Avatar of Ace of flames01


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current "What a day to meet the master, I've been waiting for so long, final day to meet the master, it's my time to go home"
2 yrs ago
Current mood is the scream at the start of Safari Song - Greta Van Fleet
2 yrs ago
It's been a long time but I'm back and I want to get back to writing again
8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I have returned from the depths of hell and work! How long my reign of terror shall last is yet unknown!
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Yo yo yo! Was good? Ace is my name, rping is my game! I prefer fantasy, super natural, modern, sci Fi, romance (especially romance), non anime themes! I usually play hetero female roles and the occassional male role. I have a lot of time on my hands so I am usually free and online. If you have a thread you think I might be interested in then PM me dat shiet!

Overall, I try to be a very open minded, accepting, and non judgy person. I try to see people as people. I could care less about what gender, sexual preference, race, religious background, political views, etc. Are because it's really none of my goddamn business. I care about who you are as a person and how you choose to treat others. I will always try to polite and kind to everyone until given a reason not to be. You want my respect? Then earn it just like everyone else does. Don't force your views and morals on me and I will not force mine on you. It's that simple.

Most Recent Posts

Still alive! just ADHD af and forgot to check in ^^" I was also just waiting to see if more players were gonna post before I post again
@Wayward I think it'll really depend on how often they make appearances in the story. Like if it's a random thug on the street or a shop keep, those would count as NPC's because they make a brief appearance and their contribution to the progress of the story is minimal
@Blizz Hell yeah! Are you thinking of making Drifter a more active character? or are you looking to keep him as a NPC?
This may be a good time to write Dragonheart flying over actually...

Cue the explosions! I love a little serendipitous timing! haha I've set you up for Dragonheart to make his appearance if you're ready!

Ophelia squinted as she looked up at the silhouette of the thin, ashen woman. She was clearly a beauty but her time in the camp had clearly done a number on her. ”Haven’t you heard? ‘It’s hotter than the devil's taint’ and there are going to be more mouths to feed soon.” She said dryly as her eyes adjusted to better make out the figure standing before. Her voice was laced with the anger that still remained from the sudden jolt. Ophi paused for a moment. ”Sorry… yeah, I’m good, just got stung.” This time there was remorse in her voice.

Ophelia wasn’t angry at the Gifted woman next to her, she was angry at the Hunters, she was angry at the lack of food, water, and places to sleep, and most of all she was angry at the bastard that thought putting shock collars on any living creature was a good idea.

Ophi took another short pause before giving the woman a once over. The woman must have been really struggling to keep sane in this heat but Ophelia decided it was probably better to not ask about her fashion choices. ”So…” She alley-ooped back into an upright sitting position. ”What are you in for? Petty theft? Arson? Don’t tell me you’re one of those Gifted! I heard they’re dangerous!” She joked sarcastically trying to lighten the mood.

But before she could respond further, a voice chimed up from behind her. Ophelia jumped forward and the grass around her for a brief moment erupted in tall flames. “Fuck!” She yelped in surprise. Ophi whipped herself around and growled annoyed upon recognizing the group’s latest addition. “ What do you want, Manic?” For the past week, this girl has seemed to be particularly fond of toying and messing with Ophi; almost like a child playing with a new toy.

Then another girl with some major resting - bitch -face approached. “Aaaand they just keep coming. Great.” How annoying. At this rate the Hunters were going to start getting anxious about all these Gifted swarming; and when they get anxious, they get more generous with dealing out punishments and warnings.

Sure enough the bites of electricity came and another wave of rage followed, but nothing save for a growl escaped her. But that wave of anger and pain was quickly met with an opposing wave of exhaustion and lightheadedness; and very quickly everything happening around her began to fade away. Ophelia was losing control of her fire power.

Water. She needed water and fast or else she was quite literally going to combust trying to keep her emotions and powers suppressed. Visible heat distortions started to form, new holes started to burn into her shirt, and again steam started to emanate from her body. “I'm gonna explode...!” She groaned as she curled up into the fetal position. Ophi hated this feeling, the feeling of her power building up in her body; she couldn’t tell if she was going to pass out, vomit, or both. As the tunnel vision set in, the sound of.... a helicopter could be heard?
@Damo021 Hey thanks for your interest! Feel free to send in your application!

Hey all! I promise I'm still alive and I'm sorry for being AFK for a bit there! IRL stuff has just been taking over lately! I'll catch up rn and post IC either tonight or tomorrow!
@BlizzI'd be open to the idea if everyone else is open to it!
Just got back from a weekend trip!
@bugmeat@cosmiccowgirl Both are accepted! Well done! Please add them to the character page and then feel free to post IC!
@Zeroth looks good! There will be a jail break of sorts here soon once we get some more traction so I'm curious to see how Ben handles it!
@Punished GN seems like my handy work I caught your attention, then! look forward to seeing what you come up with!
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