Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

Out of the way, this one's mine.

Nonsense. I arrived first.
You've found no better place to sell your soul than here.
I'll be updating the story so far tab shortly.
What was my favorite RP moment ever ? Hmm...it was when I was still roleplaying on Starcraft 2.

The funny thing is, some of my favorite roleplays and some of the furthest expansions to my lore was done on that game.

But on another point...

Instead of interviewing people... why not pick 2-3 characters off the site or from each section and interview them?
Greetings, traveler.

Alas, I can already see we will be incompatible on a few key points, but I wish you luck on your adventures.
Bah! Sassy browsers these days...
The young man looked around. "Well, lets see..."

He looked at the caravan master, big fellow, up at the ceiling and down at himself. "Well, I can't say there is very much humanity in this bunch." He looked at the cultist. "I guess he's kinda human. Wouldn't tell at the altar, though." The cultist gave a grunt as he crossed his elbows. "Mud man? Good friend of our other good friend downstairs."

"So I guess we have a couple options. You could always go up that ladder and meet the Captain, though that might not be the best idea. You could leave and let us do what needs to be done" - he gestured at the open door - "or you could get in what will probably be a costly brawl, and even though I know your group isn't perfect humanity either, I can make a good guess where most of the cost will be, especially when Cav manages to find the trapdoor." As he spoke, the mud man slowly backed out of the rear exit, disintegrating into the mud.

He began pacing on the raised area. "So, I don't know about you, but I like getting things done expediently and without the mess. So you can head off to join your fellow outside, use the back door if you like, or you can waste time on a matter that you have no investment in." He stood still next to the door and placed an arm on the large 'man's shoulder. "So?" Another crash could be heard upstairs.


Outside the caravan, not far down the path from Raven would enter to collect remaining rations, mud formed into a humanoid figure, this time much larger and with blunted arms the size of thick logs with boulders on the ends.
In Hey. 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

Let's not babble about the numbers or popularity. We are together in a business and it's about the souls, not the numbers. Isn't that right? Just a bit of advertising from each of us.

Oh, please. Haven't you heard the mortal obsession about numbers?

Polling numbers, economic numbers, number of gel brands stuck in one's hair, number of people you can sue in a year, number of typos a presidential candidate puts on his or her speech because of a lack of saying anything without the hypocrisy showing...
I detect lurkers under the floorboards.

@Ghostly and @sassy1085, reveal yourselves!
Big oops. Ignure.
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