Avatar of Andre Valias


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8 days ago
Current ‘I’d like to see a Colovian sky one last time before I die.’ – Bloodies-His-Face, when asked what he’d want to do before the end.
5 yrs ago
"Yeah I've been dancin' with the devil, I love that he pretends to care." MARINA, Forget
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5 yrs ago
"It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver." Machiavelli
8 yrs ago
"A true dragon knows no fear."
8 yrs ago
"Tell me something I can hold on to forever and never let go." - "Let go." Adaline Bowman and Ellis Jones, Age of Adaline


I need to be stopped.

My TES Archive, about a dozen Argonians live rent free in my head. Posts at least once every day at 6pm (AEDT): conversations, quotes, letters, excerpts.

Stops and Bloodies, my beloved

I've published an origin story for Bloodies, if it pleases you.

Most Recent Posts

A hand reached out and took up the glass that Evelyn had just placed down, charmingly raising the glass towards a familiar face as Lucius stepped out of the shadows he called friends.
"I hope you did not think to drink without me, my dear," Lucius said chidingly. He toasted his glass, before raising the rim to his lips to sup from the fine wine. He smiled when he recognized the bouquet and taste, and lowered his glass to peer at the bottle, the label turned away from his eyes towards Evelyn. "You have excellent taste, mademoiselle. This is Rendair Brothers Vintage 445, no?" Lucius guessed, making slight small talk for the bare moment as he reminisced about good wine. He chuckled softly. "Wine is a lucrative and enjoyable business blessed with patience. I happen to own Shadowcrest Vineyards in Greymont. Perhaps another time, I may treat you and our liege to a bottle." Lucius explained as he leaned on the back of the velvet chair.

He then smiled.
"But I do not intend to bore you and waste time with such irrelevancies. I am here to assist you in planning the heist, and my intelligence is at your disposal, mi'lady." Lucius noted, taking a seat in the velvet chair opposite of Evelyn. He sipped once more from his cup before holding it aloft in his hand, watching Evelyn and listening attentively.
Estylwen said
And the fun continues with the GM's new post. :3 Finally gonna get some scheming done with Garthois, yay~

Don't keep me waiting, darling poppet. c:
Evelyn flashed a sincere smile to DuRant.
"How insightful. I would wish for nothing more, Your Majesty."
She replied. Damien chuckled and continued to finish his drink, letting the level of wine wane in the confines of his cup. When he had finally reached the bare emptiness of his cup, Evelyn bowed her head from Damien's eyes. "It's been a most lovely evening, hasn't it, Sire?" She remarked. Damien smiled and nodded.
"It has. You may be off. I'll conclude this court gathering soon enough." Damien noted, giving her leave to go.

Once Evelyn was off, Damien held his position gazing over the courtiers in their many, useless scum and pretty pieces in appearance or use alike. Damien had selected his courtiers carefully, and kept nobody from the old court of DuFairre, spare Evelyn. Everyone in his court now was either an important piece in his plan, or an expendable pawn to be used when he saw fit. And pawns were aplenty for him to utilize to the fullest extent of their mere existence. The important pieces were fewer in number, but Damien knew them, and he knew them well. And on the other hand, there were those he kept in court purely for purposes of admiration and entertainment, such as the lovely songstress.

Yes... That songstress bears such a face so beautiful and plays so lovely a melody that even angels would hold jealousy for her favour. Damien wondered. But she is an enigma... An enigma wrapped in mystery and cloaked in darkness. She could be as dangerous and deadly as she is graceful. Damien began to think as his eyes narrowed. I will have to ask Evelyn and Lucius to gather information on the Lady Valois. I must know if she will be an important piece I can... Utilize... He thought. He continued to think and watch the court as they socialized, waiting for time to pass until the hour of sleep came.


"Then I will have to manage that in my own time, for I am rather spent for tonight." Mirabelle replied. "I thank you for your concern, my lord, but I am afraid I am still intent on getting a good night's rest earlier rather than later." Mirabelle went on. Lucius raised an eyebrow in curiosity, but said nothing of it. Mirabelle then took a lady-like curtsey.
"Now, if you will excuse me..." She finished. Lucius nodded and waved with a chuckle.
"As you wish. Another time then, perhaps." Lucius remarked, before she turned away and headed towards her bedroom chamber. Lucius turned away and walked a few steps, and then stopped when heard the door shut. His charming smile then faded as he then made his way to Evelyn's dwelling, darting through any shortcut he could use.
Psst... Not to alarm you at all, @Supremacy Kills... Buuuut...

You can post now...
Skype said The DuRant Court Royale
Dominion | Title | Name

Arthroyeaux | Marquis | Traven Menneres
Bellereaux | Baron | Armand Marcel (x)
Bellereaux | Baron | Edmond Marcel
Artois | Baron | Louis Artois (x)
Artois | Baron | Bernard Rufon
Marceilles | Baron | Phillip Agravaine
Greymont | Baron | Gaston Mercais (x)
Greymont | Baron | Lucius Garthois
Mistchapelle | Baron | Markal Gristelle
Prais | Baron | Ronaldo Bertreaux (x)
Prais | Baron | Christophe Esclair
Trais | Baron | Frederick Bertreaux (x)
Trais | Baron | Aaron Valieaux
Delois | Baron | Michelangelo Delois
Ruvare | Baron | Derek DuRant
Enjoy, all the names of the Barons and their respective cities.
(x) = Barons who have been removed during DuRant's rule.

[9/07/2014 11:03:18 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Right, I can briefly detail each one that has been replaced.
[9/07/2014 11:03:33 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Edmond is Armand's asshole of a brother.
[9/07/2014 11:03:51 PM | Edited 11:03:53 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: He's kinda like Edmund from Stronghold 2. Prissy little bastard of a noble.
[9/07/2014 11:04:29 PM | Edited 11:04:31 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Lucius is, well. Lucius. Of course, DuRant had a hand in Gaston's removal which lead to a rigged election of Lucius becoming Baron of Greymont.
[9/07/2014 11:05:04 PM | Edited 11:06:29 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Ronaldo and Frederick Bertreaux were Chevalier Bannerets who served alongside Phillip and Damien. Ronaldo was killed in a hunting accident, while Frederick was killed by savages on the Valorfell border.
[9/07/2014 11:07:32 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Christophe Esclair is a merchant replacement, and he actually heads part of the Thieves Guild there, while Aaron Valieaux is a loyal dog to DuRant who watches the Valorfellan border and the trade route through the plains
[9/07/2014 11:08:38 PM | Edited 11:08:48 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Michelangelo Delois is one of the few who still remain from the DuFairre Court Royale. He has only kept his seat because he is neutral in everything. After all, Delois is actually a fair away from the rest of the population. Delois keeps to himself and is loyal to his city and people.
[9/07/2014 11:09:55 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Derek DuRant is Damien's replacement for Ruvare. Damien actually divorced his wife but kept his son in nobility when he ascended to the throne. His son has a bit of resentment to him, but is kinda loyal because of the place he has been given.
[9/07/2014 11:10:05 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Did I cover everyone?
[9/07/2014 11:10:42 PM] Supremacy Kills: You forgot Louis Artois, Bernard Rufon, Traven Menneres and Markal Gristelle.
[9/07/2014 11:10:47 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Oh right.
[9/07/2014 11:12:16 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Louis Artois was the baron of Artois before Bernard, and was one of the few outspoken against the outrageous taxes. (The others were the Berteaux Brothers, Armand Marcel, and Gaston Mercais.)
[9/07/2014 11:13:51 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Louis was murdered when an Argonian servant poisoned his drink, and that also sparked an outcry in Artois (which has a large Argonian population compared to the rest of Ravenfell's settlements)
[9/07/2014 11:13:58 PM] Xiga: Interesting
[9/07/2014 11:14:31 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: His replacement, Bernard Rufon is a fat bastard who actually runs the Argonian Slave Trade and heads the Argonian Slavers in Ravenfell.
[9/07/2014 11:16:14 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: Traven Menneres was the elected Marquis after the Raven Crown War, when your character Phillip was nominated and proved to be the best candidate for the job, but rejected the title politely. Traven was a fair governor of Arthroyeaux and used to be the Baron of Mistchapelle before Markal Gristelle.
[9/07/2014 11:17:16 PM | Edited 11:17:27 PM] Andre 'Abaddy' Valias: As for Markal Gristelle, he is a mysterious nobleman who was elected Baron of Mistchapelle when Traven became Marquis. He is rumoured to practice dark arts and necromancy, but this is unproven speculation by the citizens of Mistchapelle.
Approved, Devlin is good to go whenever you like.
@Estylwen: I won't really be able to post for a while. Can we talk about it sometime?
I'm going to be busy over then next week doing study and finishing assignments (Hopefully), so we might be taking a short break from this. I also do have exams coming up, so I'll keep you posted on how much I can look after this Roleplay.
Sarpedon said
I get two paragraphs. I can't even do anything with that derek. fuck's wrong with you?

You can do what you're best known for. Rage. :'3
Damien watched the insignificant court that congregated before him, fist resting against cheek as he continued to swivel his cup and ponder his plan, his grand design of executing his colossal ambitions that only he knew truly of. Evelyn herself was curious about the manners of the King.
"Your Majesty, I pray I'm not too bold when I say your kingdom flourishes; the people love their King. The Guild operates in the shadows, money abounds, and the nobles freely indulge in their ignorance. I find it hard to blame luck for all this good fortune.” She began, and Damien chuckled before letting her go on. “What, I wonder, is the great King DuRant's secret?" Damien glanced at her with a smirk, liking the feeling of being referred to as great, regardless of whether or not Evelyn was sincere or sarcastic. It mattered not, because Damien knew in his mind that he was great.

He then glanced back over the court as he lowered his hand to the arm of his throne.
“Patience, my dear. Patience.” Damien replied simply. “Ambition is a curse if you are not able to take the time, to bide time, and wait for plans to unfold and set themselves in motion.” Damien explained with a smile. “I had to be patient whilst this stage of the plan was being set up and prepared for the climax of the act. And I must be ever more patient still, for I promise you that this plan—This grand design of mine is yet to be even halfway fulfilled.” Damien elaborated for Evelyn.

He chuckled.
“It will not hurt to tell you that you and Lucius will both see the glorious result of all this work we do now.” Damien hinted, before taking a drink from his cup. “Both of you will remain my loyal hands and aides in the grand design I intend to bring to fruition, and I daresay history will remember us across the eras to come.” He explained to her. He then looked at her with the same slight smile he had before. “Have patience, and so too will history have patience with our ruling legacy.” Damien surmised.


The fair maiden tilted her head slightly as she bestowed her hand upon Lucius' own out of courtesy.
"A pleasure to meet you, mi'lord. I am Mirabelle Valois, songstress and newest addition to his Majesty's court. Charmed." She introduced herself in return, sounding humble and modest in her words and countenance. Lucius kept note of it.
“Likewise.” Lucius replied.
"If you don't mind me being so bold, mi'lord, may I ask why his lordship pursues me in spite of any of the other fair courtiers?" Mirabelle asked with a tone of wonder.

Lucius chuckled as he stood to his feet.
“You intrigue me, mi’lady. Your voice was haunting in melody, and-- forgive me for being bold, but I also could not help but notice you did not wish to mingle with the others in court.” Lucius noted. His brow then furrowed in curiosity. “I wondered why that is. Becoming notable in court is so necessary that song alone will not do justice to your favour.” Lucius added.


When Tikki held it up, the blade groaned happily, like someone who hadn't stretched in a very long time.
"Yes!" the blade shouted, "Free again! Glorious freedom!" it paused for a moment, and Tikki smiled nervously. "Swing me!" the sword then demanded, "Swing me, and I'll show you what I can do for you!" the weapon did its best to sound inspiring as it demanded to be swung.

Tikki was about to object, but then the sword went on quickly.
"Let's go slaughter your enemies!" it added enthusiastically, "I'll cut bloody swathes through any that oppose you! I'll carve a channel of gore and destruction through any obstacle! Ye who wields the Black Wrath, rules the world!" It announced whole-heartedly. Tikki lowered the sword and dug the point firmly into the ground with a frown.
“Pipe down, you! You’re too excited for your own good…!” Tikki scolded the blade. She then sighed. Gods… Tikki, what did you get yourself into? She asked herself.
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