Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

There is also always the third option they mull about so hard that neither actually happens and the three hit the road pennyless and unfortunate.

For real, though, I'd wager Gale to be on the side of caution, so I'll just have him shop for the three of them when I get around to posting
the prospect of gale being the only one with the money to buy supplies but also the only one interested in meeting pandora is a dilemma hour if I've ever heard of one

I'll get back to you on this after tomorrow's classes, I needed to be asleep half an hour ago
I mostly suggested that course of action so we could get to meet as many NPCs as possible, considering nobody shuffled over to Squegg earlier. Truthfully I don't actually know what course of action to decisively take.
It's unfortunate you don't liky Hildy, but I do like the first relic quest. Gerolt being the straight man for a change sure is something, and I'm here for it.

In other news: Variant dungeon sucks ass, I hate it. I get to swap out one mechanic on my boss of choice and on two of them it gets used only once, radical. Haven't had the chance to try out criterion yet but I hear good things, so at least I've got something to look forward to, but man do I really hate variant in its current state.

But hey I got the snazzy skink out of the deal, at least!
probably not my best quality post again, but for a slightly different reason. Slightly delirious from a booster shot's fever, so apologies in advance.
Ting left the table, shrinking the part down to two. Still munching on a pastry, Gale somewhat lazily watched the Aron waddle off. "Fyo," he addressed the Fomantis before swallowing, "Is that fruit juice any good?"

Gale's food-addled brain aside, it took surprisingly little time for him to finish the rest of his breakfast and join Ting in waiting at Kick's office. Before the Aron ever opened the door, Gale withdrew back into the recesses of his mind. He was still mulling over what their mission could look like, even far after the conversation had died down. Investigating something? Helping someone sort their storage? Looking for stray coins of poké on the floor? Maybe not that last one, but one thing's for sure: Before he knew it, both Fio and Ting had already stepped inside the office while Gale was left there, blinking. He quickly hurried inside to join them, listening in carefully to Kick's explanation.

The party was to make their way due south to a nearby orchard, anywhere from half a day to a day's walk. Find out why the stock's coming up short and report back. Sounded simple enough, even if it's not exactly any kind of handiwork gale had done before. Usually he'd had to help harvest the orchard, not go ghost hunting. Come to think of it, didn't he pass that place on his way to Mandalay...? He remembers seeing something of the sort, but couldn't recall how far off from the city it actually was. Or the direction. Gale might have been slightly bad at keeping track of both those things. Either way, first he had to-

-snap back to reality, given that Kick just shoved a small little badge in his paws. Wooden, carved with an R and with a ribbon that matched the one around his ear. Proof the three of them are a part of the guild, and all that. Kick gave the party some suggestions on what to do, asked if they had any questions and left the three of them to it. Gale didn't have anything he needed Kick to answer, so he waited until the other two were finished and thanked Kick for his time.

Once back outside the office, Gale put his paw to his chin and seemingly took initiative for a change, speaking up with: "If we're going to be travelling for a day, we might want to pick up some food for the road. But I'm also pretty curious about that fortune-telling?"

His words made it pretty evident that Gale actually didn't actually have any plans to take decisive action. "Maybe we should split up and do both? We can have our fortune read and go shopping, then meet up in town. What do you two think?"
Alright I'm out of my MON-WED rush, I'll see about getting something up tomorrow
”Blade Knight...!" Kei would cry out as Skull Servant smashed right though his monster, dropping his LP down a tiny bit. The way this ragged stranger played was causing Kei no end of confusion. He'd left his field wide open at the end of the turn, and somehow, Kei had a feeling that the man had avoided attacking Silent Swordsman on purpose. Only one thing left for him to do at this point: Declare the start of his turn, and...


Kei gave a brief glance to the card he'd gotten into his hand, smirked and put it with the rest. He then threw his hand forward. ”Dunno what you're planning, but thanks for leaving my partner on the field! In my standby phase, he'll evolve into his true self! Let's go, Silent Swordsman LV5!" Kei excitedly shouted. The tiny soldier on his field was basked in that familiar white glow, morphing and growing taller before both duelist's eyes. LV5 brandished his blade in an imposing manner, now grown more fierce than before.

Silent Swordsman LV5: 2300 ATK

”I'm not done yet! With 'The Warrior Returning Alive' I'll bring back Blade Knight from my graveyard to the hand, and then... summon! Marauding Captain, who's effect brings Blade Knight with him!" Kei would continue his turn unabated. The troop's commander would raise up on the field, call out Blade Knight with a rallying cry and cause Kei to have three monsters on his field in one fell swoop.

Blade Knight: 1600 ATK
Marauding Captain: 1200 ATK

Kei narrowed his eyes at his opponent's field. That one set card was worrying him; it was probably a trap to stop Kei's attacks. Thus, playing it safe, he would attack with his weaker monsters first. ”Marauding Captain! Blade Knight! Launch consecutive direct attacks!" Kei ordered his warriors. Both of their blades cut cleanly across the ragged man, who didn't put up an ounce of resistance.

Haruo: 3000 > 200LP

Kei fistbumped the air in celebration. ”Hell yeah! Big damage, baby!" Though his celebrating might've been premature, with the trap card not stopping Kei's assault he was all but certain he had this duel won. The adrenaline even made him forget how tired his body actually was. ”I dunno what you wanted from me old man, but I've got this in the bag! Let's finish this with a direct attack, partner!" sounded Kei's order to Silent Swordsman. The warrior slid the flat side of his sword across his arm, then grabbed onto its hilt with both hands. Leaping up into the air, he'd come down on the stranger for a slash. It seemed to strike true, causing an explosion. Even though the ragged man's field was covered in smoke, Kei was sure to let his thoughts be known.

”Alright! I win!"
's not much, but I didn't have many ideas either, woop woop.
Gale continued to chow down on his food. Each time both Fio and Ting took their eyes off him for a moment, he'd grabbed something else to snack on. Currently having his mouth stuffed with one of the ever-shrinking supply of omelettes, the Minun got to thinking. "Hm..." he hummed to himself as the question of their first job hung over the impromptu party's head. Making sure to swallow before speaking up this time, Gale said: "I don't think we'll be sent after a scary Pokemon yet... maybe we'll do something small like look for someone's lost item?"

Gale put his paw to his chin again. "Then again... but maybe..." he started to mutter to himself, wandering off from the table for a bit. He looked really deep in thought. You'd think the Minun was considering the question seriously, but in reality, it quickly became apparent he'd just wandered off towards the pastry table to grab a few confections. Not missing a beat after returning to the now-extinct-omelette table, Gale sat down to take a bite out of a tart. "...Mhm. Delicious," he said with an approving nod.

The minun then looked up at the other two. "I think we might get the same job. Maybe it'll be like a competition."
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