Avatar of ArcerianGSD
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4 (0.00 / day)
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    1. ArcerianGSD 8 yrs ago


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I'm and curious and strange to some but likable to most. I love animals and online Role Play. That's about all you need to know for now. ^^

Tata <3

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Definitly interested and I will make a character sheet soon. After reading everything I might make something a little different than I originally intended when reading the interest check, I will also probably read the whole thing again before I post my application just to make sure I have a thorough understanding of the information you've provided. ^^
If there aren't to many people already I would like to join in as well ^^

After skimming through most of the comments I thought I might go with some kind of shape shifter, perhaps a sort of cross between mystique from X-Men and Beast Boy from Teen Titans.
@POOHEAD189 Thank you! It's a pleasure to meet you as well. ^^ I truly hope I do get to enjoy myself, I wandered through the site for a while before signing up and so far I enjoy what I'm seeing. I'm glad that there is a variety to choose from also, maybe we'll end up in a Role Play together some time. I think I would enjoy that. ^^
Well I suppose I aught to begin with saying hello to everyone that I hope will become my new Role Play Family so here it goes.

Hello! Greetings! Well Wishes to all of you who walk the earth with me. ^^

I am ArcerianGSD, originally ArcerianShepherd but that was too long to fit in the username requirements. Arcerian is a book quote reference to Kaelas the White Death and if you understand that please PM me or comment because few share my adoration for that wonderful world and all its semi-dark literature. GSD is an abbreviation of the name German Shepherd Dog which is my favorite of all breeds, but I am bias for I am a German Shepherd Momma. I am a young adult and not new to the world of online Role Play, unfortunately the site I previously used seems to be slowly fading away member by member so I have gone in search of a new site where I can write stories with others, share in new worlds, see through new eyes, discover new perspectives, and all that fun jazz. ^^

I have a part time job and will be starting college in the fall so you will probably find that the times I am online are frequent but fleeting. My opinions can be strong but I always try to be civil and respect the beliefs of others even if they are not my own. I am curious and ask many questions, I adore Role Plays that are buried deep in lore and run rich with detailed information. I try to write long and elaborate, this is often both a strength and a weakness for some less creative minds have had issue following my trail of details to a conclusive point. I do my best to build a world around my character when I speak, to let the reader know what the character thinks without giving all of their minds away to the other characters.

I crave fantasy, adore science fiction, amuse myself with random fandoms, and bury myself in the tender romances that so often spark between fictional characters. Animals are my greatest weakness in life and in fiction; if I can have one, change into one, speak with one, or in any way tie my character to one or more then I probably will. It is a part of myself that I always end up putting into my character sheets.

I truly hope that I can make some new friends and will be interested enough to stay long so that I might become an old friend, reliable and likable.

Until next time then I shall leave you a gift, Welcome Cake!

That's also a reference by the way but not one everyone would get haha, either way feel free to help yourself to the cake! ^^

Farewell for now!
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