Avatar of ArenaSnow
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

Happening for me today, I think I'll do my postings a bit later, eh?
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

Yeah but Pezz hasn't been on you to make them longer.

Ah. Well, in a statement half aimed at IcePezz, as long as your posts add a solid direction to where your character is going, the lengths are fine. Longer is a nice thing to have, but don't push yourself to add artificial length when a statement can be well put in shorter words.

What I will say about your latest post is that it can be expanded to include some info about what collapsed on the way there - make it up, eh?- as I was imagining when the ceiling fell that there would be a somewhat big mess. I left that a little vague to be expanded upon to give the room a bit more of an image to those looking at it.

In general; Jon, Viet, Zero's up. If you don't have too much to add at the moment, there's room for talking about the scene itself (the room's left a bit vague, and there's still a big hole in the floor), possibly a search for some of the servants to help or otherwise try and get in the room to clear out some of the mess/help with the situation.

@RokkuHoshi, didn't forget ya - having a chat with 'Pezz at present.
That should be enough content to bite into for now, eh? I'm set on my posting dues for a good turn :P
The mage teetered as the candelabra was sliced, slamming the top end into the floor to keep him in balance. As he looked at his opponent, he realized how the situation was going.

The supposed agents of the dark sage had spent little effort on destroying him. While there was always the possibility of a trick, the impression he gained from the lioness in particular was one more weary and concerned for self-protection in this affair as compared to an all out attack to protect the sage's interests. He was no mind reader, but something was to be said by what appeared to be the use of a defensive rather than offensive spell in retaliation, not the typical response of someone acting to kill. He would be curious of the spell's origins in another situation.

As the lioness spoke, most of the words were ignored save for a name. Zargon. It was a name he well knew from ancient lore, the name of the Dark One. Rewinding, he thought over the words spoken. It appeared he was suspected of working for such a demon, even as he saw the sage as working for the very same demon. Assuming it was not all a trick, of course, something for which he prepared by phasing out his current spell and bringing his talisman to the side even as he mentally set it to collect energies in a discreet fashion in the event any sudden move was made. He had two roads: Fight and lose a perfectly good golem form and leave the talisman behind, or break some words and better determine his opposition. He kept one eye on the doorway as he adapted a slightly relaxed posture but every bit ready to attack at any sudden move, eyebrows furrowed slightly and the dark blue of one keeping contact with that of the lioness.

The long scrape caused by the dragged sword widened very suddenly, creating a maw prepared to consume both the lioness and the sage as it expanded across the floor. He sent the strongest strong gust of air yet towards the lioness as he rolled to the side, just as the ceiling buckled and sent the contents of a room filled with everything from gold to wine bottles downwards to crush most of the room's center and to partially block the doorway.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Belwicket@IcePezz@Jon Y@vietmyke@Zero Hex
I'm game for a relaxed free RP if the others are still in.
"She means to rule this realm beneath her heal "

I don't know, that doesn't sound all that bad...
Some decisions and bits for folks:
-I'm working on tech descriptions, and I could save time by describing common mechs + whatever other mechs people want. So, if you have an early idea of a 3050 era mech you want to go with, mention it now so I can ensure that it is included in the descriptions.
-This RP is likely going to turn into a collaboration one, with a bit of team resource managing. If you folks want to get a general idea of a merc team you want before the OOC is around (I'm setting a goal for it to take a little less than a week including descriptions and the like) feel free to do that as well.
-I'll lean very heavily towards folks being Inner Sphere; but I'm still open to the possibility of a clan player or so to help with things on the clan side.
-You can start putting characters together if ya like. While I don't have a concrete CS yet, I'll be looking for a name, callsign, age, faction of birth (if you want to go fancy, throw the planet in there), affiliation (hint: probably mercenary though I intend to set things on a made up Combine/Free Worlds League planet with split occupation, with the starting area based in the Free Worlds League - factional affiliation is possible), 'mech piloting experience (no idea what I'm talking about? Call yourself a novice), experience (see the previous section if you don't know much about battletech), and a distribution of a maximum of 30 points (for experienced mech pilots, I'm looking for a mix erring towards middle level pilots with good point distribution) across gunnery (important, base on pilot skill level, 10 is nail most of your shots on a medium mech with 2 being you missed a fat building while plodding along in a heavy mech when you fire), piloting (for how well you control your mech, they aren't a cakewalk, similar results to the above) and a list of other skills you might have. Try to think up some reasonable disadvantages, though I'm not going to require you gimp your character; if he's good, he's good, not every NPC will be equal and so long as we're having fun we don't need to worry about equal characters as long as not too many people are going pro. Try to base skill levels on your actual BT experience, it's simpler that way. Full system coming later + somewhat snarky elaboration on each level :P.

Ok, wall of text later.

I'll throw some basic info together on battletech for the OOC so people who have no idea what it is can get up to speed. If you don't mind wading in decades of lore before I give simplified descriptions, sarna.net is the go-to place for lore, though it's pretty big and learning everything can leave you reading for hours and hours...

Yes, I will explain wtf Free Worlds League and Combine is in due course.
@vietmyke She's not. I just wanted to see what you 2 were doing so I could possibly make mine longer. Everyone should know by now I have the shortest posts.

Take the spaces out and if I'm not shorter than you, my posts are roughly equal in average size. You're solid :P

Am I too late to jump in?

*begins an extremely serious conversation with IcePezz*

Considering you're flat out the oldest roleplayer that isn't a GM involved in the goings of Waeldeshore, your chances are fairly good :P I think we had a convo going about a side bit?
Enemies surrounded the mage in under a minute with a speed he well underestimated, keeping him on the floor and for the moment leaving him with a few seconds for preparing his next move, slightly disoriented as he was.

It was clear the house had been well prepared. He had figured he was well prepared enough, but as his situation worsened and the hallway - thankfully with a sizable hole in the floor - became filled with new arrivals, he was thankful that he had prepared himself.

A loss here would damage any future attempts short of a combat group of mages, and that would be a very messy affair indeed. He would need to kill the sage quickly and have the Order mop up her cronies. All affiliations with such a corrupt master needed to be eliminated. And there was the artifact to account for.

He looked into the eyes of the lioness. While some would fear one such as who stood before him, his seniority in the Order allowed him many travel experiences, and while he had not met one exactly such as - her? -, he had enough travel behind him to know the difference between raw fear and healthy respect. That one such as her would serve a being as corrupt as the sage was a sad thought. Not waiting for the halfling to prepare an attack or the lioness to engage further, he prepared and released a hasty, but efficient spell to expel the air in his immediate area outwards, focusing towards the lioness and the doorway while pulling a tall fallen candlestick towards him and swiftly coming to his knees with the talisman in his other hand to prepare a much more effective counter.

He wasn't sure the limits of his enemies, and while being a Ritari of the Magi afforded him the discipline and skillset to take on magically attuned opponents, it wasn't part of his plan to fight the very house and a growing number of enemies, so far magically attuned.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Belwicket@IcePezz@Jon Y@vietmyke@Zero Hex

"The scene he entered was strange. There had been a mage threatening their host- who had been seemingly subdued by the combination of Sakaala, the halfling, and Ajax- who had somehow caught up to them through means Emil would ask about later. As of now, the mage was on the ground with a sword pointed at him wielded by Sakaala. Emil contended himself with staying in the background of the following scene, paying attention to his surroundings in case the mage tried to play some sort of trickery on them."

Where did Ajax come from? Could have sworn he was putting his foot down on the mystery-tricky half-statements of the maid...
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