I upgraded my daily dose of hairwash consumption from 0.1dl to 0.2dl to build up my chemical tolerance
1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
I upgraded my daily dose of hairwash consumption from 0.1dl to 0.2dl to build up my chemical tolerance
< About me >
TIMEZONE: GMT +1 23 years old About me section Role-playing type: Semi-Lit. 3rd person Experience: Amino and geeking / 5 years in total Preferred genres: realism, dystopia, horror, cosmic horror, zombies, slice of life, mistery, crime and thrillers Disliked genres: Fantasy (illogical magic systems), soft/hardcore smut, fairy tales, fables, fandom fiction
I am available on weekends mostly, but I do respond during work days as well, I'm relatively consistent.(I'm not. I can get obsessive and wait next to my PC for hours, but if I burnout I'll have to take a break.) I am a lad, not a lass. Might ghost you due to work on rare occasions. I will tell you beforehand so we can discuss when it is a good time to catch up and continue the RP
General info: Fav genres: apocalypse, dystopia, thriller, human drama, horror, sci-fi, zombie, cyberpunk, Eldrich horror, mistery, analog horror
Fav movies: Alien, John Carpenter's: The thing, 28 days later, Dawn of the Dead (2004), The mist: Stephen King, The shinning: Stephen King, Blair witch (original)
Fav games: Project Zomboid, Hotline Miami, Alien: Isolation, Ultrakill, Team Fortress 2, Dying Light, All Metro games, RE7, Papers Please
Fav webseries: Mandela Catalogue, Local 58, Gemini home entertainment, the backrooms (original rendition), Tangi virus, Vita Carnis, Mistery flesh pit
Fav books: S.K. The shinning, Rabies, Orwell's: 1984
< About me >
23 years old
About me section
[u][b][color=fff200]Role-playing type:[/color][/b][/u] Semi-Lit. 3rd person
[b][u][color=0072bc]Experience:[/color][/u][/b] Amino and geeking / 5 years in total
[b][u][color=39b54a]Preferred genres:[/color][/u][/b] realism, dystopia, horror, cosmic horror, zombies, slice of life, mistery, crime and thrillers
[color=ed1c24][b][u]Disliked genres:[/u][/b][/color] Fantasy (illogical magic systems), soft/hardcore smut, fairy tales, fables, fandom fiction
I am available on weekends mostly, but I do respond during work days as well, I'm relatively consistent.(I'm not. I can get obsessive and wait next to my PC for hours, but if I burnout I'll have to take a break.)
I am a lad, not a lass.
Might ghost you due to work on rare occasions. I will tell you beforehand so we can discuss when it is a good time to catch up and continue the RP
[color=fff200][u][b]General info:[/b][/u][/color]
Fav genres: apocalypse, dystopia, thriller, human drama, horror, sci-fi, zombie, cyberpunk, Eldrich horror, mistery, analog horror
Fav movies: Alien, John Carpenter's: The thing, 28 days later, Dawn of the Dead (2004), The mist: Stephen King, The shinning: Stephen King, Blair witch (original)
Fav games: Project Zomboid, Hotline Miami, Alien: Isolation, Ultrakill, Team Fortress 2, Dying Light, All Metro games, RE7, Papers Please
Fav webseries: Mandela Catalogue, Local 58, Gemini home entertainment, the backrooms (original rendition), Tangi virus, Vita Carnis, Mistery flesh pit
Fav books: S.K. The shinning, Rabies, Orwell's: 1984
Fav animal: Dog
Fav color: green
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">< About me ><br><br>TIMEZONE: GMT +1<br>23 years old<br>About me section<br><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff200">Role-playing type:</font></span></span> Semi-Lit. 3rd person<br><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u"><font color="#0072bc">Experience:</font></span></span> Amino and geeking / 5 years in total<br><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u"><font color="#39b54a">Preferred genres:</font></span></span> realism, dystopia, horror, cosmic horror, zombies, slice of life, mistery, crime and thrillers<br><font color="#ed1c24"><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u">Disliked genres:</span></span></font> Fantasy (illogical magic systems), soft/hardcore smut, fairy tales, fables, fandom fiction<br><br>I am available on weekends mostly, but I do respond during work days as well, I'm relatively consistent.(I'm not. I can get obsessive and wait next to my PC for hours, but if I burnout I'll have to take a break.)<br>I am a lad, not a lass.<br>Might ghost you due to work on rare occasions. I will tell you beforehand so we can discuss when it is a good time to catch up and continue the RP<br><br><font color="#fff200"><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b">General info:</span></span></font><br>Fav genres: apocalypse, dystopia, thriller, human drama, horror, sci-fi, zombie, cyberpunk, Eldrich horror, mistery, analog horror<br><br>Fav movies: Alien, John Carpenter's: The thing, 28 days later, Dawn of the Dead (2004), The mist: Stephen King, The shinning: Stephen King, Blair witch (original)<br><br>Fav games: Project Zomboid, Hotline Miami, Alien: Isolation, Ultrakill, Team Fortress 2, Dying Light, All Metro games, RE7, Papers Please<br><br>Fav webseries: Mandela Catalogue, Local 58, Gemini home entertainment, the backrooms (original rendition), Tangi virus, Vita Carnis, Mistery flesh pit<br><br>Fav books: S.K. The shinning, Rabies, Orwell's: 1984<br><br>Fav animal: Dog<br><br>Fav color: green<br></div>