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I talked with Tatters about Constance possessing Excalibur. Although she has it, it can't be drawn by her or anyone else at the keep. You'll need to quest to find a way to use it, or find the person who can use it (which may be Arthur). Constance is the one charged with making that selection and may grow into being the Lady of the Lake in the narrative.

* I assume I'm part of someone else's household. Is the household and the keep the same? I'm not sure how households work.

Yes. The stronghold has a lord (which I'm just going to start calling a duke unless somebody says they really want to have a petty king instead). You're part of that lord's household. If someone picks the keep liege (which is looking unlikely) that lord would be a PC, otherwise an NPC.

* I chose the right to "step out of your earthly life" because it seemed like it might be the best fit for her people's space/size-changing abilities. Maybe it's not so much changing their size or shape as stepping into another space or navigating the in-between worlds. If that makes sense.

It does. You have freedom with that Right to make a selection of what that travel you want, and if you miss the roll, I'll select an appropriate response for your destination. I like this direction for it.

* It says a staff is 3-harm, but that honestly sounds a bit high to me. I'm thinking like a regular wooden walking stick/staff.

You probably want to keep this. Mechanically, all the primary weapons are 3-harm because that means you're evenly matched with NPCs or monsters wielding similar weapons and wearing armor. You can still flavor it as a walking staff and the Outranger as especially skilled with it rather than merely strong-arming with a deadly weapon. Considering the outranger might be one of the people most likely to encounter dangerous creatures, I don't think you need to mechanically weaken yourself to flavor the character the way you want.

* Do you only pick one "defined by" for a people, or can you pick more than one?

You'd only pick one in this main category. It looks right on your sheet.

* I chose numbers for a small vassalage, but maybe they have fewer than 40 warriors? Maybe a bit less than 300 people, too. Like, 200 people maybe. Thoughts?

I don't think you want a vassalage, unless you intend that the halflings are actually structured with multiple families swearing formal oaths of fealty to a lord. What you probably want is something like a clan or an enclave to be Nin's People, representing her family, friends, and relatives who care about her personally, with the understanding that there are several such groups of halflings such that there are many hundreds of them total.
<Snipped quote by Anarion>

Works for me. Are they still fay, or ... idk, just druidic people?

So we need to discuss our keep now, or where are we at?

They can still be a Fae people. I’d suggest defining them using one of the Dark Age People sheets (there are a couple in the playtest doc).

The stronghold is a group discussion. My suggestions are
-defends a wealthy province of farms and forests
-enemies: an unlawful crown seized by a tyrant (in your view). Raiders by land. Maybe a third.
-fortifications: I’d suggest a square stone keep on a Hill, seems iconic. No suggestions for other options.
-armory: mail coats and iron helmets, horses/lances/kite shields for at least 10 maybe 20. Swords.

The primary people of the hold are also a group discussion. I’d suggest
-they are all the subjects of your crown/dukedom
-a vassalage of least 300, with 40 warriors.
-looks and names. Here I’d break from history and say to make them diverse
-stats. My default would be rites +0, war +1, wealth +1. I’m not sure this is optimized though. There’s a variety of options for each, I might suggest looking at their patience through suffering, their cavalry, their loyalty, their craft or metalwork, and their rich land.

You can also each select a sheet (I believe outranger in your case Stveje) and start putting it in the character sheets, selecting your particular Rights and other choices for the character and making a secondary people if the character is from elsewhere originally.
I was really happy with Nin, so I'd like to keep her in some form under these changes if possible. I assume there's nothing in her background that's incompatible with the new system or premise, just that she's been gone from home longer and has settled down and become part of this keep of ours, perhaps still as a bit of a wanderer but with strong ties. I'm looking at the Outranger as the most obvious one for her.

Yeah, I think you can keep the same character, and playing her as the Outranger makes a lot of sense. The one thing is that probably Dark Age is a bit easier if she and her people have a bit less overt magic. Less free size-changing and more small people with skillful woodcraft and enchantment that allows them to confuse and mislead (and maybe change sizes with preparation and special commitment to an enchantment).

What system were you using before you made the switch if I may ask? The original Pendragon? or is there another AW hack of it?

As Tatters notes, Fellowship was how we were setting it. Fellowship has a particular structure (originally built to emulate a Lord of the Rings style of story) where there's an Overlord and then a party of united PCs from a variety of different people's opposed to the Overlord. Some of its later books (it has three books you can buy atm) include alternatives to the Overlord: the Horizon (focused on exploration without a single big antagonist) and the Empire (focused on rebellion where the bad guys have already won and control most of the land where the game is played). Setting up a corrupt Uther as the Overlord in a Fellowship game works well, but Fellowship really wants characters with very distinct peoples and lots of high magic and various sorts of technology (e.g., the Dwarf has several explosive and gunpowder options). I had kind of forgotten Dark Age existed and was trying to get this game setup to fit within fellowship, but then realized it was drifting into generic fantasy and away from the Arthurian setup.

I'd say the actual Pendragon system is a bit too clunky to run well over PBP, but it offers a lot of helpful background. The GPC has some particularly useful footnotes and sidebars especially. I don't particularly care for the detailed date/location/name of important person breakdown (too much detail) but sidebars like what types of advisors Uther has at his court and notes on political and geographic intrigue are very helpful for understanding the types of issues people would have been dealing with. The "group of players opposing a corrupt king Uther from a central keep" for Dark Age is a modification of the setup for the default Pendragon campaign.
Okay, apologies for a bit of shuffling here. I was feeling a bit off as this was getting rolling and realized today that I was maybe using the wrong system for this (thanks to Thanqol for asking the question). So, after a bit of mulling and chatting some folks, we're going to switch systems to the Dark Age rules (which are a bit sparse because they've been a playtest forever, but they have what they need). You can find them at lumpley.com/index.php/awda

The premise of the setting doesn't change (Uther is still old and corrupted and that's killing the land and leading the kingdom to ruin). So everything in my first couple OOC posts is the same.

Switching to Dark Age does change your setup though: different playbooks, different types of moves and characters, a different starting situation than the wandering adventure party. My proposal for how this would work best is that you're all part of the same wealthy but small kingdom or duchy, either retainers for an NPC lord or one of you is the lord who the others serve.

It would look something like this:
Your keep and lands are not large, perhaps a day's ride across at most, and situated within Uther's kingdom. Perhaps near the forests a few days ride from Camelot. Your household swore oaths of fealty to Uther when he was younger, and you prospered under his rule. But now, you see that the land is suffering and the people under your protection suffer with it. You know that as the king, so the land, and you've heard dark rumors of Uther's doings. He has broken his oaths and abandoned his honor and so it is your duty to oppose him, though you are not strong enough to do so openly without being crushed. Your household must do many things. Offer refuge to those knights fleeing from Uther and build up your forces and your stockpiles. Provide relief to your people, who are beginning to suffer famine. Fight off raiders who are taking advantage of the weakened lands to prey upon the Kingdom. Seek out the aid of the fae, the druids, the church, and anyone else who will assist your efforts. Find Merlin and, if you're lucky, even Uther's rumored heir who could be positioned to succeed him.

As part of character creation, you'd also jointly define some specifics of your keep, the characteristics of your people and perhaps the characteristics of some other peoples if some of the characters are at the stronghold but come from elsewhere.

I realize this is a big shift, and again apologies for shuffling things up. I kind of forgot Dark Age existed and was trying to make Fellowship work as the best system I remembered while writing this up. I am much more excited to run this setup though and I do think it will be better!

[Potential 4. Insecure]

With the Annunaki in charge, no one can truly feel safe. But reading in the garden is the closest that Anathet can get. She had returned to her room and put away her Set costume in a portal for ease of access, and then simply gathered a handful of tablets. Some she kept for her own writing, some had short novels contained in them (she was really into the Hyperborea spin-off series where Jessamine, Esmeralda, and Kyouko had an unlikely team up), and one had her prize from the estate.

She tucked them into her sleeves and went out behind her little cottage to go and read in the moonlight. While one side of her little tea house had a clear view of the Seneschal's estate, on the back side, she had created a sand garden and behind that was a series of maple trees arranged in a neat grove. She had always loved the shape of the leaves and the way they turned colors during the seasons, and she loved the idea of building up a tranquil series of forest paths, so having the trees planted had been one of her first gardening decisions. It wasn't as fancy as the little rainbow falls she had crafted, but a maple grove with wandering paths set the mood of the place and allowed visitors (and the hostess) an option for tranquility and solace. She had begun planting various flowers around the bushes along with lines of hedges to better structure the experience, and one of the paths looped around to the uncovered area where the little stream and its waterfall garden was. Little steps to build up a nice space here. One that made her feel comfortable, and that pleased the Annunaki and their servants who visited. It was nice, at least, that they did appreciate her taste and she didn't have to do anything gaudy like some kind of huge sculpture of the winged cats they liked. They'd probably make her do a veil for it out of Azaleas, gods.

Evening visitors were exceptionally rare, especially at a time like this with such lockdown, and she wasn't sure whether Tia would be joining her or not after that little outburst, so she simply found a quiet spot at the base of a tree and set herself to reading.

It was not long before she was nearly quivering with excitement. Oh, this was so good. The Seneschal was in a bind, they could get anything out him. If they were careful, they might even embarrass him over it in a way that would make his rage afterwards impotent because they'd have even more blackmail material. It was probably too much to hope he could even be made into a permanent mole, but a girl could dream! At the least, they could use him to get access to, oh, maybe the Ab-Enkiji wing with its weapons and its anti-djinn laser. And perhaps she could get a hint of how to reach Tia, though that would be difficult without overplaying their hand. Ah, so many ideas, she was practically bouncing happily in her little spot by the tree, her robes rippling up and down with the motion. This was the best!
Hey all. I realized yesterday that I was struggling a bit with how the overall party was forming up (the main thing being that everyone was too disconnected in one way or another from Uther's kingdom). I chatted with a couple folks and we're going to run a bit of an experiment with Thanqol changing his character to one prepared for him to explore how he can play with being typecast.

For Stveje, I'd like to ask if we can start Nin's story with her already having explored the kingdom a bit. I think the game will flow better if the characters aren't completely new to the world they're exploring (and anyway the premise is that they all start the game knowing that Uther is a problem and they're the ones to stop him). I know you're not as familiar with the overall Arthurian setting, so here are a few ideas of ways that Nin might be connected to the bigger kingdom. Feel free to modify these or do something different, they're just for inspiration.

  • Nin was attacked by a wild beast/bandits/something when she was first traveling and rescued by a knight. The knight took Nin back to her keep to recover, and in gratitude, Nin did odd jobs for the family and returned there several times after her travels. She's seeing the fortunes of that family suffer under Uther and taken it on herself to stop him.
  • Nin has actually been traveling for a while and was inspired by a younger, healthier Uther and the beautiful kingdom that he had, perhaps even visiting Camelot and emulating some of the chivalry of his court. She's started to see changes though and hear dark things and is resolved to fix the problem.
  • Nin has been to several villages and loves the kind of simple life that many of the peasant farmers lead, so different from the frustration she's had with her own people. Maybe she even dreams of getting her own piece of land and settling down somewhere, eventually. But with the way things are going, she's worried about the villages she knows.
Tatters, the answer to your question is how much weight you want to be able to put behind that strength. You can say "my character is strong" and do strong character things, but if that's just part of the description, you don't have much backing if I tell you later that an NPC is stronger than Constance, or that she's not positioned to overcome a problem with strength. If you list a trait, it's more fixed, you get to mark it over damage and tell us how it protected you without narrative interference from anyone else. So if you want the last word on being able to say "I lift that boulder and heave it away" without anybody being able to contradict it, that's what the mechanical trait is for.

Also, answer the questions I asked you, Tatters. =P

Stveje, these are great, love the hidden castle. I kind of just want you to name the goat goddess Romme or Rom (as in the middle English for Ram). That description of their land and practices is very clearly Scotland, so they'll be from past the Northernmost part of the kingdom, and the castle will be a place of power there. I expect things are a bit more wild and chaotic in their homeland, but also less corrupted and dying than near Camelot.
[Potential 4. Insecure]

[Unleash powers: 6+2+3=11]

So it was a game of hide and go seek. Set could do that sort of trick even without portals. Perception was nothing but a trick of the mind, after all. She laughed silently to herself, nothing but the softest rustle of colorful skirts on stone. Or were they colorful? Her own aura was muted, her jewels seeming to suck up the light of her clothing until she melded into the stone around her, dancing through the library.

Oh Tia, Tia, at least you had the good graces to pick the Seneschal of Marduk's library for your foolishness. The only better place to play would have been a lab of one of the Ab-Enkiji, those mad scientists who didn't know half the forces they tampered with.

Set slipped from the statue where she had been crouched with Tia, circled the upper tier with her soft sandals no more than a whisper on the stone. The guards were pounding their loud boots, but they weren't here yet and her search wasn't long.

Let's see, let's see. Adumbrian star rod, seized in battle, useless for a disturbance because it would be either silent or the entire room would be alight with celestial fire. Zhianku anti-gravity orb, oh that one was a fake she could see the magnets embedded in the base, that was cute, wonder why the Seneschal had that out on display. Hmm, maybe the Annunaki mesh generator, presumably on display as some of the Seneschal's old gear in a past campaign. Hmm, no no that would have been more obvious, it would be confusing if they looked around the room and saw it now but not before when the psychic disturbance happened. Ah! Ah, there, a necklace of sapphires in a display case. Most of the guests probably thought this one decorative, but Anathet recognized a gem meant to trap psychic energy, the Zhianku had thousands of them. This wasn't in their style, but perhaps it was captured from another group? It didn't matter either way, this was absolutely perfect. She could make it seem like the psychic energy from Tia had been the first sign of the artifact malfunctioning. Pump in a little more energy, let it start feeding on the perceptions of people coming into the room, and they'd all think it was just some thing that had broken for one reason or another. If it got blamed on some hapless cleaning slave, she'd have to see about mounting a rescue later.

Set raises her own bracelet, lapis gemstone humming in harmony with the sapphires, and the lights in the room flicker and darken. Or maybe people only see them darken? In come the guards through the door where the statue had been, and Set's bracelet shines once with a bright flash, transferring its energy to the dormant necklace. Now count heartbeats with Set


She leaps from the balcony to the lower level, nothing but a shadow fading into all the other shadows. The suddenly much darker shadows. Marianne would love it here.


She circles again, the light linens cling to her thighs and outline her legs as she dashes, but nobody sees it because her whole energy is focused on suppressing her own aura. Nobody is looking at her, they're looking up at the flash of light that reached them later than it should have, as though it were swimming through water, not shining through air.


She's behind a shelf, bringing herself closer to the reading nobles than she managed before Tia had pushed her back. She's pressed up flat, nothing but a piece of the stonework herself, just one more in a long line of pointless trophies to an insatiable ego.


The room is bathed in darkness, but the lights haven't gone out. The guards are stumbling, pushing forward as though they're brushing thick foliage out of their way. It's nearly pitch black, just wait for it.


The glass case shatters, the energy that Anathet had embedded in the sapphires, that had sucked away the perception of everyone in the room bursts forth in a blazing light. Everyone is blind, the artifact has gone wild! A little ghost wearing rainbows runs past a central table and picks up a tablet dropped by an advisor to the Seneschal. She passes within a few feet of his face, but he never sees her.

Then it's out the lower doors and into the hallways as our little ghost bounds of the room. She needs only find some shadows and wait for her bracelet to finish its attunement and then she will be out and gone with none the wiser.
Rules note. We were discussing info moves, and as a house rule for making PBP flow better, we're going to experiment a bit with Look Closely and Speak Softly. Instead of getting a whole bunch of questions, treat them as one question. Just, any question whatever is fictionally appropriate. If you roll a 10+, you'll get a clear answer and maybe even info volunteered to let you know if something is amiss so you don't get sucker punched for not asking the right question. If you get a 7-9, you get some info that helps you move forward but you might find out the hard way or be in a tight spot. If you miss the move, they'll lie, refuse to answer, you'll misunderstand the situation, or some other similar kinda bad thing that drives the plot.
High King Uther Pendragon

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