Avatar of ArenaSnow
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
  • VMs: 13
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

And another one, I've amended my latest post in case you saw a different version of what the highwayman said. Refresh if you looked in the past minute or so. Again, @xChrome considering I just edited what I threw out there I can't really deride you for it, eh :p
The rune-cloaked cultist stepped aside to let the pair out the door, to the odd looks of the young and big fellows. Still leaving the door open, he opened his mouth, but the young man gave him a shut up glare and stood, putting the knives away.

"Well, I for one am glad we can get underway. I must admit, we hadn't anticipated humans to walk in, especially in a time like this, and on this day of the year too. So I must say, you lot came in the wrong place at the wrong time. Why he-" he threw his arm in the direction of the caravan master- "Brought you folks in is well beyond me. I don't particularly care what you lot do, though I suppose he thought a couple of you had potential for joining in. All of you maybe? Who knows. I wasn't aware it was anyone besides us seven or so. Feel free to leave, I do-"

The mud man stepped forward a few feet, turning a dripping head to look over all in the room. "No. All remove. He said so."

The young man sighed. "Come on, we aren't here to ki-"

The trapdoor to upstairs opened, and the highwayman poked his head out. "All is well!" he yelled with a british accent to the low background of sobbing before the trapdoor closed again.

Outside, the rain had abated considerably and the fog receded, and the forests stood almost silently, inviting Raven's entry...
In Hey. 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

Although we have had some troubles with missing souls I assure you any breaks in security have been fixed and the owners of said souls reimbursed! I will not stand for the outright demeaning of box 16! The percentages of missing souls has decreased by almost half, not only because of higher standards but it seems as if we were victims of double-depositing schemes!

Oh yes, members of 37 and other boxes have pulled the wool over our eyes and "deposited" their soul and to our dismay, it had gone missing! The owners of your souls are untrustable.

Ah, from 0 to 50% retention rate? You're getting clever.

But it still stands to reason that we have the most customers, and it's not because they have any clauses keeping them from leaving.
Additional clarification - the muddy fellow is right by the back door; the front door has not changed.
Post incoming, in case you folks are writing - I'll let this sit for 5 minutes before putting my own post in.
@ArenaSnow Funny thing was that Lady A actually liked my CS! XD
It was her Co-GM who had a problem with me. I'd rather not continue the fight so I won't say much, but I'll admit to being mostly in the wrong there. I should have toed the line a little more carefully, especially around the snobbier types of RPers.

I read through it. Chalk it down to an early mistake and look upon it in the future with good humor.
In Hey. 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
No no no, do not, under any circumstance, listen to @ArenaSnow! Soul deposit box 37 has all sorts of hidden fees and you never know the quality of care your soul goes under. Now, soul deposit box sixteen on the other hand is a delightful, safe place to store your soul with a steady, dependable interest.

Ah, so you instead want to go from the deposit box everyone uses and thus has the most on the line for in terms of customers and instead divert people to the unknown box where souls have been known to simply vanish without a trace?

Gents, my box may have interest, but it's tried and true. 16? That's how many minutes you count before flipping a coin to see if you ever get your soul back.
The young man chuckled again. "Muddy there? Aw, he's harmless. He just doesn’t like the way people look, so he made his own look. Tasteless, I must agree, but it’s his choice.”

The caravan master stepped besides Raven, staring intently. Telepathically, he told him;

Take the boy and leave.


While there was nothing special about the floor itself, it did seem to ooze a feeling of unease - and if he listened closely enough, he would hear ever so slight scraping footsteps.
@ArenaSnow I guess you're right. Besides, my parents read through my internet history and never let me watch anything rated higher than PG-13.

Most certainly not a movie for ya for some time, then.

Side note on getting in that spat on the other thread:

Lady A is well known to be one of the stricter Gm's to form on the site. High casual in one of her roleplays is really more holding yourself to the standards of the advanced section which, despite the required paragraph lengths, quite... exclusive? Shall we say.

I'd stick to a regular casual roleplay for the time being. I could go into advanced myself, but I chose not to - there are a few people there who take RP quite seriously to the point I say "bah, I just want to do my own thing". If you'd like more intel and thoughts on specific Gm's you have an interest in roleplaying with, feel free to PM me so I can have a look and tell you what to expect.
((More detail, methinks. Expectations? Do we just jump right in? Will you put this in the IC tab, as OOC and IC are separated on this site?))
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