Name:Don Fukurou of The Chinjao Family
Age: 23
Starting Location/Current Location: West Blue
Appearance:Fukurou is a lean-built man standing at 6'3" which is fairly short compared to other members of the Chinjao family. He has dark brown hair and eyes along with a tan complexion and white tattoos on his forearms. A very noticeable feature of Fukurou is that the left lens of his glasses is cracked.
Personality: Fukurou is heavily nonchalant. Even when displaying certain emotions such as love or even anger he manages to keep a composed attitude. He loves knowledge and to some degree holds the wellness of books over peoples lives. Fukurou would even go as far as murder if the book happened to be rare enough. Besides being a certified psychopath for literature Fukurou holds only two things above his obsession. Those being authority and maintaining his training in Hasshoken. Well, the Hasshoken training can be considered important to him but Fukurou priorities orders over anything else. No matter how big or small the order is he'll do it with the best of his ability. He would even go fishing with such intensity that the fish themselves would avoid the bait knowing well what's to come.
Dream/Goal: Opening the seas largest library/ship and have it contain a variety of information from biographies to poneglyphs to even cookbooks ultimately a ship that can provide information on anything.
History: From birth, Fukurou was raised to have a purpose within the Happo Navy. It is basically custom for members of the Chinjao family to be high ranking officers in the navy no matter the level of their strength. For most of Fukurou's childhood, he was trained in a series of combat fit to adapt to any situation. The level of knowledge he was able to access was also challenged. As he progressed to adolescence Fukurou became more interested in the knowledge aspect of his training compared to the combat. He then proceeded to improve himself in a scholar like fashion and dialed back a bit on the conditioning for Hasshoken.
This would be a problem but as a member of the branch family, Fukurou had a bit of a looser decision to make when it came to assisting the Happo Navy. Years continued to pass and Fukurou consistent success working as a strategist for the navy had landed him the right to lead his own crew, under the navy's control of course. Luckily for him, the leader of the Happo Navy usually received all the credit so he was able to remain under the radar. Knowing this he swiftly prepared his crew and saught out to adventure through the West BLue. Allowing such a thing to happen took longer than he had hoped and a year later at the age of 20 he was officially allowed to venture out to sea and recover knowledge for the Hoppo Navy.
Fukurou and his crew had a Jolly Roger but did not see themselves as pirates. The people they came in contact with during their adventures did not even consider that as a possibility. For a healthy 2 years, Fukurou stopped ad remained at a remote Island that rested in the West Blue's waters. There he and his crew began working on a library that was located on the islands farthest cove. The building would appear as a library but ultimately be used for him to have a base of operations and a place to have a steady communication with the Happo Navy.
Every day was smooth and amazing for Fukurou and his crew but the steady life of just simply adventuring for knowledge swiftly came to an end. One of Fukurou's men heard a rumor of this unimaginable place called Ohara. The small rumors spread to outright discussions amongst them. They only had rumors to work with so they aimed to gather information from anyone if possible. The only problem is that the slightest mention of Ohara people's character completely changed. The people of the island became more distant to him and his crew. Fukurou and crew got close to asking everyone on the island and finally made some progress.
A man approached Fukurou asking him why he sought something that might not exist in the first place. The man looked a bit odd as if he did not belong to the island. Fukurou wasn't focused on all the specifics of the man but he had this one odd item in his position that he himself rarely seen. The talk with the man was brief but Fukurou swore he saw a flute on the man's person before he left. Fukurou told the man before his departure that he aimed to find Ohara and gain as much knowledge from that place as possible. The man laughed as the distance between them increased but he did manage to reply to Fukurou promising him the fastest route to Ohara. Fukurou had finally found some help and eagerly told the man that he could find him at the library on the farthest cove of the island.
Fukurou waited and waited but there was no sign of the man. Night fell and Fukurou and his crew were beginning to wind down. Most of the people present went to sleep maybe hoping to wake up early to catch the man if he decided to come in the morning. Slowly but surely the smell of burning wood began to fill the air waking the at the time sleep Fukurou. He jolted up snapping out of a groggy state from the screams of pain and streaking of cannonballs that whizzed through the building. Confused and attempting to grasp the situation Fukurou looked for an exit but all the options were destroyed beyond recognition. The building eventually became impossible to navigate through as more cannonballs danced through it. The bombardment of the library did not stop until it had collapsed onto itself from the lack of support.
More time passed and Fukurou awoke to faint sounds of panic. Once he to some degree recollected himself he realized he was covered in a thick blanket and positioned as if he was thrown from the destroyed building. The faint panic was not in response to the massacre of his crew but something else. Fukurou could hear peoples constant requests for assistance in the search for their children. Unfortunately for the flute man that Fukurou met, he was a fairly smart man and knew he had some hand in the demise of his crew. He was definitely large on revenge not for the sake of the people but for his crew. Thus he spent a year at sea in search of a man with a flute.
Crew: Happo Navy (Former)
Captain of Hoppo Intelligence Recovery Unit or H.I.R.U (Former)
Crimson-Cloak Pirates (Currently)
Ship: Specialty/Profession: Martial Artist/Archaeologist
Fighting Style: Hasshoken
Members of the Chinjao oddly focuses training and hardening specific parts of their bodies and order to achieve the most out of the family's Hasshoken technique. Fukurou's technique is focused on his hands. Through rigorous training, members will potentially be able to create shockwaves from their trained limbs and even add on haki down the line. Besides being well versed in hand to hand combat his hands can be considered the most dangerous weapons in his possession. He is only able to perform one Hasshoken based attack.
-Owl's Military Spear-
Fukurou lunges forward having his hands in the shape comparable to a karate chop and proceeds to attack with fencing like manner. The current level of this attack cannot penetrate any defense but at most can knock the intended opponent off balance.
Weapons: None.
Devil Fruit: None.
Items: A brown satchel that has at most 3 different books at a time within it.
Color: Khaki F0E68C