Avatar of ArenaSnow
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

Would I have to change anything about Siegfried?

Possibly age and factors that affect age, but I think if there is a timeskip; then it will be one that stays within the lifetime of active characters.
@ArenaSnow, so, we're keeping Slavocrat!Giray?

Only if you would like.
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

There is no reason I can see that the lore and universe you created behind the scenes could not "play out" and let the consequences thereof, based on how things are generally going, regardless of it being a "win" or "loss" for the players, could not be used in the future events. After all, as I see it, the situation of this current roleplay being a "prologue" could provide massive reason for the events in the next iteration. That is my thinking, so it does not all go to waste, and a lot of "end-game" goals for bad guys still can be reworked and woven in again as continuity.

Whatever the outcome is, the new characters (or surviving ones if they age slowly such as an elf, or not at all as a demon), readily have some plot based motivation left. Even if the scenario as it is now in the current story is where the heroes "win" I highly doubt the demons won't just bide their time and attack a few hundred years later when their baneful enemies are long dead and the world mostly forgot of these events. If the players "lost", then there's no more reason you need. The world lost. Now the battle is uphill and more heroic because these could very well be the last heroes of the world.

It works in any configuration I can imagine, really - it all comes down to the lore, which does not seem to be the issue in the slightest; there's no lack of it.

Moving on, although it is nice to have the roleplay open all the time to get "new blood" there has to be a limit on how many players get involved, otherwise you encounter issues as we've seen here. Core, important, crucial characters (for the plot or backstories) up and vanish, leaving gaping holes in a myriad of things, plot included. So the sort of system where you have say, six or seven players, no more, and only replace them if one leaves is safer.

I am however, entirely against a reboot.

Why replay the same events as before? Not all of us, myself included, were present, but why? Of course the outcomes will be different, to some length, but there's too much invested. It feels like a betrayal in a way, as there were so many distinct elements that you're just trying to match or best them now.

Sounds logical to me.

So then. Are folks here in favor of a pretty long timeskip? Some folks here might want to keep their characters and not have to make brand new ones because the old ones are too old... so, either way.

How about the idea of moving to a different part of the world? Still same side and probably same hemisphere... but a different country to set events in?
@PhoenixOh I know that not everyone shares my interests. I mean, thank you, but I really just want one bite. I don't need the most amazing rp ever but all I really want right now is someone with the same interests. Because I've seen my interests requested before. I've seen them filled before for others.

I don't care for GMing because thats not my interest. I don't want to control everything or run a whole forum rp. I've been writing on my own, but that's boring and predictable. I know not to take a message as commitment. It's just disheartening to see no one respond at any time for months on end and it's even worse because I want to see these interactions play out and watch these characters grow, but because of personal hangups no one wants to do it.

Players are shit right now, I'm well aware. That's all I've been dealing with. All I want is some maturity and maybe a bite. That's literally it.

Yeah, around here... concepts tend to be hit or miss. Even when they hit, some have a nasty tendency to die out early...

That said, if you come up with something that catches my eye, I might drop in myself some time. :)

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a way to clear them off.
In Hiya! 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome :)
>Waves to the fading light
Is it possible to create a mecha squad (3-4 including a PC, rest being NPC)?

Other question as well - character cap?

Edit: Faction variety? We all in one or make our own?
Before I forget again, here's my concepts for a little expansion on the PSI scale.

I vaguely recall Kingsman, but never got into it very much. I recall a nice feeling after I saw (a movie, I think) by the name, so it can't be all bad :)

Fandoms I don't do all that great with, although you may be in luck if they include the Diablo universe, Battletech, and/or Supernatural...
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