Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Those guys are called Skin-Changers, my friend.

As for mixed species... eh... it would really depend on your sign-up. If you make it a really good character, and a really good mixed-specie, I'll have no reason to say no. If it's just an excuse to do the whole Underworld thing where it's the best of both species without any of the weaknesses, then I'll have to say no.

So, yeah, just shoot me a CS and I shall judge it most fairly! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thank you! I figure that if he needs tweaking then he can be tweaked.

Full Name:Vladimir

333 years, 10 months, 22 days (looks about 22)
Born on: Saturday, January 1, 1676

hybrid (Vampire/skin changer)



Vladimir is 6 foot with a medium build. His eyes are a pale grey color that turn red when he is hungry. His black hair is short until it reaches the front of his face where a white streak covers his left eye. He is seen with a silver seemingly soldered shut hoop in his left ear and seems to have slightly longer then normal canines. Generally, he wears t shirts, tight jeans and pirate styled boots (something about the boots being comfortable). He owns a pirate captain outfit, there he occasionally wears when he's feeling particularly piraty.

sarcastic, obnoxious, and can generally be an ass. He is capable of compassion, but its a rare thing to find. Under all that obnoxiousness, he is depressed heavily so. His personality is much like his own personal wall. To get to his better side, one would need to chip through everything and manage to get close.

Vladimir's story starts off in pirate days (for him about the 1700s). Where he was often found with some of his crew stealing from many a royal member in Russia using his unique ability of skin changing into a wolf to attack while his crew would grab the loot and they would meet up back at the ship. Until, he decided to go solo one night. This time, instead of a normal royal member, it was a vampire. Vladimir didn't run away, instead he attacked. He was doing fairly well until the vampire managed to inject him with the thing's blood in a primitive syringe, effectively getting blood into his blood stream. In massive amounts of pain he used a dagger to cut off the vampire's head then passed out. This injection lead to his hybrid nature, and lead to him living a lot longer then he was meant to. It also lead him to meeting his wife decades later. Falling in love caused for a large change in him, he fell head over heels for the woman whom others found plain. He loved her fully and completely, causing him to devote his world to her. This peaceful love story continued for half of her life. That is until the family of the vampire that he killed murdered his wife horribly. He managed to reach her while she was still barely clinging to life, he held her in his arms while she bled out from wounds and told him good bye. This devastated him, causing him to lash out on the people in the town and any vampire he could find. He was crushed, depressed, and full of hatred that had no where to go once he finished. Eventually, his personality slowly went back to what it was before he met his wife, that sarcastic obnoxious ass, that people either liked to hang around or stab. His old persona has become his own personal wall against his depression, and his feelings. Probably not the best approach to it, but its what he does.
Vladimir started out as part of a Cossack crew when he was young (about 16). He was able to keep his skin walker nature secret, but easily moved up from a deck boy to becoming more of a fighter. However, when he reached the age of 20, he realized he wanted his own ship and crew. Finding this as no easy feat, he rallied up his own men (all skin walkers and shapeshifter) that were liked minded, and pack orientated or simply wanted the adventurous life Vlad offered them. He then took over the ship that his previous captain held by force (without revealing their true natures). From that point on he was more of a renegade pirate under no ruling but his own, though he often helped out the cossacks by attacking Russian royal ships that were often filled with either treasure, important messages, the royalty themselves, or a combination. He often would take a few of his crew with him to attack the royal or the captain of that ship, but the ship that lead to his hybrid nature seemed easy enough to do on his own. Things went wrong that day, the enemy ship fled to land, where his crew ended up fighting the enemy crew and Vlad chased down the royalty.

Abilities: (seem to be diluted for both sides, making him stronger then a skin walker, but weaker then a full vampire)
Super Strength:able to lift heavy objects and overpower grown humans.
Fangs:possess a set of retractable fangs. Their teeth are superhumanly strong and can rip open a human's neck and leave huge bite marks on the corpse of the victim it has fed on.
Agility:They can climb up walls and jump off buildings without hurting themselves
Senses:They can see in the dark, hear a human's heart beat, and possess enhanced sense of smell.
Healing:He has fairly rapid healing
Shifting: He can become a wolf (large black and white wolf)
Immortality: They can't grow old and don't acquire conventional diseases that affect humans.unless he gets killed of course
He can't seem to get drunk, but he loves rum.
He is sterile.
Generally carries an extremely old revolver with silver bullets and salt pellets along with a dagger.
He has what sounds like a Russian accent that comes out every once in awhile.
Past: He feels guilty about something that wasn't totally his fault, and its quite debilitating
He feeds on animal blood found in a flask
He can consume solids, but he rarely does finding food tasteless
Liquor to him is one of the few things with flavor still.

Deadman's blood: Seems to weaken him, to a lesser extent then full vampires
Silver: No effect, wears a silver soldered hoop in his ear (seems to be a weird nod to old vampire lore)
Methods of killing:
-Iron: Iron burns him much like silver does to others, he has no idea why iron works while silver does not
-Sunlight: He can walk in it
-Alive: He is technically still alive with a heart that beats, but it does beat slower then normal. Therefore, a iron dagger to the heart is also effective alongside beheading.

((If you are curious on what the Cossacks are Click me
Vampire abilities: Click me
Skin walker abilities: Click me
those links are for references so that i can keep tweaking))
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


First of all, a mistake on my part - they are known as Skinwalkers, not Skin-changers.

Overall, your sheet is just way too vague. For a High-Casual, borderline Advanced Roleplay, I'm going to need a lot more detail from you; I'm not looking for IC posts that are going to be of this standard, so it needs to be more in depth.

Starting from the top: "Old" As an age, doesn't really cut it for me. If it was an ancient creature like an Angel, I could sort of understand, but I'm going to need some sort of estimate.

Personality; going to need more than one line from you. No-one is that two-dimensional in real life. I mean, you've stated that one of his weaknesses is that he regrets his past, and it is 'debilitating'. Does it cause him depression? Crippling anxiety? Whatever it is, it contradicts the personality traits you've listed.

Backstory; I don't mind backstories being expressed IC'ly, but I still want something written down in the CS other than "it's a long story". If it were going to be relevant to the plot, then yeah, I could understand that you want some mystery in there - but the main plotline is stopping Seals being cracked open. And you've wiped out the mystery by saying what his tragedy is - a dead wife. That to me just looks like you can't be bothered writing out a decent backstory for this character until it becomes relevant in the IC - If you are really stuck on how to write this out, I don't mind waiting for something good, and you can always ask me for tips and the like on what to put.

My final issue is with the Hybrid nature - you haven't said how this has occurred. Now, Vampires are canonically sterile, so it can't be a Skinwalker Daddy/Vampire Mommy. I'm not sure if Skinwalkers can pass along their infection via genetics, but they turn people the same way as Werewolves usually. So, you need to decide which specie he was first when he was infected the second time, or if he was just unlucky enough to be attacked by these creatures on the same night; while still staying alive throughout it - which will also need to be explained, because they generally don't leave people alive.

You haven't mentioned anything of his diet - can he eat and digest human food? Is he still technically alive and functioning?
I can't understand why you've put Iron as a weakness, when it doesn't affect either of the species he belongs to. Does sunlight affect him? Does silver affect him? Does Dead Man's blood affect him? And why is it so damn hard to kill him? There's no way he'd be harder to defeat than a Leviathan, and for them, all you have to do is separate the head from the body and keep it away from said body. All it takes to kill a regular Vampire is beheading them (And fire, I guess?), and for Skinwalkers, it's sustained damage, and/or silver to the heart/head.

So, yeah. Sorry man - this is going to need a lot of tweaking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

alright ill get to it. If necessary I can change out that one for an angel which would probably be easier to explain their existence. While doing the angel for awhile i can think more of how to explain some of Vlad and edit as I progress. Does this sound okay? this way i can really flesh out his story or if I can't figure out how to explain better I can stick with the angel.

And thank you for taking the time and really going into what I need to tweak :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


That sounds great - and thanks for taking it so well. I know a lot of people who don't take constructive criticism very well, and simply leave in a mood.
You can go ahead and make an Angel character - just keep in mind that Heaven will most likely be aware of the fact that he/she will be down there helping out, so Heaven has got to be okay with it, otherwise he/she'd be killed off in no time. If you want to do an already established angelic character from the series, do ask me beforehand, because there are a few that are out-of-bounds, and I'd hate for you to waste time making a CS over it.

Otherwise, I'd say that work on Vladimir is a good idea - simply because it's a really cool concept being a hybrid. Also, he's a pirate. Pirates are cool. :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright awesome. I keep fiddling with his back story.

Ill have the angel up in a jiffy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Don't feel pressured to rush it or anything my friend. :)
Also, I am retiring for the night, so I'll likely take a look in the morning (Or afternoon, which is when I'll likely wake up), if you decide to pop it on. :)

G'night all!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

{ended up fleshing out Vlad a ton, so want to focus on him a bit first.}
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

seems like i have ended up fleshing out Vlad a lot >.> dang brain, supposed to be studying and instead I've got this pirate running through my mind
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 day ago


What of the other Singer girl? Anybody heard from that player or is somebody gonna get left behind or written out early on?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@The Kid Lantern

Not to worry - I know Nightingale IRL, and she's assured me that she isn't abandoning the roleplay. She's just dealing with college work and shit, and of course, that takes precedent. She's doing her first post soon. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

i edited Vlad a bit more, would you mind taking a look and seeing if I'm moving in the right direction with him? :) I'm actually enjoying really fleshing him out so much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The bio is a little better, and the personality too. But the bio still needs a lot of work; It's just way too vague. There's evidence in there that shows you haven't done any research into the backstory of your character. You've stated he was around in "Pirate days" where he and his crew attacked "Royal Members". Royal members of what? What century was this? What's their usual pirate run?

You haven't even stated which country Vladimir is from, nor how he acquired his crew, nor if his crew members knew about his supernatural nature - and chances are if they too weren't human, they would have abandoned or killed him because of his nature. Also, why did he decide to just go solo one night? I would assume they're attacking ships from their own ship, so it would be hard to hide it from his crew.

And here's something I have a real issue with: He was infected via Vampire Bite. In the world of Supernatural, to become a Vampire, one must ingest a fair amount of blood from the Vampire to be turned. Ergo, it's rarely by accident. Despite the work you're putting in on the character, it's making me think you haven't researched at all.

I'm also still not happy with the difficulty in killing him - the combination of creatures that he is wouldn't give him that much power. Beheading should be enough - nothing beyond that.

I've also been taking a look at some of your other roleplays, and the quality of your posts - all I'll say is that I'll be demanding more than what you're used to in this roleplay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I will work on him some more, just was checking the direction to make sure i was moving the right way. Thank you for looking it over.

Tweaked him a bit more, researched a bit more, tweaked some more. Hopefully I'm back on the right track
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 day ago

@The Kid Lantern

Not to worry - I know Nightingale IRL, and she's assured me that she isn't abandoning the roleplay. She's just dealing with college work and shit, and of course, that takes precedent. She's doing her first post soon. :)

Sweetness. I can't wait for this one to move forward.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demarcus


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Full Name: Michael Hughes

Age: 25

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Michael is roughly 6'3 and 150 lbs, he has dark brown eyes with short blonde hair, Michael doesn't have much muscles to speak of and has generally a geeky appearance.

Personality: Michael is very intelligent and has the unfortunate habit of correcting people on grammar and facts, Michael is known to be very shy except to his friends, Michael is very fun-loving and sarcastic but is often very quiet in social situations like parties.

Backstory: Michael was born in England but moved to the states when he was ten. In high school he was mocked for his stange accent but ended up becoming a chemist.Unlike some hunters, Michael wasn't born into hunting but discovered it completely by accident, the way he discovered about monsters and demons was: he had sex with a witch and was cursed when he turned sour so he fell in love with the witch, he killed the witch and broke the curse and ran away, now he hunts mainly witches but also some demons.

Extra: trained in Mixed martial arts and can speak and read latin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

I would have thought a shapeshifter stumbling into an occupied parking lot would have generated something. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 day ago

I generally don't post back to back, but if nobody else wants to post anything I'd like to move the story along a little further for my guy and at least another player or two. The wait is killing me. LOL

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Really sorry about my absence guys - I've been feeling pretty 'ick' recently and decided to take a wee holiday from the guild to get my writing back up to standard. I didn't want to be writing crap because I was feeling crap, if you get me.

Nice start - Could I perhaps have a little more detail in the biography? Maybe elaborate on what his childhood was like, how we met this witch, why they fell out, etc. I'm not looking for tiny details like what size dress she was, just something to flesh it out a bit more. In a high casual roleplay, I'd like a wee bit more than one paragraph for the background. :)
Oh, and I think he'd have some muscles if he's trained in MMA. Perhaps you could describe him as wiry, or athletic?

@The Kid Lantern
Double-posting is fine, especially in this slow beginning stage. As mentioned, I wasn't posting anything for a few days, so I'm still working on my collab with @Angel Vicky - who I also apologize to, for once again, not posting anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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>Waves to the fading light
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