Name: Sven Nido
Gender: Male

When out in public he is often seen wearing a leather jacket, sunglasses, and with makeup over his scar to hide it.
When at work he does wear the makeup over the scar along with a construction helmet and reflective vest, he also wears a red t-shirt, and blue jeans.
Age: 30
Alias: Reincarnated Odin (Re-Odin for short)
Alignment: Hero
Identity: Private
History: Sven was born as a reincarnated version of Odin, the all father. He doesn’t have many memories of himself as Odin, aside from a few memories that he has always remembered. Sven never discovered his huge amount of strength until his sister was almost his by a truck and he stopped it with his bare hands. Sadly this caused the trailer behind the truck to come off and roll right into a nearby building causing it to collapse. It was at this point that Sven knew for sure that he was a reincarnated Odin, though his power was limited and still is.
Other than that he has grown up with two loving parents and an older sister. Though now his older sister is known to the rest of the world as the re-incarnated Ymir. Due to a rather awful tearing between the two siblings have ended up on opposite sides of the law more than once.
Now Sven is a loving husband and family man who is trying to take care of his family. Thankfully there is plenty of work to be found for construction workers especially those as hard working and strong as him.
Personality: Sven is a very outspoken man. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when it comes to arguments. He has always believed that by stating the truth a problem can be resolved quickly. Though he is wise like his namesake he does tend to forget about the bystanders when he is fighting. Thankfully due to having children of his own now he pays more attention when there are children around.
Skills: Sven is a rather wise man and also highly perceptive when it comes to buildings. He knows where to break a wall without bringing down the entire building, and where to attack to lessen the collateral damage. Sven is also very experienced in bar fighting and splitting up fights.
Abilities: Sven being born as a reincarnated Odin doesn’t quite have all of the same powers. What he does have however is a huge amount of strength, enough to lift a car with ease. He also has the ability to speak with birds and can use them as a sort of information network when needed. Another ability he has though it isn’t important to fighting, is that in order to get drunk he would have to drink at least an entire barrel of beer. Sven is for the most part bullet proof. However he is severely weak in the elbows, knees, and ankles along with his neck. As such he often is seen protecting his neck when being shot at. His healing is also rather slow resulting in him taking months to fully recover from injuries to his joints.
Equipment: Sven doesn’t wear any armor of the most part, aside from a pair of protective gloves to keep his hands from bleeding when punching things. Though what he does commonly have is a raven named Bob who acts as a sort of receptionist to his information network.