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    1. annalynne_d 10 yrs ago


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Ooooh yay Present!
So any news on whats going on?
So I can get back on via my phone I found. Let's hope this isn't a one time thing. But I'm around :)
Merry Christmahanakwanza!
I am back :) sorta kinda. So so so sorry for the delay. So I moved, and all was successful, sorta. I'm staying at a friends house, who has no internet, and I have no computer. Aaaaaaannnd, since I don't have access to wifi, using the 4g on my phone past my data limit, I'm not getting the website up on my phone. Keeps giving me the stupid 502 error. I did post on the fb page, and someone said they were gonna try to get in touch with you guys, so I'm extremely grateful for that. I just figured I'd let you know that while I am sapping off the neighbors wifi on a newly acquired laptop, I can hop on to post every once in a while. With the holidays just around the corner and getting settled still in front line of things to do I may not be on so often, but I will try my hardest. So anywho, this intention of just poking my head in has turned into a large blurb of babbling, I'll sign off here. Happy posting! :D
ok. So I just really wanted to apologize. The move went all great, but I don't have my computer, I'm staying at a friends house with no internet, so I've been using my phone. Aaaaaand for some reason, the website won't come up on my phone when it used to work perfectly fine. I seriously thought until yesterday that the site was just down again. Right now, I'm snagging someone's wifi, but I just wanted to let ya all know. So we're thinking about a reboot? I'm up for whatever everyone else is up for.
juuuuuuust to let you know how my schedule's gonna go the next 3 days ... I just got home from work :p and will be pulling an all nighter I suppose. Baking pies and packing, then Thanksgiving dinner at my parents house, when I get home, some more packing and sleep. Then tomorrow. Packing packing and more packing, along with last minute errands. I might possibly get a chance to post something, or at the very least, poke my head onto the forums for a bit, but if not, you probably won't hear from me until Monday. Saturday morning we leave, and I'll be on the road probably about until Sunday afternoon.
She cackles softly, and cannot help but grin. "It was not a challenge, but I'd be honored to see first hand your combat skills.” she dipped her head slightly in appreciation of the gesture. “And on the earlier note, as I said, you know how things should be. You operate on a basis of honor, and you prefer it when things are done just like that, just as I said." she chortles softly. As far as my query, which I suppose wasn't really meant to be answered, your story more or less mirrors my own, though you had the opportunity to be trained, a professional warrior ... I on the other hand, well, the choices I made gave me no such wonders.”

“As rumors went, I was the bastard child of an Elven priestess and her human lover. Why they decided to discard me, I haven’t the slightest idea other than the world is a cold and cruel place.” Her voice grew slightly colder, but there was a distant look in her eyes, she pulled a small locket out from under her shirt and idly fiddled with it as she spoke. Reminiscing over the past wasn't a particularly favored past time. “Where I grew up, I had no one on my side, especially not the priests or paladins who I often disappointed. But I suppose it had its perks at times. While living with your back pressed up against the wall often left you stiff, awkward and lonely, you never had to worry about someone stabbing it, or whether or not someone would have it in your time of need.” Her posture stiffened slightly, finally letting go of the locket dangling around her neck, she dug her hands into the pockets of her vesture and shrugged softly.

“Sometimes, I’d just like to stab fate in the eyes” her lips curl into a small smirk, humor once more curbing the depressing story of her past, “having just gotten used to the solace of solitude, and here comes destiny, sweeping in with someone I just ‘have’ to meet” she chortles softly, side glancing in his direction.
ROFL ... that was great to read Ginger. Ahh, it's been a few hectic days, and even more hectic ones to come with Thanksgiving right around the corner and then my move date right after that. AAARRRGGG, I'm never going to get all packed in time. Time for some all nighters. ugh
“I never said I was from here, and as far as ‘here’ goes, I haven’t had any issues. Even met a nice elven woman earlier.” she interjected briefly, her voice trailing off as he continued.

"But how do you see me?" It was put to her as a test and Corvus made no attempts to hide that. "If I can see right through you, I wonder if you can do the same to me. Perhaps we are just open people, or know each other particularly well. Tell me what you think of me."

She scrunched her nose at the question posed. “You seem to be a bit of a perfectionist, though that may be a bit strong of a word, but that's what makes you come off as pompous. You know how things should be, perhaps, but you like when things are that certain way, and that is that. While you may not show it, I can see in your eyes that you've known loss. Whether it was a big deal to you or not, your past is not without some … broken pieces. In ‘that’, you and I are similar. You’re smart enough to access a situation before diving head in on impulse. You’re careful, calculating, knowledgeable, educated, sounds like from experience as well as formal training. From the looks of you, you’re well traveled, and not a stranger to battle. Though I haven’t seen you in combat, I’d hope that you’re not all talk and that you actually know what you’re doing. But you also seem to either enjoy the sound of your own voice, and or giving unsolicited advice, passing on your wisdom.” She ended with a flourish wave of her hands. There was a sense of sass and wit in her words, but all in all they were genuine, and this was just her. “I didn't play a bad hand, perhaps I overplayed my hand at first, but I knew enough to muck it in and just shut up and follow. So I’d like to think that while I am impulsive and impatient at times, I am smart enough in dire times, to avoid death. I am an amateur, and I do have a lot to learn. But life, being what it has been, has forced me to learn as I go. You ever think that maybe you had a head start, or traveled a slightly different or better path?” With this, she lifted a brow, peeking out at him from under her hood.

At this point she was walking side by side with him, keeping pace. “I was being slightly sarcastic when I said that you see right through me. However, you were right with a lot of things. Perhaps we are very open, or maybe it is that we know each other particularly well. You do remind me a lot of someone I knew once. But I also know that what each of us has seen is only a part of the whole. We each can get better, can be more, but at the same time, what we've presented, what we've both seen was not our best. For one, I have yet to see you use that thing” she pointed to his sword, “other than to threaten me or … pursue your quest of questioning me until I yielded to your superiority” she chortles softly, humor being her shield, her words coated with a thin layer of sarcasm.
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