Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts


How many allies in the area does Aurora have?
Caezel watched the proceedings, collecting his wits and regretting the rather stupid statement he made in claim. Claim an angel in front of the Prince of Darkness and an ethereal being? He counted himself lucky the fairy had burst in. He stood back to watch the proceedings, making no movement as the prince unleashed shadowy tendrils to lock all involved to the ground; as attempting to mess with such magic was in and of itself rather foolish. And, he reasoned, the moment he made a move against the two captors of the angel, he would be screwed doubly. He hadn't made it this long by making stupid moves.

He backed into the forest, recalling the potions he had left. A rather useless potion to subdue and one that worked as a weak flashbang. Neither were optimal for the purpose. But he could get in with the demon prince for just a little while by acting in his interests. He took the long way around the scene before, blade drawn, walking towards Aurora and careful to make no noise to expose his presence. At least, he thought, he smelled as the dirt he was walking upon.
Ah... well. After the prince I intend to squeeze.

Is a skeleton still on Octavia?
Who's the daydream for? Can't be for the intruder if you don't even know where the said intruder actually is and can access the mind in question, so...
Caezel's primary inititive right now is standing back and waiting for more chaos to pop in. Don't worry, he'll get in the brawl the moment everyone's occupied :P
The mage could not wait. He needed to act this very evening - and with any luck destroy the dark sage before she went on the offensive.

Of course, he was fully aware that the possibility existed of things being a little too difficult to handle on his own. He would have let the rogue in, but at the end of the day he didn't trust her. That meant he would have to do it by himself. But do I need to go in the flesh? he asked himself as he looked into the lifeless eyes of a well crafted golem, shrouded in the darkness of the cave. If the plan failed, he would know that more extreme measures would be necessary, and he would be able to tell the Council of the threat. There were too many thing at stake to let the sage roam the world, attempting to undo the last pure order left.

He pulled the yellow talisman out of his pocket and clasped it into the golem's hands. The one valuable that could be at risk, but the mage was quite sure that even if the golem fell, the talisman would be safe from being used against him. After all, the sage could only be recruiting those of dark hearts - she wouldn't be able to touch it and neither could her cronies.

He stared into the lifeless eyes of the golem and began the procedure of possessing it...


The mage stood at the bottom of the hill, looking at the mansion with talisman in hand. Well warded against intrusion. Certainly, the sage had prepared herself well. But then, he was a Magi Ritari - and he knew every wall, magical or physical, could be broken.

The trick was, of course, to enter without being immediately detected. He issued a cloaking spell to begin; sufficient against most means of detection, though possibly vulnerable to direct magical probes. But then, there was little reason for him to be sought out.

As he climbed the hill, he noticed a strange feeling; a familiar presence. He identified it with a scowl. The rogue. Whatever her reason for being there, she could damage the mission. If he felt her she could almost certainly detect him back. But it was too late to retreat.

The mage walked low and approached the exterior of the sage's home, talisman in hand. The first thing he would need to do is identify exactly where his target was. He began scanning the windows, straining to find the one he sought.

Alright, well - since other folks are aiming to post I'll let them go and intercede when it looks like I won't be forcing folks to rewrite.
Do you have to make Caezel look like an arse by forcing him to break up a love scene?

Of course, that's assuming he gets past a crew of soldiers, an ultra-power prince and an angel... I think I need to put that Sir Robin link back up ^.^
Will at least watch.
^.^ guess it's good I didn't even start a single word of a post so far...
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