Name: Erika Olsen
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Erika is laidback and loves a good prank, though despite her fun loving attitude, Erika can be apathetic and at times uncaring even to close friends. Erika is often stuck in her head, just thinking for hours on end, she contemplates the world and the things within, philosophizing. She sees herself as a social experiment and takes note of the things she does voluntarily versus the involuntary reactions that she may have.
Biography: Erika wanted to test herself and see how far is she truly willing to go for others. Like everything else in her life, she sees it as a test wondering if she will help people out of sheer feelings or just because of more beneficial reasons.
School of Magic: Invigoration
Magic: Healing (Can heal external injuries, deep burns, broken bones, and minor organ damage.)
Spell focus: A brooch that she wears around her neck as a choker
She loves eating pasta
Carries around a lucky coin
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Personality: Erika is laidback and loves a good prank, though despite her fun loving attitude, Erika can be apathetic and at times uncaring even to close friends. Erika is often stuck in her head, just thinking for hours on end, she contemplates the world and the things within, philosophizing. She sees herself as a social experiment and takes note of the things she does voluntarily versus the involuntary reactions that she may have.
Biography: Erika wanted to test herself and see how far is she truly willing to go for others. Like everything else in her life, she sees it as a test wondering if she will help people out of sheer feelings or just because of more beneficial reasons.
School of Magic: Invigoration
Magic: Healing (Can heal external injuries, deep burns, broken bones, and minor organ damage.)
Spell focus: A brooch that she wears around her neck as a choker
She loves eating pasta
Carries around a lucky coin