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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Sarcelle Renard

Octavia laughed softly at the young Prince's remark then smiled again. "Yes I do suppose I am a fool. But I am a happy one, so I don't too terribly mind. As to whether or not that leads to my demise well... We will just have to wait see, won't we?" She replied as the light spread around Asher's head, reaching the edges of his face. The light spread down his torso and his arms, then disappeared altogether when Octavia was finished. Octavia craned her neck up and exhaled deeply, as if she were breathing her soul back into the sky, a steady trail of steam came from her mouth. A sudden chill shot through her body and her crimson hair stood on edge.

Octavia then looked back at Asher and smiled again. "All done. Are you feeling better?" She asked as she looked him over. However, it was when she examined his wings, that the young angel became entranced by their magnificently dark color. The tips of her fingers gently slid down the demon's pure, black wings, being careful so that she wouldn't disturb a single fiber on his dark feathers. "Tell me... Has anyone ever told you that you the most beautiful wings? They're gorgeous... Like the night sky... " She murmered softly with an awestruck expression, her eyes were filled with wonder and captivation. Upon realizing what she just said, she snaps back to reality and blushed, slightly embarrassed as she feared that she may have said something odd. " S-sorry...! I probably sound strange, don't I?" She said apologetically. "A-anyway... How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere? You had quite the tumble..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Sarcelle Renard@Ace of flames01@Narcotic Dollie@ArenaSnow

Livia watched all this unfold with a measure of incredulity, anger and confusion. But then a much more sinister emotion found its place within her, suspicion. It was obvious the prince and the angel… they knew each other. From where Livia couldn't guess, nor could she guess why. She snapped herself from her thoughts however, and refocussed her efforts on the present.

She looked to the minion that had been holding Livia, and gestured towards the figure that had bumbled his way into the clearing with them. The skeleton grasped its sword in both hands and walked forward placing itself between the figure and the rest of the group, it cocked it's head to one side and worked its jaw at him as though it were trying to speak to him. Livia paid it no heed, she'd seen plenty of the restless dead act in such a manner, an unsettling side effect of being partly resurrected she supposed. The poor creature probably couldn't understand what was happening to it.

Turning from the new figure and her minions she floated towards the angel and Asher. She stopped a short distance from them and focussing her powers she called upon the dead to serve once more. A few moments later a 3rd skeletal warrior clawed its way free of the ground and stood weapon in hand awaiting orders. Livia's thoughts swam as she did this, splitting her attention between four consciousnesses was a push, but not beyond her. She did her best to stay focussed and ordered her newest minion to seize the angel. The skeletal creature obeyed half walking, half shuffling forward picking up the rope that its fellow had tried to use earlier to bind the angel.

Livia looked down at the angel as the skeleton heaved her away from Asher before starting to bind her. 'No more escaping little bird' said Livia, her chorus of whispers sounding malicious and discordant, 'Else you might find yourself with injuries that your magic alone can't see fit to heal'. The threat was obvious, but Livia sincerely hoped that the angel would push her luck again. Whilst she had no doubt that Asher wouldn't let her kill the pathetic creature, he couldn't stop Livia from making sure she didn't get away.

That was when Livia looked to the prince he seemed somewhat disoriented, after his magic had rebounded so powerfully she wasn't surprised but his apparent torpor seemed to be more than just the recoil of dark magic. She floated over to him and curtsied low, 'My prince will have to forgive me for not helping him to his feet' she began 'However, matters seem to be under control once more. That being said what are your orders?'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aurora watched the proceedings with a sigh, shaking her head over a perfectly good opening to kill the demon. Just a burst of light magic, and he would have been destroyed. Then, the faerie's eyes started to gleam at a perfect opportunity. The wraith had just summoned another skeleton, and seemed to have lost some focus. If she tried to attack any one of the skeletons' then the wraith could send the others after her, but if she attacked the wraith...

Coming to a quick conclusion, Aurora slowly and quietly built up a ball of pure light within her hand, readying herself for a quick descent. Time to even the playing field. Smirking, the brunette spiralled downwards as fast as she could, the ball of light in her hand now the size of her palm. She would take out the wraith, then the demon, and finally take the angel home, leaving Basil and the witch alone, since they seem to be agaisnt the Kingdom of Dark. As she got even closer, the orb was now the size of her entire hand. Nearly right above the wraith, she let out a maniac laugh, a bloodthirsty grin on her face as she thrust the orb towards her intended target.
@Karos@Ace of flames01@Ace of flames01@ArenaSnow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Angelo was relaxed as he played His flute enjoying the silence of the wilderness as he ventured deeper into the forest. If he remembered correctly this was called dead wood forest. Angelo could see why with the amount of dead trees around. Soon he snaked a twig which wouldn't be any concern normally however their was a dark bear nearby that heard him. Angelo looked behind him to see growling and he quickly stopped paying hiding behind some trees hoping that the bear wouldn't force him to fight...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@RiverMaiden Livia kept looking at the prince awaiting a response, then she heard a maniacal laugh and a bright light entered the periphery of her vision. The wraith dispersed as the missile closed the distance. It slammed into the ground scorching the place where it hit, the space in which Livia had been hovering but moments earlier. She reconstituted herself a short distance away, her focus slipping for the slightest of moments causing all three of her skeletal warriors to fall to one knee in unison. She snarled her chorus of whispering voices making an unnatural shifting sound like a dread tempest.

The harsh words from their mistress caused the warriors to snap up again, but they remained unmoving, weapons ready awaiting their mistresses' orders. But Livia wasn't going to give them any, she looked up and saw the source of the attack. The fairy from before, Livia smiled behind her hood. This one was brave, stupid, but brave none the less.

Livia's wraith blade re-materialised in her right hand, the elegant and ethereal blade cut a path through the plants that covered the forest ground as Livia glided to get a better angle on her opponent. As she did so the plants touched by the blade wilted, shrivelled and then turned to ash.

Livia extended her free hand as she dodged around the clearing. She had little magic left to call upon sustaining the three minions at once was taxing, but she still had enough for a couple of tricks. Aiming her free hand at the fairy a long black tendril shot forth from her skeletal fingers aimed at the fairy's wings. As she did so she called out to her attacker 'Come and face me mortal! I've been denied one soul today yours would be a welcome exchange!'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just as it had seemed like Octavia had broken then ice with the young demon; she felt a great force rip her away from him. It was the wraith. However, before she could react, a skeleton had gotten a hold of her and put tight restraints on her wings, wrists, ankles, and neck. However, this time she did not fight the wraith or rather... She no longer had the strength in her to fight.

Suddenly, the faerie from before had appeared, laughing in a maniacle manor. However, her attack had missed the wraith and exploded when it had made contact with the ground. Octavia had been caught up in the blazing recoil and was sent flying and was burnt in the process. Her burnt body slammed into a nearby tree, hitting her head and spine against the trunk of the tree, then once again when she hit the ground. Octavia's gaze slowly fell upon the fight as blood poured from the injury on her head, before her mind slipped into unconsciousness once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was difficult for Asher to understand the creature in front of him. How in the world she was able to smile like that while in her present situation was beyond him. And yet looking at her like that tugged at a protective side of him that even he wasn’t aware he possessed. A temptation flashed through him, but he silenced it before it could even become a concrete thought. Asher was a prince to his people first and foremost. They would come before any of his selfish wants.

The brush on his wings caused a small shiver to run through him and pulled him away from his thoughts. Asher’s entire body went rigid as the angel delicately ran her hand across his wings, her remark about them sounding all too familiar. Where have I heard that before? he wondered, his resolution from moments ago already wavering. The prince knew there had to be a reason he felt connected to this damn creature, he just wasn’t quite able to put his finger on it.

Thankfully, Livia intervened before he was able to do anything he would later regret. The demon rose to his feet up as the skeleton bound the angel, his resolve strong once more. Again the wraith inquired as to what her orders were, a question that the prince wasn’t quite sure of himself. That was of course, before he noticed the ball of light magic sailing straight towards them. Then it became quite clear what had to be done.

Asher was barely able to dive out of the way in time, but had to look on with dismay as the force of the impact sent the princess crashing into a tree. ”Your orders are to secure the angel and cut down any that get in our way,” he snarled as soon as he was back on his feet. His eyes fell on Balmung, still firmly planted firmly in the ground. After his little outburst, using more magic was all but out of the question, but the prince was quite confident his sword hand would prove to be more than enough to end the farce he found himself in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Caezel watched the proceedings, collecting his wits and regretting the rather stupid statement he made in claim. Claim an angel in front of the Prince of Darkness and an ethereal being? He counted himself lucky the fairy had burst in. He stood back to watch the proceedings, making no movement as the prince unleashed shadowy tendrils to lock all involved to the ground; as attempting to mess with such magic was in and of itself rather foolish. And, he reasoned, the moment he made a move against the two captors of the angel, he would be screwed doubly. He hadn't made it this long by making stupid moves.

He backed into the forest, recalling the potions he had left. A rather useless potion to subdue and one that worked as a weak flashbang. Neither were optimal for the purpose. But he could get in with the demon prince for just a little while by acting in his interests. He took the long way around the scene before, blade drawn, walking towards Aurora and careful to make no noise to expose his presence. At least, he thought, he smelled as the dirt he was walking upon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Lord Zee

Back in the castle, the King sensed what was happening to Octavia and had decided to finally intervene. But who would he send? Certainly not Rida, as she was currently found being spiteful. Then suddenly, a certain Knight came to mind. The Kings smiled then chuckled slightly. "Hear me, Knight of Angels... I have an important mission for you... Go to Deadwood Forest... My daughter has been taken there. But beware... Many children of darkness reside there... Including the prince of darkness himself... You must go alone on this mission... Please hurry and retrieve me daughter for I fear she does not have much time left..." The King's thoughts echoed in Lucius' mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After awhile Don was starting to notice that the woman was in fact not dead but lost. Well she didn't run away like the opposite sad usually does when they come in contact with the Lumber Jack like reaper. "Sure, why not!" He proclaimed looking at the map which was poorly drawn out in his eyes. "Woah...um this map, whoever drew it must of not been around here for awhile." He looked up from the map and then around his surroundings. "The map is correct is just my little grave yard and a few feet around it haven't been maped out!" Don let out a slight chuckle. "But it's best if you don't add it or probably put a crozz and bones in that area." He pointed on the map that would represent their current location. All he could do was chuckle which was odd and not very calming for a person that you just happen to meet in a off the map grave yard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lucius had not been running for long when his mind became invaded, actually he was just on the outskirts of the town. Thoughts that were not his own echoed throughout his mind, a message from the King! Finally, after all that had happened upon that day, the king was finally regarding Octavia's disappearance and tasked him with finding her. But... he had to go alone and he was aware that Mozu had been following him in dog form.

He stopped to catch his breath and waited for Mozu to arrive, or at least get close enough to see him. He picked up a stick and began waving it around, baiting the girl to follow it.

"Who's a good girl? Mozu is a good girl! Now, go fetch the stick!" Lucius said in a higher pitched voice. He then threw the stick as hard as he could into a some trees nearby, he did not wait to see if she ran after it but instead ran in the opposite direction towards the border.

It looked like he would need a horse or some form of transport to get him their much quicker, at his current pace it would probably be over an hour and by then it would be to late. He quickly made his way into the town and after some quick talking, secured a lovely black horse from a sergeant. The drove that horse into high gear and was on his way.


He arrived at the border in under the hour but the horse would go no further, if not for the exhaustion then for the darkness itself. He stroked the mane, turned it around and sent it back into the Kingdom of Light, someone would find.

Lucius sighed, this would the second time he crossed the border within forty-eight hours. He took the plunge however, for if he did not try then the king would have his head. Oh the things you do for royalty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The first thing Naya notices when she comes to is that she has a gods awful headache. She supposed bashing your head against a rock would do that to you.

The second thing she notices is that she’s being held quite securely against the chest of a skeleton warrior. How curious. Wasn't this one of Livia’s summons? Weren't they on the same side?

“I'm fine now, my dead friend,” Naya mumbles hoarsely, trying to pull free of the undead’s grasp. Instead of releasing her it just raises its sword, pressing the cold metal against her neck until it slices out a shallow wound. “Easy!” Naya hisses, but stops struggling instantly. “I haven't got that much left to spill!” She growls, breathing a sigh of relief as the undead summon lets up the pressure on her neck.

Is this what she got for her services to the crown? The witch had very nearly bled out trying to save the prince’s angel and in return he just let his wraith hold her at sword point? “This is why I stay out of politics,” the brunette grumbles, reaching up a pale hand to prod at the fresh cut on her neck. When she pulls it back her fingers are covered in blood. “Well, better not waste it,” Naya murmurs before rocking up onto her tiptoes and leaning into skeleton, raising her hand cautiously and waiting to see if it reacts.

The blue flames of its eyes peer down at her, but it does not move to harm her again. It seems that as long as she doesn't try to escape, it will do her no harm.

Good. This should be easy then.

She begins to draw out the runes along the skull’s forehead, returning her finger to the cut on her neck anytime she starts to run low on blood. The first one stands for protection, the second for a divine union, and the final one for true love. When the last symbol is finished Naya brings the pad of her finger to her mouth and proceeds to rub the scarlet liquid all over her lips, before pressing them to the skull’s cheek and sealing the spell with a kiss. “Your name is Skellington and you’re mine now, understand?” Naya asks, short of breath yet again as the blood magic takes its toll.

The flames of Skellington’s eyes turn from blue to a rose pink and the centers look like hearts now. The summon nods hesitantly before rubbing where it’s nose used to be against Naya’s in some weird, undead version of an Eskimo kiss. “So sweet,” she giggles, tapping the cheek that is marred by her bloody kiss mark. “Could you be a dear and pick me up?”

In an instant Skellington has bundled her up and is carrying her bridal style. “Thanks, Skelly!” The witch chirps, placing another smooch on the undead’s cheek. It shifts its weight and steam starts to pour out of its ears comically. If skulls could blush, Skellington would be tomato colored. “Now let's see about getting all my stuff back, shall we?”

After a few minutes and many pecks on the cheek later, Skellington has collected Naya’s satchel, spear, dagger, and most importantly, her grimoire. “Thank you, I'm very proud of you,” The witch tells the summon honestly, chuckling as it goes to nuzzle her hair. “Alright, alright, that's enough of that. Can you take me to that salt circle over there?”

It brings her over to it, but seems hesitant to let her go. It knows it can’t follow her there. “It's alright, Skelly, you can keep watch,” Naya reassures as she wiggles free of his grip, swaying as her feet hit the ground. The skeleton is quick to help steady her, making an unholy groaning noise that sounds almost concerned. “I'm fine,” the green eyed woman says, patting its arm one last time before stepping into the circle. “Don't kill anyone unless they try to kill you first, dear!”

Skellington nods, walking along the outskirts of the salt ring with its sword clutched tight as it keeps watch. Naya, finally safe from the wraith, starts to go through her satchel, sifting through her potions to sort out the useful ones.

@Karos@Ace of flames01@Sarcelle Renard

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Lord Zee@ace of flames01

Mozu continued to follow Lucius with her tail wagging. While he was running Mozu considered it a game of chase and had great fun with it. Eventually though Mozu heard Lucius ask who was a good girl. She couldn't help but wonder who the good girl was. Was it maybe the neighbor werewolf from back home? Then she heard him say that she was a good girl. She couldn't stop wagging her tail after that. Of course she was a good girl! She was the best girl!

Mozu was so excited that she was hopping in the air when he started to wave around the stick. She even did a few spins until her excitement paid off as she saw the stick get thrown into the woods. She ran into the woods to chase the stick as fast as she could. Soon enough she found herself in the woods. She found the stick that was thrown after some searching and headed back only to find that Lucius had run away. "Aww, I wanted to play more." Mozu said in her dog form before sulking back past the border.

Once she passed the border she could feel the refreshing breeze on her face again. It was nice to return every now and then. She really did wish that she could stay in the light world longer and found it frustrating that she couldn't. Mozu at this point just sulked through out the forest. Or atleast she did until she came upon what looked to be a downed angel. Mozu approached the angel with caution. She sniffed it a bit touching the angel with her cold nose every now and then. She licked at some of the burn wounds in hopes of helping with the wounds.


Rida didn't quite agree with the idea of putting the crossbones on the map. Sure this place was dangerous, but so was the entire dark world. "Yeah I don't think that part is gonna be necessary. May as well label the whole map with skulls then." Rida said stating what was on her mind. "You know of anything beyond this place? Or are you just a shut in?" Rida said with a bit of spite in her words. She didn't care much for dark worlders and could care less if she was being rude to them. They were only there to be killed after all.

To Rida this man did seem to be quite full of himself. He had started by trying to hit on her, then only spoke about the area he was in and nothing else. She hated the kinds of men that were full of them selves like this. Though Rida herself was quite often full of herself as well. When she was drunk she claimed to be the strongest among the fairies. Though in truth her strength paled in comparison to Aurora. Sure Rida's magic was better but Aurora had far more strength.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Don paused for a moment. This fairy must not really know where she is for to play his grave yard off as just another area within the dark territory. "Not really, sometimes I forget and just teleport here...so your guess of the environment around this place is as good as mines and no I'm not a shut in I have you know I leave this place and decapitate, murder people and devour souls at least 20 times a day." He said with an utmost pride. Then again Don was starting to question why he was helping the child of the light and not devouring her soul. She was pretty cold for a person to be the child of then light so killing her wouldn't be bad. "Hey, serious though there could be anything in these woods! How about you stick around for awhile and once I get everything around here settled I can help you expedition into the woods?" The plan was simple. Go deep enough into the woods where screams can't be heard and kill her when she's distracted. All the little fairy has to do now is agree to his offer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01@ArenaSnow@Sarcelle Renard@Karos

While she had been falling to the ground, ball of pure light in hand, attacking the one being that could phase in and out of reality sounded like such a good idea... Sadly, it wasn't, the attack only hitting the ONE person she was supposed to protect. Damn, she really shouldn't have went so gung-ho when the princess was within her attack zone. The past was the past, however, and the fairy landed in a three-point stance, quickly getting up from the ground with eyes light with excitement at the two opponents infront of her. One wraith, who was currently sending a tendril of darkness straight at her wings, while holding a sword that seemed to be able to affect living things somewhat, and one demon, who was teaching for a sort of ancient sword that lay in the ground. The faerie ducked under the tendril, feeling the cold touch of darkness just barely miss her wings. Hearing the wraith's taunt, the brunette's lips turned upwards, her teeth showing within a insanely cocky smile.

Aurora unholsters the silver axes from her sides, and spins them once within her hands, magic flowing from her body and igniting the blades with fire. The faerie felt her magic reserves fall, having used multiple instances of magic throughout the day. Man, did she seriously just do all of that work in a single day? Rida should give her a promotion or something. "The only soul that's leaving this forest is your own, old hag!" Aurora jeered at the wraith, mimicing the wraith's own evasive movements with her own, using her wings to glide across the forest floor. She would keep the Prince within her periphery, but her focus will be mostly on the wraith for now. The moment the wraith started to come for her with the blade of death, the faerie will stop the attack with one Axe and retaliate with the other. She only had enough magic within her for one more blast of light, so she will keep that in reserve as a last resort.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Narcotic Dollie@RiverMaiden@Ace of flames01

Livia's attack shot past the fairy, she was fast just as nimble as Livia was flitting about her and there. She let her attack wither in the air, the tar like tendril dissipating and degrading into ash that coated the forest floor as she called back her magical essence. This will be interesting she thought to herself, she was more used to dealing with brutes, a tedium that had grown quite repetitive, this fairy would giver her some sport at least.

That was when Livia's mind was sent reeling, she shot off course dissipating around a tree as she did so. She looked up and saw one of the skeletons dropping Naya into a ring of salt. She spat a curse in a long forgotten language, and focussed her will upon her neglected minions. The one searching for Octavia found her at last and set about securing her. It did this in a rather brutal fashion placing one armoured foot on the small of her back and the tip of its sword to the back of her neck. The second skeleton that had been watching the newcomer silently let it back away, Livia called the warrior back ordering to creep up behind Naya sword raised. The Wraith still blamed her for the Angel's escape, and she'd had the gall to blame the prince of all people! Having now seen fit to usurp her control of the dead the gloves were off as far as Livia was concerned. This only left the final skeleton the one that had helped Naya. Livia formed an eldritch sign with her free hand and the skeleton jolted, it writhed for a moment and then was still. Then suddenly the figure was ensconced in sorcerous blue flames. The figure stood motionless, except for its head, the figures head snapped back and its jaw moved in what appeared to be a silent scream. That will teach you who you serve fool! thought Livia. The flames died down, the skeleton was singed all over, what little flesh the creature had possessed sloughed off revealing blackened bone beneath. The figures eyes flickered for a moment, pink and blue swirling in its eyes until two jets of blue flames shot forth singing the ground as Livia reasserted her control.

Turning her attention from her minions back to the fairy she shot straight towards her intended foe. Her attack was head on sword raised in her right hand, she swung down making no attempt to block a return blow, or that's what the fairy would see. Livia shot round behind the fairy as her illusionary self set about attacking the figure in front of her. Livia smiled behind her hood, she kept her sword tucked in close knowing that a quick slash would suffice for a creature this delicate. The attack was methodical and precise, one rehearsed from centuries of practice the swing aimed so that Livia's blade would pass through as many vital organs as possible without becoming stuck on bone or sinew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aurora watched the wraith retreat behind one of the trees for a moment. What was that old hag planning? The faerie was thankful for the small break, however, and used it to evaluate both her surroundings and her opponent. The Prince was off to one side, an ancient sword of some sorts within his hands. The angel was a ways behind him, unconscious, and a skeleton was on guard over her, sword pointed at the woman's neck. She saw some kind of dog near to the two, but she waved it off as insignificant. Off to another side, the witch has somehow gotten herself in the middle of a salt circle, one of the skeletons was protecting her, it's eyes resisting a pink fla- Suddenly, the skeleton was consumed in unholy blue fire, the figure within the blaze opening it's mouth in a parody of a scream. What in the name of the Light was going on? After a few seconds of this, the flames dissipated, and the flames within the skeleton's eyes were now a cold blue like the rest of them. Aurora seriously wanted to ponder over what just happened, highly curious and feeling that it was somehow important, but her for chose this moment to come out of the trees to attack, the Phantom's blade raised high in the air for an overhead slice.

Aurora scoffed, rushing to meet the wraith in the middle of the clearing. The wraith had a hundred ways to attack her, and the old hag chooses the front? What kind of idiot would do that with such an advantage? Blocking the sword strike with one of her axes, she used the contact as a pivot point, swerving around the wraith and slicing through its back in a single move, the flames that covered the silver weapons exploding over the Phantom. However, to Aurora's horror, the wraith that she had targeted disappated, and something clicked within the faerie's mind. Just as she thought, no one would lose the chancd to take the advantage the ethereal being had over the brunette. The wraith had got her, check and mate. As the fake phantom disappeared, the real hag appeared infront of the faerie, deadly blade already mid swing towards the faerie's front in a move that would shut down multiple organs. But, Aurora wasn't dead yet. She could still move, and had one thing that could save her sorry ass, but then she would be unable to harm the wraith after the move was done. Aurora grit her teeth, and closed her eyes. Screw it. If she died now, she wouldn't be able to save the princess. She had a job, and she was going to freaking do it. With a wordless battle cry, Aurora unleashed every iota of magic she had left, exploding the area around her with pure light. If the last ditch effort stunned, or hopefully wounded the wraith, then the faerie will fly as fast as she could, smash the skeleton's head in, take the princess, then fly like hell. If it failed... Well, she didn't have to worry about the princess no more.
@Karos@Narcotic Dollie@Ace of flames01@ArenaSnow@Sarcelle Renard@Cuccoruler
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Carson's awakening must of taken longer then thought as he felt he could do nothing but glare at those who dared go near the princess and watch over them carefully but what power did he have? He didn't have a sword. And if he did be would barely be able to use it without the witch's jacket accidentally being dropped and Carson was persistent to keep his privates as private as possible. He was sure he missed things as he was trying to keep awake. His muscles ached from whatever he did to get to this place the night before. He yelled at the princess in her times of stupidity yet did not, could not, stop her and he hated himself for it but now he didn't care, Octavia was unconscious, she needed medical attention but the rest of them were under attack. What was he to do? The woman saved his life but his duty lied with the princess. He looked over at the skeleton guard the angel's battered and bloodied body. In his current position he could not take the skeleton on. If he had his sword and clothes he would think he could but he didn't have either of those things so he jumped to the next conclusion. Distract them. The young soldier grabbed a rough rock and threw the sharp end at the skeleton over the princess' body
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lucius had been walking in the forest for awhile and was about to use a spell to find Octavia but then an intense explosion of light- no, that was magic, went off a few hundred feet away. He prepared himself for the confrontation with the enemy, knowing full well what could happen. Once he neared the location, much to his surprise, there was a group of odd people fighting one another within. The only child of light he could see was a faerie, against what could only be, a wraith. It looked like she had just expended all of her magic and would not be vulnerable.

There was also another female standing with a skeleton near, she looked messed up to say the least. Then there was the man, no doubt this was the prince of darkness- the one who took Octavia. His death would bring him great joy but where was Octavia? He saw the guard from a day before, how on earth did he get there? He followed the rock he threw at another skeleton and Lucius found horror. Mozu was right next to it, how did she get there before him? His gaze then fell upon the skeleton that had its foot on something, red hair and a white wings. Anger swelled up inside, that was how they treated hostages? Is that how they treated his princess!

He stepped into the clearing, his posture was erect and his facial expression was one of pure hatred. The air became statically charged as sparks danced across Lucius and his staff. The Knight of Angels was pissed.

With his free hand, a small ball of lightning formed within the palm, it grew to the size of a helmet before he it ejected from his hand right towards the skeleton that was standing guard on Octavia. The hit was violent, the skeleton was blasted apart from the impact and its limbs went in every direction.

He then looked at the wraith, another ball of lightning started to form in his hand. He gave a dark grin as he shot it at the creature of darkness.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If Balmung had been sentient, it would have been quite peeved with its owner. Remnants of light magic still pulsed through the old sword, which in turn stung Asher as he gripped it once more. However, it didn’t matter to the prince, as a few burns were not going to stop him at this point. With a brief glance of the battlefield, the prince was beginning to fully understand just how little he could trust the wraith. Her methods were as brutal as she believed she could get away with and was all too eager to exact revenge for even the smallest of perceived slights.

Finally noticing that Livia was going after Naya though was what made him realize that he needed to reel the wraith in, regardless of the consequences that may ensue. ”Livia,” he said sharply, ”You will pay dearly if I see you waste another second trying to harm our witch.” From there, he intended to go to the princess and make sure she wasn’t spirited away while they were distracted with the faerie, but sadly he never got the chance as yet another explosion of light magic went off.

While it wasn't close enough to hurt him directly, his battered body started to succumb to the effects of light poisoning. Asher's face contorted to a grimace as he fell to one knee, with Balmung clattering uselessly next to him. His insides were on fire and his sword hand had lost almost all feeling. The taste of blood filled his mouth as he bit his tongue to keep himself out of the clutches of unconsciousness.

How exactly the prince was able to stand one more, much less pick up his blade before he did so, was beyond him. There were obnoxious spots in his vision, but he refused to fall. Once again, Asher was prevented from doing as he intended as lightning arced in front of him and obliterated the angel's guard.

The demon's cool eyes found the newest intruder, a black haired mage, who was brimming with equal parts magic and fury. Strangely, the demon found himself able to empathize with him, as this was not at all how he had wanted things to unfold. But still, the mage was looking like he aimed to get in his way and the prince could not allow that. The fool had focused on the wraith, something Asher was fully prepared to use to his advantage.

The burning sensation from Balmung was becoming unbearable, but the prince merely gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on it. With a powerful thrust from his wings, Asher went from a standing position to flying straight at the mage at a frightening speed, even though his entire body screamed from the exertion. His intent was to at least throw him off balance, if not end his miserable life then and there with a rising diagonal slash from his sword.

The emotions that had been overwhelming him were subsiding as the all too familiar tempo of battle reminded the demon what he was and what he needed to do. There is nothing for you on that side, he reminded himself, his expression once more a neutral mask.

@Lord Zee@Karos
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