Avatar of ArenaSnow
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  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

I'll be honest; there will be points where I may have to be off for more than three days, the closest being next week. I can't really do anything on weekends and for something like this, I would end up taking an extra day or two to compile from what has previously been posted. I'm rather slow paced :/

So basically, either I'll be the god of death where I die many times according to the rules, or I'll have to respectfully draw out. I'm not asking you to change the roleplay for me; if I can't make it work I won't mess up things for the group that does.

Just wanted you to know before I come up with something and proceed to hit offtime.
Just a note, next week is going to be... hectic at best. So I probably won't be able to start Rp'ing until the week after.
All depends on the organization of the roleplay. Personally, I think it could do quite well - it just depends on the roleplay being structured in a way that it won't be destroyed by poor planning.
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>What's the problem with medieval era guns? I never understood why people are so afraid of featuring them. Plate armor was introduced to deal with guns, among others. Chain mails did the job well but they were becoming too expensive since each link is created individually. plate armors were both cheaper and lighter than chainmails while distributing the weight more evenly. Guns were only becoming a problem around the 15-16th century and even after that musket-proof armors were a thing. Wearing armors never truly went out of fashion albeit there's a sharp drop around the turn of the 18th century. In spite of that there are documents of soldiers buying armor even during the Civil War, albeit the metallurgy of these were of varying quality so sometimes they were little more than deadweight. Also armor-wearing soldiers were branded cowards in both armies. Those were some interesting times.

So yeah, blaming guns on the disappearance of "chivalric times" is partially a misinformation. Granted, the idea of muskets being teribly inaccurate is similarly a myth. Though lack of quality control in the modern sense did make these less reliable than expected.

Anyways, back to the point. You fear guns yet using 11th century would pretty much erase anything which we popularly assign with "medieval times". Plate armor, noble houses, chivalry, longswords, crossbows (of most forms), certain siege engines, castles and perhaps even more.
I can't see that being good. Granted, if this is fantasy then things like existence of magic, dwarven craftsmanship and similar factors can perhaps shape technology in a way which you can't fully stuff in either century.

I'll clear up one bit by saying I really don't have a fear of them in an Rp at all. It's just that from what I've seen, they have been featured just about every time in them. I am honestly not one of those folks who needs all the noble houses, chivalry, fancy castles, etc associated with medieval times.

If anything, I am aiming towards the less popular, earlier medieval era, as compared to the "high" period.

My main point with preferring the 11th century, though, isn't about guns. It's more how fluid nations were in those times and the fact that the period is rarely represented (from what I see around here).

Edit: I see how you assumed I was simply going after gunpowder. That wasn't my intention and I phrased that wrong; I meant the periods of history when gunpowder was introduced, where it seems most medieval RP's are based.
Not really. Only thing I can think of would be a possible modification of how people claim territories to make it more concrete... but the format itself I see nothing wrong.

I initially thought of taking the old CS and reusing it, but I think I'll rebuild it a bit for clarification and expansion.
Do you intend to make a new CS or keep the old one?
Zargon is far from his scrying crystal, Artholath isn't paying attention, and there are no other characters under my control present, so you need not worry about me exposing your character :)
11th century development is a bit too early. It's good for people who are obsessed with this period but for the casual player it lacks many of the classical elements.

Honestly, I prefer it to gunpowder. I haven't really seen enough "early" roleplays, but that's my taste.

And I find that history can be bent easier as nations were much less set in stone. If I take a nation of that period, I can pretty easily excuse my actions by a probable "what if' scenario.
Alt history I would probably draw from Total War (medieval 2 specifically, as that's the main one I have, the first Medieval would help too in concepts, for me at least). I could do that, although that would beg the question of time period. 1100 seems good to me.

I could go either way.
Couple things happened:

-I advanced the Zargon fight from a couple post's worth into one for simplicity. The town's going to have plenty of "fun" without him... and there's much more where he came from, so don't worry :P
-My cave scene is assuming that any future posts will end up in the cave group actually being in the cave. Again, for simplicity and to advance the plot; I hope that's alright.
-Sorry about lack of proper mentions. Not much "squeeze time" to be had right this second. Then again, I've been bad about that all along...
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