Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

I cast myself and my dear friend Diablo. Not that diablo 3 thing, this beauty in his original, 1996 glory.
Might be open to making a second in command for someone.
Right then, let me throw another one in that contributed to a loss of brain cells. This was in Cortex Roleplay on Starcraft 2, a roleplaying engine where you can take any asset from the game (and sometimes more) and throw something together to make your characters/setting for the roleplay. Most commonly, people are in "pubs" - 6-8 people randomly drop in, launch the game and start creating their own things that are then mashed together into a roleplay. I've had surprisingly good success with that, but one time stands out to me as being really special.

There was a guy in a desert map who spawned some 200 moving ships in the north side of the desert. These were fantasy wooden boats that sailed on sands and roads. The rest of the roleplay was a sci-fi wasteland, but this guy was sitting on the top of the map with boats and derping his way through the desert. He wasn't roleplaying, or at the least, wasn't interacting, and set himself as hostile to all other players. It was all very strange. He then got mad at me when I, as the GM, nuked his garbage after telling him to get his act together.
Better technology


The crushing impact of the aforementioned PPC barrel attempting to brush your hair... it didn't quite work.
Banned for having sensitive human-like reactions.
Jailed for discrimination.
Sounds like today's society.
I read the title and thought you were actually going to kill someone. Oops >.>
Jailed for breaking your tumblr link.
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