Sorry all. Recovering from a shoulder injury so can't type very well ATM.
2 yrs ago
Power Rangers MXF 1x1 anyone?
2 yrs ago
New Wow expansion is out, expect posting to be slower this week XD
2 yrs ago
Jason David Frank, my first ever childhood crush. I will miss you. Such an inspiration to so many of us 90s kids. </3
2 yrs ago
You don't eat, Lord Wraith???
~Angel Vicky~
Been a member of the old Roleplayer Guild since 2012 - I tend to do more Advanced. My favourite lore is Angelic (you probably couldnt tell by my name!), medieval, Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt and Norse mythology. My fave writing genre is sci-fi and fantasy but I like drama, comedy, suspense and angst with a bit of romance thrown in!
I tend to do only 1x1 rps nowadays as they are less chaotic with less people, as they say "too many cooks around the pot". Here is my current interest check.
My Hobbies include: roleplaying (obviously!), astronomy, writing poetry, dance electronica music and raving, pets, video gaming, cosplaying.
A new plot available for all you dragon lovers out there!
(Based on the novel The War God’s Favourite) MC is a slave who is no stranger to pain and misery. So when she is thrown to the dragons in the arena as a tribute to the six Princes of the Dragon Empire, she welcomes death. However, YC, the 3rd Prince’s dragon does not kill her, instead becoming entranced by her. The Prince notices this and her outstanding natural beauty (for a slave). He decides to let her live and claims her as his own slave. The Prince is known for his cruelty and merciless bloodthirst in battle, he is the best dragon tamer in the land, he is assumed gay by his brethren as he has never shown interest in a woman. Until now. Is he as really as cruel as they say? He is yours to command! As is his black dragon steed. Also willing to switch roles as a Dragon Princess and a male dragon whisperer.
[center][color=f49ac2][h1][i]~Angel Vicky~[/i][/h1][/color]
Been a member of the old Roleplayer Guild since 2012 - I tend to do more Advanced. My favourite lore is Angelic (you probably couldnt tell by my name!), medieval, Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt and Norse mythology. My fave writing genre is sci-fi and fantasy but I like drama, comedy, suspense and angst with a bit of romance thrown in!
I tend to do only 1x1 rps nowadays as they are less chaotic with less people, as they say "too many cooks around the pot". Here is my current [url=]interest check[/url].
My Hobbies include: roleplaying (obviously!), astronomy, writing poetry, dance electronica music and raving, pets, video gaming, cosplaying.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><font color="#f49ac2"><div class="bb-h1"><span class="bb-i">~Angel Vicky~</span></div></font><br><img src="" /></div><br><br>Been a member of the old Roleplayer Guild since 2012 - I tend to do more Advanced. My favourite lore is Angelic (you probably couldnt tell by my name!), medieval, Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt and Norse mythology. My fave writing genre is sci-fi and fantasy but I like drama, comedy, suspense and angst with a bit of romance thrown in! <br><br>I tend to do only 1x1 rps nowadays as they are less chaotic with less people, as they say "too many cooks around the pot". Here is my current <a href="">interest check</a>.<br><br>My Hobbies include: roleplaying (obviously!), astronomy, writing poetry, dance electronica music and raving, pets, video gaming, cosplaying.<br></div>