Head of House: Beren III Balgrantos
House Speciality: The House of Balgrant specializes in commerce, to be more precise, they collect a tax from the goods going through the essential mountain pass upon which the city of Balgrantos was built.
House Ancestral Weapon: The Crystal Key of Balgrantos, a key made from a pristine crystal-like material, nobody remains who knows exactly what it does, just a legend that tells that it 'opens the gates'. Has been passed down in the House of balgrant for generations as an important heirloom.
Important members:
Beren, Third of His Name, of the House of Balgrant, Potentate in the Freehold of Balgrantos.
Elinnet Roseflower, his wife, a woman from local minor nobility.
Tellen Balgrant, their son, heir to the Freehold of Balgrantos
Galden Balgrant, their son.
Nation/Realms Name: Freehold of Balgrantos

Region/color on map: Silver
Race name: Balgrantian
Racial appearance: As Balgrantos is located in a very transited road, it's become a very multicultural city. The physical appareance of the population varies greatly, taking a bit from each and all of the peoples settled in the neighboring provinces.
Racial traits: If there is something that has attracted many different peoples to Balgrantos, it's the opportunities that arise in the fields of commerce, as well as in the arts and science environment that develop from the natural exchange of ideas.
Population: 300,000
Culture: Balgrantos is located in a very transited road, so it's become a very multicultural city. If there is anything that has attracted many different peoples to within its walls, it's probably the opportunities in the fields of commerce, the arts, and the sciences - the avarage citizen comes from an educated middle-class background, in contrast with other regions of the continent where most of a lords' subjects are uneducated peasantry.
Type of Government: The ruler of the Freehold of Balgrantos is known as the Potentate, the succesion laws establish that the oldest of his sons inherits upon his death, and failing that, his brothers and then his cousins.
Influence and relations: Neutral.
Military :
The Balgrantos City Guard, commonly known as the Silverguard for the colour of their capes, numbers around two thousand (2000) men. In case of war, the city employs mercenaries, as it lacks peasantry to raise a proper levy.
Landscape: Just a single city located in the middle of a mountain pass.
History: (At least the past couple generations, include conflicts, major upheavals, wars, etc.)
Strengths: The population, mostly from an educated middle-class background, could prove to be an important asset in the city. Also we have a high income thanks to our control of one of the most important crossroads in the continent.
Weaknesses: We're a single city so we lack territorial depth, just take the city and we lose. Additionally we rely on transit through the mountain pass, and have almost no natural resources of our own - this includes manpower, as we have no peasantry to levy, so we are forced to hire mercenaries to fight for us.
Export: Almost nothing.
Import: Pretty much everything.