Avatar of ArenaSnow
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  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

I'll be around for test runs in the window between this and the last post tomorrow evening.
Any roleplay that I've truly had come to an end. A satisfactory end, not rushed to get to the next bit or restarted in the line of survival (both of which I've had happen on this guild site).

Only roleplays I've *ever* been in to fit this definition are from another medium of roleplay entirely.

Yhe first is a sci-fi roleplay in Starcraft 2's Cortex Roleplay, featuring a character called "Captin" (guy misspelled his character and it stuck), and a base commander (myself) who dual-managed the assets of an ice-world colony along with a quirky sniper character (also me). One way and another the base ended up losing the entire population of some 50 characters save these three guys against an alien civilization. A survival roleplay, basically, where the three characters were left in the cold to survive against the effects of burning ice and noxious alien fumes that could only be staved by the quirky sniper's very limited ECM rounds (Yes, we BS'ed our way through logic on that one). Eventually, the trio killed a boss, learned the secrets of the alien civilization and were rescued by a battleship. To provide a little background those roleplays were special collaborations of 3-6 random people (the more there were the more dropped), and characters would be built right on the spot using in-game assets with commands on the maps. Then we'd squish our characters into a general plot that grew on its own; a free jump in roleplay, in other words, though I've had sophisticated encounters there as well. I have unfinished lore business with the base commander from that particular roleplay, but I'm unsure of how to complete it here.

Same medium as above... and in fact the same map, though a different zone and set of roleplayers. My characters were the protector of a cell consisting of a Warlord; a being with power equal to that of a god, maintained by a crew of elder beings and a quirky staff that provided near constant comic relief when put by other roleplayers. We were a relatively open group, so that somewhat OP concept was OK, though in most cases I wouldn't have tried something like that. Eventually, the "wardens" so to speak ran out of power and were almost annihilated by Warlord (the survivors would echo in plotlines down the ages of my roleplaying there). Said warlord was destroyed by a human army... which just had the effect of releasing him from a physical prison. The result was the creation of a small group of roleplayers dedicated to exploring every inch of that particular plotline, an effort which has sadly become stale and one which I wouldn't mind to restart again. Why do I include this if it wasn't complete? It formed the foundations for the creation of many of my character concepts for years and helped solidify "what ifs" into reality via multiverse stuff that again I ended up BSing my logic through. It was a fun roleplay and worthy of mention. Three of the "warden" characters would go on to become dedicated characters through a number of other roleplays; one would be an oracle, another a teleporting warrior-mercenary and the third a pessimistic psionic who was the antagonist of many a roleplay until he met his bitter end to a roleplayer who specialized in humanoid poison frogs. That was a weird one, but I call it canon in my mind as long as it wasn't the result of bad roleplay... and it was a good ending. Kind of fitting too.

Another cortex one was based on a fantasy idea of two allied demon lords. I had used that concept a few times but was never able to complete it. It was eventually finished when the roleplayers of one particular game banded together and eradicated the demon cultists, soldiers and finally the demons themselves.

A little while after I used the concept again, and it resulted in the demon lords being defeated again... to a massive stink-bomb that eradicated the entire demonic castle and covered almost 25% of the map in irremovable green floating goo. That was a... weird ending. But hey, weird ends were the norm there, and they beat trolls/dissolving of the parties.

Another fantasy on the sophisticated side featured a 1000+ year old vampire with creaky bones wandering the world and passing his "wisdom" to a number of characters and finally falling to an RNG duel over a matter of pride between two characters. It was a good game, and I met a few good folks that day.

And another one, with a dragon king; 4 hour roleplay, I had a dragon king who walked with mortals and met a young wild dragon character and taught her the finer arts of not getting caught (with a number of close calls), with the assistance of an old knight serving the dragon. Long story short, the hunters used a spell to kill the dragon king, another dangerous and complicated spell was done to bring the king back, and the king came back as an angry demonic and powerful shade of his former self who killed the knight and heavily wounded the young dragon and proceeded to wreck the roleplay's town before being delayed by a dragon slayer who had been a bane all through the roleplay. Dragon slayer got knocked out just as the young dragon killed the dragon king. GG.

There's more tales, and many that have been memorable over the ages. Alas I don't think I've found such a sweet spot on RPG yet, though I've had a few good ones.
Something like this, I assume?

That's a case of requiring some thought and polish as the character from which the power comes would need to come into the equation and possibly be fleshed out as well to best create the abilities of the main character for the roleplay. You can send a CS if you have a working concept of what you want to do with it, but it's a hard one to put into the equation. Still, by the world contexts of the roleplay it is by no means impossible; so if you put in enough thought to the character there is a chance.
I'll be refreshing this and checking every 10-20 mins in case someone wants to do a test run on GR tonight.
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

I will become S1 and lose all of your paperwork so hard.

Challenge accepted? ^.^

Side note, I'm finalizing the direction of the RP this eve; before we get too far, we in favor of the beginning of the clan invasion era? There's content to be had afterwards, and know that knowledge of afterwards isn't a requirement as I'll fill in any details necessary, and the game does have a few ways we can go tech wise. Right now unless someone's got a mech they really want or are interested in going forwards a bit, we're going 3050.
Sounds like an interesting way to do something that isn't Precipice (where I'm writing posts for weeks at a time.) My main problem is that downloading software on this government network is a no-go and I know nothing about this aside from the basic giant robots scheme.

I did play like, Mech Assault as a kid but I'm not sure if that's the same thing.

Ah. Well, to do that on a gov network... lets just say it takes a few dangerous strings :P But it could be possible for you to join if only for a non-pilot element.

Mechassault is a decent intro to the concept though it doesn't say much for the lore. Still, it beats most folks's experiences and I expect to pull folks in who don't even know the difference between battlemechs and omnimechs, so *shrug*.

Hoooooo boy! I missed out on everything, thought I am still interested. What'd I miss out on?

A checkup, posted game link, and a few folks saying 'yep".

Sure, why not? I want to see where this goes. Tenitivly interested.

Edit: Although, I'm not sure If my computer is up to it. Been having problems on it, of late.

Unless you're getting bluescreens there shouldn't be an issue, it isn't a very graphics nor CPU intensive program.

I'm interested but if you're starting this week.. I won't be able to do it I think. Finals next week and I have to study. >> I'll probably join afterwards though.

It'll be a while yet, and there will be time before we even get into actual video game roleplay portions.

Small note: I THINK my last Final is next Thursday. After that, I should be safe to start downloading and practicing and getting back into the groove and teaching people and whatevs.

EDIT: On the in-game battles themselves... How are we handling those? Text chat? Voice chat? Etc. I have no qualms against anything, but I know tons of people would much prefer not to use voice chat on the web. I bring this up because group coordination often hinges on communication.

Would we be RPing in-game once we're in the battles, or only using the battles to simulate the action side of the event?

If someone can't downloading the MW4 files (as in EvanCat's case) or can't get in the same timezone to play with us, do we have backup plans?

It seems easiest to base the schedule at least partially off you as it gives time and it's already useful for another person who can't start this week. No pressure though :P

I don't think voice chat would be much of an option for what you said... and the fact that I am in fact one of those people who would prefer not to VC over the net. In-game chatbox might be the way to go... though for things like all player battles we might want to have a special keyword to put into chat for everyone to stop and let a message get out. Maybe an individual * symbol?

At this point my main idea is the second part of what you said - simulate the battles almost exclusively and put as much of the roleplay with text in the forum before, all the way up to dropping onto the field and first steps, and back to text with players describing their versions of the end of the battle and what happened from there.

Folks that can't do things in-game could take on roles as personnel.

One more poke in case anyone has the game already and wants to get the initial test over with.
Note that I have not passed the doorway as of yet.
Every roleplay worth a damn has had this period, and the good ones pull through.

Personally, I just haven't had a story point to interject... and it might be that my inspiration has drawn out and that I am now rather a burden if anything.
And I'll be in... somewhere in that equation.
Thanks @sakurasan, @Lord Coake, and @Shorticus. A few more to account for.

Take care @boomlover, would have loved to have you. Don't let those exams get ya.

Including the ones who haven't responded yet, looks like we have 6 folks including me. I'd like to grab about 3 more to at least fill in some of the blanks.

Side note short, have a mech in mind yet? :) (no rush, just small talk... subtle, right?)
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