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Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
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Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

✫✫ Nico ✫✫

"Shun... is it?" Nico repeated after the other magical girl, staring down at the extended hand. It's not that her new feline themed friend didn't want to shake it- it's just that a big, black and fuzzy creature occupied both of her hands in the moment. Nobody ever has to worry with Nico though- she always had a solution! Magical girls are stronger than the average girl, so with a little bit of nudging like:

"C'mon, enough playing around. Up you go~!" she managed to convince the cat in her hands to climb on her shoulders instead. "W-whoa you're heavy-" she commented, still managing to get slightly off-balance from having the weight of an entire adult cat pushing down at a slight angle. Once she steadied herself, Nico finally managed to return the handshake to Shun.

"I'll be relying on you from now on, Shun-senpai!" Nico enthusiastically said back to the other girl, but when this new Senpai started repeating her name a couple times, she dealt a devastating blow to Nico's self-identity.

“Oh! Croquette girl!”

Such a brutal, precise strike. Nico, reduced to being associated with a mere food item. Her tail drooped, her shoulders slumped and her cat complained because it nearly slid off. "I'm ruined... I exist only to satiate the hungry bellies of the people around me..." Nico theatrically acted out, pretending for a moment she was actually, genuinely hurt. It didn't last long though; she sprang up soon enough again with a goofy smile.

"No- really, though, it was pretty obvious huh? Y'know that name- Neko-2? It's- it's like a pun. My name is Nico, right? Like that uh... the ani-chara, the one that says "Nico-nico-nii". So y'know... 2, as in, "nii", and neko... neko-nii... I'm funny."

Nico sniffed. Once.

"Anyway so here is my number-" she continued, pulling out her phone to start a private chat with Shun's screen-name (which she totally guessed at random but based on context clues could've only been 'Starry-Eyed'). "Here is my cat-" Nico said as she picked the burmilla up from her shoulders, then shoved it into Shun's arms to both her and the creature's confusion. And, finally, she finshed off with: "And here are my goodbyes! Let's get croquettes some other time~!"

With a final wave and a wink, Nico theatrically jumped off the building. A dull thud followed up by an "Ow!" came from that direction, followed by a decently bright light as the girl untransformed. Nico was surprisingly quick to flee the scene- call it the nerves kicking in- but if Shun peered over the edge, she could at least still see a dumpster with two dents in it.

Chie wasn't naïve enough to think the drones wouldn't come try search and flush her out, but the random spread of bullets flying in every direction suggested the split-off drone didn't know her exact location. A good thing, one would think, except with its sights set on the general location, Chie couldn't exactly move out and fight. Not unless she wanted to be shot through the heart with a drone to blame, in any case. All the chakram-wielding girl could do was patiently wait for her allies to cover her, an opportunity that came once she saw one of Rivka's bolts soaring by. It must've hit something, because whatever the musician had done, it caused the drone to halt its fire on Chie's location.

"Now!" she thought to herself, rolling out of her cover and surveying the status of the area. Selma stood over one wreckage, Aoife had engaged another in combat and that left just one unaccounted for. A slightly distracted drone, which seemed intent on re-aligning its target. Chie had to think and act quick, but finally having a clear look at her opponent, she knew exactly what to do. She de-summoned one of her chakrams, held up her now-freed hand and then violently clutched her fist, shouting:


Two points of intense gravity rapidly formed, one each at the base of the robot's pair of feet. The intense forces exerted on its primary method of movement left the machine to be the one pinned this go around. Of course it wasn't naïve enough to let Chie do as she pleased; having detected it as an attack, the drone locked on and started firing in Chie's location. Chie, herself, was faster though: she sprinted off before even a single bullet could be fired, running with a trail of bullets firing constantly behind her. With the drone unable to fully turn, it couldn't move and realign its armaments fast enough to keep up with Chie, who had already begun the next stage of her attack.

Everyone in the area could feel a tug coming from the robot's location, though more accurately, from right behind it. The Nox in the area clouded Chie's fist like a dark energy, growing more ever thicker as she increased the intensity of her third gravity well. While she'd only done the bare minimum to keep the robot's feet pinned, this new well was much more severe. The stones of the street started to crack from being compressed against each-other, and even the immediate street light next to it began to noticeably bend. Chie couldn't maintain this for long; rapidly purifying the required Nox to keep up three intense points of gravity had no small amount of strain come paired with it. It didn't need to last long, though. All Chie needed was to get it clearly off-balance, because then she knew it was intense enough.

Chie slid to a halt once she'd ran off further than the drone's line of fire could follow and, while still clutching her magicked fist, gripped tightly onto her remaining Chakram. She took a split second to confirm her angle and tossed it skywards, at a bit of an angle, racing towards the sky above her target. Throwing her chakram directly would be silly; the gravity would dig it into the floor long before it'd ever reach the drone. But she could use that same downward momentum to her advantage. If her Chakram was in the sky, with the drone between its current location and her intense gravity? Well, only one result was to be expected.

Once it got close enough, attracted by the forces below, the chakram rapidly accelerated towards the drone. It didn't have to hit it cleanly, coming in at a bit of an angle, but slicing right through one of the legs before burying into the ground behind. The impact from that caused the robot to soon follow suit, aggressively being slammed into the streets from Chie's meddling with forces that never should be meddled with. The chassis caved in on itself under its own massive weight, crushing the inside circuitry. Most of what kept the machine running was scrapped from the impact. It was a good thing, too; Chie was forced to release her hold on that point, the intensified gravity rapidly returning to normal. It winded Chie a bit, but she was far from exhausted; the sensation was more akin to being unable to continue lifting a weight because one's muscles were too weak than it was of fatigue.

Chie took a small breath and looked over to the rest of her team. She summoned her gladius again, raised one up in the air and slightly unenthusiastically shouted that she "Got one too..." to the crew.

✫✫ Nico ✫✫

Nico was... concerned. Whatever she had hit caused more pain to the girl other girl than Nico had intended, or even wanted to inflict. The heroine wanted to reach out and ask "Are you okay?" but she never got that chance. The cursed maiden simply declared the both of them would meet again, throwing herself off the edge in the same fashion Nico had earlier. Alarmed, the cat-girl rushed forward to try and catch the other. She dashed to the edge of the roof, too late to catch her quarry, and peered over the horizon. Below were the usual streets of Shinjuku, no girl in sight. Nico searched for a little bit, to no avail. She stepped back and mused on the slightly dour feeling that seemed to wash over her in that moment.

"When we do," Nico muttered to herself, "I'll be there to listen to your story."

Nico's musings on her possible fateful encounter were cut short when she was startled by a nearby meow. She peered down at her feet, finding an all-too-familiar black burmilla starting to rub itself against her leg. The still-transformed girl crouched down and scooped it up, face a little frowny as she let it gently bite her fingers. "Sheesh, you again...? Why do you always know where I am?" she complained, but her protests rang hollow as a soft smile belied how much seeing this dumb cat cheered her up. It was then Nico noticed the presence of another; particularly, a magical girl just like her.

"Oh!" the feline heroine cried in surprise. She didn't expect there to be another person. "Whaaa, you surprised me... and here I thought I was alone for sure up here!" Nico tried to play it off with a joke. Though she couldn't emote very well due to the needy little critter in her hands, Nico could still put up an energetic charade and say: "Are you the one who ka-plow'd that snake right in the eye? Thanks for that! I think I might've lost an arm, or a leg, or a head if you hadn't, miss... err..."

Nico may or may not have forgotten who this person was or is. If she ever knew in the first place, anyway.

"Sorry, sorry- I ain't great with names and faces... and socializing... I'm, uh, Nico! Kaneko Nico! And you'reee...?"

✫✫ Nico ✫✫

"Nyahaha! I'm the best!" Nico gleefully shouted as she tip-toed around the golden waves, playing herself up to be the invincible heroine. "Too slow, too slow!" she shouted while continuing to dance. For as much of a mockery as she made of it, though, her earlier assessment still stood: she can dodge, but not close the gap. Every time Nico got a little closer, she was forced to jump back in equal measure because of the following strike. Weaving around her opponent's attacks did let her catch onto something, though; there was something else at play here. The other girl wasn't alone. Nico could see it, vaguely, slithering between the gold; a snake with its gaze locked onto her, waiting to strike... its eyes full of malice.

"You're my target, aren'tcha?" Nico thought to herself. She jumped back after another attack, raising up one hand with an open palm. "Is that all?" she playfully asked. Nico winked, saying "If you don't watch out, I'll catch up in-" to her opponent, but as she was speaking, the other girl cast a new spell of her own.

"Curse Serpent: Frog Eater!"

The giant head of a great serpent, scales as white as the attire of the girl who summoned it, popped up above Nico with its mouth agape.

"...no time..." she finished her thought in a low, scared voice. Nico wanted to dodge backwards, but she knew as soon as its mouth startd closing in that there would be no escape. And instinctually she knew that, having let her guard down, this single attack would be more than enough to put her out of commission for this fight... or worse. Nico closed her eyes, but opened them up again just as quick when a bright flash and loud crash pierced her eyelids and ears respectively. The snake's eye had been struck, its whole image dispersing in the night sky along with the brilliant light of the arrow that had fired into it. The cat fairy had no idea where this shot had come from, but she didn't let the chance pass her by. She was already poised to jump; with a quick shift of her foot Nico pushed her momentum forward instead, conjuring pink claws at the edge of her fingers.

"Please let this hit!"

Our local ally of justice knew one thing: the cursed girl's arms were the key. Every time she'd attacked so far, that girl had extended, raised or pointed her arm. The ultimate attack required both. Therefor, whatever was giving her power, it had to be located there. The shock from having her move broken allowed Nico to get a single hit in, striking at the location she thought she saw the snake. Nico did hit something, but couldn't confirm if it was a barrier, the girl's arm or a lucky strike on her actual target. As soon as she had, Nico jumped back; partially because she didn't want to leave herself open for a close-range counter, but also for one more reason.

"I don't need the help," she muttered to herself in a low, but frustrated voice. Nico wanted, no, needed to do this by herself. There was no point otherwise. She wanted to understand the other girl; only the two of them and nobody else should've been trading blows! The heroine could already tell so far: There was hesitance from the scaled girl when attacking Nico. No matter how expressionless her face, she couldn't hide those shaky, tense movements. It all but confirmed to the magical girl something that she'd suspected from the start: Something was hurting the cursed girl. And the cat fairy was going to find out what it was...

...as soon as the other girl had made her next move, at least.
"Doki Doki Literature Club" is one of the dullest visual novel experiences I've had in a while. (But I like the song at the end.)


✫✫ Nico ✫✫

Nico mimicked the other girl's confused head movements, still not moving from her spot. "A curse? That can't be right," she said, her tail swaying side-to-side. "After all, I don't like curses very much, but I don't think I dislike you at all!" she said with a beaming smile, before being blasted by the other girl's attack. Nico wasn't sent flying back or anything, though. As soon as the attack connected, her body frayed and unfurled like a loose bundle of string. The Nico that had been standing there was no more than an illusion while the real one still hid out of sight.

"Aaaah, wait wait wait just a little longer okay! I'll fight you if you want me to, but just let me say something else first! I'll even come out of hiding, forreal this time!" Nico shouted from her hiding spot, which really, was no more than the staircase she'd come up with in the first place. Before Nico jumped on top of the roof though, she stared at the phone in her hands and her message half-written.

[Neko-2]: I found the shade, it

She didn't have a lot of time to think on her next course of action. The smart thing would be to call backup, get a more experienced girl and take this new, unknown threat on two-on-one. But instead...

"...I can't just leave someone who needs help alone!"

[Neko-2]: I found the shade, its been taken care of!

Nico steeled her resolve and pocketed the phone, deciding to do it by herself anyway. Despite how hostile the cursed girl had been up to this point, Nico didn't hold any kind of grudge. Something was off about the situation, after all. And the girl... well, maybe she just needed a friend!

"Okay, I'm coming out now!" Nico yelled and jumped up to the roof again, perching herself on its edge. The other girl sure seem poised to attack, arm raised up and everything, but no golden beams were shot the magical girl's way yet. Taking it as a sign she could speak up, Nico put her index finger on her cheek.

"Sooo... I'm like, honestly pretty plain, not that good with my head, I haven't been a magical girl for very long and I'm kinda bad at this whole thing. Buuut! Even I can tell something must be hurting you if you're acting out this way," Nico began her speech, but was keenly aware of the hostile intent still radiating from the other girl. Whatever she said, it wasn't going to avoid the fight that ensued. "I don't really want to fight you, I don't think you're a curse or whatever. But I'll do it if you really want me to! Just... once we're done fighting, let's talk all about you, okay? I want to know more about you!" she earnestly said. And then, it was go time.

The young hero of justice got herself into a battle-ready pose, knowing that an attack was coming any second. Even if she tried to close the distance now and go in for a strike, Nico could never close the gap in time without getting blasted by some kind of magic. She just had to be on her guard and dodge. Nico crouched a little, shouted "Here I go!" and then kicked her feet off the concrete below her, dashing forward to the other girl. It was more of a feint, though, as Nico was keenly watching where the girl would strike. As soon as the attack came out, then she could dodge the other way. After that... well, she'd think of something!


The stalemate was broken. After a bit of silence, the girl had finally decided to step away from the roof. Nico breathed a sigh of relief, thinking the situation was going to be okay now. "If it's okay with you, can I stay here a little longer? I want to know what was bothering you," she said to try and smooth into some conversation.

The other girl stretched out her arm. "In that case..." she said, pausing just long enough to let Nico see the flashes of something wrapping itself around the extended limbb.

"Prepare yourself, magical girl."

Nico yelped and jumped backwards a little, left to gawk in shock as the nature of the malicious aura finally made itself known. A sudden burst of energy- like the sun itself had dyed black- wrapping itself like flames around the other girl, completely transforming her look. Her uniform was re-forged into a Kosode, white as snow to contrast with the darkened light that had sewn it. The girl's face got covered in a scaly pattern, her eyes turned gold... and murderous.

"Curse Essence: Bounty."

With those few words, waves of golden energy sprouted from the girl's position. They arced outwards and shot towards Nico who, while managing to just barely dodge in time, was left to witness the impact of it digging into and crushing the concrete surface of the roof they both stood on. What's even worse, Nico hadn't taken that many steps away from the edge herself; the displacement of her jump caused her to be the one pushed right to the very edge. Since she had to dodge somewhat sideways, not just backwards, the drop behind Nico had no staircase to break her fall if she were to slip. She glanced down briefly, then back to the other girl. Nico was in shock from how fast it all happened, but her expression still softened a little once she saw the other girl. Nico, somewhat regretfully, said: "I'm sorry."

And then she jumped.

Nico closed her eyes and leant back, letting gravity pull her down below, her momentum rotating her so she'd fall head-first. To the other girl, Nico simply vanished over the horizon of the roof. A dull crash was heard a moment later, something heavy dropping down below onto the ground. The battle was over before it began; Nico deciding to end it herself rather than fight the other girl.

...but nobody really believes that, do they?

✫✫ Nico ✫✫

"Ooooone, two!"

Only about half a minute after Nico had jumped down, a new figure jumped up- though curiously, not from the same spot Nico had dropped down from. No, that was empty- no trace of her having been there other than the dent in the metal of the dumpster's lid below. The figure- Nico herself as a pink-haired, modern-day superpowered cat-schoolgirl hybrid- had come up from behind the snake-girl. She had to have transformed, looped around and climbed up the other way.

"Hi hiii, it's me~!" she said cheerily with a wave, making no effort to try and hide her being the same person as before. Nico then raised her arm as if she was in class. "Um, question! Why do we have to fight?" she asked, tilting her head curiously while her tail swayed side-to-side. Nico didn't make any attempt at attacking the other girl. After all, if Nico had so desired, she could've remained silent, jumped out behind the girl and gone in for a sneak-attack. Instead, this Nico simply stared at her with a smile.

...And, further, it didn't even sound like her voice had come from the direction she was standing in.


The entire situation was wrong, weird and uncomfortable. Nico wasn't emotionally mature enough to know how to handle it and no small amount of panic was racing through her. She tried to think of something, anything to get the other girl to step away from the edge. If it came down to it, Nico wouldn't hesitate to transform and jump after her, but Nico had no way of knowing if she'd even make it in time. She wracked her brain for a solution, but before she could come up with anything, the mysterious girl spoke up instead.

"... Someone came to stop me?" was what she said, unmoving from the edge. A brief silence, then "How did you know I was up here?" was the followup. Their voice was monotone, yet a hint of hostility crept its way in anyway. "I didn't tell anyone. No-one's supposed to know yet." she grew ever more insistent. "So how did you know...?" they demanded an answer.

Nico didn't know how to respond, at all. But she felt it- felt the aura of malice emanating from around the girl. Nico didn't suspect it, of course; or at least, she didn't suspect the girl herself. It didn't cross Nico's mind this could be some kind of trap, or how unnatural it all was. She just wanted to save this girl, because that's what she's supposed to do.

"I felt it," Nico answered somewhat honestly. She said: "Something inside of me told me something was happening here." and took a deep breath. "I followed that feeling, and now I've found you. There must be some kind of reason for that, so let's talk it out! Just, please, don't do anything reckless..." Nico pleaded. She didn't know what to say to this girl; they're strangers! It wasn't like Nico was unaware of how weird and suspicious she must've seemed, but what other choice did she have? She couldn't just leave, not when someone was in danger- in danger from themselves.

No matter how many times Chie transforms, she'll never get used to it. Her entire body tingling with the faint trace of magic continually coursing through her vein, the process of surrounding corruption being purified into a more suited form. Instead of the body generating heat from burning the nutrients it absorbs, it's creating an awesome and terrifying substance able to bend the very literal laws of physics around Chie's whims. Yet, for all of the power that it gave her, she couldn't help but freeze just as much as Rivka was. The weather agreed with none of the girls, though the flatwoods monster among them didn't seem to let that dampen her spirits in the slightest.

Chie kept a cool look on her face and said: "The officers said the drones pick up on magic use. It'd take too long to try and find them ourselves."

So, instead, the drones should come to them.

Chie raised up her hand and focused on a point somewhat reasonably far removed from the girls; about as far as she could reach without being cut off by a wall anyway. Nox flowed through Chie's body and she started to channel it, both in the point where she stood as well as where she was aiming to. The point in the distance had the rain starting to fall quicker, strands of water suddenly elongating mid-air and even more violently crashing down onto the street. A bit of a weird sight, really, as if the one location was experiencing some kind of spatial distortion. Above the five girls was Chie's second point of gravity, but instead of having the rain drench them even further, she reversed it and had the forces push the rain aside, creating a circular "barrier" of water around them. Really, though, she just did that second part to temporarily shield the group from the downpour they'd been experiencing.

Chie relaxed for a bit with a small huff, then cocked her head to the side. "This should be enough magic to draw them... so we should get ready to move."

Chie summoned her chakrams, then leaped up and through the curtain of water. She hadn't strayed too far from the pack yet, simply taking cover behind one of the nearby ruins. The plan was to catch at least one drone unaware; provided none of her teammated has other ideas in mind.


"Where are you...?" Nico thought to herself as she (slightly nervously) worked her way to the source of her uneasy feeling. The girl's eyes checked out everybody she passed for any sign of attack or possession. Luckily, or maybe obviously, none of the people walking around on the main streets had anything wrong with them. It wasn't a shade, nor was it anyone possessed- those two things ruled themselves out pretty quickly. So then what was Nico feeling?

She fiddled with one of her hairstyle's tails. The magical girl had not just been searching, but also thinking. It wasn't really a secret she was still pretty green to this whole 'playing the hero' thing. The worst Nico's had to deal with were a few low ranking shades, nothing she couldn't handle by herself. It made her slightly anxious to not know what awaited her. The fairy never mentioned anything like this being able to happen, at the very least. Nico mused about it, mulled it over and stewed on the topic for her entire trek. She was no closer to an answer for all her pondering, but her instincts? Those told a different story. "Found you!" she reaffirmed to herself, looking up at the sky- or more accurately, to the rooftop of the building she'd found herself next to.

Nico lowered her head and looked around. There were still a few passers-by around and, though none were making eye-contact with anything but the floor, Nico still couldn't afford to transform right then and there. There was a small alley next to the building, yes, but transforming there at the wrong moment could lead to her being seen anyway. She didn't have much choice other than to try and make her way up the building without her magical powers. Luckily, it didn't look to be that hard. There was a stairwell around the outside- probably a fire exit or something for maintenance, but whatever the case, it happened to work out. Nico acted like she belonged in the area and began climbing up the stairs. All that was left to do once she reached their top was to step on a vent sticking out the wall- it got Nico enough height to allow the girl to pull herself up just a smidge and get onto the rooftop.

One would be forgiven for thinking that Nico, finally, would have her opportunity to transform. After all, nobody seemed to have called out her Indiana Jonesing the wall, nor do people tend to look up at rooftops to spy for plain looking schoolgirls. Just a quick thought and, whoosh, Nico would become an ally of justice. It really would've been that easy, if a small quirk of the situation hadn't been dictating otherwise. Nico wasn't alone on this rooftop. Back turned to Nico, there was another girl- not much of any older than herself- standing at the opposite edge... dangerously close to stepping over it. All color drained from Nico's face and, in that brief moment, she'd forgotten all about her objective for coming here in the first place.

"No way... I need to stop her!" her mind started to wander, taking a very quick turn to a dark place.

Nico gently stepped forward. "Hey-!" she tried to call out, but couldn't find any words to follow up with. The other girl lazily turned her head back, seemingly undisturbed by Nico being there. The two of them stared at each-other. Nico's nerves were palpable when she spoke up again: "U-um... I don't, I don't really know what's going on. But! Uh, that's..." she awkwardly stumbled over her words. She didn't know what to say when confronted with this situation.

"If... if you need someone to talk to, or a friend, ah... I know we've only just met, but...! I- I'd like to help you in whatever way I can! So... please, step away from the edge?" Nico tried to nudge her, taking another careful step forward. She didn't want to move too suddenly and scare the other girl into doing something reckless.
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