Avatar of Arclite
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Arclite
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 61 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Arclite 11 yrs ago


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The girls gaze seemed as persistent as his stomach that continued to growl. Rosalie was acting as if she had seen the world and now demanded confirmation on what she saw. That is when the girl started to deem questions that needed answers and demanded that she should know all of what was coming. How was he supposed to know!?
"Hah, Mistress I have little knowledge of what's to come but I can assure you… whatever does venture forth from the horizon will answer to me far before they seek you out. I am your servant and protector, even during the moons gaze and within your dreams, I shall keep you safe… Besides, what is it yer after? Knowledge of the threats that surround you? I have spoken naught but truth of the dark arts of what you call magic, if that be what yer after? I will say it again. There are things in this realm that go bump in the night, These are the things your kind nay should ever mettle in.” Taking a moment, Gore had to stop and think about what he was about to tell his owner. After a moment, he continued despite the serious tone his voice had. “There is something within the dark art they wield. I can feel it with each passing battle... That is why when we first met, I had set you down. The ignorant humans who sought my capture used such foul incantations to claim me. Whatever lies within the darkness that they wield? The words I hold now or ever are not enough to describe it, but what I will say is this… It feeds off from them with sadism and it cares little for the balance of the realm. I felt it the moment it wrapped itself around me and my brothers and sisters… that hunger was far greater than any I have encountered before…" Feeling he answered as much as he could about the oncoming threats, he simply nodded and went back to preparing breakfast.
The second she mentioned heads up, Gore looked up, blinking. "I see nothing… what is this heads up you speak of? Should I collect heads for you? Do you wish me to bring you the heads of future hunts or of those who seek harm upon you?" With another blink, Gore tilted his head at his owner with up-most confusion. Being a few centuries behind was hindering him and he wasn't familiar with any newer terms or phrases.
"A warning eh, lass?? Forgive me, Mistress but have I not been quite adept in my venture of keeping you from harm? Often I warn you when things are coming. This time? I held reason behind my pause. I hold true to the fact that we overcame such ordeals in fine form despite my pause. Though when the next enemy descends upon us, you will know in advance that someone is near. Besides, had I not given you warning over the man with the feminine hair?" Asked Gore with a smile that showed a fang. The Blood Dragon was trying to make light of how he felt inside and yet… The sorrow in his eyes was evident. Watching her when she spoke of something else, but didn't finish? Made the ancient Dragon wonder just what she was thinking as well. Every act that they have shown this very day had mirrored one another. Their feelings over the dream and how they both felt afterward.

Though one thing he hadn’t expected from her was any concern over his wellbeing.
“That man…Oh aye, that is true that ye have ever met such a lad. He was one of the two that came for me. Dispatched by the Order to take me in with their wretched spells. When they captured me, they called him Aisen, and his partner Delna. He took exception to the way I killed her, even if he should have never let his guard down around his prey. You would expect hunters to know the hunt, eh?” Said Gore with a darker tone, shaking his head. “Though, he had yet to achieve such power… I believe he is sacrificing himself to wield greater magics… clearly a child whom heeded none of my warning.” Gore said with a scoff, clearly taken back by the man’s persistence in revenge.

While she tended to his wounds, Gore merely chuckled at what she brought up.
“Have you ever held word over fire and hearth with any of my kin? Nay the new breeds, I speak from the older generation… Brainwashed children can nary a thought passed what a human wants.” The Blood Dragon continued to stare ahead as if he didn’t feel anything, though how tense he was betrayed his intention.
“I live to serve you, mistress.” Said the Dragon as if that were rehearsed a million times. His tone holding a bit of disdain for whatever fed him such a thing to say. His disdain filled glance however quickly faded when her owing him came up, making him blink dumbfoundedly. Did she seriously just say that?...
“You owe nothing, everything I have done and will continue to do until your last breath, will be for you, lass. Though nay can I ever say it shall be with ease in which you live. You are the first owner of me in centuries, and that comes with a list of problems all amongst themselves.”
Watching her pack up the kit and continue to speak, his eyes went from curious to one of deep concentration and hesitation. What should he say to her? His life was meant for a Dragons eyes, not a human! Yet… if he were to tell her, would she understand? As far as owners go, she was most unusual…
“Ye tell them thus; You and I were attacked and it has been handled, aye?... As for what you saw--” Feeling her hand on his shoulder made him look into her eyes before continuing. “I feel uncomfortable.. telling you much of the events that took place, but I shall give some context, aye?” Taking a deep breath, Gore looked down to try and figure out what he wanted to say.
“As moons pass over the skies, much the same has happened in our cultures. Those Dragons were what you would call a council, to guide me and my brothers to a greater tomorrow… only I disagreed with what they were saying. This caused a ripple amongst brother and sister, and thus the Gathering had begun. One of those Dragons that were reigning over me was…” He trailed off, shaking his head with a growl.
“Hah, thinking back to it now? That is most likely why my kin are now servants. In the weakened state we were, how could we foresee what was unfolding?” When she brought up the blue dragon, Gore’s eyes fell from hers, clenching his fist.
“...Is it so shocking that I actually loved another? Your stories must paint me in quite a light….” Gore said in a very pained voice, though not because of how she saw him. “He… was innocent. He strived to save our peoples, and what did they do?... What did I do… I failed to save him…” Gore was shaking before going to his pans and cooking. He didn’t say a word as he set her plate down, nodding to her when she mentioned that he could go hunt. His mood immediately lifted when she said yes.

“Aye, I had planned to stick to the woodland area around your hearth… Thank you mistress.” He said, quickly heading toward the door with a haste. His hunger must’ve been great.
As he opened the door, he chuckled. “You bought the Blood Dragon, trouble is in my title.. As for what was taught? Aye, though history is always written by the victor.” With that, he walked out. The windows nearby could see a large wing unfurl, followed by the faint noise of his take off. Flying over the closest woodland area, Gore had noticed a large hound that seemed blood ridden. Its skin was leathery and its eyes were blood red. It may have been smaller than half his own size, but it would do nicely.
Smirking, Gore landed with a thud, huffing at it before lowering himself into an attack position, running at it as it ran at him, leaping up onto Gores neck, biting it hard.

Mr. Clearwater took a minute, thinking over what she said about how she wanted to find her father.
“I understand you want to find your father, it’s a shame that he isn’t here… but that doesn’t excuse bringing a monster into our home, Rosalie. You don’t need to replace my gun, Make him work it off… it was his fault anyway!” When Rosalie spoke further, his gaze turned a bit cold. “You sound like a sympathizer, He’s nothing but a tool and you’d be foolish to turn your back on him. You’re right he hasn’t done anything yet but that Dragon? That particular one? Has killed more people than the days you’ve been alive. A sea of bodies would be an underestimate and… I do want you to find Setton, I just think that trusting that thing? Is a mistake on your part…” Mr. Clearwater got up to get some coffee, trying to calm himself down. “You can keep him for now, Rosalie. Find your father… I don’t want you to be left wondering, just… Promise to be careful around it… and careful, you’re starting to sound like a sympathizer to them which is far more dangerous in public. They are nothing and will always be nothing. That’s the way of it.” Mr. Clearwater then left to go back to his room, leaving her in silence.

The houndlike monster was quick, jumping from place to place, biting at every point he could on the Blood Dragon, only to be thrown off by his tail with each attempt. Gore circled around the hound, letting it play out until finally when the hound jumped at his wing and actually cut into it, Gore slapped the beast down with a claw, biting into his side. The dragon’s massive jaws wrapped around the body of the hound, blasting it with fire, managing to cook the inside while the thing was still alive. Dropping the now roasted hound, Gore sunk his teeth into it, feasting on it.
Several minutes went by until the Blood Dragon lifted his head, staring in a random direction. Meat fell from his mouth as a low growl came from his lips. Most of the hound was eaten, enough to show some bones in the mess of what is left of it.

A second later, Gore took off, flying over as he saw a man running haphazardly through the forest. Landing behind him, Gore let out a roar, wrapping his tail around him violently before bringing the man up to look at him.
Aisen... He looked to be bleeding and nearly dead. He was struggling in Gores grasp, only to be slammed down. When Aisen looked up, he dark energy shot out at Gore, grazing his cheek, cutting into his scales. Gore took the hit, moving with the momentum before slowly looking down at the tiny man. The anger in his teal eyes was boundless, as if there were only one thing in the world, and that was Aisen.
Aisen stepped back, trying to attack again, only to find a tail smacking him into a tree. The man could hear a crack in his body, and then tried to stand and run, only to find Gore drag him back and drop him. Clearly the Blood Dragon was playing with him.
The dark caster tried getting back up, only to find the Blood Dragon had shifted back to his human form.
“You… you don’t scare me, bastard…” Aisen said, which followed with Gores laughter. Aisen took this time to start to run, only to have Gore follow, walking at the ‘hunters’ running pace.
“I scared Delna…” Gore said in a sinister tone. “When I grabbed her… I could hear how her heart sped. To the depths of her being, She was crying out for you to save her…”
When Aisen turned around a tree, Gore was there to grab him and pick him up by his throat. “Her pale limp body wouldn’t of served for anything.” Having Aisen at eye level, Gore leaned close to him. “Do ye know what you’ve done, lad?... What you made me relive?” Gore said in a hushed tone before dragging his claw deep into the tree that was behind the man, snarling rapidly. A clicking noise coming from his throat.
“You and she are nothing but weaklings… You think you’ve seen darkness?... I’ve seen things that you’ve only seen in your nightmares… Things that come for you… things that you can’t even see…Now? Delna sees them too with where she is…” Gore let out a dark laugh before slamming his claw into the man, causing several ribs to break by the sheer force. Aisen fell limp in pain, groaning before being dragged by his hair back to the house.
“…You attacked my mistress too, perhaps she wants to be part of the hunt, aye?” Gore said in a very dark tone, laughing the entire way back to the house like a mad man.
Forcing himself to stand up, The Blood Dragon ran his crimson scaled claw over the wound he sustained within then nightmare.
"Damned wretch.." Letting out a soft groan under his breath, the ancient headed toward the house to take care of his cuts and prepare breakfast for the family who either enjoyed his company or scorned him for being there. These humans were so damn confusing and even mentioning the arena made the twins eyes light up like fireworks. Was it worth it? These thoughts crossed Gore's mind while entering the home, only to stop at the sight before him. His owner..what was she doing awake this early?!
"Aye..good morning mistress." With that, he headed over to the sink, staring at it for a minute with a growl. That's when his eyes widened at how he didn't answer her question about the blue Dragon, the sight was too painful and even now? In the real world it was worse. His gaze broke from the sink, stepping forward to use it. It was obvious that in his ancient ways, Gore wasn't used to the contraption before him. After all his most recent memory of gathering water was through a well and in rivers. With a faint sigh, he didn't look up when she mentioned his name. That tone..she sounded so conflicted that even she must not realize last night was genuinely him yet.

Quickly turning to face her, Gore tilted his head at his owner. Rosalie was moving as if she had been struck clear to the core and for once, his own feelings had reflected back at him from one of them. Looking down at her, the scent of copper was stronger now and it was coming from her covered up arms.
"Aye, 'twas me lass. Whomever wished harm upon you only attempted to do so because of me. It appears owning the Blood Dragon brings forth a hazard as well. Little had I known of the enemies I have made, I had thought that the sadist whom invaded our dreams..and had caused us to witness such horrid events, had gotten his fill when they attempted to re-educate me. The sick bastard held a grin on his face every time they carved into my wings and scales, pulling at them like..." Clenching his fist, he quickly shook his head while trailing off. Things like that shouldn't be spoken to a human, let alone a girl who just suffered through something as traumatic as what she did. As what they both did..
"Mistress --" Watching her pace around caused him to smile. Despite his loathing of their kind, she seemed rather cute the way she paced around and looked lost as to what happened. Was she new to the cruelty of magic users? Gore couldn't tell but either way it was an interesting sight to see. Tensing up out of reflex from when she got close, he stared at her with confused eyes. She looked as if she actually cared, after everything that happened the prior evening, everything she said about how he was a monster and how merciless he was made him question what she was thinking now.

Feeling the rather short girl pull on him, at least short for him, made him smile. When she sat him down and checked over his gashes and wounds, he sighed and looked down at her wrists.
" 'Tis hard to fell a Dragon, It's harder to end me. Though I may be more fragile in this form, aye.. I am still Dragon. Wounds obtained from battle are easiest to endure.. We were bred for conflict, hunting is our heritage, 'tis our way of feeding ourselves as well as staying strong, proving our strength to others." Looking up into the girls eyes, he actually noticed a type of pride, as if she was glad to know he could take such a thrashing from someone and still keep going.
"Hah, nay..dreaming you aren't lass. Dragon of legend..such a title had only formed over my stubbornness. Ever since I was a whelp, I was as stubborn as I was foolish. Always pushing passed any pain and fighting until my body betrayed me and fell of its own accord.." Dark teal eyes widened at what was being spoken, making him blink from how open he was being with a human of all things. Perhaps having her see parts of his life was making it difficult to stay silent.

Once Rosalie returned and started to patch her Dragon up, Gore's hadn't faltered since.
"Mistress..you need not worry over my wounds, I heal quickly and I should be fine within the next few days. What of you?..Your clothing may fool others but it fails to fool me.." Looking over her hands, he wanted to make sure she was alright but at the same time, didn't reach for them. If he grabbed her to try and inspect how badly she was hurt, he would only make it worse. With a sigh, Gore's gaze finally fell to his lap while she tended to his body.
"Mistress..allow me to hold word with you." Looking up at his owner, his dark teal eyes lingered for a moment before continuing. "The seasons that have come to pass have held..many a thing, but..what you have witnessed, it was..it was of a nature no other has truly seen and no human should have seen such a thing.." Looking over her small frame, he wondered if she could really handle seeing something like that and actually come out unscathed.
"Hah, never mind Rosalie..I am merely taken back that my life had been out in the open in such a way..It concerns me as to what you may think." For once during this whole event of being owned and claimed by a human, through all the years that passed? Gore actually felt vulnerable. He felt as if parts of his life were now going to be dissected and brought out for all to see and then what would follow would be cruel words and attempts to bring back old memories of pain. Humans were cruel..

Looking over the bandages that now seemed to wrap around him, the Blood Dragon smiled at her, bowing his head. No Dragon would be used to feeling grateful toward any of their kind so it was an unusual feeling for Gore to have.
"Thank you, mistress..and, thank you for your kindness. Earlier within our shared dream, you had thanked me which is nay something I am used too..hah you had even thanked me when we first first met and that itself shocked me quite a bit..I know that you see me as a monster but things such as that do not go unnoticed. So..thank you." With a smile, he stood up and sighed.
"Shall I start on breakfast? I feel as if I should hurry before the older man wakes up, his disdain for me is painfully obvious." Said Gore, thinking that his owners disdain also seemed to be at hand as well. Whether or not she still felt that anger toward him wasn't known but he didn't want to push his luck. Rosalie calling him a monster still stuck with him, even if he was such a thing.

Moving over to the counter, The ancient Dragon started to gather ingredients to make a decent sized breakfast, feeling his own stomach growl while he was preparing the meal. Attempting to ignore it, he continued cooking for the family and before long, an entire meal of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and other parts to a breakfast were all placed on the table. Looking over at Rosalie, he seemed to feel the same way she did. Maybe they should talk about what happened, Ever since the beginning, she spoke of finding her father and had even asked him for his aid and now? After watching her react to such a traumatic sight? Only made him wish that he could help her further.
"Rosalie --" Shaking his head, he decided there was only one way to shorten her name that he hadn't heard yet. "Forgive me for this but..May I call you Ro? I feel as if me calling you by your full name is meant for a parent whom is frustrated with their child.. Your culture shows that anyway." If she said yes, he would not and continue calling her that, but if she didn't he would simply go about using her full name.
"Ro, whatever you had seen in your dream, I..I wish to tell you that where ever your father is, we will find him.. You had asked for my help and I will try and help you in your search.. Where ever he is, we will find him.." With that, Gore nodded. Only to have his stomach growl even louder.

With a shake of his head, Gore would continue trying to serve breakfast until finally his hunger began to force his hand.
"Mistress..may I please be excused to go hunt?.. I have held this form long enough and I..I am rather hungry." He exclaimed, looking at her in hopes she'd let him. If she did, he would immediately head to the door after thanking her, taking flight and heading off.

A short time later..

Johnathan Clearwater woke up with anger still in his eyes. Both at his children and the destroyed weapon. Heading downstairs, he found a breakfast waiting as well as Rosalie, staring at her.
"Morning Rosa..Would you mind if we talked?" He asked, seeming to not come off as aggressive as he did the prior evening. "Did you make all of this?" He asked, rather shocked to see a full spread meal, sitting down next to her, he just nodded before starting to dig into an omelette that was prepared.
"Rosa, I need to ask you a few things..What were you thinking buying that monster? It's a danger to everyone around and not just that, it's an animal! Why would you even buy him? For profit? Are you planning to make a living off of this beast or did'ja think of something else to use it for? Everything we've heard about that..thing has been full of blood and death..Do you really think it will stick by you and keep its word?!" Exclaimed John, clearly disturbed that she went and bought him without much of a thought. He hated the Dragon and that was obvious considering he called him an "it"..
Feeling Rosalie resist and fight him only made him wince all the more from how many wounds he had. With a quick shake of his head, Gore looked at her.
"All throughout the day, I had felt something dark..Aye much like the lad and lasses dark spells used upon me on me the eve you and I first met. After encountering the sensation, I have little to no doubt that it is the very same foul incantations that bind our dreams together. After ye said all ye did about me..I felt that coming to you about this would only further your discomfort of owning me.. After all, Rosalie, I am at fault for bringing this down upon you. The Blood Dragon..of course the realm loathes me, much like you do..and there are those out there who would go to great lengths to bring me and anyone near me harm."
looking over his owner, Gore only wished that he could answer more of her questions but that is all he really knew. Not even fully believing she was real, it was his vow to protect her and care for her and unlike any filthy human, words held a greater sway to a Dragon. Especially once it was spoken in faith and promise.
"Aye lass, nay did any of what occurred during this wretched nightmare has actually fallen in our lives, unfortunately for the conjurer of this farce, he dabbled in something of my life that they knew little about.." As the Blood Dragon spoke, he was actually shaking. Whatever he saw clearly cut him deeper than he was showing.

Looking up when his owner called for him, The ancient Dragon let out a surprised huff at her question. Did this girl actually care for him now? After everything she had made him feel responsible for? Honor alone made the Blood Dragon feel guilt toward anything that could or would happen to the humans he resided with at the moment and this very girl has gone out of her way to add onto that. Never good enough, never worth it and always trouble..
"..Mistress hah, I am all too familiar with pain, the many seasons have not been kind and I doubt these will be the last I receive before shedding this illusion apart from us.." Looking at the claw marks over his chest and even the fang wound he received looked like it would kill a human. Dragons were stronger in this form as well but even still, moving as much as he did? it couldn't have felt good. "Aye lass, all is well with me, what of you? You are looking better, are ye finally believing my words? If ye are, then aye they are losing control..the moons sway and the visions that follow at night are ours to venture.. No magic could take that away and as long as we know that, as long as we believe such truths? They will lose their power over what we see and what can be done."

The dark voice that rang through both him and the human girl seemed to be coming from the front. Despite how anxious he felt at their surroundings and what was happening, the darkness..as awful as it was to him? He wanted to rip the duplicate apart like an animal. How insulting was it to have someone else attempt to mimic you in such foul ways? Clenching his claws into fists, he stared coldly at copy. A look that just bled full of dark intentions that only the mind behind those eyes could see.
That is when the false voice of her father came from behind them, only Gore's eyes didn't sway at all. When Rosalie left his hold to go to him, the Blood Dragon actually tried to hold her close but she seemed to know what had to be done. Looking back at the false Dragon, his dark teal eyes fell to the floor as he shook with resentment. Everything he had seen..Parts of his heart were crying out in pain and his memory was thrashing him. Allies lost, tears shed and the loneliness that followed..Just because history depicted him a monster didn't mean he wasn't lonely, that he missed his old life before all of this. That is when he heard a knife impale something, making his eyes widen in shock.

The visions of pain started to blur, making Gore start to take deep breath after deep breath. Rosalie was struggling, fighting to keep herself from falling like she did when he found her and Aisen or Setton or whoever the damned human was, wasn't letting her go.
That's when a dark laughter came from the real Gore.
"Hahahahahaha! You..damned fool..coming into my dream, attempting to sway my heart and that of my mistress?" Gore looked up at the impostor, showing his fangs. "This pathetic mirrored image of me could nay EVER be the true Blood Dragon!" With that, the impostor tried to rush Gore, only to be grabbed and pulled in close.
"My memories are not yours to mettle with, human..." With that, Gore started to shift into his Dragon form, actually ripping the impostors arm off from the sheer weight change of what was holding him. Wings shot out and unfurled as Gore grabbed the false impostor, swallowing him whole.

That is when the scenery changed entirely, the group would find themselves in a fiery lit pit, surrounded by Dragons all snarling at them, growling and ready to rip them to shreds. There were symbols on the wall and the pit seemed to have Dragons circling them.
Turning around, Gore's eyes blazed with hatred, staring at Aisen with all of his ferocity.
"Welcome to my realm..wretch." Gore took a step closer, snarling at the human before taking off. If he threatened Rosalie, the Dragons would shoot forward and attack him but even if he didn't..the Dragons were still growling in an attempt to distract the man.
Gore let out a loud roar as he quickly dove toward the pair, shifting mid-flight and actually using the force of his descent to grab Aisen by the face and slam him down into the ground, using his claw to try and slice off his arm in the process. The second the Blood Dragon acted, the other Dragons around them roared and charged forward.

Gore quickly grabbed Rosalie when he could, shifting again and putting her on his back before taking off, flying toward the exit of the pit. Whatever happened to Aisen didn't matter..
By the time they got to an exit, the scenery changed again only to find this one in first person for both parties. The darkness in which they sensed seemed gone and what was left was how the other felt in the dream. Sadness...

In the new dream, from first person it looked as if Gore was standing in front of other Dragons in his true form, talking to those gathered in a half circle.
"Brothers and sisters..please heed my warnings for what you plan with these humans..they are liars and betrayers! Even now they attack one another for food and a mate! They will grow but what they will grow into..it will divide us!" Shouted Gore, only to be scoffed at. The scenery once again changed to the first meeting of Dragons and humans which did not look at all like a battlefield, but instead something meant for peace. Once again it changed, only this time through the eyes of Gore, the two would witness a group of humans whipping, stabbing and beating a blue Dragon, a Dragon that wasn't fighting back at all and only seemed to whimper. It was crying. The Dragon looked as if it didn't hurt anyone, there was no blood on its claws or teeth but instead looked more like a pet being beaten for enjoyment by sadists. Gore quickly tried to help him, only to be bombarded with arrows and finally..the dark magic over-took him. Wrapping around him and slamming him into the ground hard. This must have been the first time he was captured and turned. His dark teal eyes and what could be seen by the two dreamers was his gaze, lingering on the blue Dragon with a deep sense of pain and sorrow.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Gore roared, struggling as knives were impaled into the blue Dragons wings, ripping into them so he wouldn't be able to fly. All the Blood Dragon could do was cry as the assault continued in front of him. a voice spoke out to him, making him look up.

The one speaking had an odd sense of familiarity to the two. Looking closely at the chin and ears and even eyes..Marion's facial features were obvious.
"This is what happens to Dragons who won't submit..watch it!" The man wrapped his arms around Gore's face, pinning him there to force him to watch.

"Mistress..I think it is time to wake..to wake up.." The real Gore said in a pained voice.

With that, Gore shot up in the shed with a sharp pain in his chest. Tears were falling down his cheeks and he shook his head. He had to get ready for the day...
Gore winced when he hit the ground, groaning softly.
"Why does this keep happening to me..where am I?" said the real Blood Dragon, immediately turning to face the wall and bring up his claws in defense at the possible onslaught that would befall him. That is until he saw that what once was crumbled, now stood strong. Clenching his claw into fists, the Dragon turned to see his mistress on the ground, sobbing hysterically. In seconds, Gore's expression had went from annoyance to disturbed. The look in the other Blood Dragons eyes, it had no life in them. Taking a step back, his claw moved to his chest in pure shock. That is until the hiss echo'd throughout the room, having the false Blood Dragon run away with a corpse that looked mangled in hand.
"..Is that what I look like?" Complete shock filled his eyes before running after the Dragon. "Are you attempting to fool me!? Again!?" Turning to face the hall in which the impostor ran down caused Gore to stop dead in his tracks. The lights started to disappear, one by one. Darkness started to creep toward him and his owner. With a loud growl, Gore ran his claws against the wall, scraping it before turning back to see his owner, crying in front of him. Her eyes, her words.. They were bleeding with sorrow. Was this an illusion too?.. How could he trust what he was seeing was real? Further more, if it was..did she know this was false?

"I gave you my word..." Taking a step forward, Gore looked at her with a hurt look in his dark teal eyes. "I swore..to always be by your side, to protect you and yours as if you are mine. That I would be here by your side, lass..until the end of your days..Even if you say such cruel things, that I am a monster..That I am stupid or an idiot for not moving when there is danger." Falling to his knee's, his arms around around her. He was shaking.
"Mistress -- Rosalie, I know not if you are real, if this..illusion, was only meant for me..or for both of us. But I do know that whatever you had witnessed, whatever was before you just moments ago? Was false.. This place is an illusion, not true to the realm we belong to." Taking holding her tighter, he winced at the multiple wounds that she was pressing into. It was obvious that whatever he saw, also hurt him very deeply.
"I promise you, Rosalie.. The one who has dared forsake us to such a nightmare, Whomever has cast this void over us, forcing us to witness things that we dare not dream of? They will suffer far, far worse for hurting those I am to protect.." Despite the strength he was portraying, despite her servants lack of sobs? A pain that mirrored the very girl he held was also held within his eyes.

It seemed that the false Blood Dragon had disappeared completely but that didn't stop Gore's own nightmares breaking through. A crumpling sound came at the wall that made Gore hold Rosalie tighter, staring at where it was coming from.
"For all of my strength, Everything that I've done.." Pulling back, he rested his hands on his owners cheeks, trying to force her to look into his eyes.
"I cannot do this alone, lass.. I need ye to focus, aye?" Looking at the wall for a brief period, he saw the blue Dragon which caused him to look away immediately. "The puppeteer of this illusion is cunning..but the realm that we are now residing in is no longer theirs to deal with as they please.." The wall behind them began to crumble as a somewhat broken roar came through, making the Blood Dragon actually wince. "They attempted..to show me something that would nay ever happen..if an impostor of me has dealt such a blow to you as they had tried with me?..Look at me, mistress.." Gore moved his hand lightly down her cheek, showing her his own eyes that still had remnants of tears within them.
"I gave ye my word. You and yours are mine to protect..my own, and I have not yet failed. Monster or not, I keep my word.." Blood rain started to pour within the home, making Gore hold onto his owner tighter, hearing the wall shatter behind them followed by a loud, broken roar filling the home.

Gore quickly covered his mistress' ears to try and make it easier on her, grabbing her and jumping back when a blue tail swiped at them.
"Please Rosalie..help me, I cannot do this alone.." Both of their nightmares were merging together as the two dreamers were coming together. As the corpses began to fill the home, Gore was doing his best to keep his owner away from them by taking them on and narrowing their numbers to mean nothing, slowly working down the hallway where the impostor had went. That is until they came to a dead end. With a growl, Gore looked at his owner one last time before hearing his own voice, turning back to face the impostor.

'You are going to die too, mistress...like the many before you.' said the false Blood Dragon with a hint of sadism.

"To the depths with that idea lad!" Gore rammed his claw into the wall, ripping into it as it fell onto the group and the impostor. Turning back, he pulled Rosalie in his arms and jumped through the hole, running toward a window, leaping through it.
Taking a deep breath, he looked back at where they came from with a chuckle. "Seems as if the puppeteer is losing control, aye?" Turning his gaze back to her, his eyes widened at what he saw..or lack there of. Everything around them, even the one closest to them were gone, lost in the void of pitch black. Gore's eyes widened in fear before pulling Rosalie closer to him, feeling her in his arms and hearing her breathing.
"Nay..this is not happening again.." All Gore could hear was her breathing and his own, followed by a cackling that he couldn't place. With a loud growl, the Blood Dragon shook his head and looked at Rosalie.
"Rosalie..I need you to trust me..I will not let ye go into this darkness alone..I will stay with you, even if you cannot see it.."

The long lost father nodded to Rosalie's first question, a confident smile evident on his facial features.
"Yep, I have to say..he doesn't quite live up to the legend huh? He seems so resentful..hah, I expected something like a stoic warrior type, like he stares and you just feel it." With a faint laugh, Setton went on eating with his daughter. The look in his eyes was very clear, happiness and joy just melted through and he seemed to just radiate how happy he was feeling at that very moment. That is until her next set of questions hit him, those very questions anyone would have trouble answering..Dream or not. Setting his fork down, he smiled weakly to his daughter as if to try and instill some sort of confidence when in reality, there was none.
"I..was to lose you..I didn't think I could take it and.." Taking a breath, he got up, moved over to her and hugged her while she was sitting. "I felt that sending you away..where you would be safe? Would be better than having your life threatened. Then to lose you.. You're safest when we're apart but..now? Everything's fine and all that matters..all that really matters..is that I have my little girl back and..I love you sweetheart, I'm so, so..sorry that I sent you away like I did." Leaning down, he kissed her forehead and nodded, wiping his eyes quickly in fear of his daughter seeing that.

"So! How do you like it? Not bad eh? I learned a few things while being on my own..and to answer those questions you had earlier, I have been doing the best I can to take care of myself, I have to after all if I were to see you again hah, I didn't wanna be on my death bed and have you be upset. I want my rose to smile!"
It was obvious that Setton wanted to change the subject, that this topic was hurting him. So instead, he carried on with trying to go onto happier things.
"Hah! Anyways, tell me..how are things with that Dragon of yours? Has he caused you a lot of trouble?" asked Setton, moving back to his plate so he could finish the breakfast he made. Taking a sip of juice, he just smiled at her and nodded when she talked.
"God..I missed you so much.. You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to see you again. I thought about this since we were separated, always questioning what I'd say and here we are and I can't think of a darn thing." Said Setton in a nervous laugh, nodding. What could someone say to their daughter after so long? How could they ever repay that.. Her father's eyes gave away everything he was thinking and how melancholic he was.
"I..really don't know how I'll ever ask you to forgive me..I don't deserve it. I failed you, Rose..." Blinking back tears, he held his eyes. Within the next few moments, the warm light in the windows quickly turned to dusk.

A red claw came out of no where, wrapping around the near weeping mans throat, squeezing into it. Blood started to trickle from Setton's neck. Within the next moment, Gore had actually pushed her father out of his chair, slamming him into the refrigerator, causing it to dent with the force of it. Looking back at his mistress, the Blood Dragon gave a dark grin, one that had not been seen by her yet. The look in his dark teal eyes felt void, empty. It was as if the Dragon had lost every ounce of what was to be a soul from within.
'Aye, mistress..he failed you and now we will watch as he pays the toll for harming my owner..' Looking at the man, the color in his skin seemed to slowly diminish as Setton's helpless form struggled, kicking and screaming. If Rosalie tried to stop him, Gore would just appear somewhere else, hurting her father, choking him.
'Haha..watch how he squirms, mistress. He looks as if he is having trouble breathing, see?' Holding her helpless father out in front of her, his claws were digging into the mans skin, nearly digging into him from the downward force of her fathers weight. "What shall I do to him next..." Asked her Dragon in a tone that didn't sound as if it could come from a human or anything else for that matter.

In the pile of corpses was a struggle. Each corpse was starting to ripple as if something was under them, something relentless. After a moment, a bloody claw shot through the top one, ripping the corpse in half. A form began to climb out, only to be grabbed and held back. A loud growl came from the captured.
"Damned wretches! You will need more than thi-" The Blood Dragons voice fell silent when his dark teal eyes fell over what was coming. A blue Dragon that looked as if it was decomposing, covered in blood. The azure form of this particular monster had claw marks in it, half of his jaw was missing and it looked empty.The look on Gore's face immediately withered to one of sorrow, shaking his head.
"..N..no, it cannot b-" Gore screamed when the Dragon slashed into his chest, cutting him before diving his fangs into his form. Tears formed in his eyes, feeling his body fall limp from what was happening.
'Brother...how could you fail us.. Our people are lost and for what? An entire species cried out for help and you vanished!'
A moment had yet to pass after the words were spoken before Gore pulled himself up, kicking against the blue Dragons snout, growling. With a loud battle cry, the captured humanoid pushed forward hard, breaking through the grasp of the bodies behind him, dislocating his shoulder by the sheer force of it, shattering the bones of the corpses that held him back.

"This..." Gore breathed out slowly, trying to recover as quickly as he could. "This is a farce.." Exclaimed the Blood Dragon, grabbing his arm, snapping it back into place. Rage started to fill the dark teal eyes that lingered over this unusual blue Dragon that was getting into position, letting out a violent roar that seemed to stir the bodies around them, causing them to all swarm toward the Humanoid.

All warmth from within the home was gone and Gore only seemed to enjoy as Setton struggled. The father was desperately trying to get out of the ancient Dragons hand, punching at him until slowly, his movements began to stop. The color in his face had turned a faint blue.
'Mm, look at him, mistress..I may have broken him.' With that, he began to pull at the body, shaking him with methodical precision that only seemed to come off as disturbing.
"H...honey..look..look awa-" A loud snap echo'd throughout the home that immediately turned cold. The mans body fell limp instantly and he was now like a doll. The Blood Dragons laughter rang throughout the halls, leaning against the man, trailing his tongue over the mans form.
'Nay..now I broke him, hahahaha!' After he spoke, the humanoid Dragon brought the body closer to Rosa, shaking him again, making him 'dance' with his limp arms. Multiple snaps began to be heard as the now dead bodies bones began to crack under the force of the Blood Dragon. Dark laughter replaced his mocking commentary.

That is until a loud shatter could be heard from the wall, then another..then finally the entire wall of the kitchen crumbled and in fell Gore, bleeding profusely against the floor..
The false Blood Dragon whom was holding the body quickly let out a reptilian hiss, taking the body and running down the hall with a dark and chaotic laughter.
The ancient Dragon looked at his claws before, sighing.
"I need to learn how to hold this form longer..Resting within such confines is perhaps the best of options.." Clenching his claws, he looked back at where the voice he heard came from, shaking his head. By now Gore was used to her being angry with him, calling him names, and putting him down. Just like nearly every other human in all the realm. Nothing had changed in the centuries passed, just their toys to do more harm to others. With a growl, he simply laid down and closed his eyes, not caring to think about it or reside on the matter longer than he should. She will just have to get used to him, or sell him to someone else. Slowly, the monster began to slip into slumber, letting go of the concerns of the dark sensations he felt. A mistake he would soon realize....

Gore blinked at first, feeling as if he had just laid his head down and yet now? He was awake.. Not just that but the sounds of water or even the very breathing of his humans were now vacant, he couldn't hear or smell a thing. The Blood Dragon started looking around, noticing immediately that many things were amiss. The shed he resided in was gone and he was out in the open, Gore could also see the large house his owner had lived in but everything was pitch black inside, seeping a dark mist that looked unnatural. Moving to the house, he quickly knocked only to find the door vanish in front of him.
"You are a fool to think this will stop me!" With that, he clenched his fist and slammed it into the wall, hearing it crack as he hit it again. This time it gave way, having him step in to quickly hear screams coming from all directions. The house was dark and empty yet blood curdling screams were all around him. Slowly the walls began to be covered in a dark red liquid that could only be one thing. Walking passed this, he started to head to the last place he saw the humans, the kitchen. When he got there, the dark room was empty until 2 bodies appeared in front of him. The Blood Dragon stared wide eyed at how the two men were displayed. Hanging onto two giant hooks that pierced each boys neck. Their bodies looked as if they were experimented on, poorly sewn up pieces with flesh hanging off them. The blood was trickling down their forms and the smell of death started to overtake the ancient. Stepping back, he looked back only to find the bodies now gone. Replaced by a sinister and dark laughter from behind. Turning around, he saw a figure that he couldn't make out before it pointed at him and vanished right before the Dragons very eyes.

With that, he started moving to the stairs until he was stopped by a small body rocking back and forth, crying.
"...Little one?" He asked, holding out his claw. When he gently touched its shoulder, the figure turned to look at him and the look on the little ones face looked vacant, the eyes were vacant and completely empty, a dark grin on the child's face was so wide it was causing the little one to bleed a dark blood.
'Do you remember!?'
A ghastly voice rang out, actually causing the Dragon to fall to his knee's, holding his ears. That voice could pierce through the strongest of creatures. Returning his gaze to the child, it was standing and looked as if its throat and arms were slit open. The little ones fingers were broken in places and the body of it looked mangled. It leaned closer to the Blood Dragon, whispering.
'Where's my mommy? have you seen her?'

"Tell me, do you believe me to be frightened!?" Gore shouted, having the child vanish in front of him. By now, Gore had picked himself back up and started to make his way for the stairs once more, slowly climbing them. He had no idea what was going on but the feel of dark magic was all around him.
As Gore drew closer to the top step, the screams got so loud that he was wincing. The Blood Dragon actually had to squeeze the railing to make it so he didn't fall from the sheer disturbing noises he was hearing. Getting to the door his owner was supposed to be, he opened it, only to find the world change, now finding himself in a field full of corpses, both Dragon as well as human. Clenching his fist, he felt something drop onto his cheek, moving his hand over his face, he stared at the crimson liquid raining from the sky. The sounds of bones cracking in the wrong way made his attention go back to the field. Each corpse started to stir, forcing themselves up on their legs even if their bones were jutting out of their bodies. The silence lingered as each body started to stagger toward the Blood Dragon, each of the corpse baring signs of a Dragons ferocity. Burnt flesh, fang gashes, claw rended flesh.

Within moments, fields of what seemed to be endless bodies began ravaging forward, making the darkest of sounds. Gore just stared before trying to change, feeling his body shift for a brief second, only to halt in a painful way.
"ARGH!" Falling to his knee's, he felt his break in certain places, Looking up, his dark teal eyes beamed forward before he took off sprinting toward the horde, raising his claws. As he got closer, a Dragon snapped at him.
'Man or Dragon, it doesn't matter who right, Gore!? So many dead..Soon, Rosalie will be joining us..' Gore's eyes widened, jumping up onto the dead, yet alive Dragon, leaping off him before bringing his claws up, slamming into the head of another, smaller Dragon, impaling into the skull of the disgusting beast.
The second he did though, multiple bodies began to tackle him down, one even biting the shoulder he was shot. The field and everything in it were becoming drenched in blood from the rain.

Rosalie would find herself in a familiar place. The room felt as if it were from her past, exactly how she left it so long ago. The bed was extremely comfortable and the walls were still the same color with murals on them. The sun was beading through a window and it felt warm. The door opened and in came a familiar man with a smile on his face.
"Morning sweetie!" Said a familiar voice that had a fatherly tone to them. Bringing her a glass of orange juice, he seemed too good to be real. Heading over to her bed, he hugged her close, seeming ecstatic to finally see his daughter.
"It..is so good to see you Rose, I missed you so much." Rubbing her back, her father smiled at her before heading over to the window. His smile seemed so warm before looking back at her.
"It's a beautiful day princess, wanna have something to eat? Haha how about I make you something, it's been ages and it'd be an honor, besides..I doubt a Dragons cooking can compare to fathers, c'mon sleepy head!" With that, Setton headed downstairs and started making his daughters favorite.

When Setton heard her come down the stairs, he turned around and smiled, setting a plate down for her. Scrambled eggs and rice. Perfectly seasoned. He also had juice which was also a personal favorite of his.
"Come on, don't let your old man eat alone. We have a lot to catch up on and I don't wanna waste another second."
The Blood Dragon simply watched his mistress while still in the midst of the argument, trying not to scowl more than he already was. This human..she knew so little! Everything she spouted made sense to her, but she was such a hypocrite when it came to understanding anything.
"Hah! What a human quality, whimpering about their superiors and how much greater they truly are! What happened to us being animals, mistress!? What happened to us being less than dogs! Surely a human such as you could punish a hound. Claws, Fire, Flight.. Do you know why we hold such things!? Because in the days of old, this land was in turmoil! Far from being truly livable. Ages before mankind had shown their pathetic whimsy, my kind took flight and fought the now fossilized predators in the realm! Beasts the size of that stadium, monsters that could bite a Dragon in two with massive jaws! Here we are now, whimpering at the quality in which the Dragon traits compare to the humans. What happened to being the superior species! Tell me then, mistress.." Gore sneered the last word, clearly bothered by her and everything she stood for at the moment.
"Dragons with all their might..They were taken by your people, aye? Your people claim of some great! battle and yet my brothers and sisters, being as powerful as you clearly claim..were taken in such a battle. Tell me, girl.. How did your kind defeat us!? DEFEAT ME!? Your hunters of this modern age had the most of difficult times and I was far from my peak, but back then! Prior to all of your fodder and toys..how were we taken and enchained? Oh let me guess, my savage race were just animals, AYE?! 'Tis obvious when staring at the Blood Dragon!"

Clenching his fist, he shook his head and roared at her.
"A title!? You..ignorant child! If you only knew of what you speak, if you were a Dragon from the days of old you would hold some idea of what a true name means, how much strength do you hold in your name?! Granted by your elders at birth, you had earned nothing! No one to revere such a great name. Your kind believe that the actions come after such title is given, that once you live throughout your meager days and look back, that is when your name is honored! With that, you miss the struggle! The drive in which teaches you that with fire comes forging! That challenges and obstacles are what create greatness! From the days of old my kind were enduring such troubles so we were prepared to face the hardships of the milenia's to pass!"
The Blood Dragon just shook his head, no longer able to contemplate whether or not she was just foolish or too angry to realize what was going on. Bringing it on himself..he knew that better than she did. The only difference was that his knowledge of this meant something else entirely where as she was thinking of the present.

As the ancient was walking away, he stopped when he heard her say that, laughing weakly.
"Aye, yer damned right lass..I am a monster, the Dragon that devours the realm..." With that, he was gone. Clearly angry and upset by what had just happened. The reason for this was because he actually believed she was kinder than this. That she actually thought with an open mind and not be so closed off to such idea's of honor or tradition when it comes to a more ancient creed. Even still, knowing this didn't discourage the Dragon from being in her service, after all..She was young.

John stared at his two sons while they spun their tale of being saved by that monster and all the while looked off in disbelief. The Blood Dragon helping them? It seemed too far fetched to be true, in fact it was beyond understanding! Why would such an infamous beast help any human when just a few centuries ago, blazed through every human he could find! Man, woman or child! No one was safe from Gore!
"So, you both will replace the rifle hm? I hope you plan on demanding the cost from the Blood Dragons winnings when he's entered in the arena, that must be why Rosalie bought him after all. That is a surefire way to make a profit in no time, just imagine the price of admission.. The legend himself even being seen is a once in a life time happening but him? Fighting his own kind!? That will sell.."
Mr. Clearwater was obviously thinking outside of just owning him and actually wanted to be apart of that if he could. If that Dragon really was owned, what was the harm in using the talent Gore clearly had?

After a moment, John went back to them being saved, scoffing.
"You sound as if you owe that winged beast a debt for saving you! He was owned boys, by law he is supposed to intervene when a life is at stake! When he broke my rifle he even spoke of law so he obviously knows that! You owe that monster nothing..and don't speak to me with that tone young man. Me and your mother raised you better than that.." With that, he stepped out of the obvious, grumbling. He wasn't going to go find Rosalie right away, but he did want to hear what she was thinking about this..

Not being too far from the hearth, the Blood Dragon could hear their father berating him and planning things for him, even when he didn't own him or like the idea of him being owned.. With a grumble, he picked himself up and moved to the door, stopping when his claw touched the handle. Looking behind him, his eyes narrowed before gripping the door and opening it.
"Magic users..Cowardly deceiving folk who bind themselves with the immortals..Elementals and the like are far from those you should call upon.." With that, he went to the house to try and find whether or not the boys were around. He wanted to offer his services for the rifle, knowing full well they didn't own him and held no responsibility for what they did. They did it for him and that was a debt he would repay.
Upon entering the house, Gore sought out the two brothers and did his best to try and avoid the family that seemed irritated with his very being there.

If and when he found them, he would make sure that John and their mother were far away by sound and hope they wouldn't interrupt.
"Sigmund, Eric.. I wish to thank you for the kindness you have shown me. The words you held in my defense is a kindness nay often seen for my kind and.. Since you do not own me, it is far from your responsibility to care and look after me, so whatever it takes, I will aid in any way I can so we can repay such a debt that I had managed to form with your father. The Arena or any other means could be used to gain coin or however else you see fit.."
With that, he showed a fang when he smirked, hoping to help them for what they've done. Despite being honorable as well as angry at Rosalie, her brothers seemed nicer to him and it was only fair to return the favor.

Later that night, Gore had foregone making dinner for the family since it seems that he was best kept out of sight until called for after everything that happened today, he just wanted to lay down and rest. The sensations were still there and he felt uncomfortable, but as long as no one else felt it then it was fine. After all, what magic user could harm him? He had faced off against so many in the previous seasons that it couldn't be anything he couldn't handle.. Little did he know that his life wasn't at stake, only something more fragile..
The Blood Dragon stared into his owners eyes, immediately recognizing that inconceivable rage that most of their kind held when handling the superior species. With a bite of his tongue, The ancient creature managed to subside any retort at least until she was done. That said, his eyes seemed to snap from wanting to explain one thing, to a much different look. One that could barely be explained since it held resentment, anger and concern all in one.
Taking a step forward, Gore towered over her with a judging look.
"Aye, What in the depths is wrong with me?! What of you! You are the one whom purchased me and yet here I am, being shot at! Had I moved that fool would have no doubtedly pulled the trigger in more panic, possibly hitting one of the more fragile beings in the area! Perhaps you! The one I have been protecting since I had met you, HAH! Shall we hold word over that too!?"
With that, he snapped with how she brought up Spike in the way she did. Taking a step back, Gore was practically seething.
"The whelp left because I would not give what he wanted! Had I followed him, mistress? I would have eaten him like the pathetic creature he is! Wanting to be human, the pathetic drable alone makes a mockery of what he is, WHAT I AM! The very inclination sickens me to the point of wanting to tear him and that boy with the girl hair asunder! Can I do that though, Would you prefer me not to? Oh wait..You cannot fathom one or the other because you prefer me to be something I am not, aye?! Perhaps you wish me to be like the boys dragon, correct? One who will try and cause conflict for others merely for amusement and twisted intention? Forgive such insolence Rosalie but I am a Dragon, something you see as a mere animal like a dog!"

Gore took a few steps back, growling as his eyes flashed. His anger was now completely over. The fact that even his owner would call him an idiot for everything he had done for her, everything he had done for the family.
"I am an animal, but at least I am no savage like your cowardly species! You lie, manipulate and speak falsehoods! You nor your kind has changed!"
The Blood Dragon laughed when she started to call him an idiot, repeatedly. She was acting just as foolish as her guardian!
"A dog..a dog, Rosalie!? You..Nay could you fathom a single damned thing I have seen in my time, something a mere hound would have trouble understanding let alone a mere human! You know, before your kind, mine?! We reigned over the skies! We followed the rules of the realm where one can only survive by what they were willing to do for themselves! Not fall back on some crude toys and claim strength! We earned and fought and BLED! That Dragon..That whelp you compare me to knew NOTHING..Nothing of what me and the others had fought for, nothing of our true plight and why!? You and your damned wretched kind, You take Dragons breed them and make them wish they were the more fragile and weak of the species! That is nay even the worst offense done by that COWARD!"

Gore took a deep breath before trying to calm down.
"The boys Dragon claimed I actually thrive off of that name..Gore, as if had given such title to myself! A Dragons name is the greatest of treasures he can earn, the best of titles because nay is it just whom you are, but what you are worth! What you fought to be! And what have you people done, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Gore immediately shifted into his true form, Unfolding his wings as he let out a fiery roar, landing hard enough to shake the ground. If the ground shook too much for her, it didn't matter since his tail immediately wrapped around her waist, picking her up in a tight squeeze, holding her in front of his seething jaws. He was growling silently at her, though his eyes were in great turmoil as the squeeze tightened to show how weak she was.
After a moment, he dropped her to the ground and shifted back, clenching his fist. "You know so little mistress..I am proud for a reason, and there is no greater pain than to see a youngling so damned twisted to wanna be the very people who..Lastly..." Taking a deep breath before he continued. "Nay..I had not left because that boy was planning something, I had no knowledge that you wished to keep me silent and if I had, I would have been more careful. That boy is trying to manipulate you, as to meet what end? I know little of that as well...excuse me, mistress."
The Dragons tone had a truly pained expression in his tone and he dared not look back at her before setting off to the shed they showed him the night before, closing it behind him.

Sitting down, The Blood Dragon questioned everything he had seen, heard and felt since this morning. Moments later, it hit again. The same sensation as before when he was approached by The Clearwater's.
"There it is again.." Gore closed his eyes, squeezing the wound he had to actually make him wince, trying to get the sensation to go away. "Magic..Hah, perhaps that be the reason eh? That they are acting like infants.." Gore remained in the shed, knowing that he should let humans dwell in their matters, that and he wasn't entirely okay to see anger at the moment. Not being around people for so long had taken the toll, and that was the lack of extreme restraint needed when dealing with these..things.


After all was said and Mrs. Clearwater was back to being somewhat normal, Johnathen looked at the two brothers, signalling them to head to the next room. He wanted his explanation and he wanted it now.
Once they had gotten inside, he stared at the two for a moment before shaking his head.
"Tell me what the hell is that monster doing here!? Did you see what he did to my rifle?! He could have done that to any of you kids and more so, I want to know which one of you is replacing my weapon, or do we actually get to punish the legend behind the name Gore!?"
The humans seemed to be arguing among themselves instead of focusing on the very fact that one of them actually just shot a living thing. These damned..insects! They hadn't changed in the last few centuries, All of what they hold any concern over is themselves. None of them seem to show any concern whether or not they actually hurt him. How could they do that, even he, the Blood Dragon known to hate all humans would show some attention toward the one wounded.
That is when his mistress came in and he saw the worry on her face. For a moment he felt relieved that someone seemed to share any concern for what just happened, which then was quickly replaced by a malice filled reaction. Clenching his fists, he growled and started to move his claw up the arm that was struck, starting to dig into him to pull the bullet out, causing more blood to trickle down his arm. After a moment, he pulled out the somewhat shattered bullet, staring at it and inadvertently staring at the man who shot him. Closing his grip over the bullet, he crushed it and dropped it. That is when Gore's eyes narrowed at the man, slowly taking it step by step as the noise per step seemed to echo in the home as if to emphasize the presence in which was being threatened. The killer of mankind himself. Resting his claw over the barrel, Gore let out a snarl, leaning closer to the man as the barrel of the gun was bent backward so if it were shot, it'd explode. It was obvious that he angered the Blood Dragon.

"..Know this, Human..I am owned and to have me fall by your hand?..Do you believe the decision rests with you and the crude toy you wield?" With that, he stepped back and growled at the Humans, moving back to his owner, clenching his fists. Now Gore had been owned by human kind before and he was no stranger to the consequences of a Dragons actions, however he hoped that these people would let their fear consume them in the moment and not lash out at his owner. Besides..he was good at playing the villain, that is after all what these people believed was it not? That he was a wild beast that only fed off the corpses he blazed through?
Gore kept his claw over the wound, applying pressure on it so that it would heal easier than the other wounds he sustained while being around his mistress.
"...Call me what you will mistress, your experience in such a circumstance is showing.." The aura around her Dragon wasn't the same since his owner left him with the other Dragon, now? It was bleeding with suppressed resentment. Even the look in the Dragons eyes had changed to the point of where he was perhaps too eager to play the role of the bad guy.

Johnathan Clearwater just stared in shock and fear as the Dragon came closer, quickly moving to reload the weapon until he heard the metal crink and bend at the beasts will. With a quick stiffening up, he was now face to face with death himself and he just stood there like a deer in the headlights. When he finally left, the man stared at the rifle that was in his grasp, then at his boys.
"This is why you need to get away from it! It's pretty pointless to tell me to put it away now considering what that monster did to it!" Throwing it down, he stared daggers at Gore. Clearly he didn't care what he called Gore unlike his wife who seemed to be clear to breaking at the moment.

Watching the family go back and forth about whether or not he was safe made his temper calm slightly. After all it was interesting seeing such tiny mortals bicker among themselves and not at him for a change. His dark teal eyes went from one person to the other until finally resting on the brothers who were the most humorous in this situation. They acted like children under the scrutiny of their parents and he had to admit, he was in that same situation many..many years ago. With a soft sigh, he quickly got swept up into his own memories before realizing that the father of those two were staring at him with rage in his eyes.
That is when the mother began to fall backward and Gore just watched, honestly not caring whatever was to happen to him because this sight alone was worth leaving his den for. Humans making fools of themselves in such a manner that almost brought him to pure laughter. That is until her child caught her, making the Blood Dragon just sigh, shaking his head before turning to leave.

"I best make haste before he pulls out another toy.." With that, he left and rested outside, looking at his arm that wasn't bleeding anymore. If he were human, he could have lost the limb.
"The worst of watching those children bicker only makes me wonder..had I chosen a different path to the one laid upon me, could the realm have changed?.." He asked himself, staring at the sky. "Had you listened, perhaps our brothers and sisters would be free and not under the heel of these pests.." With a growl, he shook his head. The truth was, he couldn't blame what happened on anyone else but himself, after all..They did look to him.

That is when he heard something peculiar...

Danial just smirked, shaking his head.
"Haha yeah he was still inside..I have no doubt that the Clearwater's shot at our new found friend." Looking back at his Dragon, he nodded to him with a smile. "We got something better than having him go off, attacking you is one thing..Reacting to her adoptive parents is in a leaguer all its own.. Now she'll wanna distance herself from everyone if it goes well, then again, with the Blood Dragon there who knows. He may be a good servant."
With a nod, Danial smiled at him before stretching out his arms. Turning around he just smiled.
"You did good today Spike, how about we get you a treat while I plan for the party hm?"

Gore watched the two leave, staring at them as he began to piece together the boy reasons for showing up that day. One thing was for sure, it wasn't just to be friendly and say hi to Rosalie. The Blood Dragon thought of issuing a threat to him, but instead decided to wait. After all, he wanted to look into the boys eyes when he scared the living daylights out of him for ever conspiring against his owner.

Looking back at the door, he waited for his owner to come out so he can tell her of what he learned about the two that visited, only he felt like she would probably scold him too. The look on her face was obviously one of disdain when he was shot. It takes a real talent to show no concern for someone who saved your life.
When and if she showed up, he perked up and started to speak.
"Mistress..I overheard something from the two..." He trailed off, noticing the look on her face. He decided to stop talking until he had permission to do so, letting it just fade out for now. Looking at his arm, he then returned his attention to her.
this hasn't been posted on in ages >.< but i am finally going to start posting -nods, hugging you-
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