Avatar of Ammokkx


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Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

What you said in your initial paragraph can be attributed to men making male characters. Again, the question is literally why not apply that same logic and make a variety of male characters that have different personality traits? Why is this logic only applied to characters of the opposite sex?

It's simple.

The logic is not just applied to opposite sex. It just happens to be that that's what we're discussing, so that's also what my example is. To quote myself:

but it's not like people who exclusively play female characters always play the same female character.

"people who exclusively play female characters" being the example. This also applies to people only playing male, or both male and female characters.

Writing from "your perspective" to my mind would just always be writing the same, one, singular character- which some people do do, even on this very site.

Uh, basically, don't put words in my mouth yeah? Also don't argue a point I wasn't making? Thanks.
Like I said, exceptions exist, but it's kind of uncanny when you ONLY write from a perspective that has nothing to do with you. Which is why assumptions of people being trans women start flying. If you had 12 character slots and 11 of them were girls, then you are no longer "just trying" out to write from an alternative perspective; that basically is your perspective. The question OP raised isn't a can or cannot; the question is why.

I don't like this idea a writer can only ever write what "their perspective" is. Yeah, I get it, you can never truly disassociate yourself from your writing or you wouldn't be the one writing it, but it's not like people who exclusively play female characters always play the same female character. Most writers at least ATTEMPT to write a variety of personality types, personality types that might not even line up with how THEY act. I'm not a very good writer, but I at least try to challenge myself by playing characters that are completely unlike how I am. Sure, my biases as a person are naturally going to be imparted on them, but I'm at least making the attempt of being different.

That is to say, I don't like it when you call someone a sussy baka for exclusively playing as the perceived opposite gender and calling that "their perspective". It's... rude? Yeah, rude. At least to me it would be, and is.
If I ever get back into this game we should meet up and touch tails.

taking you up on that offer
Yeah I'm gonna be straight with you, nobody here on this forum finds it weird for people to play cross-gender characters. I know far less people on here that stick to just one gender than I do people that, y'know, don't.

Your friend giving you a weird look is probably because they're not a dedicated RPer like most anyone on this forum's going to be. Your friend doesn't get the hobby, nor its appeal. It's not the first time a discussion thread like this has popped up, but the conclusion is always the same: most people say "I'm writing a character, not myself" and the ones that stick to only one gender go "I just don't feel comfortable writing an identity that's not close to mine" (or similar reasons on either end; don't take those examples as absolutes.)

I primarily play girl characters and I don't feel a need to justify to anyone why that is. I just do, and I find people that find that weird of me (note: not people who only prefer to play one thing themselves, only people that find it actively weird) to be the weird ones in turn. Writing allows you to express yourself in a way you can't physically. Is completely normal. Everyone here already intrinsically understands this, or they wouldn't be looking to RP in the first place.

I am the single cutest miqo'te this side of Eorzea and nobody's gonna stop me from being that.
You don't need any prior digimon exposure to enjoy Survive. Hell, I'm not even a Digimon fan- I just thought Cyber Sleuth was a really good game. If the idea of half visual novel, half tactical rpg ala devil survivor sounds appealing to you, then Survive is a game you'll like.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>
Don't get my hopes up. ;-;

How would you rate the other games in comparison? (If you've played them/from what you've played of Survive.)

>searching for youtuber's opinions as we speak

Because I've been wanting to get it since the first trailer. (Since it promised a darker story/concept than the prior games.) But I was curious if that element was still present. Or if it was exaggerated for marketing purposes.

Keep in mind I'm still going through it, am only up to chapter 5, but:

Yeah, I'd say the darker story is very much present. There's plenty of suffering to go around, and it almost gets a bit TOO melodramatic in points. I think it strikes a somewhat okay balance between when it needs to lighten up and when it needs to get serious, though.

Keep in mind it's still Digimon, so you're not gonna see people implied to be gored or anything, but it's real good. The only other digimon games I can say I've played seriously are the Cyber Sleuth ones, and this seems just as high quality as those (albeit with more text this time around and less gameplay.)

Speaking of gameplay: It feels like it's a bit limited in places. Movement feels very constrained, stuff dies really fast and you don't get a whole lot of moves to use on your individual digimon. Its also been an absolute pain to use a varied team because of maps only allowing 6 digimon at most, and since the protagonist mons are what you'll have access to the most, there's no real reason to ever deploy anything besides them. You'd want to keep two other digimon levelled at most for those times the protagonist goes at it solo, because maps like that usually only have two slots beside Agumon for deployment in the first place.

Like, the game's not perfect, but despite the flaws I'm encountering I'm still having a blast and am fully hooked into the story. All I wish is that Shuuji was less of a little bitch and I'd be good.
Digimon Survive released.

Digimon Survive is a really good game.

Please play Digimon Survive.
I booted up L4D2 again, as I do periodically, and am having a blast with this timeless game (which I may or may not have modded to hell and back full of cute anime girls).

It's just a shame I have nobody to play it with.

Chie, naïve as she could be, hadn't expected to be caught like a deer in literal headlights. The four girls had just gotten done with the first wave of drones, it's true, but the threat had multiplied. Where there were three previously, twelve showed up now- well, to Chie's quick count anyway. It could've been more, not like she had much time to ponder on it as she sprinted out of their headlights, a trail of bullets nipping at her heels. She managed to duck behind her previous cover again- battered as it was- for a brief respite from the onslaught. She knew, however, these things could launch missiles. The quicker she got out, the better.

Speaking of missiles, a stream of hellfire raced by her and clearly made contact with something on the other end of the firing range, judging by the loud crash she heard. Rivka's ever-elegant performance, she mused. Chie began to think; that had to have taken one of the drones out. Each of them individually was strong enough to take out one drone by themselves, they'd proven as much earlier. But they were with five and the drones... not so much. They're more than double the girls' numbers. If they were going to get through this, then...

"How are we looking, girls?" Rivka's voice interrupted her thoughts. Chie looked skywards, briefly, to spy Crystal cleaning up a hither-to-unseen target quite nicely.

"Fine for now. We can't keep this up as long as they outnumber us," she flatly stated. Chie took stock of each of her teammates' locations, trying to work through a plan of action. Selma had done a number on one of the buildings in the area, its foundations looking shaky. Maybe she could use that to her advantage...

"...Selma, Rivka. If you can corral them together underneath that office complex, I think I can bring it down on them," she suggested to the first two. Keeping her hand on the earpiece, she voiced in: "Crystal, Aoife if you can hear me- if we gather and freeze the rain, we can bring it down on them like falling spears. We should-" she wanted to continue her train of thought, but an explosion near her from a stray missile caused Chie to fly back, rolling over the pavement as the earpiece flew out with it. Her ears ringing and head foggy from the impact, Chie still tried her best to gather her wits. She got blown back into a relatively safe spot, but she couldn't do much else rather than trust her team.

...Though maybe it wasn't too bad. She was going to need a lot of Nox if she wanted to bring down that building, even if it was already rickety. Chie took a deep breath and started to let it flow through her, rooted in place while she gathered the requisite amount of magic for her hopeful venture.

Feels like an opportunity to write for some Dead Characters™ so I'll pick out a couple I like.
(some are also answered by characters that are very much not dead.)

- What do you like to do for fun?

"I... like sitting in parks. The quiet is nice.
I just...
I just really like it."

- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

"M-my stuttering! I need t-to be more assertive..."
"Otherwise, he won't notice me at all..."

- How much time to do have left to live?

...I'm... already... I...

Such a frightening question to ask her. I think I'm more suited to answering this. After all...
I'll live forever."

- Who's had the biggest influence on your life?
(Rui and Lumia)

"Who? ...Well, maybe two people?
I have a little brother- Sora, right? We've always been together, and I'd do anything for him. If anyone shaped me who I was, it's him.
But... those memories were stolen from me. And only Lumia can help me get them back.
And... I see her as a friend, too. She's turned my life upside-down, but I don't regret that anymore. I want to fight alongside her... I trust her."

"Nee-... chan...
I'm sorry."

"It's alright- we'll figure it out!"

- What gives you purpose in life? What drives you?

"...It's dumb, right? I had this big dream that I thought I'd give anything for- even my life.
But now... I'm trapped and lonely inside of a card, because I was selfish and wished for it at the cost of others' memories.
...I need to get back to my body. No matter what. A-and I'll set things right... somehow...
...I'm sorry, Nee-chan. I'm sorry I need to lie to you to make that come true."

- What is your favorite animal?

- Who do you consider closest to you?

If you had asked me this earlier, I'd say my dad. And he still is, even if I can't see him much anymore.
But... Selma, Rivka, Crystal and Aoife... I care about them too.
We're team Kheper. I'll do anything for them."

- There is no question. Merely differing paths to a preconceived answer.


- What power do you desire the most?"

"Cuddles and rainbows and sparkles- all the time!
Aha, I really can't keep this up, can I?
The true answer is the power to protect people. I... I already saw so many of my friends die.
...I already... nearly killed one of them myself..."

- What advice would you have for your younger self?
(Masked Boy/Nanashi)

"I don't remember him. I don't even remember his name.
But as I am now...
'Gaze up at the sky and remember. Hold tight to those memories.'
'And when the day comes you forget them...'
'Fight and struggle until you get them back.'"

If it was to protect something, someone or the world- for any reason whatsoever- would you suffer any punishment? Would you sacrifice yourself to save someone or something else?
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