cats. She hated how they dragged up all her deepest insecurities. How they hurt Casey too… and it was all
her fault now. But if they were gone…
She’d still have nightmares, sometimes. But it wouldn’t be the same.
“I bet it’s cause they’re bothering Cass, isn’t it? Not that… I’m upset, because Cass is my friend. Just a bit annoying he waited this long, right?”Casey’s face sagged into a flat grimace like a displeased frog.
”It's a bit more annoying because she reports zero issues. From what she’s told me, and what Lee’s said, she just… Eats the nightmares like they’re candy. Though, recently she had trouble with one, so maybe that was the real impetus. Leon didn’t go into details.”Mia shrugged.
”Some people just aren’t prey, y’know? I don’t think we ever had a chance, they were allowed around us as babies. So many pictures-” She faced toward Mia
”-of the cats like in or near our cribs. Like, hello? Mom and Dad? The menacing Maine Coon cats? No? Nothing?” she laughed again, but a little bit more nervously this time.
She only hoped they’d never forced the kind of dreams on Trisha that they had on her. Nobody deserved to see those sorts of things.
”Either way, I’m happy for all of us.”She playfully raised the last bit of her chicken drumstick.
”To peace in the Cannery!”Trisha laughed lightly, really hoping that Leon got rid of them
soon. And that they didn’t know… because she had a feeling they’d only get worse if they did. It was like they were doing their best to make sure she was knocked over after every step she took forward. Not that she needed much help with that when her anxieties did such a good job.
"To peace," Trisha raised a piece of bread, before eating it quickly. She’d gotten through about half her chicken, half of that… she was already starting to struggle. But she’d soldier through. Had to, to make Casey happy. But she’d need to change the topic to do it…
"Oh, Mia? When you asked earlier about if the Queen would want any help, what did you mean by that? Help with what, how?"Mia brightened up reactionarily, swallowing the bite of food and uncannily cramming a buttered roll into her mouth to swallow
just about whole.
”Ehemmm… Mmmm… Th-... The process for making…-”One last gulp pulled the bread down.
”-The process of making a Forest Friend, which is what I call them, basically takes me using the spell to imbue an inanimate object with… Life? Not really life, but I can’t explain it. I watched that toy movie when I was little, and I felt inspired! So, like, they come to life.”She smiled just thinking about the memory she had for Trisha. It’d be the most powerful Forest Friend yet! Especially if-
”Anyway, when I cast the spell, I can pretty easily invite other magic into the weave of the spell, meaning that its influence can impart a great deal of individuality on the… Friend?””Constructs, Mimi. They’re constructs, you provide Luxal Attunement, and through that you can project a semblance of sapience into just about anything. It’s a pretty common thing for Orange Adepts like us to do. Y’know, you inspired me to make something like that one time?” Casey said, beaming.
Mia smiled.
”Thank you, Old Man. We’ll get back to that when I’m not explaining myself.”She didn’t really snap. In fact, she sounded pretty playful despite chastising him like that. But Casey had a terrible habit of side-tracking conversations and taking the reins away. But in his defence, he was more saying it to compliment her than to interrupt with a story.
”Hey… I just love you is all.””I know, I know. Anyway, the original point. I mentioned that to say that if the Queen, or if you could muster up enough of her energy to do so, would like to influence this Forest Friend, the option is available. Unfortunately, the only uh… Example-”She pointed down at little Stompy, who was chowing down on a broccoli head at the side of Casey’s plate.
”-is Nervous Nelson down there. Stompy is probably the most skittish of the entire line I’ve enchanted. He’s nervous and scared of just about anything that isn’t a blanket and pillow, and you absolutely cannot make loud noises around him. He only freaks out more, hence why he started to…”She pointed at the broken lamp and half-crushed furniture.
”And that’s purely because that was Casey’s influence. I took what little residual magic he had around him at the time, and that’s the trait that came up…” she said with a small grimace.
Casey laughed.
”It checks out. I was a nervous little kid.”“You’ve changed a lot, then,” Trisha said softly, reaching out to rub Casey’s arm. She smiled at him warmly, then turned that smile towards Mia. It wasn’t as warm, but it was still genuine.
“I understand… I don’t think I’d be having any kinda anxious influence, at least.”That was a lie, of course. She definitely couldn’t be the one to do it. If she did, she’d end up with a massive plush bee with attachment issues… or any of her many negative traits. She didn’t want that. But the Queen… then she’d be calm. That would be nice. It’d certainly balance Casey’s anxious friend.
“I doubt I could channel her energy like that, so I’ll have to ask her. If that’s alright? I’ll be, y’know, holding a conversation in my head. Kinda feels like texting at the table.”She laughed in return, thinking about how silly that would’ve sounded from any other Aberration she knew. But Trisha? She was so
mundane with all her habits. Everything seemed like she was a Blind. But here she was, one of the remaining heroes who destroyed the Stygian Snake… How time healed wounds…
”We’ve watched our Mom break down into full ‘Beam from God’ mode several times. Talking to your Apparition Partner is basically just talking to another person sitting here with us.” she joked, laughing about Lynette’s habits.
“We’ve had very different upbringings,” Trisha laughed.
“Though I suppose my older sister having a fit over us being ‘rude’ not paying attention to her at the table is similar enough.”But she nodded, turning more inwards. The Queen had been more responsive recently. Even helped Trisha with her magic recently, even if there hadn’t been much steps.
Have you been listening?It was silent in her mind for a little bit, but she’d learned to wait. Eventually she heard those sleepy, dulcet tones.
Distantly. I know what you want to ask.Will you?You have the strength to do it yourself.I don’t want to. It won’t turn out well. I’d like you to… you said you’d help. PleaseThe Queen didn’t reply for a moment.
Very well. But… only if I get a taste of that bread. Ah, the memories it would bring back.I’m already eating bread?Not that bread. The other bread.Trisha’s gaze moved from where she was staring right ahead, slightly vacant, to Casey’s remaining rolls. She frowned a bit. Was it worth it for her influence on something like this? But it would… make the sentient toy calm. Trisha needed that more than anything.
“She, uh, wants to taste the bread. Your bread.”Casey didn’t hesitate, handing over a roll from the tray.
”The bread? I mean… They’re as clean as I can make them, Babe. Goliath grain, supposedly recovered from some ancient abandoned temple in a cave outside Nice in France. We started growing it, and it has the properties we need… So, I guess she probably knows more about it than we do, huh?”“Probably, she talked about memories with it,” Trisha laughed a bit nervously as she took the roll from Casey. But if he was handing it over so easily it had to be alright. He wouldn’t let her have anything that’d hurt her.
“It’s good to know she can be bribed.”She took a little nibble first, not particularly feeling like eating more. Not when it was something that provided so much nutrition. Surely it’d be more filling? But the Queen wanted some, so after a nibble she took a couple of bites. She managed to finish half of it before putting it down.
Ahhh… Just as I remember. The sweet pollen my children used to collect for me. A pleased sigh echoed around Trisha’s mind.
Then golden light started to pool across her shoulder. It delicately formed a beautiful Queen bee the size of a small dog. Trisha’s head twisted around to stare. She hadn’t expected the Queen to
come out to do it. Did she need to? She supposed it would make things easier.
”How is my assistance required?” The Queen asked in a soft, melodic tone.
“Uh… we’re still eating…” Trisha said, looking between Mia and Casey.
The two onlookers shared a new look of shock and surprise as they came to the realization that the
Queen was literally just that. Casey had expected some immaculate humanoid form incorporating bits of bee anatomy. Mia had imagined a far larger and more intricate looking portrait of evolution from the times of Paradise Lost.
But she was just a big, chunky, fuzzy Queen Honey Bee. And she was
fucking adorable.”Oh my God! The Queen! That… Royalty! In my house!”Mia looked at him and laughed, but he wasn’t joking. He stood, grabbed Mia by the arm, and in a moment they were both kneeling on the ground before Trisha, and by proxy, the Queen.
”Your Grace? I am Ser Casseau Richoux of the New Dawn’s Holiest Order of Banded Knights. This is Damzel Mia, my Sister and honored seeress of House Richoux. You honor us with your presence, and the abode is yours to do with as you please. I bear offerings of hearty Bread, Elder Wine and many modern fruits should you desire.”This was part of his “programming”. The knowledge of formality.
Trisha wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. It felt like an awful joke meant to embarrass her… but she knew he was being serious. That was worse. It was mortifying. She really couldn’t bear it, her head tilting back to look up at the ceiling. But that didn’t stop her from hearing what Casey said and knowing they were
kneeling. What the fuck?!
That ‘royalty’ had always been in their house… she was just too lazy to come out of Trisha’s body. Something Trisha hoped would continue with Casey’s reaction being like this.
Of course, to the Queen it was the welcome she deserved. She sat radiantly upon Trisha’s shoulder and looked down at the two respectful humans with an air of pleasure. If she could smile, she would be. Her host had chosen well with who she surrounded herself with… finally.
”Your gracious welcome is much appreciated, Ser Casseau and Damzel Mia. There are few who would pay such respect for an an Ancient Monarch such as I in this age. Perhaps I was too quick to judge Mankind. Your offerings are unnecessary. You already provide my dearest Beekeeper with all I could ask for.”Trisha
really couldn’t stand it. Her hands clenched into fists beside her and her face was becoming more and more red. She was clearly getting agitated too, that mood she’d managed to suppress wriggling its way back up.
“Oh my God, stop it! Get up off the floor, Casey! You too, Mia! She’s just a Ghost! She’s been sleeping in my body for years she was always here. This is ridiculous! Please fucking stop.”Casey smiled softly at Trisha, still kneeling. Mia moved to get up, but Casey’s hand reached out to hold her by the sleeve. His other one reached out and crawled up to hold Trisha’s hand.
”Baby? Trisha? When have you known me to do dumb, pointless things? Ridiculous? Maybe. Maybe to you. But to the Queen, who as far as I’m aware you’ve been doing your absolute best to maintain good relations with, is gracing us here in a physical form. Something she’s probably ill-comforted to do… And she’s technically doing it for you. So, in my opinion, I think it's only fair that Mia and I should at least respect royal conduct… We are nobility, after all.”Unlike most, Mia and Casey didn’t have to stretch too hard to confirm their link to Charlemagne: The very first entries of the Richoux Tomes are pages directly copied from the Holy Roman Emperor’s own book of Orange spells. Gifts given to one of his many sons, and where the Richoux line would eventually appear a few hundred years later.
”I understand that this makes you feel uncomfortable too… But in the long run, I’m sure that Our Lady would feel far more inclined to participate in your life knowing that you have this level of knowledge and support at your side.”He looked up at Trisha with eyes wide, practically pleading with her for a moment more spent considering what this could mean. She called him empathetic before, so she
had to know that this was a possibility…
Trisha’s whole face was scrunched up now, lips pressed together and eyes squeezing shut so she didn’t have to look at them. The hand Casey had held gripped his tightly, enough that the tension in her whole body could be felt. Her head shook from side to side instead of saying
anything. What was the point, if he was convinced? She’d just look bad.
She knew it wasn’t for
her. But she hated it. She just wanted to be
normal. It brought up all sorts of feelings- feelings that weren’t the Queen or Casey’s thoughts, but were there. Inadequacy. Inferiority to the Apparition resting in her. Worthless without her. Only there to maintain good relations with someone who’d ignored her for so long.
”He is quite right, Dear Beekeeper. It has been long since I’ve been shown such respect outside of my children. It is not often I allow humans to witness my radiant splendour. To do so to those that do not respect it is… distasteful. I appreciate that you surround yourself with intelligent ones such as these.” The Queen’s soft voice didn’t bring Trisha much comfort.
”But you may both rise… I do not wish my dear host to be distressed. It’s rather difficult to regulate the emotions.”Don’t regulate them then! Trisha thought to her Apparition, lips still clammed shut.
Casey hadn’t taken his eyes off Trisha. His hand holding Mia released her to stand, but he stayed closer to his beloved for a few more seconds. Then, coming up, he kissed her gently and rubbed his thumb against her cheek.
”I’m sorry… I love you. We’ll talk more about it later…”Clearing her throat, Mia hoped to take a bit of heat off Casey.
”S-so… Your Highness? Presumably you’d heard of my plan through Trisha. T-the…-” she pointed at Princess the stuffed bee.
”-The necessity would be a small amount of your energy. Preferably, a positive and courageous energy. One that you and Trisha should discuss fully, so you know what traits you’ll impart. Not just emotionally, but physically as well.”The Queen had floated off Trisha and onto the table, moving gently around Princess to inspect her.
”I understand. We shall discuss it.”Trisha still wasn’t particularly happy, but she’d given Casey a nod of agreement. There was nothing said… partly because she was worried what would come out now that all that suppressed agitation was seeping into her mind with nowhere to go. It was difficult for her to just get rid of it.
The Queen floated back over to Trisha, gently speaking in her head.
What did you have in mind?Calm… like you.The Queen chuckled.
I believe she means more than just personality. This bee could become a weapon. Or perhaps, a way to transport the children. Maybe something to focus and boost your pheromones?Trisha furrowed her brow. She hadn’t actually thought about that. She’d just assumed Princess would become a larger, living toy… but still a toy. What did
she want?
Something to defend and carry the bees? So they have somewhere to go when they’re hurt… something they’ll be safe on.”And something they can go to and from the Hive without having to travel long distances?If that’s possible.Anything’s possible with magic.Decision seemingly made, the Queen moved away from Trisha and back onto the table. She seemed to look up at Mia.
”Do you need to know what traits we wish to impart, Damzel Mia?”Mia looked down at the adorably blown up face of the little bee Queen, eyes massive with adoration for the miniature size. She was like a pug…
”No! No, your Highness. If you have the intention, I’ll read it in the weave.” An extra benefit which made Mia’s golemcraft a cut above others: White Lux. She could read, translate, reconstitute and train anything she was exposed to into her own work… It didn’t even take much brain power.
Just a very strong booting cost. She was willing to pay it for Trisha…
”Beneficially, linking your essence directly to it will also allow both of you to activate it without Orange Lux influence. Quite the benefit in my opinion.” she grinned.
Her fork fell down and snagged another piece of broccoli. As there was enough motion, Stompy had become curious of what this new big bee was doing… So he’d come to nudge the Queen with his horn, pressing into the fuzzy abdomen of the Apparition.
Casey didn’t see… He was still trying to comfort Trisha. He had his head in her lap, just laying there and hugging her by the hips now. Hoping that his weight and his affection would both keep her calm and still while Mia did what had to be done.
Mia fixed her hat just a little tighter on her head.
”It really won’t take too long… Usually it takes longer for someone to actually lock down what they want in their head. But, I trust you and Trisha made it easy for me. So, I’m ready when you are.” Luckily for the small triceratops, the Queen was gracious. She recognised it’s inferior life form and lacking intelligence. Below that of her bees, even. So she didn’t react negatively as he nudged her, just floating out of his reach after allowing him a sufficient nudge to feel just how
fluffy and
superior she was.
And luckily for Casey, Trisha wasn’t in a moving mood. Her body was still stiff underneath him, but one of her hands moved to grip the fabric of his shirt. She curled inwards slightly as she silently watched.
”Don’t worry, young one, I have a clear picture of what we want.” The Queen sounded almost amused, but still gentle. A bee plush that embodied her calmness and rationality. She reasoned there was enough fluff on this bright orange thing that once its size increased it would hide and protect the bees, if it was strengthened. Then a connection to their hive. A clear final form.
”I am ready.”Mia nodded and smiled. One hand placed itself on Princess, then the other stretched out open for Trisha
or the Queen to occupy. Once one had, she took a deep breath and fell backwards into the pit of her mind. Air rushed from below her, forcing all the fabric and hair upward toward the sky as she fell. Down, down to the vault where the most precious treasures were kept.
The memory played over for her like a slideshow with long gaps between takes. Mother’s office. Cold reception. But firm conviction. Standards. Ideals and beliefs not broken. A confrontation that, she felt, took a lot of guts to have. And a lot more to leave peacefully from…
At first, the echo of the magic bubbled up across Princess’ bulbous body. But then the hand that held the contributor flared up into a strangely shaped orange mass. Like basalt pillars, or the combs on a hive, small hexagons formed and stacked atop one another until they cracked open to reveal an illusory throne in the orange light.
It was then that the energy of the contributor was pulled, and when Princess’ life would truly begin.
Golden light entwined with the orange, encapsulating Princess in a honeycomb formed of pure magical energy. Her plush wings started to lightly beat as she grew. Orange and black fuzz became as strong as steel while retaining its fluidity. She grew and grew and grew, until she was nearly as large as the island. The honey coloured magic focused in on her centre, fueling a connection with the hive. Both a two way teleportation for bees only, and something pheromones could directly go through to call them. The link would only allow small groups of bees through at a time… but it was impressive nonetheless.
A large, plush bee fortress. The light withdrew as her transformation was complete, and Princess hovered there calmly.
“... Wow,” Trisha whispered, watching the whole thing. She was still tense, but it didn’t stop her awe at the combined spell. Princess turned as if recognising her and flew over, pausing right in front of her. Trisha could tell through her connection with the Queen that the plush bee could do everything she’d asked for. If she called the bees through, they’d come.
“Thank you, Mia.” The absolute blasting of Princess’ wings was filling the entire house with gusts. Loose papers flew about, and above them the hanging garden’s occupants wobbled about. Mia’s hair flew about, and the hat was blown off her head. Not that she could care…
”Can… Can I hug you? I’m just… Really, really proud of this. Of her! I mean, look! The wings work! God, I never expected the wings to work! Like… Work!” she exclaimed in an all over the place fashion.
Her feet took her closer to Trisha, if not a little bit instinctively, but she didn’t automatically reach out like she wanted to. But Casey was still there clinging to her. He didn’t even look up… They’d have plenty of time later, he was sure.
”I mean, you’re welcome of course, Trisha! And, blessings to Her Highness too! Frankly I don’t think we’d be quite this far without her!” she attempted to impress her excitement upon them both.
”Don’t give yourself too little credit, young one. Your magic is impressive. I felt your strength and conviction. Truly impressive.” It was the Queen who responded first. She sluggishly floated up, golden light brushing past Mia. She would feel the warmth against her cheek where the large, glowing Queen bee almost touched her.
”I shall return to my slumber. It was a pleasure, Damzel Mia, Ser Casseau.”Then she disappeared into Trisha. Trisha was still staring at Princess. She wasn’t purposefully ignoring Mia. She was just a bit lost in the flying plushie in front of her. Her free hand reached out to touch her, and the bright orange bee pressed against her fingers. She was still so soft…
Her head turned towards Mia finally, and she managed a smile. She wasn’t upset at Mia. She wasn’t even really upset at Casey… She’d just been set off. Casey hugging her offered some comfort, but it wasn’t enough to truly calm her down. She didn’t know what would. She just felt off.
But she could suppress it just for a moment. Try to be better. At least, pretend to be. Be reasonable for once. Don’t take it out on someone who doesn’t deserve it…
“You… You should be proud, Mia. She’s amazing. She’s exactly what I wanted.” While subdued, Trisha did manage to get some of her excitement across as she looked up at Mia. It was there, a spark in her eyes and in the way she kept glancing at Princess.
“And you can… hug me. If you want.” She patted Casey’s shoulder, before awkwardly moving her arms up to let Mia move closer.
Mia accepted Trisha’s reaction after
everything. She’d been bombarded by Thanksgiving news, then dealt with
whatever that was. Casey seemed to know something Mia didn’t, because he just refused to move entirely. But, she still moved in and gave Trisha what she thought would be a decently proportioned hug for the person and situation. Relatively short, but tight to convey the depth of affection.
Before it became too cloying, she pulled away to look up at Princess just like Trisha had been.
”Thank you… I’m really just… I guess I’m excited. I don’t know what using your powers is like, but not using one after a long time isn’t like riding a bike. I had to practice all last week before this.” she smiled.
Finally, Casey looked up. He looked up at the giant plush bee, then back at Trisha. Then Mia. She caught his gaze, and the two shared a knowing nod. Casey conveyed thanks and love and appreciation all in the same instance, and Mia picked it up instantly. Pulling back a little, he patted Trisha’s leg with a subtle smile on his face. Doing his best to stay comforting.
”Happy birthday, Princess… Right, Babe?”“Mm, sure, it can be her birthday,” Trisha agreed quietly, hand reaching out to grasp his. Seeking comfort even after days of doing the opposite, even when she wasn’t quite sure what she wanted or why she’d reacted. Well she did know, but she just felt so… unreasonable. Stuck. Wanting to withdraw, but not wanting to. Trying to pull herself out. Or at least pretend to.
“I really appreciate you practicing and doing this for me… and Princess,” she continued, looking back at the calmly hovering bee.
“Can I… change her size like Casey did?”On reaction, the spell in control of Princess’ life and existence reacted to the innate desire of the main controller. Thus, with the simple suggestion that Princess change her size, she began to shrink back down slowly, waiting until Trisha’s mind took note of what the “perfect” dimensions would be in her mind.
“O-oh.” Trisha stammered a little as Princess shrunk down to just a bit bigger than her nonliving form. She hadn’t expected it to just happen because she thought about it. Maybe she should’ve… but she really wasn’t used to using magic outside of her own. Magical objects were still foreign to her.
“That’s… really impressive, Mia. The way she reacts… Wow.”The now smaller Princess moved forward, flying onto Trisha’s shoulder and very awkwardly resting there. She still had to flap her wings to stay up, such a rotund body not made to rest on narrower surfaces…
Casey looked up and could only laugh.
”Poor girl’s shaped like a fuckin’ egg… If you ma-”Cutting himself off, he didn’t finish the thought. She didn’t ask for the suggestion, and his first reaction didn’t need to be to give it out.
”-Ehhh… Honestly, this is cuter. She blows your hair all around.” Casey giggled up.
”She will compress tighter… For the record, of course. In case you need to sneak her in anywhere or get her through a gap. Easier to store too, if you think you want to bring her anywhere. Compress her, then retract the spell; she’ll remain whatever size you last left her.” Mia explained the intricacies of the spell at this point, her mastery of the concepts having improved drastically over the many years of thinking about it.
”That’ll be good too. Maybe we can improve her with some technology too… If we have prep time, we can strap a harness on her to carry bigger guns. If she can get big enough, and the spell is strong enough, we’d be able to get some massive bee ordinance.” he giggled upward playfully.
”Do you boys have to weaponize my babies?” Mia chided back down at him.
“You’re already arming the bees, how many weapons do you plan to have me carry around?” Trisha added, though she wasn’t sure she was entirely against the idea. At least… not if there was a risk of assassins like during their date. Having access to something like that would at least be useful. She tilted her head down to look at Casey, head tilting. Her tone turned somewhat playful- though it was still flatter than normal. She was trying to follow along and joke with him, at least.
“And do you ever think about anything other than guns?” ”I think a lot about you.”He grinned so widely that he could’ve split his lip on his teeth. Mia scoffed about as loudly and with as much exaggeration as she could muster.
”Holy fuuuuuuuuuuck I’d say get a room but I’m in your houuuuuuuuse!” she finished with a laugh, dusting her hands off like she’d just done hard work.
”So, I mean… I guess I’ll leave you guys alone? Casey, can I sit in your office and eat this?”He looked at Trisha, not exactly wanting his little sister to feel like she had to run away, but knowing full well that the last half hour was probably enough to drain poor Trisha twice. Ultimately, it was their place…
”Of course. Just leave the plate there when you’re done, I’ll make sure it migrates back up here washed at some point.” he offered.
”Take a few more of those rolls too.”She nodded, piling a few more on her plate.
Trisha also felt a bit bad about Mia feeling like she needed to leave… but she was really at her limit. She could feel the agitation crawling back up. The longer Mia was around the higher the chance of Trisha lashing out. Not that it wasn’t a risk with just Casey, but… less, maybe. He seemed to know what to say a lot of the time, and hadn’t left yet…
“Thanks again for Princess,” Trisha said quietly, raising a hand to wave Mia off as she left. She picked Princess up off her shoulder, looking at her for a moment before deactivating her. The now still bee plush was put on the island in front of her.
She still had a bit of chicken and about half of her broccoli left, but… she really didn’t feel like eating it. The thought of eating more made her feel a bit sick. Her body tilted forward, torso bending to curl around Casey. Her face pressed into the top of his head and she took a deep breath. Then another.
It didn’t really do anything for her, but maybe it’d look like it did? Like she was calming down from days of tension and then a second probably completely ridiculous looking blowup.
Way to go, reacting so negatively to everything.“Do you want to… finish your food, and then go into the Den?” She asked quietly, still not quite sure as she weighed up the want to be close to him versus not wanting to talk.
“Maybe… watch a movie or something?”All Casey thought was:
What a silly thing to ask.His arms scooped up under her, snagging her off her feet and bringing her close until she wrapped around him on her own. The left hand deftly scooped out, popping Princess into the air.
”C’mon, Stomps! C’mere boy!”The tiny dinosaur took a running leap off the side of the island to follow along behind its best pal. The supposed Nervous Nelly, once everyone’s back was turned, wasn’t so nervous… He’d do whatever it took to keep close to his pal. Courageous Mia following her older brother off the side of that rock. Following Daddy. The warm summer day upstate.
Casey slipped through the door of the den, setting Trisha down and letting her slide off to wherever she was going to go. Assuming she was probably going to wait for him to get comfortable in what had become his usual spot, he instinctively scooted himself up to the very back of the couch.
Trisha hesitated for a moment, kneeling on the edge of the couch. Her hands pressed into the fabric in front of her, clenching and unclenching. Trying her hardest to push down the feeling of wanting to
run away or withdraw to the opposite corner. But she also wanted to hug him so badly.
She hated feeling stupidly conflicted like this. There was obviously a right answer.
Which she chose, after a little bit, shuffling across the couch towards Casey. She silently wriggled up against his side, one arm draping across him and her face nuzzling into his chest. Her legs curled up towards her torso, knees resting on him. Her body loosened up as she cuddled up to him.
“I missed you today,” she mumbled, as if she hadn’t run out of the house to ‘work with the bees’ the moment she had the chance early that morning. Unnecessarily, when he was on his way out anyway. But it was true, she had missed him. But she’d also withdrawn. Both because she didn’t want to talk about what the problem was, and she didn’t want to risk snapping at him about it. Because that might be the final straw. Each time it happened could be the last time… even if he was so confident it never would be. She still wasn’t there.
“It was strange knowing you weren’t just downstairs.””Well, it’s been strange knowing that you aren’t in the office just behind me.” he offered in return.
Of course he knew what he was doing there. Mentioning the idea that
she had been doing something different probably wasn’t what she wanted. But he did his best to use his understanding of tone to avoid it sounding accusatory. He’d had to start using it quite a bit now that his position was settled in and he was handling daily things.
”I miss you all the time you’re not right next to me. Maybe I’m a little obsessive though, huh?” he asked, redirecting the negative emotion back onto himself so she didn’t feel like he was
attacking her. Without using White Lux, it was all a guessing game…
Trisha rubbed her face against Casey in what seemed close to a shaking motion. She liked that he missed her like that, if it was true. If for some reason he wanted her right there even when she was obviously feeling off. It was enough to stop her reacting to being told she was the one hiding somewhere further away than normal.
He was right. She knew he was right. She’d known what she was doing the whole time, even if she didn’t ever try to step back and stop herself.
“It’s not that obsessive. Obsessive would be… locking me in the office to make sure I was there, or something.” She suggested an extreme and unrealistic scenario. But she really didn’t think he was a little obsessive… probably because she was the same.
“I’ve just been in the Greenhouse, though. It’s not like you can’t visit…” She said evenly, like she didn’t know that it was viewed as
her space. Her and the bees. Her neutral, slightly soft expression turned into a frown of frustration. Not at him. At herself. Why couldn’t she just get over it, or properly pretend everything was fine? Why did she have to get stuck in this in between state?
“Are you… upset at me… for it?”Casey frowned, but shook his head no. He was a little annoyed that she wasn’t doing what they agreed to do.
”At most, I’m sad. Sure, I could visit, but I can tell when you’re not feeling good. I don’t need any kind of magic to feel you clam up on me. You’re not quite my bouncy Trisha-Bee. I leave you alone, because we said we’d talk about things, and I trust you enough to come to me with your feelings.” he offered the whole truth to her, bracing for impact and praying that she would at least see the logic that he was working with.
”But I swear to God and everything I stand on that it doesn’t make me love you any less. I love you more. Because you need it.” he explained.
She didn’t understand. Love her more when she was pulling away? How? That didn’t make sense. Wasn’t that when she was at her least loveable? Why… she managed to clamp down on her instinctive reaction to tell him it couldn’t be true. Her hands clenched in the fabric of his shirt as she
tried to think about what Casey was saying.
Of course he could tell. She knew she wasn’t hiding it well. She never did. And she felt
guilty because she hadn’t planned to come to him. She’d planned to wait it out, until it all blew over in a week and a half. Even though they’d promised to talk… it had always been a promise she knew she couldn’t keep. Because she just wasn’t
good enough.“You’ll think I’m being stupid if I talk about it,” Trisha asserted, like it was a solid fact. There was no way he wouldn’t. It was all her overreacting. An overreaction that started one year and continued the next, getting worse and worse. It was the same earlier. She should just be able to accept things at face value.
“Then you’ll… well… then I won’t deserve your love…”What the fuck could you possibly say? What on Earth would be so stupid that I’d feel that way?Casey’s face
nearly remained stationary, the gentle and reassuring smile still on his face. But there was a vein near his hairline, thankfully covered up by a loch of hair that had been tugged out of place. There was also a subtle motion of his hands, fingers gently wriggling against Trisha’s hips as he held her close.
He was
getting mad. Mostly about the fact that it seemed like every single thing in her brain was telling her to go against his wishes. Was this what he’d seen so many times? That look… He could see himself, practically like a mirror shimmering in her eyes. It was identical to that man in those moments where his frustrations were starting to boil over.
You are not Maxwell Richoux. You are Casey Richoux. You are not like him. You are like you. Do the right thing.”I… Sweetheart? Look at me.-” he said, getting a little closer to her face so that he took up her whole field of view.
”-I want you to try me. Seriously. Make it sound as stupid as you can. As bad as you think it sounds in your head. Don’t hold back.”Trisha bit her lip, having no choice but to look at Casey. There was no escape. And she knew she’d put herself in this position by cuddling with him. Maybe she’d wanted to… maybe something deep down wanted it dragged out. But she didn’t know. It was just
so stupid.
“I’m- I’m upset because I don’t have a family to spend holidays with. I’m forced to spend time with people I’m related to but- but we’re not a family. And you do! Even if it’s far from perfect there’s people that love you and I can’t even latch onto it because I have to appease my sister. But more than that- I can’t stand the thought that you’ll probably have some Temple event you need to go to on my birthday because there’s no way a Christian cult doesn’t extend Christmas into the next day. And it’s so fucking stupid because I’m not a kid. I’m almost twenty-five and I’m upset about all of this stuff because I’m selfish and needy.” It all came spilling out, a mess of words dragged out from where they’d been stewing in her head.
Casey deflated all at once. It wasn’t anger anymore… It was the understanding that there was still a little kid inside that body screaming for something more than what she’d been saddled with in her life. He couldn’t be mad. Only empathetic as he had come to be.
”You didn’t get many birthdays, did you? I bet it always got wrapped into Christmas, which meant you shared it with whoever else was young enough to celebrate Christmas at the time… You think I won’t make the Temple’s Christmas celebration all about you? I mean, I wouldn’t, because I know that you wouldn’t want it. But, if you told me to? To make you feel better? Trisha… This shit means nothing to me if it’s hurting you.”He was still so close to her. He only blinked to wipe the tears that were slowly creeping in from the corners of his eyes.
”For once, Trisha… Tell me what you want. We have time to plan.”“I… Anything as long as it's with you," Trisha replied without much hesitation. Just like every time something like this had happened, she was shocked by how well Casey responded. It wasn't like she expected… And each time added a tiny drop to her confidence about
talking about things. Small, slow, but it was happening.
“J-just be with me… I want someone to spend the day with me for once…"That was honestly all she wanted. For everything. Someone who'd prioritise her. Someone who'd choose her.
“It never even really got wrapped up in Christmas… because no one remembered. Dad didn't, so none of my siblings did- aside from Tansy. But when she stopped trying to replace my mom she started ignoring it… Like my actual mom. She doesn't care."Her eyes slowly moved downwards, as if to hide how upset it made her. As if her even almost monotonous delivery was all that mattered when her face screamed dejection.
“You really don't… think it's stupid- that I'm unreasonable and awful- for… getting like this because of Thanksgiving?" Her voice dropped until it was barely more than a whisper- but no matter how quiet, Casey was close enough to hear it.
There wasn’t much of a pause for Casey to answer this one. There wasn’t any room to think about it further. His arms curled tightly around her, and he purposefully let his hair fall around her like he had before. Their private little world within their private world. The ultimate safety of being totally and completely covered in
”It only hurts me that you’ve chosen to try and go through your pain alone again. But one day you’ll get it hopefully. And in the mean time, all I can do is be patient about it. Most people can’t admit when their family is a sore spot, so… I keep hoping that because we share the ability to admit it, that we would also freely admit the traumas that they’ve created.”All Casey really wanted was to dedicate himself. To anything that would accept his hundred percent. The hope was truly that Trisha would be able to one day.
”Can I… Do you mind if I have a little conversation in my head? I need to ask someone some questions, but there’s no way I’m leaving you right now to make that phone call…” He had a stern look on his face… That same look he had the last time he confronted Lynette about something and Trisha was involved.
She looked back up at him, mind stalling for a moment on what he'd said before asking. He was hurt by her trying to deal with it alone, and not talking but not… upset
at her. At least, that's how it sounded. If he was willing to be patient. Because she really was trying. More than she had before, even if she stumbled at every hurdle.
Would she ever get to the point when she could freely admit it? Where she could just open up the moment she was upset? Maybe, if he was patient enough… stayed with her long enough.
“If you're staying, and I know-" that you're not ignoring me- “it's fine.” She curled up against him, a tight little ball seeking as much comfort as she could. Very quietly, she added.
“I really am trying."The instantaneous permission meant an equally expedient discussion could take place.
”I know you are, Baby… It’s gonna be okay.”He was shifting in his seat until his glove could be slid out from his back pocket. Trisha would be able to see his fist tightly gripping it as if he was trying to crush the poor ratty accessory. In reality, he was determined, and still a little pissed off. The massive burst of White Lux was the magical equivalent of kicking someone’s office door in to start an argument. There was an equally brief but noticeable moment of resistance for Casey as he projected the telepathic signal to its source… But it still picked up.
At that point, there was no conversation. Conveyance between two White Lux users of such skill was as simple as projection. Every little emotion that came with the instance was fully expressed through officially non-verbal means. For Casey, it meant having an argument faster than the speed of light, and negotiating just as quickly.
On the outside, it looked a bit like he was having a stroke as one side of his body drooped forward. Trisha would be able to hear him babbling
something without any kind of intellect behind his words.
Then he snapped back to reality, fully inhabiting himself once more. Now he just looked annoyed.
”It’s exactly what I thought.” he grunted, wiping the drool away from his mouth onto the inside of his shirt.
”She’s doing it on purpose, and we both know why, and-”Now wasn’t the time to worry about the expiration date on his Coven’s Archmatron.
”-she says… I’m in charge this year. Which, by proxy, means we are in charge…”He wasn’t sure if Trisha would take this like good news, or bad. He could see both, but already had his own perception of the situation.
”If it’s really like that, we should take the chance to make Tansy’s experience miserable. Let’s be difficult the whole time. Lets make it about us. That I’m thankful for you, and that the entire Temple can suck it.”His eyes screamed revenge. A lust for conflict.
Trisha frowned, her fingers pressing into his abdomen where they rested. She didn't like being the centre of attention like that… not when she could
fail. And then everything would be worse. Everyone would know just how much of a fai-
She took a deep breath. It wouldn't just be her. She wasn't going to be alone and… the look in Casey's eyes gave her a strange confidence. He really believed that they could do that. And he was upset enough on her behalf to possibly ruin a whole event over it…
“Alright… but it won't be easy to actually upset Tansy. I've been-" She frowned, face scrunching up a bit. She didn't really want to admit it, but…
“- difficult my whole life. She's used to that. You saw how she was. But maybe- maybe if it's the two of us. If your focus is all on me…"A part of herself liked the idea of that a bit too genuinely. Of him just being thankful to her in that way. It wasn't a part she liked, and she squashed it down.
“But what will other people think? Like- Ezra if he's forced along? I guess he already thinks I'm difficult, that doesn't matter… but Mia, Hari, Ed, Gin… Won't they think badly about me after?"Casey felt the reluctance. Maybe this was
too much for her right now.
”Well… You’re spending it with me no matter what. Quiet, loud, in people’s faces, out of it… I want you next to me. You don’t even have to look at anyone you don’t want to.”Overcorrection was natural as a reaction to this sort of thing. Casey just wanted her to feel better… Because he could
feel her worse. It was… A little fatiguing. Nothing he’d never done before, but the fact that it was so consistent meant he just had more of it to look forward to. More of her needing him, maybe…
Not so bad.”You’re the woman I love. I just want the world to know it. But I’ll do whatever it takes for you to feel like you can count on me for anything.”The tension in Trisha's body reduced slightly. She was still curled up, but it wasn't like she was about to snap and flee. Her hand clung to his shirt like she'd somehow fall if she didn't.
“I’m not used to having someone to count on," she admitted quietly, as if it wasn't something Casey already knew. It was obvious. And it was easy to tell why so many of her relationships didn't work out. The withdrawal, the difficult reactions… The self sabotage.
“I- I know I can depend on you it's just… I don't know…" What if it got taken away one day? What if I can't cope when I'm left alone?She shuffled herself up a bit so her head was resting on his shoulder. It was slightly easier to tilt her face up to look at him. She chewed her lip for a moment. What did she want to say? It was so difficult to figure it out…
“I was upset thinking we'd have to spend a day I hate apart, but then having to deal with Tansy and Lynette together felt just as bad. I know it's not, because it'll be us... And I don't mind being in everyone's faces, I like that you… love me that much and want everyone to know. I'm just worried that if…" She curled her head forwards, thick hair falling across her face.
“If I'm built up too high it'll hurt more when someone tears me down."Casey didn’t know how to convey what was in his head for once. How could he say what was closest to the truth without
Implying something? She would have to learn how to love herself one way or another, because there was no way he was going to let her-
It’s not about money, idiot… It's not about financial stability, or being able to take care of mundane bullshit. It’s fucking love!But what if there was a finite amount of this that could be taken? What if she really never got better? This was the first woman who he actually liked in a mutual fashion… Sure, women had made passes at him before, especially prompted by Lynette. But he felt like he knew enough to know that she made him feel different.
Maybe because he knew it wasn’t a setup… It was something that came organically; that all he had to do that night was give her the pie and send her on her way. But he hadn’t. He felt empathy then, and it allowed her to expose herself to him in an equally organic way.
It had been
real. Not part of his mother’s manufactured world. It was, strangely, the same sentiment he had upon joining the military when he did. It wasn’t a fantasy world; there was a real war happening, and people could use his help in a real way, even as a non-Adept. But, he’d stuck with that. He’d stuck so hard he made a career out of a war. Lost his mind and got bits of it back in the same lifetime, and did the last part without magic.
He took her hands. Both of them, slipping them away from where they’d been to brush up against his face. So she could really feel him when he said what he had to.
”I’m gonna ask you what it is you think I’m supposed to say as a reply to that. I feel like if I say that you’ll never get torn down, I’ll just be setting you up for failure. Life is full of personal anguish that I’m not always going to be able to help you with…”But the frown on his face was full of sadness and empathy. The only real responses that were appropriate as far as he was concerned.
”But, like… I would never purposefully do that to you, Trisha! I’m not here to hurt you! Even if we did break up, which would only happen under the most extenuating circumstances that I don’t even want to begin thinking about right now, there’s no way I would treat you with any less respect than I’ve given you already! Do you hear me!?”“I- I know!” Trisha’s eyes went wide with panic and her fingers pressed into his face. He’d misunderstood. She didn’t think
he’d hurt her. Not on purpose… Not when he hadn’t shown any signs. She’d been in enough relationships like that to know the red flags, even if she’d never heeded them. But he didn’t have those…
“I didn’t mean you- I know you wouldn’t, I really didn’t mean you would, i-its other people, not you… I’m sorry, I know you wouldn’t hurt me, I do, I- I-” She sucked in a deep breath, pushing through the sudden panic. She couldn’t just shut down… It was just that reactive fear, and desperation to make sure he understood she did hear him- and really knew he wouldn’t. Desperate honesty shone in her eyes as she looked at him.
“I wouldn’t… I’ve already told you more than I have anyone else. I know it’s not much, I know I’m going to keep failing, people will still pull me down but I also know you’d never do that… I really do. I… said that because I’m- I’m trying to explain why I find it so hard.”Casey could only frown again. Frown, then try to comfort. He nodded, taking her in as close as he could for a moment before letting her back into a position in which they could look at one another. He didn’t make any kind of speech or try to lecture her further… He just wanted her to look at him. To see him, and to see the pain in his eyes…
So she could see that she wasn’t feeling it alone…
”If that’s how it is, then… I’m sorry. I guess I’m wrapped up in feeling selfish, even if this really doesn’t have anything to do with me. I hate that you hurt, and it’s worse when you do it all alone.”His face got a bit closer to hers, rubbing his nose against hers slowly.
”I love you. And we’re gonna spend Thanksgiving together. And we’re gonna spend Christmas together. AND we’re gonna spend Trishmas together. Official Temple Holiday, December twenty-sixth.” he tried to be very sweet about the attention.
“As long as it’s only select Temple members invited,” Trisha replied softly, managing to smile at him. Her posture softened and she slowly calmed down. It was difficult to push down the guilt she felt from making him feel bad too. That was one of things she didn’t want… Even though she kept repeating the same actions that led to it.
“Maybe five or six for some of it, but mostly just the one.” She tilted her face downward so her forehead rested against his. Just taking in the warmth of her favourite person. Finally letting go of the tension under his comfort.
“My patient, loving boyfriend… Thank you for not giving up on me. I know you won’t…” Or she tried to, at least.
“I’ve never had the chance to try and… break my bad habits. It’s- it’s like what you said earlier. Practice, try, and learn… even if I f- stumble.”He nodded, and gave her a much warmer and more living smile. Hearing her at least acknowledge that things were going to be okay was enough for him to prepare for the next fight. It was coming soon apparently…
”Even if you stumble. Because I’m here, and if you do stumble, I’ll catch you. And if we stumble, then… We’ve gotta trust the people we surround ourselves with. It’s the only way. And if they fail, well… Shit, y’know? Life’s like that. Shit.” With her hands still in his, he rubbed his thumb across the backs of them slowly. There was a pattern, though Trisha may’ve not noticed; the Ohm, at least in some basic summation. White Lux channeled from his body into hers, resonating against the mark of Absolution. He knew exactly what it was at this point, having done a little more prodding.
Like a set of chimes in the wind, Trisha would be able to feel the warmth of a spring day. Like being in the bee sanctuary, there was a great comforting wave that washed it up and over them.
”Everything else could implode. You could take my arms, my legs, my tongue… If you’re here with me, I’ll scream my love for you with my eyes. I would defend you with my fucking teeth, and the gums if they knocked those out. I will do whatever I have to do to make sure you know that I’m yours… And I’m here for the ride.”Trisha's fingers curled into his hands, and she looked up at him with wide eyes. There was love, warmth, softness in them but also that ever present anxiety and hesitation. She tried to not hide it even though all she wanted to do was curl up in his arms and have that moment last forever. She didn't know
what he had to do so she'd know that. No, she knew, the problem was accepting it… Trusting it. And the problem wasn't with him. It was with her.
She didn't feel that she deserved it.
“You do need to lose anything like that for me to know… I hope you don't. I don't think I could handle you being in that much pain." She shook her head. Getting too caught up in the hypothetical. He wasn't literally going to lose all of his limbs and his tongue and his teeth. She really hoped not… she didn't like seeing him hurt just like he didn't her.
“I know that you are. I know, I just…" Her grip on his hand tightened.
“The worries don't just go away. Because it's… not…" you it's me. She couldn't say it.
“I don't want you to think I don't know, or I don't believe you. Everytime you tell me… it helps. I promise, it does. It's just slow because…"He was fighting against a lifetime of being unloved and abandoned.
“I’m not used to it." She was trying her best to be honest, even though it was like tearing the words out of her throat. But when he'd said something like that… when he made a declaration of his love like that… she was able to try to push through, even with her anxiety bubbling just underneath the surface.
All he could really do now was accept what she said at face value. There wasn’t any more comfort he could give her besides being this close… Besides just
dealing with it. So he made sure he was still mostly filling her field of view, and he gave her the biggest and brightest smile he could possibly muster.
”Then, all we can do is be patient, right? I’ll keep showing you. I’ll be your harbor.” And now I’ll never be able to erode. I won’t fall into the sea. I need to keep you safe. I need to do it. I need to.